Month: October 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: October 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

…’scuse me a minute’ the Wakefield Doctrine (I think we’re… er alone now here: pieces of Posts Friday!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Part 2:

I was talking to Denise (Girlie on the Edge) last night, she mentioned hearing a roger at her office express incredulity when another person (in the group that was out walking around the office complex parking lot during their lunch breaks ….the rogers dressed to the height of parking-lot-walking-fashion, the scotts ignoring the passing cars slowing down and the clark in the lead, for once one their lives), mentioned that her daughter was going to go a concert the next weekend, by herself… and that naturally lead to a discussion of ‘being alone’.
At first it seemed a very abstract and convoluted subject, i.e. how the Doctrine deals with the state of being alone.  Denise pointed out that ‘being alone’ can be a condition or it can be an emotion (rather adroit perception). We struggled with that…. condition/emotion and the three worldviews, but then we remembered ‘the everything Rule’ and it all fell into place! The ‘everything Rule’ tells us that ‘everyone does everything, at one time or another’. So we didn’t need to worry about who was ‘better at being alone’, rather all we had to do was understand how being alone manifested in each of the three worldviews (that of the Outsider/clarks, the world of the Predator/scotts or the life of the Herd Member/rogers).

On being alone:

  1. clarks start out alone (Outsider? everyone and everything is ‘out there’?) so they have the resources not to be freaked out by being alone, they are naturally alone, but…. they do not ‘enjoy’ being alone as ‘the other two’ do …they are spending their time trying to not be alone (to be a ‘real person’). Best insight that only a clark will appreciate? Listen to the song vid below,
  2. scotts are, by nature loners,… but they are (also) natural pack members, so ‘being alone’ is, at times, a strategy, but in the world of human scotts…when was the last time you saw one alone? everyone wants to go to the game/the prom/club with the scott!   there is one time when a scott will seek being alone, if they are very, very dis-(something…sick, injured, messed up), then  if you can’t find your scott, you should check the corner of the garage, under the porch, behind the pile of laundry.
  3. rogers are the natural ‘never alone’… they are connected, a part of the Herd, they will affect to want to be alone, but that’s because the Herd is within… for a roger to say, ‘excuse me, but I’d really rather be alone for the moment’? what they are really saying is, ‘tell the Herd that something is wrong in the world and hurry the hell up about it!’

so, that was our brief conversation last night.


Part 1

The latest strategy in my on-going effort to write the Wakefield Doctrine book is to:

  1. use excerpts from Posts that I’ve written over the last 5 years as a way to form a narrative connecting the ‘other two parts’,
  2. grab the bulk information from my previous ‘book-writing-effort’ (60,000+ words written in exquisitely fluent Gibberish) and… (this is the part that I believe is totally necessary and, at the same time, the scariest most intimidating  part)…
  3. tell the story of how this,  weird/inspired/funny/encouraging/somehow-posessed-0f-a-kind -of-wisdom, personality theory view of life and the world and the people that form our lives has shaped, bent, twisted, enhanced and, eventually changing my thinking over the course of a lifetime.

(For the benefit of newer Readers), these three views, (giving structure and shape to the book), reflect the most basic, simple and true description of the Wakefield Doctrine:

clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel

so I’ll let my clarklike aspect dive into the information angle of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers… and my scottian aspect can grab the Reader’s attention with funny stories, outrageous antics, innuendo and clever seduction (with words, of course) and the third aspect, my rogerian experience… damn!  that is going to totally be the ‘no-frickin-way-am-I-going-to-be-able-to-do-this’ part of this thing. We all know that our herdlike friends are the natural storytellers and, the Doctrine tells us that we all possess the potential of ‘the other two’ worldviews, then I guess I’m just gonna have to find my inner roger. (ewww! lol) but… what the hell, right?

So, every now and then, don’t be surprised I hit you up to read something that I’m trying out at the book. It seems that here, writing these Posts, is where I am most comfortable and willing to leave the self-sabotaging complexity of my clarklike dominant worldview and the distracting scottian ‘come on! don’t beat yourself up with that book thing!!! lets do something fun!’

not that this is going to be sit in the Macy’s Department Store window display  “writer as mannequin (or mannequin as writer)” performance art, but I’m glad a have a place that I can bounce imaginary ideas off of imaginary personages*… my, how 21st Century of me!

…anyway, thanks for the listen.


* no… I said ‘imaginary personages, I did not say, ‘imaginary friends’


vidchat tonight   be there or be square …. hey! Joy!  hey Lisa! yo  Dyanne  that’s 7:30 in the Eastern Daylight Time Zone…. check ‘the Facebook’ but will send you an invite anyway   our Ms. L  (might be there) and zoe and Michelle and Denise (a bit late)





‘…of storms and bad weather’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘let me tell you a story about the world’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


“…so! are you ready for the big storm?”

…friendly and caring, inviting and (somehow) enthusiastic words floated across the office yesterday morning. It was our newest rogerian agent, on the phone to a client. I was at my desk, in the corner (windows on 2 sides, but the corner nevertheless), and this simple phrase totally commanded my attention. ‘That is so rogerian!’ was my first thought. Following thoughts were:

  • god! what a loud voice
  • his voice is not conveying alarm or fear, there is an un-mistakable  promise of excitement or maybe, even better…. shared excitement
  • … coming from a scott, it would have been heard more like,   ‘hey, have you been working out?’ (scottian female) or, ‘what’s that perfume you’re wearing?’ (male scott)

So what does the Doctrine tell us about this little snippet of a part of a telephone conversation? Two things:

  1. as a clark I’m hearing only the words (but, because I’m fluent in the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, I could not help but to be drawn to the tone of the words being spoken by the roger)
  2. to a roger there is something going on that, as a clark, I would not understand, although, as a clark, I might be enticed/charmed/convinced by the message that I was over hearing
  3. I need to remember that even though we (me, the rogerian agent, the putative listener on his phone) live in a common world, the everyday world of weather reports and telephones and approaching rainstorms, the Doctrine charges us to remember that our experience of these events, (how they ‘manifest’ to us as clarks and scotts and rogers), can be as different as cats and dogs, ghosts and bridges

From this 7 second, overheard half-a-phonecall, we can infer: rogers ‘enjoy’ preparing for challenges, the more ‘common’ the experience, i.e. a hurricane or a blizzard or an upcoming exam or a national holiday,  the more enjoyment there is to be had; the ‘enthusiasm’ in the voice of our roger, (in today’s example), conveys both a challenge, an invitation and an attempt at seduction… “hey, that rain is really coming down,  …come here often?”

So we have an insight into the worldview of the Herd, an artifact* to add to our collection:  the virtue of preparing and preparedness.

As we know, in the personal reality of the roger, there is a Right way and there are a bunch of other ways. For the most part, rogers seek to learn/discover/find/practice the Right way, if for no other reason than, that (the Right way) exists in the same form for everyone, therefore it represents the highest form (of an act or action).
rogers, if they do nothing else, strive for perfection. The virtue in preparation is found in the element of ‘common practice’…. the over-crowded supermarket the day before the Blizzard of the Century… I’ve always wondered why there is such an element of ….celebration in the air.  It’s because the grocery store is full of rogers engaging in practice of preparation… buying bread and milk is only the outward activity,  the source of the energy and excitement is that the Herd is engaged in a common effort.

(Hey!  new Readers? I often warn people about, how once you get to the point where you can see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your life, you will be unable to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers in your life. Lets add another level to this advisory. Today’s Post is an example of how much there is going on around us that is so interesting… become fluent in the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine and you’ll never have to watch reality TV again!)


* an ‘artifact’ is a word or phrase that provides an insight into a worldview, these are rare and incredibly valuable. Examples:  ‘referential authority’  and  ‘the security of expectations’ ( thanks, Kristi)










couldn’t just do a ‘re-print’, could you? the Wakefield Doctrine pastiche Tuesday (yeah, I like the look of the word, hope I’m using it correctly!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(damn!  I looked the word up and my intended use is….close, but not really. shit.)

Anyway, I’ve got some clips from previous Posts lined up, better not waste ’em.

From Octovia 7 2010 (yeah, over 14 years ago!)

… clarks, scotts and rogers were at an athletic event and were waving pennants and cheering their team, what would it look like?

clarks: (2 possibilities):  a) a bunch of rogers with $5.00 bills sticking out of their pockets would wave a “Go! clarks” pennant 3 times, look around, start talking to their fellow rogers and forget they have anything in their hands and “go clarks” end up under the bleachers…to be found later by a clark, who would gather them up quickly so that no one would see them and get embarrassed; B) among the rogerian banners and pennants being waved from the full bleachers, in the upper left corner there is one pennant that says “go clarks….

scotts: they don’t need pennants, or if there is someone near with artistic skills, the scotts will have them (probably a clark) write words on their faces and chests in body paint. Mostly, “Kill”, and “Go Team! (KILL)” but for the most part the scottian element at the game will be happy shouting, “KILL (other team name here)” or “Get in the Hole”!!! or ” eee haaa” or similar ‘inchoate-high-volume-noise-meant-to-designate-a-perceived-freedom-to-act-in-any-manner-that-occurs-to-the-scott-in-question’ ( … aiiyee, Miguel! esta palabra, ‘incipiente’ ¿Qué quiere decir?… ).  Guess it is kinda hard to put into words, but then again, they are scotts

rogers: you know that  ‘wave’ thing that stadium goers do? Stand up and sit down in sequence?…rogers!   And the thing where the crowd holds up black or white cards that, when seen from afar (there is a hint right there) the whole half of the stadium appears to be spelling out the Pythagorean theory complete with proof and citations …rogers!   Hell, for that matter, every marching band in the western world… you know, the ones who insist on doing an arrangement of “I Feel Good” (James Brown) complete with choreography and solos by the horn sections and everyone, including the overweight tuba-playing guys, doing the splits at the end?…rogers!  Real simple concept here, if it is complicated to the point that you lose track of the original reason for doing the thing and requires a level of coordination that would make a school of albacore blush in shame, then you are talking about rogers

So, there you have it! In time for the football season, you now know how to identify clarks, scotts and rogers at the (high school/college) football games.  (… yes? Britney? you have a question?  the female clarks, scotts and rogers?  Why of course they are there!! The Wakefield Doctrine is, after all, gender neutral!  Let’s take the easy ones first…. {very funny Jimmy, besides the scottian girls…} the cheerleaders.  Not counting the male cheerleaders, who are rogers to a “man”. The girl cheerleaders will have the rogerian females on the ground-level of those formation things. Can’t afford to have anyone lose their focus and wander off, the rest are little scottian girls being thrown into the air by clarklike females (with the extra sparkle-things on their showlaces and their hair a little weird).


(From the Year of Our Lord MMXII, the month of Octopi):

So a quick review of primary characteristics of clarks and scotts and rogers.

clarks: quiet, tend to mumble and are on the “brainy” side (not geeks who tend to be rogers) but clarks are the ones who are living in their own heads.  If you want to know about anything that normal people don’t have the time to learn about, clarks are the people you will go to… there is one in your life, close but you just haven’t noticed them.  clarklike females will dress from the “androgyny fashion collection” mix and mix, especially shoes… the clarklike males will be grey(with a splash of beige)  and have virtually no eye contact when speaking to you, which if they do, will consist of strings of incomplete sentences.

scotts: never stop moving, never stop talking, never fuckin stop…sports fans to a person…your scott is the one who introduces themselves whether they are entering a situation where they are the stranger or there is a stranger entering the setting where the scott  already is…when you move to a new place, the neighbor who comes to “welcome you to the neighborhood” that’s your scott…always helpful as long as “completing the task” is not the priority…scottian females…always attractive/seductive/commanding/demanding depending on the context, scottian males…always in charge…the person best described as “not always right but never uncertain…”

rogers: the most social and accommodating person you know, the roger is, in fact, most likely your family doctor, your family lawyer, your family accountant, emphasis on family…the person who knows the family history and insists that you come to the family reunion that’s your roger, the one who knows how many forks should be on which side of the plate…there’s your rogerian female…want to have a long conversation?…talk to a roger, they make it so easy to talk about yourself…the rogerian male will be well dressed and if you want to know if ascots and large briarwood pipes are still worn and/or smoked you will find the roger when you see either of them and if you want to imagine settling down and raising a family with a beautifully decorated home and be a member in all the right clubs and organisations…then a rogerian female will be near by.

Thats all we have time for today.

Remember to be ready next week to Vote for your Faaavorite Guard Virgin


‘Jesus just left Chicago, and he’s bound for New Orleans’ the Wakefield Doctrine it’s the start of another workweek

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

the part of the boat where the name 'Roann' is? that's the fo'c's'le  (sleep and eat there…work everywhere else)

the part of the boat where the name ‘Roann’ is? that’s the fo’c’s’le (sleep and eat there…work everywhere else)

So here’s the thing, I need to write a Post before I get pulled into my work-world. (I’m also trying to learn to become a better writer… so let me think out loud here, ok?) You, the Reader, have a couple of Questions at this point:

  1. Why does he need to write a Post
  2. What does he mean by ‘(being)pulled into his ‘world-world’
  3. What does he mean by ‘work-world’ and
  4. I don’t think with parentheses… what they hell is going on here?

Fine. Here are the Answers:

1) I need to write a Post for two reasons: a) I’m trying to write ‘the Wakefield Doctrine book’ and, for reasons beyond the scope of this Post, I need to practice my ‘voice’ in writing (has something to do with how I’m trying to come across to the Reader of the book, more conversational than informational… interesting instead of pedantic. Not that I’m ever in danger of being pedantic. 2) I find that I only have a certain ‘amount of words’ to write in a given day and c) I’m always afraid that if I don’t write frequently enough, I’ll forget how to

2) I mean that there is a schedule to create, tasks and appointments that are part of my workday and, for me, I need to ‘get into character’, (Jules Winnfield in that wonderful movie, ‘Pulp Fiction’), in order to have any hope whatsoever of being effective today. The moment I start to plan my day, I’m halfway into that world

3) I believe I just told you.

4) So, I need to get something down ‘on paper’ in order to satisfy my need to do whatever-the-hell-it-is-that-I-think-I’m-doing-by-writing-this-blog, today. Not as cool as waking up carnal or waking up and running 5 miles or waking up and meditating on a bamboo mat or waking up in the fo’c’s’le of an old Eastern rig (you actually wake up because it become quieter…. the engines are slowed down because you’ve arrived at the spot where you will ‘set in’ , i.e.putting the net out, which involves physical work in one of the most … bracing of environments. It’s not just that you’re waking up outdoors! Hell, cowboys and campers do that! It’s not even that you’re in a hostile situation….soldiers and hookers experience that… it’s that the place you are, the ‘middle of the ocean’* is a place that you have no, natural business being. You are, through your technology, floating in an alien world, a ghost/demon in the quiet dark world of the fishes that swim below. Totally at the mercy of the elements, (wind and temperature, sky and water). Waking up and going up on deck ( the fo’c’s’le of an Eastern rig is in the bow, the foremost part of the boat and is below decks, so you need to climb a ladder to get outdoors). Working on deck means ignoring where you are and never for a moment forgetting where you are, very ….special way to wake up to a workweek.

Today’s Post title? Sometimes, all it takes is a wonderful song lyric to jumpstart a Post, ya know?

* for the most part, at least in the context of the Atlantic Ocean fisheries, you’re not really in the ‘middle of the ocean’… you’re on the left edge, the Continental shelf, to be somewhat technical…. the depth that you fish in is relatively shallow, maybe, 600 feet versus 6,000 (the shelf drops off very sharply…well, yeah just like a shelf…google it)


TToVidee the Wakefield Doctrine (“show them, don’t tell them”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(like this, except instead of a Viking it was a small frog and instead of a book with a lot cool stuff, it was the front grill of a Mini)

(like this, except instead of a Viking it was a small frog and instead of a boat with a lot cool stuff, it was the front grill of a Mini)

Saturday morning. Lets set the timer!


(…!?! 8:29)

1) Phyllis is grateful that I am here because,  (and the reason for the gap in this morning’s timeline), there was a frog in her grill…. good thing I’m from Y Chromia!  god! I’d really be grateful if we could have a laugh track for our days… (you’ll know what I mean in the next grat item),  anyway, I had to go outside and remove the frogae corpus delectus from the grill of her Mini… where apparently the deceased frog’s family decided to send the body onwards   sort of an amphibian Valhalla ceremony

3) That reminds me of a classic bit from the Beverly Hillbillies (an admittedly acquired taste, no, really, I thought the show was stupid when I was  12 years old… any way, here’s a youtube clip)

6) Cyndi…cyndi! Buenos y’all

4) from FOTD Katia (I apparently have a subscription to her youtube channel, which is cool, but this sample jumped out at me):

2) I am glad I got a chance to have a vidchat last night with zoe and Denise… much discussion over a wide range of topics

5) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… we all agreed, (in last night’s vidchat), that one of the things that makes this bloghop so exceptional is that we have a BoSRs/SBoRs  Sure, there are other gratitude blogs and blog hops, but none of them provide a resource to, (and a responsibility on), it’s participants the way that the TToT does, what with Secret Rules and all…

7) speaking of exceptional and vidchats…. last night we got to talk about, you know who and we sort of stumbled on a bit of a mystery/controversy  (mystroversy)…. are they the same or have they changed through the ages… sure, we know there are only Seven of the them (because Cyndi told us so)… but  it now appears to be common knowledge that at one time there were 3 female Guard Virgins (aka real Virgins) and 4 male Guard Virgins (aka  yeah, right)… but there was trouble with that ratio and now we have 4 and 3 (new-ratio-of-female-Guard-Virgins-to-male-Guard-virgins motto: “hey! don’t be like that! you’re not the only GV in the world ya know“)  so we have 2 questions:  are they same throughout the ages or do the individual manifestations change over time

8) how many am I up to now? I’ll be glad when I get this list done!

9) I am totally grateful that yesterday is over. However I have to add a hypo-grateful item here:  the work does not stop with the Friday… still  better than being on a fishing boat spending all my waking hours picking up dead fish

10)  Big thanks to Cyndi and Katia for lending their presence to this here list here… tell me they’re not clarks with significant secondary scottian aspects! I dare ya I double dare ya


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