Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 89 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 89

RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Before we get to today’s Monday RePrint© lets return, ever-so-briefly, to the beginning-years of this blog.

[Full Disclosure: we tried to find an old post that had, at minimum, a formulaic relationship to today, i.e. 07/10/2017 or 07/10/2013 but … nothin’. Well, one had something, but it was deemed too anachronistic or excessively topical. So we resorted to the scientific approach: spin the wheel, (of post-published-dates), and below, if we have time, is the result.)

Where were we?

oh, yeah

You know what we remember as being a part of the fun of the earliest of posts? No, not realizing that our skill-level in the writing was abysmal. For that there is a simple strategy for clarks, provided the Will is there to continue, to not give up, to not succumb to the pressure of avoidance of scrutiny. (Which, if you are wondering about ‘the deal with clarks (Outsiders) and scrutiny we wrote a brief, little post HERE)


Hey! Did you realize that you, the Reader, are living in a Perfect World’?

yep, sure are.

You have things to do today, right? Well, if you were reading the day’s Wakefield Doctrine on this Monday morning, say, in 2017 or 2013, we might have made the statement: ‘Everyone works as hard as everyone else does at their job/work/school/homemaking/etc

And… and! we were quite sincere in these statements. With the meaning intended, (almost), literally.

Well. Out goal today is to write/RePrint something about the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine that, if read and comprehended, would get you, the Reader, closer to enjoying the benefits of this here personality theory here. In part, we’re referring to the statement: With the use of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine you will be in the position to: know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

Bold claim?

Yes. Yes, it is.

But, since we’ve begun typing, we’ve embedded in our, if-only-we-could-write-like-a-roger post, several interesting discussion points (about the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers). The challenge, an unavoidable cost of taking the SOC*, is remembering the surely fascinating side roads we marked.

Better bullet-point them before they get too far in the rearview mirror. (Not in order or sequence to original post)

  • you remember ‘the Everything Rule’ right? My reference: if-only-we-could-write-like-a-roger is to illustrate the fact that, even though there is nothing exclusive to one personality type and not the other two, there are some things that one (predominant worldview) can do ‘better’ than the others. In this case: writing (popular fiction). rogers have a way with the written word that we used to refer to as consisting of smooth, well-rounded words. (Look only as far as your favorite commercially-successful fiction writer. No, we’re not going to tell you which author is a roger (or clark or scott). You can figure it out. You have the tools.
  • at the top of this post we referred to: “... a simple strategy for clarks, provided the Will is there to continue, to not give up, to not succumb to the pressure of avoidance of scrutiny“. lol  When in doubt about proper rules of grammar and/or rhetoric? Wordify the hell out of it. (Making up words ‘that should exist’ is the clarklike equivalent of the rogerian expression. Not as funny, but just as aggressive.)
  • the provocative statements? We totally stand behind them. Of course, this requires the Reader to accept the notion that we go about our lives in a reality that is, to a small but nevertheless significant degree, personal.

outa time.

Sure, we can post a music vid that’s related*

*to the posts that we didn’t reprint… ha ha




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Appearing weekly since 1978, the TToT asks the question: “Sure, your shoelace broke that morning you were running behind because you were up all night with nightmares that involved lovers made of wet-linen bedsheets, friends who had a FB reel that you needed to see (’cause it was fricken’ wicked funny) and, and…such.

But the true and genuine benefit of writing these weekly blogposts is found in how it allows us: more choice in our day, in general, and in how we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up, specifically. Not a positive thinking thing so much as a practice in perspectives.


1) Una (spotter)

2) Phyllis (being spotted)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) weird-assed door flower

5) the Six Sentence Story

6) a pile of dirt (aka no-cost cardio)

7) the health (and physical capacity) to move the above dirt from ‘there’ to ‘elsewhere’. With assistance, of course, from Phyllis and Una (Grat(s) 1 & 2)

8) something, something

9) a call in conversation with Friend of the Doctrine, Cynthia. Always enjoyable, informative and fun. (If’n you have or website that’s gotten like, that shirt that you love but has become so worn-out that you feel relieved (and dissappointed) when you remember not to wear it to certain occasions, or, maybe you’re thinkin’ a website would be good to have.) Cynthia has that all-to-rare combination of empathy, imagination and a grasp on how to get it done. You probably should stop over at her site. Tell her, the Doctrine sent ya.

10) Secret Rule 1.3 “… of course you can use the impending completion of a TToT post as an Item! jeez, that you should have to ask! be sure to make it Number 10, we’re not without a sense of propriety, already. that you should have to even ask. oy vey” (ibid. op. cit. yo)


music vids






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Freya’s Day 1K -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

WARNING! This story will be a semi-one-take story. (The ‘semi’ to allow for spelling and word-count adjustment. Once each only.)

There is a good reason for this approach, this week: we might be getting a cold. And, as everyone who approaches learning to write fiction like they learn to sing, i.e. spending hours on the highway with Professor Radio will tell you: the first take is always the hardest (but usually most creative).

Irregardless*, what say we head over to jenne and ceayr‘s soirée and see what’s up at this week’s Unicorn Challenge.



“Come on, Seth. Hurry the hell up!

Seth looked at the wall of the bus tunnel. Doubling his resolve, he shook the metal cylinder in his left hand. The ball inside of the can of spray paint made a sound that always made him think of roulette.

“What was that? Did you hear something?”

Regretting his decision to be peer’d into accepting the demands of the fraternity, he made the decision to withdraw his pledge. Almost immediately, his inner critic intoned: ‘She’s right, you know, there’s something missing in you, you don’t ever want to be ‘a part of’. His girlfriend Samantha’s suggestion he join her sorority’s brother frat, Bro-Tu-Bró, was arguably more social anodyne than bromide. He was pretty sure it was an ultimatum, offered with a midnight smile.

The bus tunnel maintained legendary status among students in the city’s colleges. Ranging from the cautionary: ‘The kid tried to run for an access tunnel. The bus got there first. Dental records were required to ID him,” to the intriguing, “Lovecraft, that’s his house on the corner there, held a seance inside the tunnel. Once.”

In recent years, the local tagger community, brought their aerosol-oeuvre; filling the tile walls with proclamations of love and misogyny.

Bathed in the halo-luminescence of the approaching Brown University-DownCity Terminal bus, Seth ran, leaving behind a plastic-capped thurible; on the wall his offering: “ChatGPT is the second bite of the Apple. Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice…”.





Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [a Rue DeNite Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise there is a single rule: Six sentences no more/no less

So, what’s this called, a Flashback? a Backstory? Don’t know. Don’t care. Best ‘Previously in our story… ‘ is This Link (and Lou’s line at the end).

Prompt word:


“It’s either that or go to prison.”

The woman stood, as powerless to flee the voice as a butterfly, invisible minuten pin forcing her into spectator-class victim as her lifepath approached a fork unimaginable a mere twenty-four hours earlier.

“In either scenario, the child is staying here on the Vineyard with her father,” the woman, business suit and designer glasses as iconic as the faux-sophisticated interrogator in an old WW II movie, stepped back and leaned, very-out-of-character, against the marble countertop.

Kasia’s fingers clenched impotently as she turned her head to face the voice, the baby in her arms shielded by her body; the architect’s innovative use of LEDs to illuminate the kitchen created a one-time effect of casting a childless-silhouette tilted towards the door, open into the late-Summer night.

With the ironic appreciation that only a god, intent on assuring Himself his new creations would suffer for being such a disappointment, the future Rue DeNite heard the voice of her Abnormal Psych professor, all of week before, say, ‘The Approach/Avoidance conflict is surely the best of Man and the worst of Woman”.

“Just give my client, her father, your ….former fiancé, the child and you can return to your garret and write your, ‘A Millennial’s Guide to Melancholy’ or whatever it is you’re wasting your life on.”



Wednesday (yeah right!) -the Wakefield Doctrine- (seems a little (more) disjointed than usual? check back in this Afternoon)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The worst thing for (each) of the three personality types (predominant worldviews) of the Wakefield Doctrine?

Glad you (didn’t) ask

The three types of people found in the (additional perspective) offered by the Wakefield Doctrine:

  • clarks (Outsider)
  • scotts (Predator)
  • rogers (Herd Member)

That which manifests as ‘the-most-to-avoid-in-life/aka ‘no fricken’ way!

  • scrutiny
  • non-rationality as a standard for the world (i.e. say, you get up tomorrow and the sky is purple and every one insists it’s always been that color then Friday morning it’s yellow polka dots and, ever body is all, ‘Yeah? So what?1
  • shunning/isolation

There you have it.

Remember one thing:

  1. once you learn the Doctrine to a sufficient level of compentcy to recogninse the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world, there’s a real good chance you will lose the capacity to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world
  2. there is an implied responsibility we accept in claiming to ‘know the other person better than they know themselves’; they (fill in the blank* are our people and we should identify with them** and help in an appropriate manner***)

ok…running out of morning-writing time. check back after lunch. we promise to add the words that, if you’re not an Advanced Reader, will make (way more) sense of this post.


  1. ok, anyone reacting to this with a knowing laugh, there you have your clarks. For Outsiders Consistency as a quality of reality is kinda higher than ‘I wish I could sing’ but way, way below ‘a satisfying and well-paying job would be nice’.

* the clarks (with their ways of hiding in social settings), scotts (like the twirling dust tornado of Tasmania isn’t all we need to know about the person… no, no multiple choice personality profile needed) lol or rogers (well, damn they be like 66% of the population to begin with and no, there’s no point in running once spotted, all rogers are born with the ability to trigger the (local) social-setting PA… “Oh, clark! where are you getting off to…. come here, we have some questions”)

** remember! while we all have but one predominant worldview, we retain the potential to relate to the world as do ‘the other two’

*** empirical evidence in these pages suggest that (if not a clark) a strong secondary clarklike aspect goes a long way towards, “Well, sure those people are weird, but, when you think about it, it kinda makes sense”.



#wakefielddoctrine #theoryofclarksscottsandrogers #personalitytypes #holysmoketheyareoutthere
