Month: March 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: March 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- Ninety Two (times incomplete thoughts, partial clauses…interesting random facts….better have a seat!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…Hill cows!!!

…Hill cows!!!


I got information and I’m sitting on it. Nothing special… nothing salacious or cool or social status-enhancing or like that, but it does provide an illustration of one of the deficiencies of clarks suffer when in the social environment. We know stuff and we learn and we hear things, but one of (the very few) qualities that we (clarks) are proud of, is the ability to keep things secret/maintain personal confidences. Unfortunately, this quality (also) results in a disability to participate as an active member of society.*  ( “clark, can I tell you something and you promise never to tell anyone?”  “you are such a good listener, I need to tell someone this…“).  It’s not that people of all three worldviews cannot keep a confidence,**  what’s interesting about clarks is that we can’t remember the direct and/or specific life-lesson to not repeat the things that are told to us in confidence. We just realized, at some point, that our ‘not repeating things we are told’ is considered a good and valued quality by the real people in our lives. And so we are told things.  But we have trouble asking people about their lives, past a certain….public level.  But, the thing we don’t have, is that natural inclination to participate in the commerce of social interaction…. it (information about the members of the group) is the both the binding force and the reward for those who willing become part of the herd.  You know, as I re-read this, in my ‘edit’ mode (ha ha)… I’m thinking, ‘yeah this quality is good… for them.’  Years ago, someone I knew, (a clark), said to me,  ‘you need learn how to take’.

holy smoke, what a writing newb am I!!  why didn’t I know about ‘The Proust  Questionnaire’??!!

Here is Proust’s Questionnaire:

  1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?  (‘what’s it to you?!)
  2. What is your greatest fear?  (“not having answers to questionnaires…“)
  3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? (“tolerating questions like this….no, that’s not true… it’s believing that I should tolerate a question like that…hey, I’m a clark“)
  4. What is your motto? (actually this last was Question # 35 (!!) I want to think up something clever, but I’ll have to get back to you

and so, if I’m reading the wikipedia correctly, if we ask the characters we create in our writing,  these questions, the result will be: a) more compelling characters or 2) our grasp on reality is further eroded to the point that we’re not certain who, among those we meet on this internet, is actually real and who is a work of fiction.

OK… at some point, I need to mention gratitude and such.

Big Gratitudinous Item:  We heard from ClairePeek!   A Friend of the Doctrine from way back…. maybe even the 1st generation! (The first generation refers to the point in this blog where people learned about/taught themselves the Wakefield Doctrine (sufficiently to see the clarks, scotts and rogers in their own, personal, ‘real’ worlds), without having come into contact with me directly. Very impressive!)

Biggest Hypo-Grat Item of the Week:  it’s snowing today. Not just the cover-the-grass-in-white, snowing, like last night, no! it’s the couple of inches…. track it into the house, brush off the car level of snow… not happy for this weather. Here, here’s a pitcha:

not so much the snow on the ground… the snow in the trees! that's the discouraging part

not so much the snow on the ground… the snow in the trees! that’s the discouraging part

(Item?  damn… totally did not think of the Tenification of my Post)

…hey! just got off the phone with an agent and I helped her, without feeling bad afterwards!  so  that’s 3 Items in itself!  (a) being able to help, 2) remembering to engage the other person, not just spout information and 3) accept the fact that it’s alright to not be nice all the time…

wow!  this is one confusing TToT post!


ok…one more Thankful Item… (god! the Guard Virgins are gonna kill me for this Post…. hope it’s that new one! She seems kinda….sincere about her role***)

ok lets try to organize this here TToT Post here:

  1. I’m privileged to be a co-host at what is nothing less than the best ‘hop in the blog-o-sphere!
  2. Readers who will read, knowing that a post from the Doctrine is at times confusing, while recognizing the good intent… to provide insight of some sort (self or other)
  3. Christine and her ‘doing cool things and writing about them’…. i.e. road trips!  (one of my favorite life concepts)
  4. old friends visiting back… our Ms Peek
  5. vidchats and meeting virtual friends in as close to the ‘real’ world as I’m likely to get… last night  Lisa! in da house… (fortunately I had Denise and Z and Ms Rogers to provide the social enjoyment factor)
  6. help from friends (see item 5)
  7. job where I can practice my Doctrine…. no, I still always forget at times, but I’m remembering that I’m forgetting more frequently and that’s hugely encouraging
  8. Cyndorito  and our Ms Rogers    clarks on the frontier of their own personal journey  taking notes and sending them back here
  9. the work I do that allows me the chance to get a photo like the one at the top of this post (seriously!  I was driving along in rural CT and even though the land was pretty flat and clear on both sides of the road, I was, like right on top of the area where I took the photo…. and yes,  I was yelled to myself ‘ holy shit!! Hill cows!!!’  while trying to brake the car and find my camera… )
  10. 1.3, binyons!  1.3



Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group

* we’re using the word society in the sense of any group of people, at work or school or the store… the people we are friends with and associate with… that kind of society

** the ‘everything Rule’

*** once again, I have no idea!


phfridae wapup -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Friday, the most sought-after day of the workweek’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Hey, before I forget, tonight in a box at the bottom of this here Post here, I will paste in the link to the Friday Night Vidchat. Click on the link and provided you have downloaded the google hangout app, you will be on line with the Wakefield Doctrine and them. (Depending on who else stops in), you will have an enjoyable and interesting time, courtesy of 21st Century technology.

short, little post this morning. 1 request and 1 cool insight into the rogerian worldview.

  • I’m leaning towards doing the ‘3 to Bee Blog Challenge’ this coming April (April motto: ‘yeah, go ahead dream…she’ll forget you by Memorial Day‘*) and my theme will be the Wakefield Doctrine. The question I have, does anyone know of anything like a word generator that can produce random words, but allows one to enter the first letter?  (My second thought is that I need to approach the month as, ‘The ABCs of the Wakefield Doctrine’… which, if I’m successful will leave me with something useful at the end of the Blues Challenge…. your thoughts?
  • ok, so we all know that the Wakefield Doctrine provides a description of the three worldviews, (personal realities) of clarks, scotts and rogers… and (these descriptions) are accurate and detailed enough to permit us to …kinda scare people with our insight into their personal lifes  (true story: back in the beginning of my blogging, when I met someone online who I knew their worldview from chatting with them** I’d sometimes say things like, ‘I know what’s on the floor of your bedroom closet’  (this being a clarklike female) and I’d describe the clunky but oh-so-comfortable boots and the sensible but worn shoes for work… etc  and 9 times out of 10, they’d be all, ‘hold on! how can you know that‘  (eventually more reasonable people around me at the time, Denise and Molly, said, ‘uh, clark? maybe you might want to lay off on the ‘I know you’ thing until they get a little more comfortable with you and your Doctrine thingie…’  (lol  and yes, I did take their advice)   anyway… back to the rogerian worldview. While we know enough about the personal reality of our rogerian friends to identify other rogers, there is a level of understanding that we can only acquire by inference. A good example is ‘referential authority’.
    (I just ran out of time. I’ll try to link to the post that initiated this insight and I’ll certainly try to carve out the time to add to this Post. Failing that, I guess you’ll just need to join us on the vidchat tonight.)




*                                      *
*                                                                                                                                                                                                   *

 * seriously, I have no idea

** well, yeah… it is possible to infer a person’s predominant worldview on the basis of the written word and/or chatting on line… just takes practice, yo


tjeursdae -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘talkin shop with Cyndi-lou, zoeta, Val and them’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Now I know we all ( from their commentation, Cynthia and zoe and Val ) agree that, if there were one day (of the workweek) that is most conducive to sitting back for a minute and ‘talking shop’, it surely has to be Thursdays!  (….Lisa  you will agree with us?…. there are a number of us, perhaps enough to constitute,  dare I say it… a herd?)  So, lets do this thing. (And just to show you that I can get causal…. casual! casual! I’ll bring on the comic sans!  nothing says, ‘we’re just having a conversation among friends as ‘the comic sans’, right?)

there!  First shop topic!  hey rogers (and anyone with a strong secondary rogerian aspect),  a question!  Do the Readers here at the Wakefield Doctrine possess sufficient intra-allegiance to comprise, constitute or, otherwise be a Herd?  My thought is ‘no’, at least in terms of how I might conceive of a Herd1….  anyone else?

second shop topic: the role of (a) blog in real life. I’m considering the A to Z Challenge. Looks like fun. But the aspect that everyone seem to mention, the ‘omg! a Post every day except Sunday’… that’s not exciting me. However, the ‘join in with others, be a real blogger, just like your vfriends are doing… it’ll help you bond with them and such2‘ holds some attraction for me.  I’m still trying to make up my mind.  That being said, I’m looking for  words to associate with the letters of the alphabet, because, in all due modesty, it’s not a question whether I can write a Post everyday, it’s really a question of which word (for the letter of the day) would I use to best illustrate my theme (the Wakefield Doctrine)?

shop topic three: z has what she thinks is the answer to the question posed yesterday, i.e. Taylor Swift’s predominant worldview. She (zoe not Taylor) is, undoubtedly correct, such is her understanding of our little personality theory, however, assuming that there might be Readers reluctant to state their call (for her worldview)…. allow me to re-emphasize how we look at this very common, fun and educational exercise (figuring out a person’s worldview).  The answer (which worldview) is not so important, why you pick the one that you did is. I’m totally serious about this… I want to hear the reasons, the evidence that supports your choice, because this whole damn thing is about perspectives and perceptions…
The recommended approach is to narrow it down to 2 worldviews, (find the ‘no frickin way’ worldview and eliminate that one), our Ms Swift is tough, not just because she’s a performer. I ended up eliminating ‘scott‘  because, even though her eyes are striking there is no hunger in them….  (see ‘the eyes of a scott’ in the section on scotts)… so that left clark and roger…. clothes are a bit funky (a clarklike female trait)…   but I don’t see the ….slump to the posture….the fashion choices are kinda   well, fashionable, so that does not speak to a clark…. I’m gonna go with roger…  only because there is something    calculated in how she appears to be relating herself to the world around her….  So, that’s my reasoning

Out of time…. one last topic:  vidchat anyone? Friday  sometime from 7:00 pm EDT on…



1) further explication of my answer and my Answer: as a clark, a ‘Herd of clarks‘ is not a possibility,  but, as Clark, I can see rogers (and scotts) gather here at and constitute a group-of-coinciding-interests, and thats almost a Herd, right?

2) god! if I had a dollar for every time that thought possessed my mind during my youth… and you know, I’m not, in fact, saying that it is a false or bad thing for a clark to think… the danger lies in expectations…. for a clark, expectations are a drug…the bad kind, addictive kind, with a decreasing payoff and an increasing cost  hey! topic for the A to Z  yes?? for the Letter E  I’d like Expectations, Pat!


Mid_week Post -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘it’s fun and it’ll help you have a better today’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The Wakefield Doctrine can be fun.

The Wakefield Doctrine can help you do better today.

Hey, if you’re new to the Doctrine, lets talk about what you do after (stumbled over) this blog. Wait, don’t laugh (scott), don’t sneer (roger) and clark, wait hold up, don’t go off half prepared.

Damn! I had a really fun Post and then realized that I have to limit my reprints! Shit!

Nothing in the Rules against excerpts!!*

But the Doctrine will take the position that old people will show the characteristics of their individual types very clearly.

    • clarks will age the least, ’cause they have been old from the start
    • scotts will appear to slow down the least, until they fall over dead
    • rogers will get even crankier, even though most laws of physics say that is not even possible (except for the ones that are not… we have Kristi and a few of the other rogers to thank for their example of variations in the expression of the rogerian worldview) (which is simply… more…not more-additional, more-of-the-thing-itself)
    • clarks who by definition have missed the whole point of Life, will get increasingly active as they age
    • scotts will not notice the physical effects of aging when it starts, the psychological effects they have never noticed
    • rogers will sit more, but they will be the most compliant guests in the home, until they stop getting visitors


You know, speaking of age… time does impart change (despite what rogers may wish), and while it is all too easy (or tempting or seemingly necessary) to point out, things are different now. Take live musical performances (please! bar ump bump). I’m comfortable using music to illustrate changes over time because, anyone who would claim to enjoy music must, perforce** accept that all music develops from what has come before…

Taylor Swift (2012 or whatever)

(Note: I doubt I even have to mention this, but I have Taylor Swift’s vid up for 2 reasons: a) I like a lot of her stuff and 2) she is very, terribly popular. There are a ton of modern artists out there that may do a better job of supporting my point and there are surely 2000 lbs of musical acts that would contradict my point. However, this Doctrine is about fun.  Speaking of fun, free Wakefield Doctrine hat (‘for your damn head’) to anyone who can tell us Ms Swift’s predominant worldview!!***)


Deep Purple (19 ‘yeah, we get that you weren’t even born yet’ 72)

…no, this is not a re-make of ‘This is Spinal Tap’…. that stage is about 12 feet deep and yes, those are ‘roadies’ climbing around the equipment as the band starts playing, since I’ve been to concerts like the one in the vid, I will attest to the fact that the shows were that organized back in the day.



* Rules?!?  are there Rules to this here Doctrine here?  Well, yes and no.

** yes, I used the word ‘perforce’  did you not read the part about old people?

*** some restriction may apply. This is for old Readers as well as new Readers: you know how you’re with some one, say at the mall or a family reunion or the gym….or even at work and one of you says, ‘man she is such a scott‘ or  ‘damn! gots to go deal with what’s his name… what a fricken roger, if I’m not out of his office in 10 minutes find a scott and send them in to rescue me!‘   well, a big part of the fun of this here Doctrine here is to figure the worldview of the people around us, especially when you have someone else who knows the Doctrine. I’ll say right here, when you decide you know the person’s worldview and the other person says, ‘yeah?!  why?  Why do you think they’re a clark/scott/roger‘  this is not a negative challenge. This is a part of how we’re all learning to identify the three personality types.  ….so, if you and I are sitting in a Taylor Swift concert and you say, “She is clearly a …..”  be prepared to provide evidence and I will thank you for it. I may not agree (initially or ever)… but this Wakefield Doctrine is a lot of things to a lot of people, but it is not a ‘damn…I’m not sure, better not say, someone will laugh’  personality theory blog.


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘if everyday of the week were Tuesday, there would be no wars’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


No! I’m actually serious. Consider your day right now.  You’re over the strain (for some the assault) of the beginning of the workweek… you’ve given up your hold on the weekend.  You have your job, you have your classes, you have the home-to-make tasks… and, maybe for just today, you kinda think you can handle it! Hell, there’s a good chance that you’ll find yourself, maybe not enjoying it, but at very least, having a good feeling about what you do during the workweek. And the people you work sit by side with/ sit in class alongside/ talk to and instruct and raise into adults they’re not so bad today, are they? We all have workweek days and we all have weekends (maybe minutes at a time, maybe a lifetime’s worth), but Tuesdays are the day of the workweek and when what we do (during our workweek) looks and feels and gives us the most of what we thought it would when we started out, new in the job/first day of class/infant brought home to build the family…

So, if the world could just make itself see everyday as a Tuesday, there would be no wars.

What does this have to do with the Wakefield Doctrine?  a lot…

(I have to interrupt myself, this and the previous Post this week, were started at my usual time of day for writing Posts, i.e. 5:30 am, however, today I thought to try to complete the Post(s) in the later morning. It is now 5:30 pm  so I need to wrap it up.  What’s interesting is that when I write about a Day, it is the day (yet) to come, not the day that has passed… I suspect I may need to work on my scheduling.)

… a lot and nothing. The Wakefield Doctrine is not an answer, it is, however a very cool set of questions. And, even as a set of cool questions, it is not the implied answers, (to these cool questions), that is the value of learning this thing of ours,  it is the process of asking… that is where the benefit of the Wakefield Doctrine can be found. Simply put: every time I use/play with/look through/use as a inter-personal Cliff Notes/ or otherwise use the perspective that the Doctrine offers, I learn something about myself. There’s an old saying, ‘every window is a mirror’. To use the Wakefield Doctrine is to accept yourself, (the good qualities and the ‘oh-no-way-I’m-like-that‘ parts); when you set out to see the world as the other person is experiencing it, you will run into yourself. But that’s a good thing….not always comfortable, but good.

what time is it?

…oh!  oh!  vidchat this Friday…. we usually start at 7:00 pm (which as we all know is ‘are you still awake British Meantime’) but if anyone knows that they will not be able to join us until a later hour… lets us know! Adjustments and accommodations will be made.
