Month: December 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: December 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘little in style, much in content’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…and, I quote from the subject line of Phyllis' email with attached photo: "The tree fort ablaze with Christmas lights"

…and, I quote from the subject line of Phyllis’ email with attached photo: “The tree fort ablaze with Christmas lights”

Follow the Directions on our Founderess’s Blog, on how (and why) to participate in this here bloghop, and, in the words of a pretty amazing scott I worked with, years ago, “you cain’t never go wrong!”*

Cain’t indeed!

1) vidchat two words: zoe, Denise, Kerry, Lizzi, Val, Lisa, and, of course!   Kristi

2) treehouse (see photo above)

3) work (well, I got me this blog jones to support, ya know?)

4) Six. Sentences. Stories. Skills acquisition by the numbers.

5) Blogdominion. Chapter 9 (teaser: there’s about to be another oddly mysterious death, a certain computer component is getting lonely)

6) SBoR/BoSR (which leapt out of the TToT into the ‘real’ world last night, when Kerry, (an original member of ‘the New Friday vidchat’), asked about multi-purposing a Post and ‘our Ms. Rogers’ said very simply, ‘surely there’s a Dance for that!**

7) Phyllis (see photo above)

8) Una (totally looking forward to the days getting longer, next week. Our Friday ‘Walks’ are somewhat unreliable, due to the fact that it gets dark at 3:13 most afternoons.

9) Wakefield Doctrine (favorite Doctrine citation from last night’s vidchat: “sure them legitimate theories of personality, like that Oscar-Myers, Briggs and Stratton INF EIEIO gots Axeseses…. you want insight into introversion?  ‘clarks hate to be the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored.’  now that’s insight.

10) SR 1.3 boom!




*Jimmy Johnson, was a Sales Manager I knew when I worked in the timeshare business. He was such an example of the force of personality that is inherent in the scottian personality type. (ok!  just one story, then I need to get to work.)

So I met Jimmy Johnson when I worked a timeshare resort in New England in the 80s. Marketing was simple, we sent thousands of letters inviting people to come and look at the resort and, for doing so, they would be given a very nice gift. (Yeah, that was us).  Now Jimmy Johnson was….. not from around here. He was from Georgia …or Alabama, some place way down South. He wore powder blue 3 piece suits with huge sweat stains and had very greasy hair (Brylcreem-greasy, not naturally greasy). He walked with a limp, his left arm didn’t quite work, (both, damage from a stroke), spoke with a drawl you could cut with the proverbial knife and….and! used incredibly bad grammar, replete with double negatives.
So picture the scene: a sales room, maybe 30 tables and chairs (1 sales rep, two guests) and this where the sale was completed (called ‘the backend’).  It was in this crowded and noisy room that Jimmy Johnson provided very crystal clear, unmistakable illustration of the scottian worldview. Now it happened that this particular timeshare resort was close enough to New York to mail to Long Island and, so most of our ‘guests’ were from that part of New York. [Visual] a roomful of conservative, well dressed and semi-defensive guests…with an attitude. When they saw Jimmy Johnson coming over to their table (remember, these people were from New York, they knew what he was there for, to Close the sale), more often than not, if you were looking you would see a look of relief on their faces. The relief was there because they knew that the guy with the sweat stains was clearly some poor rube, cluelessly out of his element. It was gonna be no contest. They were right, and they were so wrong. Jimmy Johnson would close more sales than any of the other Sales Manager, by a country mile. Space and time don’t permit a full recounting of just how Jimmy won over the much more sophisticated people in the room, but the thing is, he did not force them to buy. For Readers without experience in sales, it might be hard to believe, but he was not a ‘high-pressure’ salesman. He was a powerful salesman, which meant that the people Jimmy Johnson sold, did so because they found themselves liking him and the resort. That’s what scotts do. They’re Predators in every sense, (both good and horrifying), of the word. Go ahead, go ask a scott (if you’re too scared, which, btw, is not such an ill-advised reaction to this suggestion, you can ask me…. I know me a couple scotts)

**’Dance’ refers to the key to negotiating with the Seven Guard Virgins (SGV) who are the final Arbiters of any challenges involving the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… zoe is the Danielle Webster of the occasional little SBoR/BoSR disputes, btw


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Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine- weekend in pre-preview

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

honestly, I have no idea what this image has to do with today’s Post.

First: vidchat tonight! 6:30 EST  (New Readers? we use google hangouts to hookup* put it on your computer or phone and either leave a comment here or go to clark scottroger on ‘the Facebook’ and you’ll see the link.)  It’s fun, you don’t have to dress-up (at least from the waist down… as Sarah will tell you), and there are these remarkable people there (I use the word ‘remarkable’ in the dictionary sense, you know (“…Worthy of being remarked or noticed; noticeable; conspicuous; hence, uncommon;”  our friends at wikitionary) And, of late, writing and other out-of-mind-experiences has been a topic of discussion…. and.  and!  we have people with accents!  (my lovely v-wife Laura has such a proper accent)

Chapter 9 Blogdominion  is due out this Sunday. (A month has passed since Sr Margaret Ryan returned from Chicago, when a FedEx arrives at the convent. Mother Superior calls  Sr Margaret to her office and we learn what’s in the envelope …and we learn a bit more about Sister Bernadine and her connections to Chicago in the 1990s. Did you know that one of the members of the ‘Hermes Consortium’ went on to become Head of the Orthopedic Residency Program at a teaching hospital in Ohio? Well, she did. Too bad about the pervasiveness of computers linked to the Cloud, isn’t it? Find out more Sunday! You can read the whole story here.)

No, you’re correct! There’s no way I can publish a Post with less than 300 words.  So, one quick Doctrine rant.

You know what really annoys me?  Unskilled scottian salespeople (no, wait, let me amend that…. unskilled scottian salesmen. scottian saleswomen, well  they’re in an entirely different category, but that’s not important now). The thing is, scotts are the natural salesmen, of the three personality types. I’ll get a bit technical and qualify that, scotts are the best Closers of the three. This Post is not about sales, but a sale is made when someone ‘closes’ someone. scotts love to sell. it’s a genetic memory of the days on the Savannah as the vast sea of meals (wildebeests and antelope and such) would cover the grassy plains and life was hunt and eat and provide for the pack and sleep and create a larger pack.  Anyway…. the way to identify a scott who is not good at sales is that they will use the following line:  “…what you’ve got to understand is….”

I had a vendor/contractor say this to me on the phone the other day. I smiled. I also let him go on (and on and on) because I was at my desk and was getting other things done. Yes, I could have hung up, but I needed the Bid he promised to send me. Anyway, if anyone has questions about the best approaches to scottian (or rogerian or clarklike) salesmen, let me know!

There! 489

See you all tonight!


*well, you know what we mean


Six Sen T’en ceS tor y -the Wakefield Doctrine- (no, nothing significant, just playing with the title of the ‘hop)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

use this one

It’s kinda late tonight, (Wednesday), to get my non-blank-page entry established, so that when I get up tomorrow, I won’t face an empty screen. I know that the word prompt this week is ‘Standard’ and so, I begin the process. I looked up (alternate) uses of the word ‘Standard’ and came across:  “…standard, i.e. either a type of flag or an inflexible but mobile image,” this is a part of the definition of the ‘standard bearer’ and may, very well, be our starting point.

Not sure, but one thing I do know, I want to write a Six Sentence Story this week that is a little, less…. metaphysical, ya know?

The couple left the church, amid a downpour of un-cooked rice, waving over their shoulders at the well-wishers who would soon be celebrating with food and drink and music. Neither spoke as the limo pulled away from the curb, bound for their hotel suite, to usher in a life of two-made-one. She chattered incessantly, inanely and constantly, hearing her own words much as fish, swimming in schools, sense the change of position of the other fishes, she talked about the world that she felt changing, unable to accept that the change was within herself. He listened to her quietly, as he found, in her sounds and words, a distraction from his own internal dialogue, a quietly-shouted stream of drives and desires, forming conflicts and amplifying each new thought until the world seemed to become, a vast, silent and thoroughly judgmental audience.

They found their way to the bridal suite, each by following the other, each by distracting themselves, there remained only physical consummation, very much a standard with two bearers.

(yeah, I know,  ‘nice try’ I can do without the sarcasm   ….lol  next week for sure!)


‘stop the presses’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a new insight/landmark of the rogerian worldview …this just in!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

“I’ve called you here because we know something new about that strange, strange land of the roger.”

I hadn’t planned on writing a Post today. I’m finally getting traction on Chapter 9 (Blogdominion) and with only so many words in me, I thought to surpass on writing a Post today.

That, (for you New Readers), that use of the word ‘surpass’? is a deliberate reference to the rogerian worldview, be best if you looked it up.

So, I’m getting ready for work this morning. I open a letter from Blue Cross (Blue Cross motto: ‘we’re in control of your lives, you would think that paying us tons of money would be enough, but you’d be wrong! We enjoy sending mildly threatening letters to you, every now and then, not just because it upsets you, but precisely because it makes us feel good (in an institutional sense, of course)’  whew! long ‘throw away’ joke, even for us here at the Doctrine!) and it said something about, how,  at a certain point in time, I need to make the transition to other medical coverage. So naturally, I said to Phyllis (who was standing in the kitchen cooking her lunch to take to work), “Damn! I really want to get very expensively sick before I have to quit Blue Cross! Seeing how much money I’ve paid them over the years, it would be a shame to do otherwise.”
To which Phyllis replied, “…you wouldn’t want to hold onto one thing and give up a benefit in another form… like not paying a bill on principle.”

And I stopped. I said, “My god! that happened 30 years ago. rogers never change the profile of the people in their lives.”

Several things followed:

  • I realized that not only do rogers hold on to things from the past, (about themselves and about others), but they establish what can best be termed a ‘profile’ upon the establishing of a given relationship
  • Phyllis, fortunately is a roger with a strong secondary clarklike aspect, so she can talk about her rogerian worldview, at least as much as any of us can talk about our predominant worldviews… you know, it’s our reality, so we tend to not know what other people (in ‘the other two’ worldviews) are not experiencing or are otherwise unaware of, and so we could talk about this establishing a profile
  • this is very cool, because finding artifacts or landmarks that are ‘way inside’ a different worldview is tres difficult
  • how difficult?  well there are only a few, the best example being from our rogerian brethren’s world…. and that is the concept of ‘referential authority’ which tells us that if we encounter a person who wishes to impose their will on us, but almost always tells us that ‘it’s because that’s way it’s done‘ or ‘everyone knows that‘ or ‘it says so in the Manual’ then we need to be getting out our checklist of rogerian characteristics
  • finally, and this where the Doctrine is so very helpful, Phyllis and I continued our discussion of rogerian profiles and agreed that rogers can change their profile (of a person, place and thing), but it is always on ‘an additive basis’

New Readers? I’ll leave that last item un-elaborated upon, changes on an additive basis is the best way and, not coincidently, the best way to describe this new artifact of the rogerian worldview.


Tuesday Morning Post -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘lets get back to the basics advanced basics, yeah!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Thanks out to our friend Cynthia, for her suggestion/Comment from a day or so ago:

“Say…this might be a fun topic: the “sub” worldviews and characteristics that emerge as a result of being 100% clark, a clark-roger, a clark-scott, a scott-roger, a scott-clark, scott-scott, a roger-scot, a roger-clark and a roger-roger. All very interesting. :P”

:P, indeed! It is a fun topic. Albeit a fairly advanced one.

First an update. Chapter 8 of Blogdominion is out in the newsstands. Read it here.  Vidchat end of week. Six Sentence Story mid-week (no! I don’t want to know the prompt! I get until Wednesday to be relaxed and confident. lol)

…so about those ‘sub worldviews’.

The Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that we, all of us, are born with the potential to live and develop in one of three characteristic worldviews. That of the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) and the Herd Member(rogers). Our finding ourselves* in one of these three worldview, (aka our predominant worldview), seems to happen at around the age of 2 or 3 or maybe 5. The Doctrine also maintains that we all retain the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two‘. We refer to this potential as our secondary and tertiary aspects. It is a potential in everyone, however, it can be a significant factor, and, as a ‘significant secondary aspect’ can be quite noticeable, if one has a thorough and complete understanding of the characteristics of the three worldviews. The concept of ‘significant secondary aspect’ helps us when, for example, we encounter a person who is clearly, say, a clark and yet, at times, we observe them acting in a manner that is clearly of the scottian worldview.  As a matter of fact, Cynthia, (she who provides today’s topic), is a very good example of what we’re talking about. Cynthia is a clark with a significant secondary scottian aspect**  (I’m searching her website for a vid… she did some excellent vidposts on meditation, see if I can’t find one to re-post).
In any event, it’s understandable to see Cynthia as a clark, but when you see her in the video, there is, (or there should be, if you’re practicing your Doctrine), a moment of ‘wow… nice performance!’  and then the conflict appears: clarks are not lovers of the spotlight, to say the least! Hell, we’re the original photophobes …but video!?! talking out loud and such?  that is clearly the domain of our scottian friends. So, what gives? What gives is that Cynthia has a secondary scottian aspect. So, if all you know of our Cynthia, (“no, please remain standing up here on the stage, Cynthia, we want everyone to stare….” ) (lol… visual of the first and only-in-the-future-Live-Doctrine-Seminar), is the person you see in this video, it would be understandable for you say, “I know! I know!! she’s a scott!! look at how comfortable and effective she is in this!!”

And you would be correct, at least to the extent of identifying the characteristics of a person who relates themselves to the world around them as would a Predator (scott). This is a very frequent question from people when they first apply the Wakefield Doctrine to their own daily world, they will catch someone at a time when that person is exhibiting their secondary aspect. Secondary aspects are transitory and, more often than not, are exhibited at times of stress and duress.

It’s important at this point to know that, according to the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, a person does not jump in and out of (the three worldviews), depending on circumstances. We all live in one predominant personal reality. And, even when a person exhibits a very strong secondary aspect, it is still possible to ‘see their dominant worldview. The way we do this also happens to be one of the primary charges to those of us who would practice this perspective, i.e. that we ask ourselves the question,  ‘how does that person relate themselves to the world around them’

You know what one of the cool things about this here Doctrine here is?  We benefit no matter what!  That last paragraph, the one about how we determine the worldview of the people in our lives?  If you can ask that question, you are already better off than a lot of the people around you.

Anyway. Can’t find the video, will keep on trying.


*no, no answer yet on why one and not the other (worldview), doesn’t seem related to birth order, diet or zodiac, but it’s early yet! Good question, though!

**new Readers? there is a rule that says that no one can tell you what your predominant worldview is (at least not tell you as if they’re designating your personality type)… remember, the Doctrine is for you, not them,  and besides, the fun is in the discovery.

