T -the Wakefield-T-Doctrine- (oh T). (Hint: Engine # 382) | the Wakefield Doctrine T -the Wakefield-T-Doctrine- (oh T). (Hint: Engine # 382) | the Wakefield Doctrine

T -the Wakefield-T-Doctrine- (oh T). (Hint: Engine # 382)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

* I know Mimi is smiling at our little lagniappe of a post… (For Grat 6 we gots to mention Boudreaux and Thibodeaux, a slice of reality I’m glad I learnt… this link is from a couple of weeks ago on a Friday or, maybe a Tuesday.)

** NY = New Year’s

*** how far back in the past, aka when you were a kid?  there was no such thing as 911. Even on a fancy princess phone.

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… remember the old saying, “As above, so below'(?) Maybe we need to semi-paraphrase that…a little: “As on the monitor, so out there…”

Sure! Perfect. I like it.*

The Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules) should be cited twice, as Graticulus Quatrominus and, of course, Numero Ten(o)…. ’cause, it is from this eponymous book, I draw the moral, if not rhetorical authority, to hit ‘Publish’ … just several, not-yet-quanitified momentous time-units-from-now. (Below is from our 20 Minute Real Estate Briefing which runs Live each week on FB  (which can also be found on Youtube. Thanks to Lisa and them what followed us on Wednesday.)

Order! Order! You’re out of Order!


Onwards!! To work them serial words and… (in a desperate attempt to convince Dyanne to stop writing her letter of resignation.)

You know, I’m only half-way through writing this post. (Wait!!! Lisa!! No… WhiteOut© doesn’t work on monitors and… for god’s sake don’t try to override with with MS Autocorrect).

Seeing how I drove down Memory Lane on my NY** post… I think it’s good to stretch a bit. A chortle is not inappropriate, as we have all had the experience, back when we were kids, there would be that moment, either in front of a Christmas tree or, worse, arms length from a barbecue grill (before there were propane grills (for anyone other than the rich relatives who lived in places like Far Rockaway or San Diego) that was full of arm-hair-curling, white-hot Kingsford Charcoal™); “Hey, let me have that. I’ll show you how to ride/balance/play/wear that! You kids think you’re the only ones, watch this…***

Books and serials and stories and such: ‘the Whitechapel Interlude‘ and ‘the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf

(For anyone commenting about the addition of a character to ‘the Missing Fig Leaf’ to wit,  one Anya Claireaux, a little background. Anya might very well be one of my ‘oldest’ characters. Her first appearance was in ‘Blog Dominion’. (Which was my first serial story. I totally want to thank Kristi for her help and assistance, she was my first beta reader.)

Anyway… here’s an excerpt from ‘the Case of the Missing Starr‘ which should illustrate why I enjoy her character so much. In this chapter Anya calls the main bad guy to protect Sister Margaret Ryan.

Did Lizzi ever mention ‘word count’? Damn! I seem to be approaching four digit wordage!


Thanks include (Grat Seven and Eight) Lizzi and the Ten Things of Thankful

(Someone check on Dyanne for us…. keep telling telling her, ‘It’s only a blog post… it’s only a blog post’)





Fave photae:



This has been a typical Wakefield Doctrine post to (the) Ten Things of Thankful bloghop

…for this week, I’m grateful for: lol

to close (in reverse order…)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine because it has, (made available), a perspective on life and reality and such that not only permits me to get all rhetoric-and-finger-paint on a highly-regarded gratitude bloghop, but to jump the gap between silly and serious… Example: About twenty-five minutes ago I got a call from a client and, as a result, I had to stop writing and go check on some work being done on a condo. Fine. Went there and did that. The thing was, as I drove home, I ran through my head where I’d left off on this post. ..exactly! (Several Readers, including Cynthia and Denise are nodding in anticipation), I was still in the ‘real’ world and part of me was starting to say, (in a condescendingly faux-kind way), ‘Well, maybe you went a little overboard on the post. There’s still time to write one that is…. less whatever.’

But fortunately the Wakefield Doctrine reminded me that I have three manifestations of reality available to me. And, be it the Reality of the Outsider(clarks) or the World of the Predator(scotts) or the Life of the Herd Member(rogers) none require a denial or abdication of the other two.

2) Una

1) Phyllis



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Pat Brockett says:

    Enjoyable “why don’t we stir the TToT pot” this week with your in reverse order approach. Nothing like the real world to get in the way of linking up. How dare reality get in the way, but you made it.
    Aww! What a sweet photo of Una as a pup!
    I watched one of the Real Estate Briefings on FB and found it informative.
    Hope 2021 is getting off to a good start for you.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      lol (phew… sometimes I catch myself, ‘err clark? there’s clever and there’s weird, pay attention to the road signs)
      thanks for watching… It is such a … strange thing… sure, its a ‘demonstration of the usefulness of the Doctrine as a tool to self-improve myself’… but I find I’m gaining new insights into the nature of the world (per the perspective offered by said Doctrine.
      Same to you and Vic

  2. Lisa Tomey says:

    You flipped it, you hit it, you turned it around, you reversed it! Missy would be proud.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      thank you Lisa
      (also thanks for the ‘Follow’ at the 20 Minute Real Estate Briefing)

  3. It’s only a really great blog post. Una was one cute little bundle of fuzz.

  4. Jael Stevens says:

    Always interesting! Side note: I was born in Far Rockaway…we moved from NY when I was 2, so I don’t recall a thing :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      get outa town! (My familiarity consists of going there once with family for a weekend, friends of my parents)…given that was too-many-years-ago, what I remember is surely out of date.

  5. Glenda Cates says:

    I enjoyed your post and the pictures and would love the doggy you showcased. Happy New Year and I look forward to visiting again in the future for this event.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Thank you, Glenda. Same to you on the new year… Una remains as attractive as she was in the photo (when she was, like, maybe a year old…or so*)

      As bloghops go the TToT is really exceptional… not simply a grat blog…. (lol as was in evidence in my post)…very much freedom hall but given the level of writing evidenced there, I tend to learn and improve my own, with each passing week.

      *not so good on the birthday thing… lol

  6. dyannedillon says:

    Love the cover of “Helter Skelter”. You HAVE to look up the Cleverleys on youtube and listen to some of their bluegrassified covers. We’ve seen them live a couple of times and really enjoy them.
    FYI – the Clampett mobile featured in the video lives at the Ralph Foster Museum at College of the Ozarks in Hollister, Missouri. You’re welcome.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      surely YouTube has a place on most ever Grat List what’s been written, like with the people (who we’d surely not encounter were it not for the virtual world) our tastes are way the beneficiaries.