Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…what’s the deal with Tuesday, all agreeable and non-confrontational?” | the Wakefield Doctrine Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…what’s the deal with Tuesday, all agreeable and non-confrontational?” | the Wakefield Doctrine

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…what’s the deal with Tuesday, all agreeable and non-confrontational?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

While I do propose to write a new post, (with original content), I reserve the right to cite previously published posts. For one reason, I’ll be in a position to do any edits that I missed in the previous eleven years. Not edit for content, rather punctuation, extra spaces and/or grammar. You know, the spaghetti sauce stains of a very talented cook.


OK, I was going to write about Tuesday, but I added to the first paragraph just now and the metaphor, (or simile or analogy, whatever*), about the edit process had me use: ‘cook’ then I thought about it, tried, ‘chef’, then back to ‘cook’. Which, only naturally, reminded me of the Everything Rule.**

Remember that restaurant we use for an illustration of personal reality? Well, among it’s employees and, arguably the reason it is a crowded restaurant is because: rogers are chefs, scotts are cooks and clarks?.. err are busboys and hot-in-a-nearly-inappropriate manner waitresses.

More? What about how Tuesdays are the most genial and non-confrontational days of the workweek? (Well, yeah, we can come back anytime… Tuesday ain’t goin nowhere… well, insightful but …sure, why not?)


  1. scotts: drill sergeants (or any officer status up to and including general, for a time***)
  2. clarks: private (or whatever rank they assign the un-trainable-but-necessary-specialty)
  3. rogers: every rank (of the three, the military (or, for that matter, any bureaucracy) is where there will be rogers totally fitting in…and loving it.


  • clarks: pediatrician, respected-but-not-overly-sucessful psychiatrist
  • scotts: surgeons
  • rogers: oncologist, medical examiner


  1. clarks: elementary (…early elementary, if you please, try to maintain a certain level of peer relationship lol), college
  2. scotts: phys ed on any level, vocational arts (or whatever they call ‘shop’ these days and any subject in high school that involves adolescents
  3. roger: middle school, high school in any subject except art (in an applied sense, art appreciation is workable)


Sorry, out of time!

I have my own Wakefield Doctrine Practicum project, i.e. a live, video event that is going to be out there**** every Wednesday. More to follow. Basic description is: Can the engagement of a secondary/tertiary aspect result in developments of one’s predominant worldview such that it can affect the world around us, and the people who make it up?

To be cont’d


* I do not have tattoos, just don’t belong to the proper age demographic for permanent skin markings, (now, we want to discuss markings, scribbles, doodles, jailhouse are and painstaking scrawls repeated sufficiently to inscribe granite of the soul… that’s another matter ….lol), however it is totally not a leap for me to imagine getting a discreet  tattoo of the definitions of these rhetorical devices, in a tasteful and discreet location… the apocryphal inside forearm.

** ‘Everyone does everything at one time or another’ a cautionary regulation to help us avoid the trap of “Well, thats something only a (fill-in predominant worldview here) would do!” Not valid. While it is understood, nay!, embraced that some personality types might have a certain affinity for the requirements of a given occupation/avocation/recreation or vocation which makes them a ideal (whatever) in the eyes of the background culture, the ‘other two’ will manifest that quality, different but same.

*** lol only a scott or a roger would ask for clarification on that reference to ‘out there’…. clarks? the world and the people who make it up are the ‘out there’.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. UP says:

    In the military, Clarks would be fodder for the battles. Sadly. Great post. Happy Holidays!

  2. Thus the reason i can only teach Sunday School to the little bitties, i am useless at the upper levels.

  3. Your comment whateveritis has started doing something new, telling me my latest comment is a duplicate. Did i say that yesterday>