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the Wakefield Doctrine: it’s ‘Easy Week’ at the ole Wakefield Corral

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

DS#1 has posed the question:

Someone get that roger his bird water…tell him he’ll have to settle for slipper socks.
The peanut M&M’s are a go as is the Chardonnay. Cheese platter?! Fine.
Cheetos will be allowed on premises only if accompanied by an equal amount of Fritos. (regular ones, not those weird scooping ones.)
The cubanos – yes, I mean the cuban cigars. Have them personally delivered to my dressing room by Antonio Banderas. Yes, seriously.

Silly, no? But what about the very real possibility. Of a radio program. Who doesn’t have a radio show these days. Seems to make sense. At some point the Doctrine will be saturating the market. Why the hell not? I, for one, have already started using terminology on a more “day to day” basis. You know, getting comfortable with it. The theory of clarks, scotts and rogers….it is what it is

Since the corollary topic appears to be centered on the ‘state of the spirit’ of the current effort to spread the Wakefield Doctrine among people inclined to ‘get it’,  I will state, for the record, that I am in the midst of a project that involves my rogerian aspect.
(Compressed backstory: my rogerian aspect jumped out* recently and manifested in my workplace, effectively putting me in a position to host an after-hours social event for the other brokers in my office. Not surprisingly, the initial reaction to my emailed invitation has been mostly “WTF?”  This is totally appropriate as I am a clark and have assiduously cultivated a business persona so as to include a certain non-social aspect…nothing anti-social or in any way an impediment to my work, but lets just say, I am sent invitations to the annual Christmas Party only when a new person is in charge of organizing it. So today there is a certain level of anticipation regarding tonight’s affair, if for no other reason than the contrast between my established business persona (a clark) and this episodic persona (a roger!). Oh yeah, many of the attendees are ‘aware’ of the Wakefield Doctrine and, I would like to think, they are watching to see if I can pull this off as a roger.)

So lets get all ‘water cooler’ on the Doctrine this week! No lessons (at least for now) but if you care to Comment and start another ‘conversation’ or wish to Comment on either of the two threads established in today’s Post, have at it!


Rinji news o moshiagemasu! Daishkyu hinan shite kudasai!*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I will begin this Post by stating, without the slightest fear of contradiction that it is never dull here at the Doctrine! Self-referential, inside joke(y), semi-private conversation(al), maybe…but dull? No, no and no!
Can we help it that there are at present only about 6 ‘people’ who submit Comments, make suggestions, proffer criticism? Huh, can we? Yeah, you’re goddamn right we can’t! We are all doing our best to get the message out about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers and while there may be some small, little, hardly-noticeable-amount of room for improvement to how we present this blog, we are quite proud of all our efforts here. Thank you. We have been hard at work at this blog for nearly a year and a half now ( damn! how many Posts is that?) and we see a lot of progress in most areas.
Except one.
That needs improvement.
We are talking about the number of Comments from Readers, maybe frequency of Comments is a better way to put it. In other words, how often there is a Comment from a person who is not either:

  1. a Progentior (3)
  2. a Downspring (5)
  3. a Friend of the Doctrine (10)

Not a very large number? No, no it is not. But it is about a Seventeen Hundreths Increase over the last 18 months. So I think it is safe to say we are all happy with that order of increase.
The Problem? Who said there was a problem? Oh, yeah! thats right. The reason for bringing the issue up now, at this particular moment? End of the year, of course…silly.

The End-of-the-Year Week is almost without exception full of Posts that strive for:

  • Introspection
  • Critical Reflection
  • Metric-centric Reflection on 4Q progressive Action Item Implementation

Can’t say with any real certainty that it is true in all cultures, but pretty sure that in (this) current Western Culture, the Last Week of the Year is traditionally the Week of Milestones and (past year’s) Accomplishments. We tend to get all, “so what have we accomplished in the last year? Newspapers run their, Stories of the Year or a Obituary of Famous People ( “Look Whos not Talking Now”! )
The Official Blog of the Wakefield Doctrine is no exception! In this final week of 2010 we are walking around asking ourselfs, “What did we do really well, what produced the most intense feeling of suckation and what do we hope to do next year”?
(Actually this last item is a Post in and of itself, customarily the much more, the Last Post of the Current Year. (Hold that thought, wait a minute!…thats what we need glenn to write a Post on! Damn. glenn!! yo!! NO! shit!! don’t answer outloud!  Do not look around your office, just keep reading this…act like nothing funny is happening…(ha ha) glenn, dude… look in your email after 1:00 pm this afternoon. Instructions to follow.)

What have we Done the Best? in this, the Year of the Pancreas? We have continued.
We’ve  had days of with very good, thought-provoking Posts and  well-written Discussion-inspiring Comments. We had months of a-post-a-day writing jag, producing some fairly odd Content. We had a new blog geek, hell we may have even changed the very look of the blog site itself!1
We have really had a busy year in 2010! What am forgetting? I know! Bullet Points!

  • the Wakefield Doctrine went out on it’s own, webhosting-wise. We left the shelter of the free, ‘no-you-can’t-do-that’  free blog hosting of WordPress.com
  • self-hosting and therefore independent a lot of potential became available to us, we immediately went with music videos with every Post!
  • got our first blog Consultant…which was helpful at first but then we got (client)down-graded and assigned to some whiney geek who tried to call us lame….goodbye!
  • got another Consultant…(have we done a Post yet on how clarks build others up beyond realistic expectations and then stand back and act surprised when they let us down)?
  • well, we do/she did/our fault/whatever
  • found a really good looking “theme’ (which is the overall style of the blog) called Branford…liked it a lot and, of course, had to change it! (jeez! they put us in charge of these things?)
  • Hats! (and) Right of Hat!! Joanne was the first and because of her initiative is the proud title-holder to the District of Columbia!  and Mel (part of “Michigan”) and DS#1…parts of EF EL AY

I could go an and on…and probably will, but I was trying to make a point at the beginning of this Post. What was it…oh yeah…Encouraging Readers to Comment.

Readers! Yes I mean you. We know you are out there. Do us a favor and let us know what you think of this here blog here. 
I know that facebook has little icons that show a ‘thumbs up’ to help people express their approval. Very clever. But since we don’t have any of those, what we need you to do is this:
at the bottom of this Post is a ‘Leave a Comment’ place, why don’t you go ahead and leave us a little Comment. No, this Post! It does not have to be well thought out, no you really shouldn’t need to think about it. There is not a test. Just put in your name and email and then write something to us. The email address? No one sees that except for me when (your Comment) comes in for “Moderation”. Thats the function that I control that glenn is such a big fan of…I look at everything that comes in and then hit: approve.

So, go ahead and do this for all of us here at the Doctrine. CY? Terri? Doung? Mel?, Jason? Ronin? Kino? all you FODs  come on guys we’re counting on you.

…’Kay Mr. B?…lets get these feets a-movin…

1. Have we mentioned anything about my little, really-not-such-a-big-thing, (don Juan thinks it is the way to go), problem with remembering the Past? Didn’t huh? Well, I kinda don’t bother paying attention to things after they happen. Actually an old habit, clouding one’s personal history it’s called. Totally believe in it! Has really helped in the last few years…but not so good when writing a Year-In-Review Post like this one!  Oh well. Whataya gonna do?

* Hey, figure it out yourselfs! Do I look like ‘the google’? I’ll bet the Progenitor roger gets it right away.  Alright, one hint: Blue Oyster Cult


Gimme a “S”, gimme a “C”, gimme an “O”, gimme…screw that just pay attention

Ok, I’ve given you plenty of time to find your “eureka moment.” But I have yet to hear from anybody. Come on people.

What? You’ve been too busy?!

Give me a break. Why wouldn’t anyone want to take just a moment to read something that would change their entire view of the world and the people in it? It’s not rocket science for crying out loud. Forget about all of those left brain right brain, enneagram  nine personality types, briggs myers, Jungian personality theories.

They are confusing and quite frankly useless. You have to take a frickin’ psychology class to understand them.

Unlike those “oh look at my blog, aren’t we smart with charts and graphs and the rest of that rogerian crap”. Screw that! Here at the Wakefield Doctrine there are no personality tests. We’ve made it  fun and easier than ever to understand.
What do I have to do to get you to take a quick look?
You know that once you do you’ll be hooked,  amazed at how simple it is.  When you finally get around to checking it out, you’ll be thinking,  “Why didn’t I take a look at this sooner? I can’t believe what I’ve been missing out on. What a refreshing and useful way understand and even predict the way everyone behaves.”

So get over to the Wakefield Doctrine. Go ahead, take a peek. Yeah, I can just hear you now… “whoa… this is a lot to learn. I don’t have time for this…”  The beauty of the Doctrine is that you don’t have to read absolutely everything to get it. Just take a look at the summaries of the three types (clarks, scotts and rogers) and read a Post or two.
You’ll be on board in no time. Oh, and don’t forget to share your thoughts. Your Comments, as always, are welcome and are a key part of the Doctrine.


what are you looking here for? this is a scott talking, studying ahead ain’t gonna help

Hey everybody! AKH-ette is back in the house!   


As you (should) know by now, we at the Wakefield Doctrine have been making a concerted effort to get the word on the street. You know, about how much fun and useful the Wakefield Doctrine can be when applied to our everyday lives. About how with a basic understanding of the characteristics of each group (clarks, scotts and rogers), anyone can understand everyone else!  You will know how those around you will act in virtually any situation. And you will understand what has never made sense to you about the people you work with, live with and/or are friends with. You will have the answer to the question, Why on earth would you do that/say that/feel that way?   

So let’s see who’s done their homework. Raise your hand if you think you know who you are. Anybody? (come on clark, come on out from behind the door.) We do not judge or criticize here at the Doctrine (be nice scott). Ok, maybe a little teasing from time to time (we’ll be gentle with our new readers/contributors). But it’s all in fun. Or it might just piss you off  enough to leave a frickin’ comment (come on scott, not again. Our new readers are not looking for a pissing contest). Maybe defend one of your own (roger). If you’re still confused and feel that you identify with all three types, you are on the right track. It is the predominance of qualities that make us one or the other…the overall ‘style’ that makes one a clark or a scott or a roger.   

So hop on over to the Wakefield Doctrine and discover which of the three (clark, scott or roger) both you and those around you are. Remember that eureka moment I was talking about last time we got together? Well here’s one from me: when all of a sudden you find yourself saying “….no wonder why he’s always so loud and has to be the center of attention… he’s a frickin’ scott!!!”   

Now run little ones and find your own. And don’t forget to share them.    

  “…you’re damn right I said that!!” 





the Wakefield Doctrine ( CSR 101)

Yes, this is a CSR class. Without a fake classroom or imaginary students. No window dressing of any kind. I guess George Clooney is on his own.

Today, I need to address a particular anomaly in the Doctrine that has had me rather at a loss for some months now. And to quickly touch on one of my favorite personal aspects of life in general; synchronicity. Because I had no sooner decided that it was time to finally begin writing a post that addressed that anomaly, when the damned thing fairly fell from the sky. I find myself, once again, astounded at the sense of presence of …something extraordinary. I just wish I had the presence of mind to get it, whatever it is, but alas…

I”ll be referring to the last post’s mention of an affinity that exists between clarks and scotts. After presuming that I had somehow uncovered something heretofore unknown in the annals of Doctrinism…. the very thing itself is casually mentioned in today’s post. Astounding and amazing. Sometimes the universe will just grab you by the neck and shake you around like a sock puppet, as if to say… you’ve sat on it too long, it’s time, now get on with it. Well, then.

I suppose that this affinity is pretty common discourse to clarks and scotts ( I have been calling it a symbiosis), but let me assure all of you; to rogers, it is quite occult.We simply don’t see it. Not to say we wouldn’t understand it, if illustrated. We just don’t have a nature that would necessarily notice it. I strongly suppose that this symbiosis is very much a second nature to clarks and scotts.

So what’s the big deal, you ask? Well, an understanding of this would greatly enhance a roger’s perception and therefore his practical application of the Wakefield Doctrine to any situation. It might clear up many a misunderstanding, and it might just save your life in the extremes.

At this point, I’m sure the purer scotts have shut this off to go get a sandwich, and there might be a camouflaged clark monitoring this from a distance. So I suppose that my reader’s circle is down to just the rogers. That’s fine, because those other ones already know this; and if you’re a roger at heart, then you don’t. So here it is. And you’re not going to like it.

The affinity/ symbiosis is based on a shared disdain for rogers. It is the common groundwork for all of their perceptions of rogers, and serves as the springboard to all their interactions with us. They each have a particular personal mythology that tends to define them as a clark or a scott. Nothing new there at all; you have your own too, and it leans you towards being more a roger than not. The critical difference occurs precisely here; theirs tells them that they are vastly superior to rogers. And that colors all of their interactions with us; they have it completely in common. We tend to be the shared object of derision, the obvious target.

By way of comparison, a roger would tend to a very eclectic view of this personal mythology business. We would go with an inherently pacifistic universal model in which clarks, scotts and rogers all live in a balance of power with a shared sense of respect. Diversity, man…

Well, #%*# that. It’ not real. While we’re busy singing ” We Are The World” and trying to figure out how to feed the planet, they’ve already got it solved. If they kill you,then they eat well for a few days, and screw the planet. Actually, to be specific; the clarks also have to eat, but don’t have the stomach for the kill. So they find a way to get the scotts to do it for them. Symbiosis.

That particular point brings me back to the original video clip ever used in this blog. That is a great example. ( Joe Pesci/ scott viciously attacks roger guy in bar, clark guy watches passively….remember?) Were there another roger there, he would have intervened to try to save the guy. But wait… there was someone else… who simply watched and waited. He’d gone to all the trouble to set that up, he certainly wasn’t going to prevent it by then. So you have a stereotypic scott killing a stereotypic roger, while a stereotypic clark stands by in complete silent assent. And there it is…the affinity.

This is the clip that the Progenitor scott actually objected so strenuously to ( and might very well have kept him from participating much).  This occurred simply because he had already long since transformed into something other than a pure scott. I suppose I might have objected too; after all, you still have a dead roger in the end.

So, my little band of rogers….what does all this boil down to?

I just want you all to be aware of this, because they might be in your lives as spouses, co-workers, family; any number of things. But one thing they are decidedly not, in their own eyes; equals. They hold themselves to be far superior, and greatly entitled; their mythology tells them so. No amount of reasoning can alter that. So be very careful, and very diligent. They are predators, and they will persist. And should it ever come to dire straits, then do not sell your lives cheaply; fight them with all you have. They would expect us to be hesitant and intimidated; but often, a pack will break and run when confronted with singular courage. And if you’re not alone…then just open up the herd a bit, and let him in. He won’t believe his good luck, and then just… do what comes naturally.

In my next offering, I hope to explore this question, as a logical extension of the symbiosis; are scotts and clarks actually different creatures, or are they both just variations of a single entity? ( which means that our world premise is not based on three personality types, but really just two. The problem is- which two?) Food for thought.
