Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 64 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 64

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of fluency and worldviews, the lever of insight.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Had a epiphany(ette) yesterday morning as I drove up the highway:

If I can acquire even the smallest appreciation of a secondary aspect it should be possible to leverage the resultant combination to gain a much deeper understanding of the tertiary aspect; an effective linkage to the tertiary (aspect) will yield an insight into the secondary. All of which will increase one’s fluency (in the individual language of the three predominant worldviews.

Cool, right?


New Readers? A brief Doctrine Primer.

We are, all of us, born with the potential to experience Life from the perspective of an Outsider (clark), the Predator (scott) or the Herd Member (roger). In current Doctrine terminology: we establish one of three relationships with the world around us and the people who make it up; that of a clark (Outsider), scott (Predator) or roger (Herd Member) at a very early age. And it is this personal reality that is the context in which we mature and learn to deal with the world and develop social strategies to aid us in getting through Life.


Everyone develops in one of these three, what we call predominant worldviews. They are our ‘personality types’. However, we retain the potential of ‘the other two’, i.e. non-predominant worldviews. We refer to them as secondary and tertiary aspects. This potential can be ‘inert’ and unaffecting on our lives or they can, to varying degrees, be significant, exerting an influence on us. Mostly in our behavior, but usually to a limited scope and degree. This is often** the reason for a person new to the Doctrine to ask, “I know I’m a clark. But there are times when I’m a roger or a scott. What’s up with. that?”

For most of us with significant secondary and tertiary aspects, their character usually remains dormant, to appear only when under duress or in the throes of excitement. Of course, it is possible for a person to simply be a scott or a roger with no significant clarklike aspect. But you’re not likely to ever be having a positive, productive or, for that matter, enjoyable discussion with them about our little personality theory. We’ll leave the ‘Why’ of this for anyone wanting to write their own Doctrine post.

But sometimes, it takes less duress to cause a secondary (and less frequently, tertiary) aspect to the surface.

Friend of the Doctrine Cynthia is a perfect example.

New Reader? Doctrine Etiquette maintains that one does not state the predominant worldview of another to the world at large, without prior consent or agreement. [Doctrine Rule, from the early days states, in no uncertain terms: no one has the authority to designate another’s personality type or otherwise represent with any authority another’s predominant worldview. At least, not with the magisterium* of the Wakefield Doctrine.]

Where were we?

Ah! Cynthia. So the thing was we met Cynthia on the Facebook way back in the 2010-2011 (or thereabouts, clarks can be chronolexic so don’t hold us to those dates). She had a site, Pictimilitude. And she did a lot of things on that there site there, painting and writing and well all kinds of stuff. But at some point she decided to branch out into ‘live’ video posts. (quite the avant-garde impulse at the time). In her first vid, on walking meditation, we got ten seconds into it and said, ‘Yow! She is owning the camera. What is she, some kind of scott?!’


no. but there was clearly a significant secondary scottian aspect in evidence.

Damn… so much for a brief review.

Ask us, after the bloghop section of the week, (that is the Six Sentence Story ‘hop with Denise tomorrow and the Unicorn Challenge hosted by ceayr and jenne on Friday) to return to the topic: Translation among the Three Predominant Worldview and Challenge to Become Fluent.


* hey, cool wordage, no? magisterium. Was gonna go with ‘color’ as in the color of the law. But, and this might be a reach, but we might be able to pull off a mitre, as a fashion statement.

Hey, speaking of virtuoso/virtuosae, how ’bout some Guthrie Govan? (the Aristocrats)


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

thank Eris we have a certain acceptance of RePrint posts, both as a rhetorical lubricant and a good, old-fashioned placeholder/filler material!

We’re in the initial phase of a project in the ‘real’ world. Definitely be taking the notes, for the progress reports, doncha’ know.

As we all know, the Wakefield Doctrine is both toy and tool. It’s the original, ‘and this dial makes the parents gigantic shoes fit like a glove and this slider shifts perspective to account for the relative elevation of most day-to-day reference points, including (but not limited to) mirrors, sinks, showerheads and bookshelfs,’ device.


but, it being Monday and we gots to provide more value than a three second vid loop (not that it’s all that bad, lol) lets go find a post by searching ‘parental influence’.

didn’t find the full phrase, but ‘parental’ turned up:

Time to get back to the serious matter of the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

…a unique, useful and fun way to understand why the people in our lives do the things that they do.  And this is the place to learn about the three personality types: clarks, scotts and rogers. Everyone you encounter today will be one of these three types, and if you know the type you not only will know why they act the way that they do, you will be able to predict how they will behave in virtually any situation. How cool is that?

But we have had some Readers say to us, “hey you Doctrinaires! We like what we think we read in your blog, but my parents want me to go to college to learn about relationships, personality theories and such. What are we to do in order to convince our parental units to give us all the tuition money directly and let us decide where to spend it, higher education-wise. You know what we mean? Don’t you guys have a talkshow (sort of) and know everything, tell us what to say, yo“!

Alright, we will.
Print the following chart and paste it into a nice binder-thing, like those smoked cellulite term-paper things with the v-shaped plastic thingie to hold it all together. Not only will the following chart prove to be an irrefutable argument for convincing your parents to come across with the Tuition Money, but to totally demonstrate how all helpful the Wakefield Doctrine is, we will be available this Saturday evening to help you slap a big-time close on Daddy and Mom for that money. We want you to start and simply argue with them until they’re just about to get mad and then tell them, ” Now, Father and Mother, if you have any questions about the efficacy of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers and would like to hear from the actual people behind this Wakefield Doctrine, lets just call them toll free right now! OK?  (They will probably say, “OK”!  But if they do not, tell them that if they do not call the Wakefield Doctrine,  you will take all your clothes and go and live with the hobos or the local Salvation Army/YMCA people or the nearest commune).
Dial this badboy:  1-605-475-2200 access code: 6660467#(we’ll take it from there…best keep your car running though.)

Advantages of the Wakefield Doctrine over any of those personality theories taught at “colleges” and “universities”

  the Wakefield Doctrine Those “real” personality theories
Educational Requirements Yeah, right High School and frickin College and maybe even more!
How long does it take to learn …this afternoon be soon enough? Way, way too long
How much does it cost Fifty-eleven dollars and a subscription to ‘Modern roger’ Way more than you have on you! Like you will be paying it off for the next 15 years
Professional Standards …well, we have hats (for your damn head) Yeah, but you have to pay to join the APA, ACPA, ASPCA
Practical Applications Way too many to mention No, there’s this matter of Professional Standards and Ethics. Total buzzkill
Where do I sign up? Over to the right, yo Not so fast! Lets see some transcripts, and Letters or Reference and Advance Payments

Now here at the Doctrine blog, we are not all,  ‘hey! this is serious and you have to pay attention’! No, we have free music to listen to and watch and all.


as vincent vega says, be continued.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

1) Una (Hey! An old TToT/Friday Night Walk vid!)

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the first of a twelve-year-career of self-videos*

5) the Six Sentence Story blog hop. (Week’s featured contribution from Sixarian/Anne: ‘How Did It Know?

6) the Unicorn Challenge blog hop (Week’s Featured from Unicornitum/Unicornita)/ ladysighs: ‘Collection-Unicorn Challenge

7) sure, why not another vid-from-the-days-of-travel see Grat #9 below

8) something, something

9) the Doctrine sure is an efficacious tool for self-improving oneself! Consider the intro-phillic behavior of a died-in-the-hood clark and then the vids, the Wakefield Doctrine deserves all the credit yo.

10)  Secret Rule 1.3


Music vids




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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted each week by Denise, all we’re asked to do is write a story of six (and only six) sentences.

Prompt word:


“Hey, Devereaux, I know you got a degree from Hah-vud,” Lou Ceasare looked up from his booth as I approached, “But the Bottom of the Sea ain’t no Ivory League satellite campus and, even if it was, a Doctorate of Breasteses and Sequinology ain’t in the catalogue,” un-leashing his crocodile-laugh, the career-drinkers at the bar joined in like a flock of tipsy plover birds.

About to deliver a thoroughly devastating riposte, a liquor-bottle-fractal woman approached us in mirror behind the bar; the reflection stopped, and, all Plato’s cave fire-made-flesh, the Club’s hostess, Diane Tierney, stopped next to Lou’s booth/office/boardroom, “Lou, three of our dancers have called in sick for the second day in a row and a fourth said she was quitting, something about protestors and tires being slashed in the parking lot.”

Lou leaned over his table towards me, his peculiar sense of decorum regarding the woman responsible for the efficient operation of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge exerting itself and said, “Devereaux, you being out of work and all, wanna earn some money?”

Diane stepped away from Lou a few steps past me and, putting an index finger to her lips, in the tone of a professional appraiser, “I don’t know Lou, the butt’s good but kinda flat in the chest and besides, I don’t think our clientele are ready for a Chippendale reboot.”

“Fuckin’ Tierney, you crack me up,” a millisecond of a glance, taking in everyone in earshot, guaranteed there would be nothing but a respectful silence.

“But, you’re absolutely correct, Diane, having our dancers stressed by this is not acceptable; I can make sure nobody loiters in front of the joint blocking access for our dancers or customers, that’s Underworld 101; as far as the group behind the protests, these so-called Magdalenians, I want you, Devereaux, to get me something I can leverage on them, without having to resort to gunpowder and other explosives, capische?”






Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We are about to enter the the self-improvement phase of the week’s blog entries.

At the the beginning of this blog, it became clear to us that, being in the realm of the written word, it behooved us to improve our skills in matters rhetorical. After all, you are reading, not listening*.

So, being a clark, once committed to this path the only strategy that made senses was to mix candy with the bread crumbs and walk as fast as possible into the forest.

For today a bon mot (or two) for tomorrow we read. (The Six Sentence Story and the Unicorn Challenge. You know, flash fiction triggered by prompt words and/or photos? Jeez. Thought we were going all O. Henry here at the Wakefield Doctrine blog because we had stories to tell to inspire the young wanderers in this terra virtuoso? Think again… clark) lol

nah, we were just trying to not distract the Reader (then in 2009 and now in 2029) from the core memeuage** of the Wakefield Doctrine:

  • clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel
  • if you want something new, call a clark, if they won’t let you have it, get a scott and if you’re caught with it, send for a roger
  • self-improvement is the original spirit-breaking scam… while we all live in one (of the three) personal realities, we never lose the capacity to function in the other two
  • (in other words: need to be more forceful with the world around you? check in with your scottian aspect, feeling left out? share that with your rogerian aspect and need to see the world in a new light? …yeah, your inner clark’s got a flashlight)
  • the thing about this here personality theory: if you’re still reading, you’re either a clark (predominant worldview) or a scott or roger with a significant secondary clarklike aspect
  • this is supposed to be fun… (you remember what fun is… that view of the world before you started adding up how far behind everyone else you were falling and, if you fell too far, you’d totally standout (and not in a good way))
  • this is a personality theory disguised as a perspective that has a secret compartment that only you can discover
  • don’t forget to come back and read the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story, the Unicorn Challenge and the TToT… tell ’em at the door, ‘the Doctrine sent ya’




* sure, there is such a thing as podcasts (podcasts motto: “Yeah! Besides, who paid attention when they taught grammar and punctuation and such. Lemme tell ya…”)

** not a ‘real’ word***

*** but, really, when you think about it, probably is, somewhere in this portable dream of a social environment

