Month: February 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: February 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Rhode Island College, Providence RI


Full Disclosure: I was rushing to write, before the blinding actinic/arctic sunlight hit my blind-less windows and washed out the words. Occupied, as I was, hurling wordage at the screen, I went into ‘Search all Posts’ mode. Keeping my search parameters simplest, I typed one word: snow. I got back 108 posts. Scrolling from top-to-bottom of the first page, I came to the post title (below). That was all it took.


‘Hamlet’ and ‘Snow White’ the Wakefield Doctrine  “…yes, as a matter of fact, we are saying that the Doctrine sees parallels in these two children’s tales”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(special thanks to Kristi/K2 and zoe for a) by letting me know that we are back to having simple Doctrine fun, thereby causing Posts like the following and 2) saying something that caused me to crack myself up  thanks guys!)

So I took a long lunch hour yesterday. I felt my cold attempt to make a comeback, plus it was snowing, so I thought I would watch a movie. I picked ‘Hamlet 2000‘  with Ethan Hawke and Kyle MacLachlan and a bunch of people you’d recognize.  It was a good movie. The ‘hook’ for me, was that it was done against the backdrop of contemporary Manhattan (I think the correct term is ‘modernized’, go figure).  I always enjoy ‘modernized’ versions of old plays…there’s something so  ‘worldview-ey’ about how the story comes across, like the Director is saying, ‘you know this originally had guys with swords and swooning maidens and shit, but look, swap the swords for guns and bring in some hip hop on the soundtrack and it totally works’.  And, of course, that’s exactly what we say about the Wakefield Doctrine, never mind if

  • you’re young or old, male or female, living in the get-tow or a house on the ocean,
  • you look around this morning and feel like everything makes sense (with a little effort on your part)
  • you get out of bed and think, ‘today I’m going to make up for all the things I’ve let everyone down on before’
  • you stand in the shower and enjoy the water pounding your body, knowing that life is fast-paced, exciting, dangerous and fun,

the world around you is a world in which you are the Outsider (clark) or the Predator (scott) or the Herd Member (roger) and that is as it should be, but know that, because we are all heir to all three of the worldviews, you have within you, the innate capacity to deal with life no matter what it throws at you today. Even if you find that you seem to be walking into the same trap again and again or you find that you fall back into being a mumbling, projectile apologetic well-meaning person or if you find your temper rising, even though you know if should not bother you so much,  take heart. You have an inner (clark) and (scott) and (roger).

so anyway, I enjoyed the movie, man! more famous quotes in that single play than anywhere!!  I liked ‘the clothes doth oft proclaim the man’   (lol,  yeah, it’s a lot like listening to old blues records and then modern artists, sometimes it’s just the influence you can hear in the new ‘versions’, and other times it’s the whole lick).

Snow White?  oh yeah! lol  just like Hamlet except done for: children and/or girls*

Hamlet is a clark and Snow White is a clark

Claudius is a roger and Queen stepmother  is a roger

Gertrude is a scott  and  all Seven Dwarfs are (collectively) a scott

…gotta get out to work. Let me know how totally on target this is…. lol


*the Wakefield Doctrine is totally gender neutral, loosen your minds up!  this is a lot like music, it is not necessarily note for note in a matching or complimentary key or even steady pitch… it’s the feeling you get when you hear: ‘it’s Hamlet for children and/or girls’  lol  no!! seriously


OK! That should get those of us born before 1983 up and going…lol No, do not do the math on the video above. It is too long a time for a person still waiting to turn into an adult.



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- Special! Way-vertical Post Edition

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Created by Lizzi, sometime in 1987, it’s been on a run that Cats, South Pacific and Doctor Dolittle might rightly envy.

Currently hosted by Dyanne. She was one of the original co-hostinae, back in 2013. When she’s not herding Lilliputians at the local feed ‘n grain, she can be found, all Lady of the Lakes, at the family retreat in the northern provinces.

Dyanne does not toil alone.

There are co-hostinae. They, each of them, hail from a different corner of Oceania:

  • Mimi from the southern-most reaches of the Les Acadien region.
  • Patricia from the Primodia Territories, and
  • Lisa from the more remote edges of Pocosinia

Each are responsible for keeping the forward movement, the weekly-ness. if you will, of this exercise engaged, so that any who would find a grat hop refreshing, the TToT is here. As Lizzi surely intended, (little direct evidence remained after her disappearance in the wilds of Northumberland), in early 2007.

As for us, here at the Wakefield Doctrine, we maintain that, in a world of dissonance and conflict, ten (10) things are usually available, (by any of the eight senses), to remind us that we walk upright on two legs not only to reach the cereal, in the cabinet to the left of the stove, but to keep the traditional center of the mind closest to a reliable escape route.

Our Ten:

1) Una ——————————————–↓

2) Phyllis—————–↑

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) serial stories: ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ and ‘the Whitechapel Interlude

5) our ongoing real estate term paper, ‘the 20 Minute Real Estate Briefing‘ every Wednesday and…. ( @CoastalNew )

6) the feature we have on our Instagram… ‘Where in South County are we?’. Twice a week, we post photos of local landmarks (the semi-famous ones). It’s fun, sorta like a nine-piece jigsaw puzzles or a restaurant placemat… This being the internet… if you’d like to join in from your own region (there most be some way to do that)… friend…or join or link or whatever single-syllable set of directions from our millennial ward attendants deem sufficient…. here, the Coastal New England Real Estate Team #coastalnere  join the fun.

7) the Six Sentence Story an exercise in imaginative brevity. (flash fiction)

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (If you’d like to take this grat hop for a test drive, send us an Item of Thankful and we’ll post it right here. See how it feels, ya know?

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids





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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, ruled by one axiom: ‘All stories built up from the prompt word must have six and only six sentences’.

This week we return to the serial story, ‘the Whitechapel Interlude

The prompt word:


“Time is more the passing of a wave through the ocean’s waters, than a river carrying us from now to then.”

Our Reverend Mother, standing in front of the classroom, paused as completely as a stalking wolf, her prey catching the scent of death; I felt the air turn cold and my scalp warm.

“Anselm, are you alright?” Sarah’s voice marked her location on the bed buried in the darkness of her bedroom, unfortunately, neither had a place in my early-morning classroom; my stomach marked the occasion by dropping further towards the earth’s center than possible, had I been in either place, sitting on a wooden bench or lying on a safely familiar bed.

The mental discipline that two years of training in the Order meant to arm me against the unknowable, became increasingly insubstantial, I was child in an abandoned house hearing a door slam between him and the friends he wanted to impress, now safely on the street-lit sidewalk.

“Listen to me carefully, Anselm,” Brother Abbott’s voice, like a faded libretto holding the promise of making sense of an opera, came from somewhere, not just down what looked like Commercial Road, but from some time later (or earlier) in the day, “Stay focused on your heart, Time is as much feeling as it is experience, hold onto 2 Peter 3:8-9.”

“You again, I’ll thank ye to either move along or share a bob for my company,” I almost recognized the woman’s face, when I saw the time traveller descend the broad staircase of the St Pancras’ Hotel.




Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of secret viewers, ‘bots and the fear of hope”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hope is a four-letter word.

Rejuvenate is a ten-letter word.

One is emblematic of the personal reality of the Outsider, the other, an appropriate term for the ambitions of the Wakefield Doctrine.

neither, however, are enticing enough to build a post around. They’re more like the scraps of cardboard that seem to appear out of nowhere, a second before you give up hope of getting your car out of the snow-rut. After pressing the accelerator way past the point of effectiveness, (though the exercise is not without a certain feeling of power, as you listen to the wheel spinning in it’s half-circle of rock-hard ice, the sound is a potent combination of engine power and restraint, with just enough of a overtone of burning rubber, you know, to keep it real.)

So, the question we pose, still determined to make use of the two words-of-the-day, where does the emotion of hope* go, when the car does not? What transformation occurs to the marshaling of emotion and thought? We recognize that, in part, the energy, (or emotion), is converted into creativity. Cardboard? To move a vehicle weighing more than any other object in your house? Really?


But we’re concerned with the energy within, this apparently being take-a-clark-to-work day, at least in terms of writing the day’s post.

Anger…. there’s a common-enough example of the transformation of emotion that no longer has a context in the external world.

Hey, here’s an idea! What would the situation look like, if the driver was a clark, a scott or a roger?

Well, lets assume the driveway is long enough not to permit a view of how deep the snow is, at the far end, where the street is. For the New Reader:

  • clark(the Outsider) is the person who grows up in the world of men and women wearing a name card that, somehow, got smudged under the clear-plastic folder (with it’s why-is-this-a-good-design? half-a-safety pin on the back).
  • scott(the Predator) the man or woman who holds to the sub-sub-conscious belief that the world is a three-round sudden death playoff, always pulls the driver from the bag approaching the tee; their caddy needs to sprint to get to the green first.
  • roger(the Herd Member) has never met a person they don’t believe they know, (or know someone who does know), and interacts with others with the confidence of a four-year-old after mastering the placement of the first three objects heralding a life of education, the peg, the cylinder and cubical piece of wood.

So ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.

In no particular order:

  • the scott makes it out to the road and shouts to the neighbor that, as soon as the spring arrives, he’ll help put the fence, (did we mention the fact that our test driveway is between the fences that mark the two abutting properties?) Take a closer look at the photo… it does. Style point to our scottian driver for missing the school children, inadvisably clustered together, two doors down.
  • the clark proves our point about the (potential) power of emotional transformation, i.e. hope into creativity… we’re left to wonder where they got the cardboard or how much it will cost to replace the rear tires
  • the roger…. well! how do they do it?!! The driver got out of the car, (which had perfectly-right-angled openings in the snow that covered both the windshield and the rear window, the bottom of the windshield looked like the side of a street in Anchorage on a particularly snowy winter, the wipers themself were at ‘9 o’clock’ when turned off, not able to push the ice and snow further off the glass), looked around, muttered something about how the neighbors have not yet even shoveled their sidewalks and a crowd materializes. With little discussion, other than to agree the. weather service got it wrong again, the car was pushed out of the rut and up on to the road. Like an igloo with square windows and four wheels, the roger drove off without a second look.


* and surely it is an emotion, being as practical and rational and a jello sledgehammer



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of dreams and phantasms, blueprints and wishes, self-improving-oneself.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Who out there wants to hear some down-and-dirty tricks to identify the predominant worldview in people…including yourself?*

Gather a group and pose the question: “As an exercise, so don’t worry about the ‘how’, tell us, who would you rather be?”

Complete the following sentence, “A cop and an accountant walk into a bar, just before the door closes behind them, they hear a voice from the sidewalk behind them. What’s the voice saying?”

How much is 2 + 2?

In that moment the balances between sleep and awake, when the dream-shards fall to the floor and form almost a map that you know, if you’re careful and not move too quickly, can lead you back to the nightlands, you think about the day ahead. Fully committed to being awake, you begin to list the features of the day ahead, in the world out there.

Here’s a post from July 10, 2012. It discusses methods for determining the predominant worldviews of the people in your world.**

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…a mighty bold claim indeed! The Wakefield Doctrine can, in fact, predict the way that any given person will respond to common, everyday, life situations. With an understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine, what is puzzling (and aggravating!) about the behavior of the people in our everyday lives becomes totally clear, (maybe still aggravating…but clear!)
While the Wakefield Doctrine is a very useful, insightful and revealing approach to a subject that is always on our minds, it is not such a serious, difficult-to-learn Personality Theory. Rather ‘the Doctrine’ is a fun way to know more about your friends and family members and neighbors than you ever thought possible. Here in this blog, there are pages listed that will explain each of the three personality types, but it is/are the Posts where the fun is meant to be found. All of these Posts are, in a sense, a long conversation about the Wakefield Doctrine, where it came from, what it says about personality types and human behavior…how to have fun with it.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we all live in one of three characteristic realities: the world of the outsider (clark), the world of the predator (scott) or the world of the herd member (roger).
We have descriptions of the common behavior exhibited by the three personality types. The goal, however, is not just to match the behavior to the person and then stop. Rather we look for characteristic behavior, then infer (from that), the nature of the personal reality that the person is living in and then we know way all about that particular person. If we have correctly inferred the worldview of the person (as being the world of a clark or a scott or a roger) we can predict how that person will react to any situation!  Pretty cool, huh?

Enough of the knowledge, lets get to some of the fun!

(With apologies in advance to Jeff Foxworthy)

If you immediately stop surfing the channels because you come upon a show that uses only black and white documentary photos and film…you might be a roger

If you love Christmas lawn decorations and cannot imagine having too many lights… you might be a scott

If you find a pamphlet stuck under the windshield wiper of your car and you take the time to read it… you might be a clark.

Asked a question and you start your answer with “in the beginning…”  you might be a clark.

Someone gets your name wrong and you answer to it without correcting them… you might be a clark.

As a child building model cars, you made sure that the extra parts were put back in the box along with the re-folded instructions for future safekeeping…you might be a roger.

You think that Slacker was the greatest movie made in the 90s…you might be a clark

You think that Borat was one of the funniest movies of the year…you might be a scott

You think that the 107 episode, Directors-cut, 15 DVD, un-abashed edition of the compilation (with Writers notes, including what he had for breakfast) and voice-over reading of the credits by someone who knew someone (who was a re-enactor who actually got hurt at an event) of all Ken Burns films, PBS episodes and commercials that last longer than most readings of the Iliad is the greatest film of all time…you might be a roger

If you have any inclination to wear hats for a fashion statement, or any clothing designed specifically for riding a bicycle (branded or un-branded)…you might be a roger.

You are at a golf tournament and feel that it is expected of the members of the gallery to yell anything (including, but not limited to “get in the hole”)…you might be a scott.

If you are contemplating a project of any sort; building a deck for your house, writing a term paper or planting a garden:

…you look forward to making the list of things you need to buy/gather/acquire first more than anything else…you might be a clark

…you must know what your friends on the, ‘do it yourself’  shows have done, that is what you want…you might be a roger


That will be quite enough for today. In conversations with the Progenitor roger and scott, I have maintained that the best new rock music is coming from the country guys… I wonder if Ronnie James knows that Jason Aldean seems to have appropriated a certain hand gesture…lol

* ok, clarks, we know, “We thought you just said ‘people’!”  ha ha We are people. Well, in a strict inferred sorta way, not ‘real’ people that way that rogers and scotts are real people.

** pro-tip… if you give into the temptation to simply describe to another person the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine:

  • you’re talking to a clark… watch the eyes. If you’re close enough, look for a dilation of the pupils, see that and you’re explaining it correctly
  • ya got yourself a scott, and it’s just the two of you… a smile is not such a good sign, a laugh, (without them shouting to any passersby to get over and listen to this) is not a bad thing… be careful if their attention, (the characteristic focus of the eyes of a scott) seems to falter and their smile fades…  this scott has a secondary clarklike aspect… be careful that they don’t think they’re being cornered…wouldn’t end well
  • of course you know a roger… like with a Scott, (but for entirely different reasons), make it just the two of you… if they start asking you questions in a list-like format, back off, not enough that they think you’re getting upset, rather, go for an ‘Ok, I’m bored now, you’re clearly not interested’ and try to walk away. If anyone else comes into range of the two of you, walk faster.

I trust that will be helpful.
