Month: July 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: July 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

keeping the post so un-cluttered! the Wakefield Doctrine video insert

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

here is the video that you are so incredibly intrigued by the alluring reference, back there at the TToT Post July 19 2014


too many connections, not (nearly) enough conclusions the Wakefield Doctrine (clarks or 2ndary clarks only!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

bella2 008.5

I want to thank Joy for her Guest Post Thursday’s Guest Post (‘scottian style!’)  as is clear both from the number of visitors (‘in the 100s’) and the Comments (‘OM-lol-G!’) yesterday was all that a good scottian Post can and should be… fun, exciting (‘…and a hint of come hither‘).    cool

Today is Friday. Friday is one of the days of the week that clarks love, fear and hate,

  • we love that it is neither weekday nor weekend
  • we fear that we will get swept up in hope (and we hope that we can let ourselves forget that we are letting ourselves be swept up in hope)
  • we fear that our expectations will be held against us

(Did I make it clear enough in the Title that today’s Post was really meant for clarks and any poor scott* or roger with an overly expressive secondary clark?)

Most of the time, at this point in a post-like-this-one, I’d be all qualifying and explaining and ‘hey-don’t-think-I’m-all-depressed-and-such. No, today I will not indulge in that. For one very good reason: a) the Title was clear enough for any Reader and 2) any of us who are not included in the ‘target audience’ understands the Doctrine sufficiently to not be overly concerned.

Since there is no such thing as a 265 word Post (at least not around here, anymore). Let’s end this Post on a positive note (lol, yes, new Reader that is a setup).

I was thinking,  about Sarah’s concern, expressed in a Comment earlier in the week, about (her) not ‘getting’/not-wanting-to-be-assigned-a-worldview/not-feeling-a-member-of-a-herd-that-she-felt-a-part-of this Wakefield Doctrine thing. I was trying to find the correct way to express the information that I knew would let her understand this thing and I found myself stopping (myself) and thinking, ‘stop it! there are three worldviews, remember, clark?‘. If Sarah were a clark, she would not be asking the kind of questions she is asking. then she must be either a scott or a roger. and, no matter which,  information is not what will help her with this matter.
The Doctrine tells us that we all live and think and act and feel and hate and fight and get confused in one of three worldviews. The Doctrine tells us that ‘it is about us, not them’.   This very simply means that, I need to put myself in her worldview in order to understand her question/concern/misunderstanding/feelings about the Wakefield Doctrine.
That is one of the implications of ‘the Doctrine is for me, not them’ that is often overlooked.   (I was talking to Michelle and Lizzi one Friday vidchat and, for god knows what reason, we got to talking about Michelle taking her father out to lunch. Her father is, according to Michelle, a scott. Michelle was saying how he seems to feel differently about going to a restaurant than she does, and I said, “when you are both standing across the street from the restaurant, the restaurant is experienced differently for both of you. the building (you are both staring at) manifests one way for you, the roger and another way for your father, the scott“)

…one of the main benefits that is the result of a proper understanding of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine is that I know that you may be experiencing the same thing  I am, only differently and if I want to, I might be able to see the world as you are experiencing it.  This is not only the secret to understanding the other person, it is the secret to understanding my own life.

I mentioned a music vid. Johnny Winter died yesterday. So I’ll put up one of my favorite Johnny Winter tunes (from the early….yes, early) 1970s

* don’t worry Christine… it’s** not permanent, your world(view) will re-solidify after a while, as you get healthy’ed-up…and, yes! of course you will retain some of what you found (in your world) during your couchtime

**  your clarklike aspect coming forward making you see the world as a, ‘my-god-everything-is-something-else-sometimes-but-the-same-thing-other-times-how-the-hell-do-these-people-get-out-of-bed-in-the-morning?!?’


Guest Post Thursday’s Guest Post (scottian) Guest Post Writer …the Wakefield Doctrine, ‘can I get a ^($&@#&!!!?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

('I have no idea…)

(‘I have no idea…)

Today’s Guest Post Writer, Joy Christi  is a self-admitted scott* who, interestingly enough, I first met at one of Lizzi and Michelle’s Friday Night vidchats.  (…have you ever had the experience of being at a party or hanging out with some semi-friends and you’re getting kind of bored and you make a joke or say something just for the hell of it and you get total zero response….except for this one person (who is not even standing in the immediate circle of people you are in? like maybe you’re at a table and a girl(or guy) sitting at the bar laughs?)

Kinda like that with Joy. I mean, I knew her from the TToT, she writes the blog, ComfyTown Chronicles and no one coming across that blog doesn’t notice it.  Funny about some scotts…. you think, ‘ok straightforward, confident and fun-to-watch predator’ but then they get all kinds of multi-creative on you….photos, cartoons, the whole shebang!  and you’re like, “damn! this girl has some chops!”   Joy  does that at ‘Comfy.  And then, her first appearance at the vidchat!  … I didn’t know you could pull off a noir vidchat… but there was Joy, sitting in a semi-dark….someplace in her house, not saying much (not being overtly mysterioso, just being there) and then… (this is my favorite part), she’s like.. “hey, hold on, I gotta go outside for a smoke”  !!  (I hope this really happened and Joy wasn’t playing with us with some insane CGI thing because that is way cool).   …how scottian is that?  This, all on the basis of, maybe 3…5 max vidchats (and a bunch of ‘OTs).  scotts do tend to make an impression….no?

(remember back in the day when sitcoms decided to insist on how  funny they really were, so there was always this announcement at the start of the show, “…was filmed before a live audience”?….  here at the Doctrine we’re always trying to move forward in self-developing ourselfs, so the following:  “…this introduction was written, knowing that our Guest Writer is a scott, entirely before even downloading (much less reading) our Guest Writers’ Post”)


Not A Great Scott

I was asked by Clark to guest post my Scottian point of view. I am totally honored and thrilled to do so, and extremely tempted to post something absolutely outrageous, ala pictures of my internal or external organs, though that was done fantastically, or mayhaps my Husband’s Pipe….but I did that Sunday on my own blog.

2014  1 OITNB from 22dakika dotorg  2

I was hoping Outrageous Inspiration would strike before the deadline because I haven’t been my usual…. Scott-ish self lately. Sure I bang out a knee-slapper of a post once a week, but I haven’t been the entertaining, witty Scott I used to be. Maybe I should wear a kilt and drink beer from a giant stein. That couldn’t possibly be a bad idea, no matter what happens.

After reading Clark’s description of the 3 personality types months ago, I quickly diagnosed myself a Scott. I’m a tomboy, I often leap before I look, I’m an extrovert to anyone casually watching. I usually introduce myself and am always talking, joking, generally being a jackass, usually in a non-threatening way. I’m guessing this based on people’s reactions to my asshattery.

I have learned to use humor as a defense mechanism in any situation, whether I’m feeling unsociable, or the chatter in the room has grown too serious for comfort, or in the case of the never-ending fighting all around me growing up. Tense situations were always easily diffused by The Jester, or Class Clown, or whatever my shrink at the time called that particular character when he explained about the different roles people play in alcoholic families. This usually works fantastically even outside of a family dynamic.

However, lately I haven’t felt that way. I’m curious to get Clark’s input on whether it’s a temporary issue, or some personality paradigm shift.

The reason I started blogging a year and a half ago was partly for adult interaction. I am alone with my children and other people’s children *shudder* for 11-12 hours a day. I love being right where I am, don’t get me wrong, but being the Sole Adult in a house full of small children and rebellious teenagers can quickly suck the funny out of a person.

Being the parent means changing from having all the fun, to the person constantly shutting it down because it’ll stain the carpet.
Or someone will get hurt.
Or your face could stay that way.
As if, I know. But you try to talk to a 4 year old who keeps crossing her eyes at you. It’s cReEpY.

Before this work-at-home life, I had no issue meeting new people, making conversation, wooing clients, impressing middle management and the like.  A friend of mine used to invite me to her client events for my ability to make (fake) small talk, anything and everything from weather to sports to politics, without getting too heavy or emotional. I was a Corny Joke factory. My old man had a million of ‘em.

“Oh, your foot fell asleep? Now it’ll be up all night.” And so on. Forever.

I did the same thing you’re doing now, rolling your eyes almost out of your head. If you hear these zingers enough times, they just come right out when the opportunity presents itself. Then the people you tell them to groan, but they find themselves telling them. And so on. It’s Personality Herpes. It sure beats awkward silence, though, I’ll tell you that.

Chit chat seemed to be second nature, it came easily and wasn’t anything I had to even think about. I opened my mouth and the right words and questions vomited right out.

Lately I’m not as chatty, I don’t find myself full of jokes. My husband will say the classics before I even think of them. And most embarrassing, I’m so afraid of having another awkward encounter I tend to over-think before speaking. I wind up avoiding having to speak to anyone but my children.

I’ve blogged about an awkward encounter with a neighbor who was having a His & Her Divorce Garage Sale, I was at a total loss for words. People who have known me a long time find that hard to believe, but there it was. 2 days ago, yet another awkward neighbor encounter. I’ll get into full story next week on my blog, it was getting way too long and it’s not very relevant to this post.


The moral of that story is, as most of my stories are lately:
A mildly awkward situation is made worse by inability to find and form words.

Why does this keep happening to me?
Why is my brain downgrading?
I’m not watching reality television, or drinking excessively, okay not really excessively.
I read, I write…ish, I eat fish and vegetables, I take vitamins and fish oil, we lead a relatively healthy life. I don’t do drugs, I try to get a lot of sleep, I go outside, we play card games and do puzzles. What up with the what up?

Mayhaps I am just lacking confidence, causing me to over-think.But wait, don’t Clarks think, and Scotts act?

Maybe a person’s secondary trait can become more dominant as they age.
Perhaps I was never really a Scott, I just played one on TV.
Mayhaps this is just the way things are going to be.

Do I see a Clark-moon rising?
Is there a Roger in my 7th house?
Is it just a matter of interacting solely with children for the last 4+ years?


Meh, whatevs. Gotta go watch cartoons now, L8R G8Rs.





Joy Christi writes Comfytown Chronicles, which is sometimes a blog about a mother of 3 just doing her best, but mostly is about silly humor, cussing, day-drinking, binge eating and other things she won’t go to meetings for.

…not the actual, specific exact photo sent in with post… so we made (no! don't laugh)…made it bigger to compensate

…not the actual, specific exact photo sent in with post… so we (no! don’t laugh)…made it bigger to compensate







* like, has anyone out there seen a scott who has been the least hesitant to claim their scottian worldview?  …sure, it might take them a little while to ‘get it’…. they like to bat the prey around, stir it up, have some fun, but once they’re confident in their understanding of the Doctrine…. ain’t no hesitating.


scotts…. the Wakefield Doctrine (if Ken Burns is the film maker of rogers, then Disney is the scottian choice)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Seeing how we have a Guest Post Writer on tomorrow’s ‘Guest Post Thursday’a Guest Post’, I wanted to write a quick little Post to get in front of y’all, just in case you did not know, about:  a) the Guest Post Thursday or 2) the fact that you will get a kick out of it, being a writer with a scottian worldview.  Reading this, (as I write it), makes me think I should be talking about scotts  in this here Post. But then again, (I think, as I consider what my own response to what I read, having just written it), I’ve gone to all the trouble to find a Post from a couple of Summers ago, to run as a re-print and besides, what can I say about scotts that I haven’t already said?

All right, if you insist.

What we call the scottian personality type, here at the Wakefield Doctrine, is simply a term, (and, a rather cool one, at that), for a person who has grown up and developed and matured in the reality of the Predator.  scotts are quite easily identifiable, first and foremost by what we refer to as ‘the gaze of the scott‘….male or female, it is unmistakable. (think of every nature film you’ve ever seen…the ‘sleepy lioness’? eyes seemingly  unable to keep themselves open?  surely she is about to collapse unconscious, right?  yeah, right. who wants to run up and steal a cub?  come on!! she’s half asleep!!)  This is not to say that scotts walk around with their eyelids half shut, they do not. This is to say that scotts are never not paying attention to whats going on around them in their immediate environment.

(As a people), scotts are fun and funny, sexy and stupid, energetic and prone to sloppiness, great friends and horrifying adversaries. In a crowd or at a social occasion, the scott will be on the move, constantly, however they will stop from time to time  and gather a circle of people (the scotts in the center, of course!). they are the ‘super moms’ and the guy who will get the cat down from the tree (even if that means climbing the tree and dragging the frickin thing down by the scruff of the neck), scotts are natural dog trainers, but  prefer cats to dogs for companionship, they are hard workers and natural leaders, action is the preferred response…to everything!  There is an old saying, ‘a scott alone in a room, isn’t’.

You want to know how cool this Doctrine is?  You want to know how we seem to be comfortable making claims like, ‘with the Wakefield Doctrine you will know more about the other person than they know about themselves‘?

If you’re a scott reading this, your second response, upon recognizing yourself in this Post, is to ‘look around’….literally or metaphorically  you will check out your environment to see if this is some kind of ‘set up’. You are now smiling, but in a way different from when you read the preceding… you definitely are interested, but you have this desire…no, make that need,  to challenge  the writer or anyone available….just to be certain (of who or what you are dealing with).

…you know, like that.

So stop by tomorrow, for Guest Post Thursday Guest Post




2s Day Video Supplement (to) the Wakefield Doctrine 07/15/2014

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clark, scotts and rogers)

when you have the time:

