Month: January 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: January 2021 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Created by Lizzi in late 1989, it is an exercise in gratitude and, therefore, (imo), a celebration of our higher natures. One might argue that gratitude is nothing more than an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up*. But it is, within that seemingly simple step, that our potential as humans can be found.

A bloghop requires a host, an organizer, central figure, a sender-of-links-that-connect-everyone’s post. That person is Dyanne. The job, (of host), is quite involved and, more the rule than exception, requires additional help, in the nature of morale support. Fortunately, we have the co-hostinae**, Mimi, Pat and Lisa.

The rest is left to us, (and anyone else you can inveigle upon), to contribute a post that lists those people, places, things, occurrences and events that have caused a body to feel grateful. So, do Dyanne and them, a total solid, and ask the next blogger you encounter, “Hey! There’s this bloghop this weekend where they’re giving away a free Buick to the writer of the best list of gratitude and stuff… you in?

For us here at the Doctrine, we cite the following. (Full Disclosure: was totally inept at the paint-by-numbers when it was popular. Surely I’m not the only one to feel, ‘I barely made it out of finger-painting. You now expect me to paint little-tiny spaces using ittle tiny jars of oil-based paint on a picture of ‘Jesus calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee before Peter can hurl,’?)

Paint ’em if ya got ’em

1) Phyllis (mostly # 5 and, for the ‘world subjective’, a serene #38)

2) Una (way in the # 51, 52, 58 range, but with a couple of spots of #15 over the eyes and front legs)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) …#1 through #58. fer sure. Speaking of insight and wide appeal, had a thought on the way to work this morning. Seeing how I still remember it, an hour later, I’m grateful enough to include it in this TToT, at Number Seven.

4) the work project! the ‘real’ world demonstration of the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for self-improvement. If’n you don’t mind, we’d would like to impose on y’all for feedback on our latest efforts online. (Objective feedback is like gold, seeing now we’re way, way too far into this unlikely experiment to quit now. Below is a short vid we did yesterday, to serve as an intro for people coming to the Coastal New England Real Estate Team’s YouTube page.

5)the Whitechapel Interlude‘ and ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘  …because, when it’s not being stressful, the everyday world can get a touch… boring. That’s why we have serial stories. Thanks, Charles***

6) the Six Sentence Story Denise’s combination literary practice group, prompt-based exercises, all done in a setting that is even more fun if you superimpose a olden days coffee shop/jazz bar visual. You know, a place where smoking is good for you and no one laughs at the roger in the beret. That said, you’re staying as long as it takes to see what happens when Dyanne puts in an appearance. (My women’s fashions of the 50s and 60s vocabulary is woefully limited, so I’ll leave it to you.)

7)Alone with other people…‘ This is a state of, (personal), reality often experienced by clarks. Not to be confused with being ‘Apart from other people...’ One has to do with not being connected, the other with not being self-sufficient.

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE If there is anyone wanting to try out ‘this gratitude bloghop thing’ but don’t feel you have enough of a list, go ahead and send what’cha got and we’ll post it here at Number 8. Take it for a spin, see how (your grat) looks up in the lights.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


(lol…. what follows is just like, when you’re in the car with friends and the driver nods off and everyone else knows its up to them to save the day and so, ‘the Steering Wheel is Grabbed’ …. Below is an illustration to support the overly-ambitions ‘Paint by Numbers Theme to this week’s TToT’

music (and other type) vids





Wonder why this music vid, by title, clearly the most germane to this week’s TToT’s theme, i.e. Painting by Numbers is down here, in last position? It totally carries a Language Advisory. Lots of it. (Well, not so much variety as repetition, but creatively.) lol but…. but! In our defense, I had to laugh out loud (LOL)1


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

* I use that particular phrasing because it’s true and can be seen as a little play on the definition of the reality. Some have said that much of what we encounter is either a shadow of what is within, or is a story told to us by the people without. I like it, (the phrase), ’cause its both cool and funny (and is one of a thousand pieces, descriptions and/or metaphors for life that I’ve be fortunate to encounter reading two or three of Carlos Castaneda’ books.)

** not a ‘real’ Latin word… we think

*** Charles Dickens is most often credited with the popular success of serialized stories.

  1. just about to post… thought to myself, ‘err, clark? sometimes when you write in the morning, before you come into contact with the normal world, your judgement tends to the ….juvenile. Better check that song once more. sorry, still lol

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

It is hosted by Denise and is a manifestation of that oft-ignored truism, Less is more.

There is a prompt word and the exhortation to write a story of six, and only six, sentence length.

How hard can that be?

This a ‘Whitechapel Interlude‘ week, so the Six that follows constitutes the next installment in our story of secret societies, time travelers and Man’s darker urges.


Prompt word:


“Did you hear something?” the raging of night retreated slightly in Sarah’s eyes, yet there was the slightest pause of fear in her voice, as she sat, the bedcovers as unimportant as her nakedness; for my part, a flash of anger at the interruption rallied muscles previously relaxed for more subtle use, accentuated a snarl of frustration in some back corner of my mind; I marveled more than worried at it’s savagery.

After our impromptu interview with the Reverend Mother, Sarah and I were given the rest of the day off; me from my duties manning the soup station on the corner of Dorset and Chiltern Street and Sarah from her work in the infirmary.

I did not look to Sarah to reassure, touching her hand as a signal of my intentions; only recently, about the same time as my misadventure following the Time Traveler, did I begin to see the young woman next to me more as Sarah than Sister Sarah; now we were together, yet despite the Order being as liberal regarding the behavior of it’s members, I suddenly enjoyed an appreciation of the story of Adam and the famous Garden.

No sooner had I closed Sarah’s door behind me, did I heard Brother Abbott, “Cite me the correct verse from the Bible that rules the Sons of Adam, that we might talk.”

“Genesis 3:9-11”

He smiled like an older brother aiding the pre-dawn return of a younger, errant sibling back into the family home, “Thank the Goddess your sense of propriety hasn’t been consumed by righteous guilt; meet me in the common room in an hour.”








Webesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, there was something that struck me as interesting, when, after searching for ‘reprints’ in the archives, I settled on the one below, from March 2015

I forget what it was.

The interesting thing, not the post.

oh well, I’m pretty sure it (the mysterious interesting thing*) had to do with writing, seeing how we’re here, Wednesday morning and have not yet started our Six Sentence Story.

The Post is pretty interesting, at first glance, as I scanned it and noticed Taylor Swift has contributed to the post.**

Well. Shall we go and see what our five-years-younger clark was thinking on March 18, 2015?

….! I remember!!  (the most interesting thing this morning…. so, I was signing on to one of my bank accounts and it has one of those, ‘We will call you with the secret code’ which is always six digits. Well, this morning I J.B. Rhine three of them bad boys …in a row! (thats all the explanation I’m giving. some of you will know what I mean.) lol

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The Wakefield Doctrine can be fun.

The Wakefield Doctrine can help you do better today.

Hey, if you’re new to the Doctrine, lets talk about what you do after (stumbled over) this blog. Wait, don’t laugh (scott), don’t sneer (roger) and clark, wait hold up, don’t go off half prepared.

Damn! I had a really fun Post and then realized that I have to limit my reprints! Shit!

Nothing in the Rules against excerpts!!*

But the Doctrine will take the position that old people will show the characteristics of their individual types very clearly.

    • clarks will age the least, ’cause they have been old from the start
    • scotts will appear to slow down the least, until they fall over dead
    • rogers will get even crankier, even though most laws of physics say that is not even possible (except for the ones that are not… we have Kristi and a few of the other rogers to thank for their example of variations in the expression of the rogerian worldview) (which is simply… more…not more-additional, more-of-the-thing-itself)
    • clarks who by definition have missed the whole point of Life, will get increasingly active as they age
    • scotts will not notice the physical effects of aging when it starts, the psychological effects they have never noticed
    • rogers will sit more, but they will be the most compliant guests in the home, until they stop getting visitors


You know, speaking of age… time does impart change (despite what rogers may wish), and while it is all too easy (or tempting or seemingly necessary) to point out, things are different now. Take live musical performances (please! bar ump bump). I’m comfortable using music to illustrate changes over time because, anyone who would claim to enjoy music must, perforce** accept that all music develops from what has come before…

Taylor Swift (2012 or whatever)

(Note: I doubt I even have to mention this, but I have Taylor Swift’s vid up for 2 reasons: a) I like a lot of her stuff and 2) she is very, terribly popular. There are a ton of modern artists out there that may do a better job of supporting my point and there are surely 2000 lbs of musical acts that would contradict my point. However, this Doctrine is about fun.  Speaking of fun, free Wakefield Doctrine hat (‘for your damn head’) to anyone who can tell us Ms Swift’s predominant worldview!!***)


Deep Purple (19 ‘yeah,-we-get-that-you-weren’t-even-born-yet’ 72)

…no, this is not a re-make of ‘This is Spinal Tap’…. that stage is about 12 feet deep and yes, those are ‘roadies’ climbing around the equipment as the band starts playing, since I’ve been to concerts like the one in the vid, I will attest to the fact that the shows were that organized back in the day.



* Rules?!?  are there Rules to this here Doctrine here?  Well, yes and no.

** yes, I used the word ‘perforce’  did you not read the part about old people?

*** some restriction may apply. This is for old Readers as well as new Readers: you know how you’re with some one, say at the mall or a family reunion or the gym….or even at work and one of you says, ‘man she is such a scott‘ or  ‘damn! gots to go deal with what’s his name… what a fricken roger, if I’m not out of his office in 10 minutes find a scott and send them in to rescue me!‘   well, a big part of the fun of this here Doctrine here is to figure the worldview of the people around us, especially when you have someone else who knows the Doctrine. I’ll say right here, when you decide you know the person’s worldview and the other person says, ‘yeah?!  why?  Why do you think they’re a clark/scott/roger‘  this is not a negative challenge. This is a part of how we’re all learning to identify the three personality types.  ….so, if you and I are sitting in a Taylor Swift concert and you say, “She is clearly a …..”  be prepared to provide evidence and I will thank you for it. I may not agree (initially or ever)… but this Wakefield Doctrine is a lot of things to a lot of people, but it is not a ‘damn…I’m not sure, better not say, someone will laugh’  personality theory blog.




* a bit redundant, I know! Assuming you’re a clark or have a posture-destroying, blue-flamingo level of secondary clarklike aspect

** not directly, like writing all or parts thereof… but the inclusion of a song of hers…. will be interesting1

  1. ’cause, well, what could I’d been thinking…. probably something to do with the Wakefield Doctrine, …I hope. lol

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…who just said, ‘You haven’t written a weird Post in a while… come on, make us glad to be scotts and rogers!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

They say, the tools for self-improving oneself contained in the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, are second to none.

They, no matter how often they change sides, are pretty damn right!

But, you say, “Who needs to improve”, asked the scott. “Yeah, what she said and, besides, who asked you?” agreed the roger.

“No one,” mumbled the clarks, words filtered through hands-to-face and makeup’d eyes. Even on the word, ‘No’ they became less distinct, more part of the background, more…. “Who was that standing next to you? I’d swear there was someone there…” a tilt to the head, as if hearing something unusual… which is not a new experience to an Outsider, yet familiar somehow, which has happened, from time to time… then a pause a recognition of something that they knew but believed they did not know…the existence of other clarks.

Being careful not to focus too clearly, lest well-intentioned, but badly misinterpreted, feelings should cast too much light, we see the other Outsiders.

Clamping down on the congenital reaction, “Well, I knew they were there..” we let the fact simply be. Like staring at your hands in a dream, the important thing becomes apparent: while you can’t see an Outsider directly, you can feel their existence. With discipline that becomes sufficient and the growing of identification begins.

Claiming the right to shameless self-promotion, courtesy of our weak, tertiary rogerian aspect, here is a video clip. (New Readers? If you’ve been doing your homework, you will immediately recognize a scott in the vid. Depending on your own clarklike aspects, we can assure you, the other person is a clark.)


Evidence of Efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for self-improving oneself:


Sorry, if you’re a New Reader, clarks are the original photo-phobes. But you knew that. What the Doctrine can offer, by way of helpful insight, is the balancing contrast of the three predominant worldviews. Meaning, there is a relationship among the three that can be quite helpful. (Well, duh! The Wakefield Doctrine tells us, right up front, that we’re all born with the capacity to experience the world as an Outsider, a Predator and a Herd Member. It also reminds us that, even though we develop our personalities in one (and only one) of these three, we never lose the capacity to experience the world as do ‘the other two’.)

hint…hint on that last line. thats where the self-improvement piece of the puzzle is hidden.



music (for working through the above)


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I started to write, ‘What shall we talk about…’ then I surfed the archived posts.*

Reprinted, for your reading pleasure and my day-off-restation, is a post which has a ‘lead image’ that pretty much says it all! Yeah, this post was from when, everywhere we turned, there were examples of the Wakefield Doctrine. Example: the film clips from ‘Mad Dog and Glory’ and ‘Wolf’ and, of course, the famous ‘pen scene’ from ‘Casino’. In this last, the clark character(De Niro) does, in a voice-over narration, a pretty good job of describing both a clark and a scott. (“While I was trying to figure why the guy was saying what he was saying, Nicky just hit him…”)

Hey! That was fun. The ‘real’ world illustrations of the the three personality types as provided by movie scenes. Let’s look at two more. A scott and a roger in a scene from the movie ‘Wolf’ and a clark and a scott and a roger from the movie ‘Mad Dog and Glory’

Seeing how I went to all the trouble to copy and past a post from 2015, lets leave it in place, all block-quoted. Below that are the two movie clips. Language Advisory on the Mad Dog scene.

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(Yeah, the subtitle?  I tried this once before, i.e. the ‘clock-is-ticking’ approach to Post writing, but given that I originally intended to write about the very early ‘Basics’ of the Doctrine, nothing wrong with trying it again, today.)

the Wakefield Doctrine is gender-neutral/the Wakefield Doctrine is culture-neutral

And…and! even though I found a perfectly good paragraph from 2009 that discusses this gender/culture neutrality, I’m gonna walk the straight and narrow and not copy-paste. One of the more interesting effects of writing on the same topic over successive years is how, in many circumstances, I will pick exactly the same words to describe a concept and, at other times, the concept I’m trying to explain has, itself, changed over time. This is, to no small degree, attributable to my own perception of the readership of this post (and blog). The early days were, well, early days. I spent most of my time thinking about how to get across the characteristics of the three worldviews. Hell, I spent a great deal of time trying to find the words to say, ‘We all exist in a reality that is, to a small but very real degree, personal and the very moment we are in can be quite different for:

  • the person across the counter
  • the classroom of students we are charged with teaching about history and calisthenics, hygiene and geometry
  • those others at the Registry of Motor Vehicles, where the lines are long and the patience seems to get sucked out of us the moment we see the people who are all writing and filling in their forms as fast as possible, the better to get into line ahead of the old person who seems happy to be standing anywhere and is surely going to take.too.long
  • us at the 2nd interview as we watch the Interviewer, hoping for some clues to the right answer, like we were trying to pick up a girl at the sorority mixer…only the fear of failure is not as great
  • the person on the other side of the bed
  • being at the gym, seeing the person that you didn’t think you had become like and definitely do not want to stay like, in the wall of mirrors in the exercise room

as in, ‘what do you mean, I shouldn’t put myself down all the time?’… ‘but everyone does care about how my day went‘ … ‘nahh! she thought it was funny! you’re always making things too serious!!’

I will now demonstrate my own development, (as a blog writer), and not apologies for not knowing all the above explanations and examples were not really necessary.

damn! look at the time!! (no, really!  look at the time… wherever you are at this very moment, this is what we mean by ‘your worldview’.)
The Wakefield Doctrine is all about our efforts to accept that ‘the other person’ lives in one of three characteristic personal realities and that, if we are successful in inferring which one that is, we will be in a position to know much more about ‘the other person’ than we have any right to know. (the Wakefield Doctrine) charges us with understanding how the other person is relating themselves to the world around them…as (does) an Outsider(clark) or a Predator(scott) or a Herd Member(roger). When we understand this, we become capable of seeing the world as the other person experiences it.

Out of time! shit!  (you know how I promised to not reprint an old explanation of gender and cultural neutrality? well, did I mention that I was a clark?  and, how, sometimes for us, things change? hell, a lot of times, for us, things change. So… I’m gonna leave the reprint section in block quotes.  If it doesn’t make a lot of sense, let me know and I’ll clarify.

…we would make a point of stating that the Wakefield Doctrine is both gender and culture neutral. What we meant is that it does not matter what part of the world you are from, it’s the nature and character of your own worldview that matters (personality type-wise). We contend that the worldviews that are the basis of the three personality types are inseparable from the human condition. Further, while standards of behavior may vary from one culture to another, a person who grows up, develops and otherwise matures living in a reality best characterized as the world of Predator and Prey, will be: aggressive, inquisitive, quick to react, action-oriented with a minimum of self-reflection. That reality exists in Zimbabwe and New Auckland as well as Mansfield Ohio. Not only that, but the Doctrine maintains that gender prescribes the capacity/ability (of a person to act a certain way), not their reasons for acting. A female growing up, developing and otherwise maturing in a world where she is the Outsider, will still develop: an insatiable desire to learn new information and facts, be drawn to the fringes of whatever culture she happens to be in and have an abundance of what is referred to as intuition, all that she is permitted (by physiology as well local culture) in order to live her life.

btw. the leap from Outsider to Predator is, somehow shorter than the leap from Outsider to Herd Member. This observation appears, at first blush, insightful and therefore, promising of some value, but that’s the just a clark talking.

From ‘Wolf’ Jack Nicholson is the scott.  Watch him. (Perfect example of one of, if not the primary identifier of them, ‘the gaze of a scott‘). James Spader is the roger. Listen to him. (His choice of words, remember, as a Herd Member everything is about emotion and belonging.)


Next up, from the movie ‘Mad Dog and Glory’. Robert DiNiro as the clark.  David Caruso as the scott. Tom Towles as the roger (the cop next to the girl with the black eye.)



*why yes, there are that many…thank you for saying so…..

…was there anything else you wanted to say?

…well, since you insist, 2256. sorry, two thousand fifty…six

…yeah, a lot…well, no…a core group but not anything one would need help keeping track of…. well, why don’cha read the reprint
