Month: January 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: January 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of vidchats and crayollas’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Quick Post. Two Items.


One of my first friends on the Facebook, and still a most appreciated person (and full time clark), Kristi does this Finish the Sentence Friday bloghop every…. well, Friday of course! Anyway, FTSF was my first bloghop and was where I met most of the ‘people’ I value here, in the ‘sphere.

Simple premise: sentence fragment, complete and post. This week’s Sentence (to be finished) apparently is:

If I were a crayon

I’d most likely end up being the ‘flesh colored’ one. You know, every 5 year old’s first introduction to life’s disappointments. You tried to create a flesh tone with the oranges and the whites, but they never mixed together consistently enough to be more than ‘pumpkins with vitiligo’s disease’. Then, after saving your allowance for weeks and weeks, the day came when you had enough to buy the Crayola 72 Crayon Set (‘with built-in sharpener!’). Sitting on the floor, in front of your open closet door, (“You have a perfectly good desk, why do you have to sit on the floor?”),  you flipped back the cooler-than-it-should-be, square angled top and found what you’d dreamt of… the ‘Flesh Colored’ crayon.
And you took the crayon, new, with a perfect ‘squared-off round point’ and finding a picture with people in it in your coloring book, you colored. And… it smeared and picked up surrounding colors, (and you even went to the trouble of leaving a margin, the best you could).

And so, you went back to coloring the people, (and the dogs and cats and trucks), whatever color you wanted to and set aside the dream of producing a coloring book that would make your parents look at you with surprise-which-turns-happiness-tinged-with-a-little-fear-that-they-didn’t-recognise-your-coloring-talent-and-what-else-might-they-not-understand-and-appreciate-about-you-now?

Hey! thanks Kristi  this was fun!


vidchat: precisely  at something-o’clock tonight!  ha ha.   Lets make that 7:00 pm EST  (just to be sure and to coordinate time zones, look at your watch or the wall clock… in it precisely ….6:21 am!)  Good.

So how it works is, I’ll post the link to the clark scottroger page and the Wakefield Doctrine page (just to be on the safe side) and that link should get you to the chat. If this is your first vichat, don’t be alarmed if the audio is out, for reasons unknown, this is not uncommon. Dress nicely, at least from the waist up… (after all, this is the 21st Century). There are no secret passwords, protocols or standards of proper behavior. Come and go as you please. In fact, we are used to abrupt departures, this being subject to: bandwidth, internet connection speed, child needs to go to bed, spouses reluctantly acknowledging the technology, if not the sociology, and generalized confusion. It’s fun. It’s interesting. It’s George and Jane Jetson present, the Dick van Dyke Show* (Lizzi, my vspouse, is, of course, Laura  and, during most of these vidchats, provides much the same saving grace as did Mary Tyler Moore)

See you there tonight.

Yes, yes you can invite other people. I mean, we were all brought up on movies that revolve around the plot device of,  ‘parents away, party out of control.’  So bring a friend. Lets see what google hangouts is capable of.



*damn! how sad, neither of those cultural references would mean anything to 84% of you Readers, were it not for Nickelodeon or google. And, I would submit, even with the information available, the socio-psycho-sexual implications would be nonexistent, as it must be for any cultural references. Ah well. (for the record, it was a very cool era)


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a story of the noun that would be a verb’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Writing my Six Sentence warm-up draft. Barely one step removed from automatic writing, I find if I start typing, eventually the letters become words and the words start to relate to each other and finally they all get today and constitute a story. Sort of a hyper-evolution effect on those famous thousand monkeys. This is still Wednesday, middle of the evening no less! Yeah, I know.

But, ‘whatever zoe wants, zoe gets‘*  And this, it will be my Six Sentence Story for this week. The prompt word is Trip

Wait!  Glad you reminded me!! Vidchat this Friday. 7:30 EST  (a littler later than before but not as late as it used to be)… I’ll post the link to the Facebook, stop by say hello, leave whenever. People have expressed concern that it’s rude to stop in for a few minutes, leave abruptly and come back a short time later. The answer is no, it is not rude… in fact, it’s kinda the cool part, sort of surprise guests and such.


Thomas Montiguy held the door for his wife, Norah, as much to be caught in the fragrant wake of her perfume, as to be polite. As they followed the maitre’d to their favorite table, (overlooking Casco Bay), Thomas, his hand resting lightly on the small of her back, like a child nervously guiding his first newspaper boat along a flooded street, managed to bump into a passing busboy, who fell under an avalanche of fine china and glassware. As the couple sat, staring at each other across the candle-lit expanse of snowy linen, their sommelier, after filling their glasses, stumbled as his foot caught on the back leg of  Thomas’ chair, which had suddenly moved about 2 inches, a physical manifestation of the passionate semaphore that the couple exchanged as they stared into one and other’s eyes.

“To you, my love,” Thomas whispered, trusting the soul-connection the two had enjoyed from the first day they met, “To us,” spoke the eyes of his one true love, the flambé flaring up in a vain attempt to compete with their passion.

As the couple stood outside the restaurant, waiting for their driver, Thomas turned to Norah, his expression every bit the passion-raddled look of a high school boy who, pinning the corsage on the dress of his first prom date, instead manages, in a totally unconscious expression of his inner most desire, finds flesh, along with fabric, “what is it, my love?” Norah asked, being most comfortable with both corsages and pins.

“I’m so sorry, Norah, this being our anniversary dinner, I thought you were going to trip the waiter!”

*for a person who hates musicals, I seem to have a bunch of lyrics from famous shows in my head, wait! I’m a clark  phew!  now it makes sense


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘if it’s Tuesday, watcha want to bet there’s a Cynthia-post’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today’s Post prompted, (or inspired or… instigated or, maybe insinuated), by Friend of the Doctrine, Cynthia Calhoun. Cynthia does have a way of writing Comments that make me think, “Hey, clark, dude, your Reply is approaching 500 words! What say you take it and make yourself a Post and all.” Which is what I’ve done again, here today.  Hey before we get to Cynthia’s Comment, did you know that she’s like this talented artist person too? And…and! she has a new site, being Miz Zeitgeist, she’s like totally got the adult coloring thing covered. She’s got this Facebook page

So, to the Comment

You remember the line from Beetlejuice (cuz I know you’ve seen it) when Lydia says to Barbara (the ghost) and Adam (the other ghost): “I myself am strange and unusual”? I always identified with that line.
For some reason this post made me think of that line. Maybe it was the last part talking about fun…enlightenment and…imagination.

(and the Reply) …the imagination is key to applying the Doctrine…. I’ve tended to downplay how very real personal reality is (many people will give lip service to the concept …like the cool kid who, alone without the company of the other cool kids, stumbles into the company with clarks they’re all, like “oh yeah? Well I’m weird too!!”)

…but I should do a post on the reality of personal reality.

the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool, a perspective on life, a way of seeing the world as the other person is experiencing it. There are three ‘worldviews’, and the one, (of the three), that you grow-up, develop-in and live you life in is your ‘personality type’. By knowing the characteristics of each of the three worldviews, you will not only know more about the other person than they know about themselves*, you will be able to predict their behavior to a remarkable degree of reliability.

About this reality of personal reality matter. As alluded to in my  reply to Cynthia, the key is found in the (proper) use of imagination. When we use the Wakefield Doctrine to (better) understand a person, or their behavior, the first step is to discover their predominant worldview. There are simple steps to aid a person in the identification of a person’s ‘personal reality’, the simplest and most concise description, (of this process), is to suggest that you ‘observe the person and infer how they are relating themselves to the world around them’. (The ‘how’, in the case of identifying predominant worldviews is simply, ‘as would an Outsider(clark)’ or just like a Predator(scott) or perhaps more like a ‘Herd Member(roger)’.)

That’s the simple, easy part. The difficult part is to take the ‘reality’ in ‘personal reality’ to heart.

Lets say you have a relative, kinda young, (the early annoying 20s, lets say), and he needs to get a job, earn some money, get on with life. He’s bright as anyone needs to be, is not afraid of work and yet, he doesn’t seem to really ‘want it’  He mumbles and waits (ok… you’re all good enough to recognize a clark…to the point)

Aggravation shows it’s crinkly-starched shirt head, usually right after having a heart-to-heart talk with this person. You explain, slowly, carefully and directly, the few simple steps he needs to take to get the job he wants. And he agrees, and acknowledges your advice. And nothing happens! he misses an opportunity, forgets to call the person you know who was willing to take him all…. you get frustrated and upset at his refusal to listen to your well-meant (and genuinely-would-actually-work) suggestions.

From the Doctrine perspective:  he is right and you are wrong.

No, I’m serious! Sort of… it’s not that he was lying when you had your conversation and he promised to do everything you suggested. It’s simply a matter of his reality (predominant worldview) is different from yours.

Different. Personal. Reality.

(no, nothing real weird…just different.)

but there is a way to help. by accepting the notion that he is experiencing the world differently than you are. reality




*unless, of course, the other person is also a student of the Doctrine, but then, the two of you can have a great time watching the clarks, scotts and rogers around you!


-the Wakefield Doctrine- of serials, vidchats and better understanding the people in our lifes’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


2 items to cover, short post:

Chapter 14 is out1

Friday Night vidchat(s) is/are considered by many to be a good thing (need consensus of start time)2

the Wakefield Doctrine will afford you an opportunity to understand the behavior of the people in your life from a different (and potentially productive) perspective3

1) Blogdominion (‘the Serial’) is hosted over at, a writer’s site providing proper formatting for a serial story (I also have the story on wordpress, but haven’t figured out the code to get it to post ‘backwards’ so a new Reader can go from Prologue to Chapter 14, just a like it was on your Kindle.) In any event, Chapter 14 is live (“very live”, said one Reader… “hey! getting a little steamy there with the story” …another Reader) Judge for yourself! While I might not pick this Chapter as my first choice for an alternate to, ‘The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper, illustrated by George & Doris Hauman’   I would not be embarrassed to read it out loud to any of my friends. Go judge for yourself. Here is the link for Chapter 14. If you’re new to ‘Blogdominion’ the Prologue is listed in the Table of Contents as Chapter 0. It’s kinda necessary to the story.

2) Friday Night vidchats…. we had a couple towards the end of last year and, I think, one this current year. They are fun and all, but I’ve had a little problem with scheduling, these last two weeks. So, given the egalitarian ideals of this here Doctrine here, I’ll put the matter of “when did you say this would start?’ to you, the Readers! Note: the time zones are (potentially) global. I can be available to start things off, (though, not necessarily to close things down), in earliest evening on Friday. So, a little Polling fun?


3) the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) is a way of looking at the world around us, for fun and enlightenment. The only requirement is that you enjoy using your imagination…. ’cause, one of the things we say around here is that ‘we all live in a reality that, to a certain degree, is personal’.
So, when you look at the
clark in your life and and have to fight the urge to shake them and shout, “Stop being so down on yourself! People are quite capable making up their minds about whether or not you’re too weird!” or perhaps you have a scott in the family, sure you’re tempted to shout “stop now! relax!” or there might be a roger standing right in front of you in the cafeteria and you’re thinking “what?!?! did he just called me a jerk in front of our mutual friends?!!”
The Wakefield Doctrine will say, hey if you want to save yourself some frustration and acquire some useful understanding, use the Doctrine and ‘see the world as the other person is experiencing it’.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- patchwork edition*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


*patchwork, n. 1) something made up of an incongruous variety of pieces or parts; hodgepodge: 2) work made of pieces of cloth or leather of various colors or shapes sewed together

This week with no snow on the ground, I can say, without fear of contradiction that I’m grateful for:


1) Co-hostinae for the support, dare we say, the encouragement to put up Posts that challenge the orderly mind who, coming upon our little gratitude bloghop, think. “oh look! a gratitude blog with a list format, how enjoyable it will be to read something that’s straightforward and logical as ‘1 through 10′! I will surely enjoy this TToT although why they insist on abbreviating such a delightful name as Ten Things of Thankful’ is a mystery!’**

2) the zen of breakfast

3) Walking with Una and my car on a Friday afternoon

4) Phyllis

5) Modern technology allowing so much to be done with so little to so many!

6) the Graviteers of the Gravity Challenge (proud to be a part of the group)

7) vidchats (even if no one shows up! no, don’t worry… I wasn’t hurt sitting alone in front of my computer, explaining to Una how everyone will surely be along…any minute now and, after I ate all the Fritos, the ghost of High School Social Development Past…. with the sound of telephones not ringing appeared in the room and said one name:  ‘Nancy Jackson’ and my head swelled up and my face fell… I turned and said, “These are the shadows of things that have been. That they are what they are, do not blame me! I don’t need your clearsil anymore! Be gone!!

8) fulfilling the unspoken contract between humans and canines

9) Chapter 14 Blogdominion  two words: ‘sex and (implied) violence’  come on! my personal literary ideal is a cross between Raymond Chandler, Quentin Tarentino and Robert Scheckley, you surely should not be surprised.  Anyway. ‘In Chapter 14 we learn that Orel and Stephen are not the only ones interested in Unit 17, Sister Margaret Ryan is very much in conflict, as she finds herself needing some of the qualities and skills from her life before becoming a nun and keeping the other, more fundamental drives and passions at arms length… Maribeth, no longer content walking on the edge, has thrown caution to the wind and is starting to jog…and Ed Willoughby, well, lets just say that when Detective Hartley arrives at the Omni Corp, old Ed, he gots some ‘splainin to do.  If none of this makes sense, then you need to go to the beginning and read the whole story!’***

10) SR 1.3

** well, sure I believe that many people talk out loud to themselves as they surf the internet, and affect the linguistic mannerism of the late 19th Century, don’t you?

***ok if you don’t have time to read and want a synopsis, then you need to host a vidchat



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