TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Created by Lizzi in late 1989, it is an exercise in gratitude and, therefore, (imo), a celebration of our higher natures. One might argue that gratitude is nothing more than an additional perspective on the world around us and the people who make it up*. But it is, within that seemingly simple step, that our potential as humans can be found.

A bloghop requires a host, an organizer, central figure, a sender-of-links-that-connect-everyone’s post. That person is Dyanne. The job, (of host), is quite involved and, more the rule than exception, requires additional help, in the nature of morale support. Fortunately, we have the co-hostinae**, Mimi, Pat and Lisa.

The rest is left to us, (and anyone else you can inveigle upon), to contribute a post that lists those people, places, things, occurrences and events that have caused a body to feel grateful. So, do Dyanne and them, a total solid, and ask the next blogger you encounter, “Hey! There’s this bloghop this weekend where they’re giving away a free Buick to the writer of the best list of gratitude and stuff… you in?

For us here at the Doctrine, we cite the following. (Full Disclosure: was totally inept at the paint-by-numbers when it was popular. Surely I’m not the only one to feel, ‘I barely made it out of finger-painting. You now expect me to paint little-tiny spaces using ittle tiny jars of oil-based paint on a picture of ‘Jesus calms the storm on the Sea of Galilee before Peter can hurl,’?)

Paint ’em if ya got ’em

1) Phyllis (mostly # 5 and, for the ‘world subjective’, a serene #38)

2) Una (way in the # 51, 52, 58 range, but with a couple of spots of #15 over the eyes and front legs)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) …#1 through #58. fer sure. Speaking of insight and wide appeal, had a thought on the way to work this morning. Seeing how I still remember it, an hour later, I’m grateful enough to include it in this TToT, at Number Seven.

4) the work project! the ‘real’ world demonstration of the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for self-improvement. If’n you don’t mind, we’d would like to impose on y’all for feedback on our latest efforts online. (Objective feedback is like gold, seeing now we’re way, way too far into this unlikely experiment to quit now. Below is a short vid we did yesterday, to serve as an intro for people coming to the Coastal New England Real Estate Team’s YouTube page.

5)the Whitechapel Interlude‘ and ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf‘  …because, when it’s not being stressful, the everyday world can get a touch… boring. That’s why we have serial stories. Thanks, Charles***

6) the Six Sentence Story Denise’s combination literary practice group, prompt-based exercises, all done in a setting that is even more fun if you superimpose a olden days coffee shop/jazz bar visual. You know, a place where smoking is good for you and no one laughs at the roger in the beret. That said, you’re staying as long as it takes to see what happens when Dyanne puts in an appearance. (My women’s fashions of the 50s and 60s vocabulary is woefully limited, so I’ll leave it to you.)

7)Alone with other people…‘ This is a state of, (personal), reality often experienced by clarks. Not to be confused with being ‘Apart from other people...’ One has to do with not being connected, the other with not being self-sufficient.

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE If there is anyone wanting to try out ‘this gratitude bloghop thing’ but don’t feel you have enough of a list, go ahead and send what’cha got and we’ll post it here at Number 8. Take it for a spin, see how (your grat) looks up in the lights.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3


(lol…. what follows is just like, when you’re in the car with friends and the driver nods off and everyone else knows its up to them to save the day and so, ‘the Steering Wheel is Grabbed’ …. Below is an illustration to support the overly-ambitions ‘Paint by Numbers Theme to this week’s TToT’

music (and other type) vids





Wonder why this music vid, by title, clearly the most germane to this week’s TToT’s theme, i.e. Painting by Numbers is down here, in last position? It totally carries a Language Advisory. Lots of it. (Well, not so much variety as repetition, but creatively.) lol but…. but! In our defense, I had to laugh out loud (LOL)1


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* I use that particular phrasing because it’s true and can be seen as a little play on the definition of the reality. Some have said that much of what we encounter is either a shadow of what is within, or is a story told to us by the people without. I like it, (the phrase), ’cause its both cool and funny (and is one of a thousand pieces, descriptions and/or metaphors for life that I’ve be fortunate to encounter reading two or three of Carlos Castaneda’ books.)

** not a ‘real’ Latin word… we think

*** Charles Dickens is most often credited with the popular success of serialized stories.

  1. just about to post… thought to myself, ‘err, clark? sometimes when you write in the morning, before you come into contact with the normal world, your judgement tends to the ….juvenile. Better check that song once more. sorry, still lol

clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Carin says:

    I need to see the painting job!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      It would be good… I have seen paint-by-numbers that are indistinguishable from an original painting… never go within shouting distance myself, however.

  2. Enjoyable post!
    The work project – what an excellent self made petri dish
    Always appreciate the Six shoutout and yes, “a place where smoking is good for you and no one laughs at the roger in the beret.” lol
    Vid 2 – quite interesting.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      I like the increasingly detailed descriptions of the metaphorical setting/cafe where Sixes are read from a small stage
      …hey! theres an idea!

      you really should organize such a thing. author would read or, as an option, ask another to read it… on video. of course…. (I’m aware of, but not yet able tp understand the green screen thing but! you could totally create a Cafe Six

  3. Pat Brockett says:

    Video #2 I remember reading about this once upon a time. Such a fascinating phenomenon.
    My first experience with oil painting was with a paint-by-number picture of a parrot. I was almost through and managed to get more paint on my brush than I should have, but didn’t realize my error until applying the paint to the parrot’s beak. Let’s just say that parrot had a very twisted elongated beak. Funny now, but not so much when I was 10. HaHa
    Starry Starry Night – one of my favorites!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      yeah, it makes you wonder if you should recoil in sympathetic horror at the plight of such a person or be wistfully envious.

      (I hated paint-by-numbers. It was a Feel-incompetent-one-step-at-a-time-for-more-steps-than-you-care-to-take, game.)

  4. It was a tea shop, and they had a parrot named The Jazz Chicken that could whistle along to every jazz recording they played.

  5. dyannedillon says:

    I’ve got to get myself back to the SSS post haste. I took off for the holidays and now it’s almost February? Whaaaaa?
    A friend of mine got a paint by number made of one of her wedding photos. It took her 30 hours of “patience and dedication” to complete the “horrendously detailed” painting, but it sure is amazing! Hard pass for me, however.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Yeah, we’re having fun over there (at Sixville)
      Hey! Have we done a walk-on yet? (Writing a Six where one establishes the scene and the other takes it from there… a little tricky with the set up, but way fun_
      Hell, this Whitechapel Interlude story I’ve been writing? That sprang from a walk from a single Six that Len wrote, damn, musta been a year ago
      lemme know