clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 41 clarkscottroger | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 41

Friday the Wakefield Doctrine (‘yeah, like anyone is stressed by Friday…especially after a week like this’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


in keeping with this being Friday ( the ‘what-the-hell’ day of the workweek) and still Note Pad Week, lets have a video and a reprint from March 1 2012

oh yeah!  the sign up sheet for the vid chat is up… the Wakefield Doctrine presents Lizzi (‘the Manchester Minx‘) and Michelle (‘the Singapore Siren’) ‘s Friday Night vidchat…. 8:00 pm EDST on google hangouts…look for a link in ‘the Facebook’ on Lizzi’s page…. tell everyone you know  lets see what happens when we try to get more than 10 people into the virtual house!!  (might be fun, ya know?)

(also, 7:30 is the Secret Advanced Doctrine Discussion Hour!  Jen-ayzoe and I expect you to be there!) (tell everyone that you don’t know to join us!)


You know the ease with which  some of us ‘get’ the core concept of the Wakefield Doctrine, there is an equal ease in missing the point of this thing of ours. We are fond of saying that the first people who come to this blog are among the ‘best and brightest’ that the blogosphere has to offer. They see the incredible insights that this Doctrine affords them, the ridiculously effective tools that allow you to understand why people behave the way that they do…not to mention the fun we (the Progenitors and DownSprings and FOTDs have, what with hats and Drives and videos and all).  And yet, sometimes people struggle with the (underlying) principles of the Doctrine which in turn makes it more difficult for them to acquire the full understanding of this thing, limiting their ability to contribute to the ongoing process.
When this happens, we blame ourselves. We accept that, while all efforts are made to be simple and clear in the different Pages illustrating the different personality types and offering examples (of these types) that can be seen in the public culture,  sometimes it is not enough! So as Malcolm said, ‘We want to talk right down to earth in a language that everybody here can easily understand‘.

The Wakefield Doctrine is not a theory, the Wakefield Doctrine is a label for a perspective. This perspective is one by which we look at the behavior of another person and make the assumption that (their) behavior makes perfect sense and is entirely appropriate in some reality.

The Wakefield Doctrine suggests that all people live their lives not only in the ‘common reality’ that we all share, but in an individual reality that is the context in which they act and react, feel and make assumptions to base their behavior.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that there are three individual realities (or ‘worldviews’) that have characteristics that can be associated with the three personality types: the worldview of ‘the outsider’, the worldview of ‘the predator’ and the worldview of ‘the herd member’.

The Wakefield Doctrine tells us that ‘personality’ is not a collection of traits, a list of typical behaviors or even a self-reported series of likes and dislikes all charted out on a multi-axis diagram, rather personality is simply the  repeated  reactions and strategies that all people develop in order to get through life as best they can.

The Wakefield Doctrine takes the critical step of saying, ‘hey, if we dropped you at a very early childhood age into the world of the clark, you would grow up a clark‘,
The Wakefield Doctrine takes the bold step of saying, ‘take a child of less than 4 years of age and drop them into the predator/prey worldview of a scott to grow up in and I will tell which person at a PGA championship will yell, “get in the hole!!!” ‘
The Wakefield Doctrine says, ‘what other explanation accounts for grown men wearing authentic period-fabric Army uniforms of the Civil War era and spending entire weekends practicing formations!!!??!”

The Wakefield Doctrine says to all of us the following:

  • all of us are predominately one of the three types and yet we retain the capability to act as the other two
  • the trick to using the Doctrine is simple, don’t try to make sense of what people are doing until you infer the worldview that they are doing it in
  • if you are not sure if a person is a clarkscott or roger, eliminate the most obvious (i.e. the girl with the sequins on her face and the mini skirt over the jeans? probably safe to scratch off  ‘scott’
  • practice on yourself, you can’t get this thing wrong! If you want to tell everyone that you are a scott, everyone will be polite and nod and say sure as you put on your beret and get your pipe and slippers and sit down to read ‘Genealogy Quarterly’
  • it is the world that you are living in, not the things that you do that make you a clark or a scott or a roger
  • finally,  ‘the Doctrine is for you, not for them
Alright. You have your weekend assignment:  go out into your respective worlds and convince one person to visit us here at the Doctrine (I’ll be available for ‘loss-of-a-good-friend-as-a-result-of-excessively-challenging-ideas counseling).





FTSF the Wakefield Doctrine (“what?? what did you say??! yeah, I went to a concert last night…. you’ll have to speak up a little shouter”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today being Friday, we’re hanging with the girls/women/friends/hot chicks at the Finish the Sentence Friday bloghop. They are fun and are totally possessed of the aforementioned but un-specified attributes.  The ‘they’ being: Stephanie, Kate, Janine and Kristi.   Hey, now that I see our host’s names (and for me, the connectors to the descriptors are near- instantaneous), I realize that I have ‘met’ 2 out of 4 of these talented writers!  By ‘met’, I mean, of course, at our Friday Night Vidchat*  Kristi is a regular and Kate stopped in last week, we had a rather good time. So that leaves Janine and Stephanie. Janine was almost in attendance last Friday. The biggest hurdle to attending a vidchat is always scheduling,  for a variety of reasons, vidchats are not simply, “oh honey? be a dear and amuse the kids for a little, I want to go hangout with my virtual friends on the tele screen”

So hopefully Janine and Stepanie (who should be back from her road trip by now) can stop in for a brief visit at say…. 8:30 pm EDST

…no, I’m not avoiding today’s (unfinished) sentence!

I went to a concert…

but as any blog writer out there knows, there is that time, after we know the topic but before we know how we are going to deal with it,  that we sit quietly and shake our minds, like a metaphorical snow globe  calmly watching the half formed ideas drift around and hope that an something comes to us that will make the Post be ‘one of those Posts’…. that people write Comments that include: ‘I really identified with what you…‘  ‘wow! that takes me back‘   ‘I really laughed when you said…’  and ‘stay the hell out of my head, I don’t care what your Doctrine tells you, you peeping-tom-assed creep‘   You know, like we all hope for…

I went to a concert…

(we all chipped in a quarter for gas, crammed into Lennie’s girlfriend’s parent’s VW, $4.50 Tickets in hand, got to the RI Auditorium a half hour early, (warming up for Hendrix was Cactus and Catmother and the Allnight Newsboys), and the wooden folding chairs were freezing because the night before the ‘Auditorium’ hosted a hockey game and they put plywood over the ice for the concert. and … and!!  the best thing? my ears rang for two days and I couldn’t have been happier going to school and saying. “what?! can’t hear you” …  tinnitus was the live-concert-souvenir of choice… )

…the histerio-musico cachet that derives from seeing Jimi Hendrix is almost worth the age bracket that is required to make this claim.



the Wakefield Doctrine


the fabulous bloggers Friday Vidchat

(with your hosts, Lizzi and Michelle)

on google+ hangouts… at 8:00 pm EDST


in search of ‘the write time’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘when the best time to write, …changes’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Well, this can’t be ‘the best time’ to write, I’m in the middle of a workday afternoon!

Maybe it’s a seasonal change to the ebb and flow of energy, maybe, (as Friend of the Doctrine, Jean, suggests), it’s the change of Daylight Savings Time, of course, being  clark, it could be as simple an explanation as:  I’m imagining it.  More likely, (and more promising as a Post topic),  it’s a shift in the psycho-subjective component* of (my) circadian rhythm; something within that has normally triggered my brain to go into neologistic ontogeny,*** sort of like getting horny in the morning (for guys) or wanting to cook a meal or knit a home (for women). That may very well be what has happened! Although, using the manifestation of my other drives at different times of day as an example, I’m not feeling like listening to anyone’s dreams for a peaceful world or inviting her up to see my etchings, Post writing-istically speaking, that is.

Maybe it’s later in the the day.  Check back here a little later, maybe we could go see a foreign film and then have an aperitif, ya know?

(oh! yeah!  you’re right!  gotta get some Doctrine content in for the New Reader),  this weird Post? of the three personality types:

  1. a clark would have thought of the idea in the first place and, (possibly), overcome their fear of presuming the right to the attention of the people that are likely to read the blog
  2. a scott would have laughed and encouraged the writer (“hey!! don’t forget to be outrageous… saying something shocking!!  come on!!)
  3. a roger would have smiled and been encouraging and, as a result, possibly caused the writer to re-think the whole thing and, satisfied that they made their friends laugh, left it unpublished.

…there is a saying here at the Doctrine: ‘clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel‘   and so if you are a clark and find yourself with the impulse to do something, then you would do well to look to your scottian aspect and if you are a scott and suddenly have an urge to examine your motives (to act) and the consequences and effects of these acts on others…. then you have a major secondary clarklike aspect and if you’re a roger and you feel the need to answer every question directly and dispassionately and without artifice then you need to go back to bed!  Remember: we all do everything at one time or another, it just comes down to how we relate ourselves to ‘it’


* not a real word**

** yet

*** hate to say it 1, might be a valid term, even if I made it up

1) no, not really


TToT the Wakefield Doctrine ‘warm(er) temperatures, Daylight Savings Time and chainsaws… just a typical Sunday at home of the Wakefield Doctrine’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Sunday Morning. Half-day off. Photo says it all.

Let me state, for the record and without qualification, that I am grateful for the external reality-based fact that:

1) and 2) it’s nearly 40 degrees out and it’s only 8:00 am

2) Daylight Savings Time. (…yeah, minus one grat item for losing the early morning light)

3) Daylight Savings Time! ( yeah! because now it’ll be light until like….6 pm or something)

5) Using the following youtube clip, (loved Nadia, it was a fun cooking show)

5) Given that the cable company in my area has seen fit to hide all the good cooking shows…(gotta subtract one)

6) and 7) and 8) and 9) seeing the Doctrine on a grat list…  it’s hard to describe the feeling, so I won’t other than to say, ‘hey!  thanks for the thought….is this a Doctrine, or what?’

8) realizing how much more there is to be done (in this Wakefield Doctrine as a tool and all-around fun and useful thing (this is not a complaint… the simple fact of the matter is, writing this blog has never been work. I’ve always gotten more out (of it) than it’s taken from me.)

8) …that I’m writing this Post is nothing less than miraculous, and the oddest thing about the Wakefield Doctrine is that the more it ‘works’ (as a tool to self-improving oneself) the less amazing it all seems.  that’s one of the funny thing about ‘miracles’. There’s absolutely no question (in my reality) that miracles happen all the time… that’s not the ‘hard part’.  The challenge is to see and recognize them. The thing about miracles, in my opinion, is that they tend to change reality retroactively, the result being that it becomes easy for some to say, ‘oh that? well, that was just a coincidence!‘ This person, (actually a high percentage of the people who are fortunate enough to witness a miracle), can ‘re-trace’ the events that lead up to the event and feel safe and secure in the thought that, ‘that was just a coincidence’.  I believe that most people would rather believe in coincidence than to have to deal with a world, where reality that is so….very   uncertain.

9) enough with the metaphysics…. off to work and then  maybe some work in the woods… yeah! nothing like a winter without exercise followed by a weekend of overexertion!!  lol  check back here later   I promise photos   hell, here is a ‘before photo’  down at the pond we have on the property, aka of the scene of the incipient tragedy:

DSC02161 DSC02190DSC02151

10) 10? (yeah, I agree! I have totally lost track of the plusseses and minae  of today’s List.   but there’s a chainsaw calling to me from the shed…and she promises me a very exciting afternoon in the woods….lol)



…psst   no chainsaw adventures, left it in the shed, preferring to go more primitive… saw and clippers

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Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


‘yeah, with it snowin and all, you’d think I’d put more effort into today’s Post’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…but then you’d be wrong, wouldn’t you?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know that cool restaurant that you remember  hearing about back as a kid? The Automat1? That’s almost what we’re gonna do for a Post today. A re-print Post on semi-steriods (yeah, I know! wtf?!?  twice in a week or is that a fortnight?  Where the hell is Curtis Knight when you need him?2)

We’re going to do something a little different with this here re-print here. Seeing how I wrote (this) Post back when I was more socially linked (the early days of my participation in FTSF) in today’s Post I’ll be providing the links to all those who commented. Sort of like, ‘where are they today?’  Like on TV, back before they convinced the audience that they would rather watch un-trained, not-necessarily-talented, hardly-ever-particularly-likeable people do stuff/act mean/act like assholes on ‘reality’ TV. During Sweeps Week,  they used to  go right for the nostalgia g-spot and do a show devoted to showing us the people that anchored our youthful dreams and fantasies, only with wrinkles and bags and screechy voices. (Back in the 70’s, P.J.O’Rourke, when he wrote for the National Lampoon and was still funny, wrote a line about getting old (this was, of course, before any of us were), “…and everything gets bigger, hairier and closer to the ground.” )

Where the hell was I?  Oh! yeah. gonna put up a Post from last year and then put up links to everyone who commented on that Post. In fairness, I will do it as links, just links.  (Hey!! clarks!!  don’t you just fuckin hate it when you find yourself feeling that it is critically important that you’re being ‘fair’… sort of like running back into the burning building because everyone is not out yet….mind you, you’re not running back to actually get them out of the building!  you’re just being careful that no one has their feelings hurt by the fact that you’re quicker to run than they are…. you want to know the real reason you hate that?  then you better Subscribe to follow the Wakefield Doctrine.)

Here is the Post   (titled: Always Chilled, Never Heated)

Here are the blogs of the People who were nice enough to Commentate  on the Post

Janine:   ‘Confessions of a Mommyholic’

Terrye: ‘The Adventures of a Misplaced Alaskan

Cyndi:  ‘Pictimilitude’

Kristi: ‘Finding Ninee

Kate Hall: ‘Can I get another bottle of Whine

Stephanie: ‘Mommy, for Real’

Kerri: ‘Undiagnosed but OK

Jessica: ‘the Wandering Brain

Joan Robertson: ‘Semblance of SpanishAmerica

the roger:  ‘the Secessionist Rag

Denise: ‘girlie on the edge

Not yet invented, but I know that they surely would have commented: Lizzi and Michelle and zoe  and Jenay

Tomorrow:  new Content!!  hey! I’ll probably be doing another video …might head over to Wakefield to give the video a backdrop that is interesting, seeing as how you’ll have me staring at ya while I talk.




1) “The New York Automats were popular with out of work songwriters and actors. Playwright Neil Simon called Automats “the Maxim’s of the disenfranchised” in a 1987 article.” (

2)  a free Wakefield Doctrine docTee* for anyone who can tell me something/anything/preferably what really famous person he is associated with  without using ‘the google’…. you are allowed to ask one person, but that has to be a person…. real, as in  ‘in person’,  no emails to ‘Ask Melanie ‘ or twittering to ‘Old Person Central’   just tell us about Curtis  No one with all of the following letters in their name is eligible to play: ‘r’, ‘e’, ‘g’, ‘o’

* when we do the next batch, that is
