Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘thx, Mimi’ | the Wakefield Doctrine Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘thx, Mimi’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘thx, Mimi’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

oh, man!

(this is either: ‘oh man this is the perfect post for the today’s topic?’ or it’s ‘oh man! this is the most on-point post for the topic today!’)

Today’s topic is (as often the case) suggested by/inferred from/insinuated/ and/or ‘jeez, it’s all there, save some typing for the Six Sentence Story tonight, cher’ from a comment by Mimi

(Ok, I’ll concede that point. But only because of my Reply to her Comment. (It would have been killer-insightful and almost, ‘Eureka!* I’ believe she’s got it!’)

Tuesday Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “of occupations, worldviews and the Everything Rule’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)CSR copy

Firefighters are rogers and cops are scotts

While there clearly are some occupations that congeal* with one personality type more than the others, there is nothing in the Wakefield Doctrine that says that clarks, scotts and rogers cannot excel at any and all, occupations, avocations, careers and…hobbies.

The example at the top of this post serves as the best illustration of how some occupations demand personal qualities found in one over the other predominant worldviews. This comparison provides a way to come to a greater understanding and appreciation of the nature of the reality that ‘the other two’** personality types confront each and every morning.

(A word about predominant worldview and personal reality. When the Doctrine refers to: personal reality and worldviews, we mean reality. Just because it’s personal, as in the woman next to you on the bus may not perceive how uncomfortable you are with her gum chewing or the fact that some people just creep you out, before they say or do anything, doesn’t mean it’s not real. It doesn’t mean that it’s in a lesser category of real, reality is real. To the person experiencing it. What makes me a clark (my predominant worldview) is not my inclinations and sub-conscious urges or predilections or tendencies. What make me a clark (or, better, what makes me recognizable as a clark) are the behaviors, learned responses, reactions and interpersonal strategies that I’ve acquired through a lifetime of living in the reality of the Outsider. These traits and reactions and style of interacting are the best I could come up with to deal with the world that I am in. I am not mistaken for a roger, if for no other reason than the fact that the way I relate myself to the world around my is totally inappropriate to living in the world of the Herd Member.)


About those cops and firefighters…  so, one job involves driving cars real fast and if that’s not noisy enough there’s a siren on the roof and the highest expression of the profession is to chase down and capture people…. and tie them up and such.  remind you of anyone?

the other job relies on routine and tradition, brotherhood and cooperation and preserving houses and buildings, and forests, if there are no houses on fire, to preserve what is… save people if necessary, the first thing is to put the fire out and not let it spread and destroy other buildings.

…. ok, personality type identification (PTI) aide:  picture the firefighter,  everyone is in the fire station, maintaining the equipment, polishing the brass and chrome until it shines, coiling hoses now,  picture Joe Pesci and Jack Nicholson at the fire station.  any problem with that?  lol

The Everything Rule?  ‘everyone does everything, at one time or another‘  which is to say clarks can be effective cops, scotts can be kindergarten teachers (in fact, a friend of the Doctrine happens to be just that), so there is no, ‘hey that’s a scottian job, you can’t do that!‘ The intent of the Everything Rule is to remind us that it is how a thing manifests in an individuals reality that counts.


*  an approximation of what is called a rogerian expression. the maladaptive, semi-aggressive use of language; the result is a shocking and hilarious mis-use/pronunciation/application of a word

** all of us live our lives in one of the three worldviews (Outsider/Predator/Herd Member), what we refer to as our ‘personality type’ is nothing more than a remarkably comprehensive group of social adaptations and interpersonal strategies, as appropriate to the character of the reality we grow up in… we have one predominant worldview, we never lose the capacity to experience the world as do ‘the other two’ personality types. Hence the value in appreciating the other guys reality…provided you’re a clark, of course.


* subtle, but gratuitous link-drop to Nick… one reason: a) he’s got a serial running on his site that’s kinda addictioning** but it’s only on his site and not at the Six and 2) he’s one of the few Proprietors*** that I have facebook linkage and if’n you’re gonna try and game the internet, then why not treat yourself to some muy cool story while your’re there****

** not a ‘real’ word

*** a bunch of ‘people’ what hang out at a virtual-but-fun-place in the blogosphere

**** tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Hang up the telephone, Narrator!

    “Manifestation”. How valuable is knowing how an event, experience, situation manifests for another person? It’s invaluable. Has the potential to make life a little less stressful.

  2. messymimi says:

    I remember dealing with kindergardeners (and still do from time to time), they do totally need a Scott in charge sometimes.

  3. Spira says:

    Thought that if I waited for a day I would find something more delicately sculptured to say than a big Thank yee!
    Alas, I have not.
    (And therein lies the quicksand of expectations*)

    So, Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ, αγαπητέ Κλάρκ!

    *reprint post idea?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Expectations as imposed, as emotional time bombs or as guardrails (to encourage reckless speeding)… like putting a child on a tricycle at top of a ski jump reasoning that if it works for learning to swim… lol

      bonus points for thinking, in reflection of the above: the scottian fathers with the traumatized children being genuinely puzzled and the rogerian fathers, merely disappointed (no clarks are used in this example it is exceedingly unlikely)

      • Spira says:

        All three forms of expectations manifestations/utilization are a chapter in their own right!

        Just thought it would be fertile ground an intetesting WD analysis.