Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Founded thirteen years ago, in 2003, in a thatched cottage on the banks of the River Worcestershire in County Glam on the outskirts of the Devonian Forest, the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop has been a positive force in the blogosphere. Whether people are aware of it or not. Simply taking the time to reflect on the previous seven, (or seventy or One thousand Six Hundred and seven), days automatically imparts an additional perspective on our lifes. And, if there is a secret-of-the-universe ready-made for a one minute commercial to interrupt your favorite youtube channel’s newest posts, it would be perspective. That’s all the Wakefield Doctrine its-own-self is, an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up.
Meanwhile, here is our perspective on the people, places and/or things we are currently aware of being grateful for:
1) Una
2) Phyllis
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop
5) alternate bloghops, i.e. the Unicorn Challenge (hosted by ceayr and jenne) (and the Doctrine’s contribution this week: ‘The Rain like Rust Drowns the World‘)
6) Last phase of the grass project (straw around the cottage)
7) the Wakefield Doctrine (redux)… we’ve all watched the movie clips we’ve posted over the years that illustrate one (or more) of the three predominant worldviews of the Doctrine: ‘I’m gonna get you Stewart‘ (a scott and a roger), ‘You’re not on my job‘ (a clark (DeNiro), a scott (Caruso) and a roger (Towles). Well, Friend of the Doctrine Nick has provided us with another resource in this aspect of learning the Wakefield Doctrine over at his new stomping grounds, the Rhythm Section with his most excellent piece on Moby.
8) something, something
9) new WAF1
10) Secret Rule 1.3 [“…’cause if we didn’t have secret rules, then that kinda makes the whole Garden of Eden, ‘please, one thing only, just don’t (snicker, snicker) eat this Apple (chortling angels off stage-right.”]
1) waf: Weird-Assed-Flower
music vids
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