Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 63 Psychology | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 63

RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

While we don’t not subscribe to the notion that the beginning of a new year is the best place (or time) to devise a list of resolutions, under-the-supposed assumptions that the change in year allows a suspension of the (life-long) momentum of any number (and character) of habits (both good and bad) or indulgences (growing from childhood’s garden or adult random-roadside field) that magically produces a condition of blank-slate innocence and open-mindedness.

(If we did, then maybe we’d note that (parentheticals) are so first year blog writer and the Doctrine itself provides us with the simplest of tools to enhance and improve our stay on this plane).

… if we were inclined to indulge in a List of New(ish) Year Resolutions, it would have to include the usefulness of the Wakefield Doctrine in self-improving oneself. So, in a sense, you could be forgiven for thinking of this here Doctrine here, as an eternally-renewing resolution. But then again, consider what we most often cite as the goal of the Wakefield Doctrine: allow us to better understand the world as the other person is experiencing it.

The keyword: translation.

The theme: accepting the ‘the relationship with the world around us and the people who make it up’ of ‘the other two’*

damn! still don’t got a RePrint and it’s quarter-of-real-world o’clock.

Here try this:


He sat down, a tripod of hands and butt, rejected his surroundings and turned an almost-deaf ear to the voice in his head.

‘Don’t worry,’ the voice said, every straight-A student at the bustop, to the boy with an armload of unread textbooks, “This is either a dream or that woman you called a post-menopausal-charlatan-who-didn’t-know-her-astral-body-from-a-hole-in-the-ground, cast a spell on you.”

Ignoring the voice, he looked around and regretted it immediately; all he saw was an inward-curving sky, as featureless as a newborn’s conscience. It hurt to look look around at something that insisted it was right there, just a second ago, yet he was more afraid to close his eyes.

There was second voice, ‘Hope is a crystal ball, you can believe in it, just don’t count on seeing where it starts or where it ends.”

Something changed, the world around him flattened into an array of solid walls forming a candle-lit room and he was now facing a woman across a round pool of green felt, “That’ll be five dollars,” she smiled, “And you’re welcome.”


Due us a solid and tell someone in your life to come and spend some time at this blog.

Tell ’em there’s this strange place where what they talk about is, like, on the edge of interesting most of the time and ‘hear-your-name’ at a social function compelling a certain part of the time. Serially.

* we are, all of us, possessed of one of the three predominant worldview (aka personality types). One designates our personal reality, the other two comprise a potential to relate to the world differently. You remember: ‘we all develop and live in one of the three personal realities but have the potential for the other two’


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Voted ‘Top Grat Bloghop’ three years running in the Journal of Recursive Inquiry’s annual Meister Eckhart Award, the TToT continues to this day encouraging those of good intent to link their list of people, places and things that engender gratitude and gratitude-like emotion.

…and such.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing practice* specifically the Six Sentence Story bloghop and the Unicorn Challenge

5) * as opposed to the writing that has bestowed on an unsuspecting world the principles, practices and party-tricks courtesy of the Wakefield Doctrine

6) living near enough to the ocean to stop by on impulse

7) Still no snow!

8)something, something


10) Secret Rule 1.3




  • ok, ok, even we have a certain limit. lets get all Vincent Vega and Mia at Lance’s house (lol)


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FrisYae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

the setting: the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

the players: jenne and ceayr and a cast of tens

the premise: beginning with a new photo prompt, write a story

the rules: maximum word count is two hundred fity (250)

“So, here?” The man stopped his carefully-measured steps.

“I concur.” He regarded the dog at his side.

“It is a most excellent spot.” Taking note of two sets of people strolling along the quay, the seriousness in his face was washed out by an enthusiastic pride; his remaining close friends often laughed at the contrast with the man’s demeanor on the occasions he was compelled to be alone.

As he began the careful process of sitting, a laugh escaped like carelessly held balloons. The dog looked up with that most-doglike of physical expressions: perked ears and a titled head. After settling into a practiced stable posture with a tone of unalloyed amusement tempered by an echo of sadness, the old man said, “This is our spot, isn’t it?”

A young couple with a child walked by; without remark establishing a zone of separation wide enough to assure the mother and narrow enough for the child to gaze in wonder, uncoordinated fingers grasping towards the two seated figures. For the child, they were a novelty in a life that was filled with new.

“So, is this sunrise or sunset?” Looking down at the dog at his side, “I sometimes have trouble telling.”

“I know, you never do,” in agreement, her ears folded back briefly as her tongue accentuated the toothy smile of her kind.

The dog rested her head against the man’s leg as the rhythm of breathing slowed.

The man stared at the dying sun.





Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise. This ‘hop has but one rule, that I’ll share with thee, Six and only six sentences your stories must be.

This week’s prompt word:


“No, I don’t mind holding,” I lied.

Sitting at my desk, on a late-December afternoon, the offices of Desiderata Investigations and Conflict Resolutions LLC was enshrouded with the kind of gloom possible only in the northern latitudes; during Winter; on a cloudy day.

“Yes, still here… I already told the young woman who answered the phone what this is about, but, sure, if you need me to repeat my request,” I tried to force my eyeballs to expand and throw off the stingers that encircled them like meth-addled spermatozoa refusing to accept their creator believed that quantity offset competency and more is more.

“Yes, I realize the Human Genome Project is a multinational effort and this number is for the most general of enquires,” I swiveled away from the empty office now possessed of that special kind of dark that can be witnessed only by one who has let the natural light extinguish before being compensating with interior illumination; a room full of newly-hatched shadows is nothing if not a nightmare’s finger paints.

“This is Dr. Joseph Aāmīn, how may I help you, Mr. Devereaux?”

“So my question is this, what part of our DNA accounts for the feeling we experience when our loved ones die; no, I don’t mind holding,” The pre-recorded music was their corporate jingle and was making the second go-around when, after throwing it as hard as I could, the far wall of my office got all Newton’s First Law on my cell phone, putting it out of its misery; one-out-of-two ain’t bad.



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Had a most-excellent Drive-in call this weekend.

In attendance: Denise, Cynthia and (the Progenitor) roger*

Our takeaway: the inestimable value of the Wakefield Doctrine is reminding ourselfs to translate. To translate what is said by a roger if you’re a scott, to translate what is being said by a clark if you’re a roger, to trans… you get the idea, right?

Wait, lets make the following statement that, other than a famous math quiz** is one of the most significant in the Wakefield Doctrine: the goal of the Wakefield Doctrine is ‘to help us to see the world as the other person is experiencing it.’

If’n you’re still with us and, even better, smiling at this last statement, Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine, clark (or scott-with-a-significant-secondary-clarklike-aspect / roger-with-a-significant-clarklike-aspect)

The photo? Sure, it is of the three. Betcha you can tell us who is which. Not to worry. The thing about the Doctrine as a tool for self-improving-oneself, you can’t get it wrong. That’s correct, we just said, ‘You can’t get it wrong.’

As to this weekend’s call in. Stimulating conversation is all it was.

ya know?

out of time, remind us to go to more lengths on the discussion.

….and… and! memoir stuff



* New Readers: the two other people in the eponymous theory are, in fact, real people in the ‘real’ world!

** one of our favorite quick survey of personality type. actually one single question. Never fails. Question: How much is two plus two (2 + 2 = ?)
