Month: February 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: February 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Sentence Six Sentence story bloghop.

Denise is sensei, the week’s prompt word gives form our virtual dojo.

She say “If the story cannot be contained in six sentences, it is in less than proper shape.”

This week we will return to Victorian London and the Order of Lilith in the next installment of ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘.

This week’s prompt word:


“The historical record of mankind is a kaleidoscope, colored shards deliberately attractive the better to snag the hearts of people desperate to establish their bearings,” the Reverend Mother stood beyond the thicket of shoulders and necks of the other acolytes as I sat in the back of the lecture room.

My eyebrows picked a fight with my mind, insisting I not ignore a sudden vision of a woman lying on hard-tufted cobblestones, caught in the final moment of futile escape from a nightmare; her scarlet robe only partially covering her body, a still-life of suffering, in every sense of the word.

“Only by opening our minds to the vulnerable nature of our hopes and fears can we escape a world designed to enslave both soul and body; the most fearsome cost of such wisdom, sufficient to keep most at bay, is to surrender certainty that the only reality is the common reality,” I felt a chilling breeze on my neck and slight motion under my feet.

“Nowhere is this more clearly illustrated than the story of Cain and Abel, the automatic response of most being, “Murderer most foul, he killed his brother;” I turned to see Sarah staring at me and, as the sight of dry land inspires a drowning man to let go of the dreadful security of floating debris in a stormy sea, smiled my soul to her.

Passion soothing her voice to a serene quietness, the Reverend Mother concluded, “Despite being the centerpiece story of the New Testament, surely the equivalent in moral significance with the story of Cain and Abel, I’d wager no one in this room can provide the names of the men who wielded the whips and thrust the spear, killing Christ; that such are nameless, while Cain and Abel surely are not, constitute irrefutable evidence of the hidden manipulators.

We, in the Order of Lilith, are charged with helping the Sons of Adam learn to set aside the brightly colored prism of an enslaving history, and, by doing so, learn to seek the power that results from appreciating the true nature of the world.”





Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is a Doctrine.*

The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.

The Wakefield Doctrine is neither an Answer nor is it an organized set of beliefs.

The Wakefield Doctrine is not a club-shaped mirror to use on those around or on your-own-self.

The Wakefield Doctrine does not have categories, placement in which is earned, forced, required or held up as a reward, based on a score, numerical, rhetorical or otherwise expressed.

The Wakefield Doctrine does not predict your future, however, if properly employed, will give you the edge on knowing what the other person is gonna do.

The Wakefield Doctrine does not confer power over others, though it might offer an enhanced access to your own.

The Wakefield Doctrine is an additional perspective on our respective lives, the world around us and the people who make it up.

The essential premise of the Wakefield Doctrine is that we are born with the capacity to experience life in one of three ways, (aka perspectives), and that, at a very early age, we settle into one, (and only one), of these three personal realities; having done this, (being still infants of world-forming-age), we grow and mature and develop our social strategies and relationships with the world on the basis of the one characteristic reality we find our selfs in:

  • the reality of the Outsider(clarks)
  • the world of the Predator(scotts)
  • the life of the Herd Member(rogers)

While we all settle into one, (and only one), of the three personal realities, (aka predominant worldviews), we never lose the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’. This potential can be active or inert, powerful or weak; it can color the view of the world in subtle, barely-noticeable shades, or it can be sleeping awaiting a rude awakening.

While each of the three predominant worldviews might be referred to as a personalty type, they are not categories into which an individual is assigned on the basis of the score; it is not a reflection of responses to a description generated by another person. The personality types, (the aforementioned, clarks, scotts and rogers), are simply the individual’s best efforts to develop a style and a manner that allows them to best survive, (and thrive), the world as they are experiencing it.

The personal reality that one experiences, (when referring to predominant worldviews), is real. As real as it needs to be to qualify as reality**.

As an additional perspective on the world and the people who make it up, the Wakefield Doctrine affords me an opportunity to better appreciate how I relate myself to the world around me***.



* yeah, the old Vince Lombardi trope

** if I choose to shout ‘Fire!‘ in a crowded theater or whisper ‘I love you‘ in a darkened bedroom, does it matter that the context from which my very real and, quite objective actions were derived, existed only in my mind (and heart and imagination)?

*** that was not, ‘how I relate to the world around me’ it was, ‘how I relate myself to the world around me’. Huge difference.


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hosted by Dyanne, co-hostethered* by Mimi and Pat and Lisa. The Then Think of Thankful (TToT) bloghop is a most extraordinary exercise, not merely in gratitude, but in reflection on the nature of personal reality. (No! Really! (Well, ok, but for some of us! What?! Yeah, we could name names. We just don’t want to… protect the insolent. lol)).

Created in the late ’90s by Lizzi, this ‘hop has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “Most Patience for Off-the-Wall Introductions to Otherwise, Really-not-that-Bad blog posts”***

On with the post. We will, without reservation, cite the following people, places and things that incite the gratitude state.

1) Phyllis for being a person who demonstrates that life can, if faithful effort is applied, be one of increasing impeccability.

2) Una for being a life-form who demonstrates that life does not require instruction manuals or third-party advice, provided one engages each day without reservation.

3) the Wakefield Doctrine for providing a(n additional) map for life, the world and the people who make it up. Although, only in recent editions has there been a complete list of rest-stops, (rated: Five Star to ‘sure, if you really have to’), a handy little scale at the bottom right corner (Legend includes: ‘One hour= Eternity’ and ‘Remaining Exits: 1 grain of sand.’)

While not a simple, read-in-one-sitting, the Doctrine is the ultimate serial guide to life, each installment is edited up until the last possible second. And, given how much we are allowed to know about the other person, (provided we learn the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine), we need never be bored. At least if we’re sitting in an airline-or-bus terminal, doctor’s office waiting room, un-inspired teacher’s class or, the moment before the next. Try it. It’s fun.

4) the serial stories ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘ and ‘the Whitechapel Interlude

5) the 20 Minute Real Estate Briefing. (Pretty sure I put out a previous appeal**) but, our scottian aspect, (ever the ‘here and now’ guy), be saying, “Come on! Youtube wants to see increasing subscriptions, your Readers would be upset if you didn’t even ask….ya know?” Click on below, the vid is short. Others are available, subscribe (please).

6) the Six Sentence Story. A place to read, understand and follow, (at least in faint imitation), the parables and lessons of life brevitas.

7) Books meant to be read in the cold of Winter: Ghost Story (Peter Straub), Ender’s Game (Orson Scott Card). Your favorite-enough-to-read-year-after-year, ‘Winter’s tale’?

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE Two sentences short of a complete thought? This week we have a special! Send in the Grat fragment and we will look in our bin of ‘you-really-should-appreciate-what-you-have’ fragments and paste ’em together, real cogent-like.

9) 21st century technology that affords me the opportunity to engage in an activity that I abhor, simultaneously with one that I adore: a)waiting in front of a vacant house for someone I can’t dismiss and 2) writing for the Wakefield Doctrine

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (’cause what kind of bloghop is it that don’t have secret rules? Lizzi built this thing for enjoyment, not simply self-improvement.)








* not a ‘real’ word but if this is not your first visit to our blog, you know what we mean

** at least to the extent possible given that my tertiary rogerian aspect is a distant third in my personality

*** ed. note: yeah, a way long way to go for a laugh…. like the taste of coffee versus the aroma

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Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop

Hosted by Denise

Guided by the single numerologic principle: Six and only Six sentences make it a Six Sentence Story

This week we rejoin Ian Devereaux in the serial mystery, ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf

This week’s prompt word:



Skittering over the macadam like water on an overheated frying pan, we were being overtaken by a dark black truck with smoked-out windows; my police liaison, Detective-Captain Anton Rilke stared into the rearview mirror with a look that made me think of Wagner and Heidelberg scars, as he aimed our car towards the Rhine River, still some distance below the Eibingen Abbey, the St Christopher’s medal on the mirror swayed like a clocktower pendulum during a 7.4 scale earthquake.

I was grateful the high-performance tires squealed loudly enough to cover my own, as the roadway took a sudden, hard left turn.

Anton’s right arm, like a bespoke tree trunk, suddenly obscured my view of the forest that fell off on the right, as I heard him say, “Window, bitte,” followed by the concussive bark of his service revolver; almost parallel on my side, the truck suddenly climbed the guardrail and disappeared into the void; that we barely slowed down told me much about my host’s views of police procedure, at least when it comes to attempted murder.

“Henry Poole & Company, 15 Savile Row,” he said, returning the gun to it’s holster, briefly touching the sleeve of his suit coat before returning his hand to three o’clock on the wheel; “For a man of my size, the tailors there, they are like the first older woman we fall in love with, despite our fear, we trust them and they never fail to make us look like the man we’re hoping the world sees.”

My return smile acknowledged a memory of such a relationship, when I was of college age and the number of both rough edges and newly-sprouted interests grew daily; my own Will had as little effect on her leaving as the dirt of a new field can resist the temporary destruction of the plow.



Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Quick, little, Doctrine post for a Wednesday morning.

We have a question from a New Reader*,

“I can see how those personality types seem to fit the people I know. I’m impressed by how, testing the type, (against a ‘real’ person), using only a few of the characteristics of, what do you call it… you know, instead of personality types…. oh yeah! predominant worldviews. How, if I take a couple of the primary indicators and apply it to someone, the rest totally fits. Pretty impressive.

That said, besides knowing that if a person I know will only ride his bicycle with a bunch of his friends and their spandex riding suits all have more corporate logos than a Nascar Chevy, he will also be into gossiping like his life depended on it, what else does this thing do?

How do you guys, (or girls, I know there are some there, even if you always use the reflexive pronouns like ‘us’ and ‘we’), use this theory. You know, for useful stuff like, self-improvement, getting a date, getting hired, having fun?

Glad you asked, New Reader!

Since we’re almost out of time, I’ll just link this most importune and insightful question to the others who know whereof they speak, Doctrinistically-speaking.

Denise, Mimi, Cynthia, Val, Patricia, Lizzi, Dyanne, zoe? Care to enlighten our guest’s question. Or, at least, make sure they don’t wander off and pull on any cinematically-green curtains.



*a hypothetical Reader. you know, like your friend at work, who, when you told him/her about the Wakefield Doctrine, they were, all, ‘Wow! Thats really interesting. What else does it say about me?” And, of course, you promise to email/text the url and, when you run into them again, you start to say, “So, did you read…” and skidding to a halt you see that there are others in the conversation and so you end with, “ the newspapers today.”

You want to tell yourself that you did not see a look of hunger or, more oddly, a look of disappointment in their eyes, and you suddenly have a feeling of relief, and an uninvited memory of the time in high school, when you asked one of the most popular students at your school to go to the big game and, how you ran into them, in the parking lot, and they didn’t even seem to remember that they had to cancel at the last minute because of a illness or shampoo in the family, and you, realizing you were there, managed to act like you wanted to be…. you know, like that

The important thing is that, before you ask the person, (the one at the start of this footnote-longer-than-the-body-of-the-post), if they had a chance to go to  you remember something that you read there…

Then you smile for two reasons: a) you know it didn’t make sense when you read it the first time and 2) you now know what those people at that Doctrine place meant when they wrote, ‘The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.”
