Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. (That’s not, however, a Wakefield Doctrine deer. They just pass through, from time-to-time.
1) Una
2) Phyllis
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the Six Sentence Story bloghop
5) the Unicorn Challenge photo-prompt bloghop
6) (the Doctrine’s two hundred-fity word story for the challenge):
“Man, what’re we gonna do with all these extra model car parts”?
Two friends sat on the floor of the most kid-friendly of the two’s house. It was Saturday. It was raining. The house was empty of parents and siblings.
Spread out on the bedroom floor was the detritus of countless Aurora™ model car kits, at least to the extent of the spare parts that remained after assembly was complete. The problem of what to do with the extra pieces demanded resolution. That the growing urgency each pre-adolescent boy felt, sitting on a bedroom floor on a Saturday afternoon, foreshadowed choices and demanded-decisions neither boy yet felt.
For one, (whose bedroom it was), the arrival of an initially strange world was one year away; for the other, (whose superfluous collection of parts without use or function constituted, at the moment, their best hope for entertainment), it was an indeterminate number of months in his future. More than the twelve of his best friend, less than thirty-six; with any luck and the intercession of a heartless god. Of course, in matters of boys, girls and puberty, the calendar was more often than not written in chalk. This transition would be the first, (but surely not last), experience with being left at the metaphorical train station.
But for the two friends, the afternoon together with nothing more than: their friendship, more little plastic hood-ornaments than needed and a near-lethal parts-per-thousand count of airplane glue, practiced the better parts of relationships.
7) sneak peak at Fall Shoe Fashion Collection from the House of Khafka
8) Something, something. (oh, yeah. the TToT is taking the month off. As the old saying reminds us, “Habit is the foundation of wisdom” so, since ‘dollars-to-donuts’ our friend Mimi is writing a TToT post… here’s the Link to Mimi’s Blog.
9) Progress in the Grass
10) Secret Rule 1.3
music vids