Finish the Sentence Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…and don’t leave your reality strewn with your books, toys and fears” | the Wakefield Doctrine Finish the Sentence Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…and don’t leave your reality strewn with your books, toys and fears” | the Wakefield Doctrine

Finish the Sentence Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…and don’t leave your reality strewn with your books, toys and fears”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Friday is the day that Kristi and Kenya invite all to make a partial sentence whole again. More than that, they have set up a rotation series of what, effectively are three definitions of ‘sentence’! Lets let them do the honors:

Hi all! This week’s an easy one: Write a 5-minute stream-of-consciousness post about “my bed.” See? EASY! Who doesn’t love her (or his) bed and have five minutes to write about it? The linkup will go live Thursday night (July 19) at 10pm eastern and will stay open through late Sunday evening. Hope to see you there!
Link up with Kenya G. Johnson here:

or with me here:

Trapped by a pronoun! Argh! Well hailing from Y Chromia as I do, (anyone see Rich Rumple around? Now thats the guy you want streaming his consciousness; funny and he writes good.

In the meantime… I will set my timer Hold on…. its here somewhere (hey, its within the rules to, like, write the prompt in, before typing and such, right?)

Timer 5:00 go

“…my bed

…is like that cafe in Casablanca, the back of the room where Miss Bonnie (Romper Room) couldn’t see us and an acne-glowing, black-lit, Emporium India incense-fogged dorm room… with albums covers in view, cause I’ve spent a genuine lifetime listening to the music I grew up enjoying and can ‘name that tune’ pretty much on one note.

Seriously, the bed is my border town between real life and dreams. Now that I read that, I think, ‘Well, duh, thats what it is for everyone!’ But since I spend time there either reading myself to sleep (what is the magic of aging that takes a process and reverses it while speeding it up?!! As a very young child, my mother might read me a story to get to sleep but, it like took forever and sometimes I’d remain awake. Nowadays I’m lucky if I get five thumb taps on my kindle ….”

(Post 5 minute SOC (well, still SOC, but out of time)… jeez! am I like the slowest typer in the world or what?


Seein how short the wordage is, heres a bit of music from the day:


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Wow! Romper Room! A Blast from the past, for sure!
    Excellent song!!! Another Blast from the past which will surely be stuck in my head all night.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Totally love that song… and Miss Bonnie! (I suspect, like department store Santa Clae, everyone had Romper Room, but the kindly young women changed from time to time).

  2. “Y” people are always slow typers. It’s my reality anyway. I used to impress Robert and my step daughter by being able to type and listen to them talk but now I need typing in the quiet to get into my groove. Love how we had the same bed things. Moms reading stories to us… nice. Or “noice,” as Tucker would say.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Well, you guys put the (or his) in the ‘Who doesn’t love….’ lol (thank you for that).
      Back in the day (high school) there were three tracks: Vocational Business and College. Guess which of the three was at an advantage come the digital age? lol (Typings for girls)

  3. LOL yes, I set up my post before I start writing. That’s not cheating at all. Kind of opens up the brain to go! So true about the thumb taps on the Kindle. Most often I get in bed to read, like 9:00. I’m sleep by 9:30 or 10 and then it’s like a 3 hour nap and I get lots of thumb takes in the wee hours of the morning.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      As much as I still enjoy the tactility of paper books, they are total, living room sized abacuses compared to the ease and convenience of a kindle for reading in bed.

  4. sarah9188 says:

    Years of practice and being an administrative assistant to a very demanding boss means that I kill it in the typing department. Otherwise, I would have never survived that job, though the being forced to mind read nearly did it to me. :D

    Also, why is it that reading makes me so sleepy now? I used to read half the night away as a kid, but I can barely stay awake these days. If it weren’t for audiobooks that make doing dishes bearable, I wouldn’t read much at all. Which is terrible as my profession is in the library.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      totally get that… my daily reading (for fun) is way down. (In keeping with my theory of the simplification effect of aging). I am very much glad to have a kindle, as it makes reading in bed easiest. (Maybe thats part of the problem, I mean, when I’m reading with it, physically I’m like I was asleep, except of the eyes being open, of course.

  5. I remember sneaking reading in at night. I learned to read super early because I had early childhood trauma and it was a nice escape. And I couldn’t be read to. I don’t have really good and snuggly memories of that because all I wanted to do was read myself to sleep! I wish I still did that..

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Lately I really enjoy the phase between awake and asleep. (I refer to it as ‘walking to the edge of the world’). My goal is to dip into sleep and come back before amnesia can take hold, so I can consider the impossible things I witnessed (in sleep).
      Just like everyone else, right?


  6. Julie Clarke says:

    “…border town between real life and dreams.” I love that! Never ever thought of it that way. Great piece :)

  7. Pat B says:

    “My border town between real life and dreams” needs to be a poster!

    I can so relate to how you have described the magic of aging.

    “Five thumb taps on the kindle.” Isn’t that the truth!