TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘little in style, much in content’ | the Wakefield Doctrine TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘little in style, much in content’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘little in style, much in content’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…and, I quote from the subject line of Phyllis' email with attached photo: "The tree fort ablaze with Christmas lights"

…and, I quote from the subject line of Phyllis’ email with attached photo: “The tree fort ablaze with Christmas lights”

Follow the Directions on our Founderess’s Blog, on how (and why) to participate in this here bloghop, and, in the words of a pretty amazing scott I worked with, years ago, “you cain’t never go wrong!”*

Cain’t indeed!

1) vidchat two words: zoe, Denise, Kerry, Lizzi, Val, Lisa, and, of course!   Kristi

2) treehouse (see photo above)

3) work (well, I got me this blog jones to support, ya know?)

4) Six. Sentences. Stories. Skills acquisition by the numbers.

5) Blogdominion. Chapter 9 (teaser: there’s about to be another oddly mysterious death, a certain computer component is getting lonely)

6) SBoR/BoSR (which leapt out of the TToT into the ‘real’ world last night, when Kerry, (an original member of ‘the New Friday vidchat’), asked about multi-purposing a Post and ‘our Ms. Rogers’ said very simply, ‘surely there’s a Dance for that!**

7) Phyllis (see photo above)

8) Una (totally looking forward to the days getting longer, next week. Our Friday ‘Walks’ are somewhat unreliable, due to the fact that it gets dark at 3:13 most afternoons.

9) Wakefield Doctrine (favorite Doctrine citation from last night’s vidchat: “sure them legitimate theories of personality, like that Oscar-Myers, Briggs and Stratton INF EIEIO gots Axeseses…. you want insight into introversion?  ‘clarks hate to be the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored.’  now that’s insight.

10) SR 1.3 boom!




*Jimmy Johnson, was a Sales Manager I knew when I worked in the timeshare business. He was such an example of the force of personality that is inherent in the scottian personality type. (ok!  just one story, then I need to get to work.)

So I met Jimmy Johnson when I worked a timeshare resort in New England in the 80s. Marketing was simple, we sent thousands of letters inviting people to come and look at the resort and, for doing so, they would be given a very nice gift. (Yeah, that was us).  Now Jimmy Johnson was….. not from around here. He was from Georgia …or Alabama, some place way down South. He wore powder blue 3 piece suits with huge sweat stains and had very greasy hair (Brylcreem-greasy, not naturally greasy). He walked with a limp, his left arm didn’t quite work, (both, damage from a stroke), spoke with a drawl you could cut with the proverbial knife and….and! used incredibly bad grammar, replete with double negatives.
So picture the scene: a sales room, maybe 30 tables and chairs (1 sales rep, two guests) and this where the sale was completed (called ‘the backend’).  It was in this crowded and noisy room that Jimmy Johnson provided very crystal clear, unmistakable illustration of the scottian worldview. Now it happened that this particular timeshare resort was close enough to New York to mail to Long Island and, so most of our ‘guests’ were from that part of New York. [Visual] a roomful of conservative, well dressed and semi-defensive guests…with an attitude. When they saw Jimmy Johnson coming over to their table (remember, these people were from New York, they knew what he was there for, to Close the sale), more often than not, if you were looking you would see a look of relief on their faces. The relief was there because they knew that the guy with the sweat stains was clearly some poor rube, cluelessly out of his element. It was gonna be no contest. They were right, and they were so wrong. Jimmy Johnson would close more sales than any of the other Sales Manager, by a country mile. Space and time don’t permit a full recounting of just how Jimmy won over the much more sophisticated people in the room, but the thing is, he did not force them to buy. For Readers without experience in sales, it might be hard to believe, but he was not a ‘high-pressure’ salesman. He was a powerful salesman, which meant that the people Jimmy Johnson sold, did so because they found themselves liking him and the resort. That’s what scotts do. They’re Predators in every sense, (both good and horrifying), of the word. Go ahead, go ask a scott (if you’re too scared, which, btw, is not such an ill-advised reaction to this suggestion, you can ask me…. I know me a couple scotts)

**’Dance’ refers to the key to negotiating with the Seven Guard Virgins (SGV) who are the final Arbiters of any challenges involving the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… zoe is the Danielle Webster of the occasional little SBoR/BoSR disputes, btw


Ten Things of Thankful
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clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. valj2750 says:


  2. valj2750 says:

    Having attended my first timeshare sales experience in Aruba (don’t ask, my husband wanted to because he never had), I enjoyed the Jimmy Jones story. Yay for Vid chats and new chapters.

  3. fangboner1 says:

    While we dont get dark at three we do get dark by six and our neighborhood is not safe to walk at night. The roads are too narrow.

    Yay for Vid chats. I still can’t seem to get into that. Stay awake long enough that is.

    You always have the most intriguing stories.

  4. Thankful for you. :) Was planning on calling in but started to feel a little under the weather this evening. But next week, perhaps! :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      definitely! so, put on pajamas, slippers and a robe (which, if at all possible should be some kind of fuzzy and/or non-animal-based furry and drink fluids… maybe some soup and saltines or toast and …and! ginger ale) and sleep as much as possible!

  5. Kristi says:

    I’ve fallen behind in reading, but I am looking forward to catching up on the Blogdominion.

  6. ivywalker says:

    Im up on chpt 8…sorry for quick departure from vid….i cant take the sales pitch stuff….so low tolerance….although i can pitch a line a mile long. Have a good week… Hi to Una and Phyllis

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      taking a break from finishing Chapter 9, I’ll send it over to your buddy, Ivy’s FB page later tonight…. sales, like so many things in life is entertaining to observe as long as it does not involve me directly (or I am the seller)…. will do

  7. lrconsiderer says:

    I do NOT like the dark early nights and I am SO SO looking forward to summer coming back next week! Seriously! Meantime, I love the tree house, and am forsure keen to know what Phyllis thinks her secondary is (if she’s thought about it) though perhaps the whimsy of having a tree-house to decorate provides its own answer. Stands to absolute reason that a realtor such as yourself would build a mid-air property for your wife, though, and I love that, too.

    Happy weekend, Rob xo

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      She does and has, a secondary clarklike aspect, which should come as no surprise, not just because she, as an adult, thinks that having a tree house is a fine thing to do! lol (when trying to determine the secondary aspect of rogers, how positive and open they are (to the very idea of the Wakefield Doctrine) correlates to their secondary. Those (rogers) who not only are open-minded but appear to enjoy the perspectives afforded by our little personality theory demonstrate the clarklike insistence that new ideas are fun ideas, which is fairly anathemistic to the rogerian worldview. (Kristi California and Michelle exhibit these signs of secondary clarklike aspects as well)… good topic, btw following on the post of this week’s past.


      • lrconsiderer says:

        We DO like novelties, don’t we :) Do you know of a roger with a secondary scott within our mutual acquaintance? I’d be intrigued to know what kind of person that would be…

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

          two varieties (but don’t tell anyone)… totally crazy or ‘a face eater’*

          a face eater: roger with very strong secondary scottian aspect (best definition is a quick description of when I first identified the type) so I was with a group of people, not all friends, some strangers and a smattering of acquaintances about 23 people all told and standing next to me were two middle-aged women, talking. rather, one was talking…. pouring out her heart about a recent tragic family event…. but she was not the one I noticed, it was the other woman, the ‘listening’ (as I watched I could see her lean towards the speaker, and, though at first it looked like she was looking her friend in the eye, upon closer observation I could see that the listener was actually staring that her friend’s mouth… and, and I swear this is true, as the tale of woe continued, the other person got closer and closer to the speaker…. eating each word of sorry and sadness that came out of the mouth of her friend, who, so taken with her story did not seem to notice…

          and, this person, this ‘face eater’ you could see her grow, in strength or energy or vitality or something…. well, you could see it if you were a clark

          thats what a face eater is and that is one of the two results of a roger with a strong secondary scottian aspect…

  8. dyannedillon says:

    I truly love that the treehouse is decorated for Christmas. Wish I could have been there for the vid chat this week, but I was not only traveling to the lake house, but right about that time, I was in horrid traffic and was rear ended by a car who had just been rear ended by another car. Good times!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      that was Phyllis’ handiwork

      not a fun thing, being stuck in cars… we’ll be around next Friday will totally send you an invite

  9. Vanessa D. says:

    Is it really just next week the days start getting longer? I’ll be happy for it – the dark mornings bother me more so than the early evenings – but wow this year went by fast.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      yeah thank god! even though it is negligible at first, the fact of the daylight hours increasing makes me feel less cold

  10. herheadache says:

    Loved those weekly vidchats, until last week’s unfortunate events. Hope for more of the chats to come in 2016 and I enjoy your insights as usual.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      I too enjoy the Friday night vidchat, we trust that 2016 holds better for all and we’ll see you on Friday! (seems like an appropriate way to start the New Year… will send a link through a message in the FB and will also post the link… I’m thinking just a little before 7pm EST)