Month: May 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4 Month: May 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4

‘…of future intent and present insights’ the Wakefield Doctrine (“well, come on! it’s Tuesday, the easiest day of the Week!’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lighting the noble captain

You know, up until the last, I don’t know, 8 months to a year, nearly every Post I wrote was an effort to answer one simple question:

  1. what is the Wakefield Doctrine
  2. …are there really people who match descriptions the three personality types (that result from growing up in one of the three worldviews)?

This has not been a bad thing to write about… ( 1,067 times), but I need to expand the ‘conversation’ of the Posts found within these pages. This, for at least a couple of reasons, a) the people who do ‘get it’, don’t need to read about what it’s like to be a clark or a scott or a roger…at least not in order for them to understand the concept of personal realities or to be able to infer the worldview of a person (pr persons) in their own lives; and 2) (as a result of)having this core of Readers who, not only ‘get’ the Doctrine, but are able to use it in ways that expand our ‘language’ (re the Doctrine) and extend the ways the Wakefield Doctrine can be more: fun and useful, I need to push on ahead and practice writing/explaining/wtf-did-he-just-say’ing the ways that this ‘personality ‘theory” can be more useful and more fun.

(clark moment: the goal here is to practice and development my ability to express and explain the Wakefield Doctrine to as broad a readership as possible. So far, it, (our Readership), has been consisted mostly of clarks, but has also included a rambunctious bundle of talented scotts and a sackcloth bag full of rogers. But, at the risk of sounding ….obsequious, it is time that I rose to the occasion to find whatever I need to find in order to be able to present the Wakefield Doctrine in a form that is both accessible and attractive to all three personality types. That this blog will appeal to the huge un-tapped reader hood out there… you know,  …a fuzzy chew toy that not only has a nearly invisible string (that I can use to make it move and jump seemingly by itself), but also a squeaker inside, for when it’s successfully captured by our new scottian Readers or a bullet-pointed, self-referentially inclusive, presumption of membership in a gigantic herd, virtual or physical, after all, rogers do account for the majority of the population out there.)

So I will be experimentioning  with some schedultonic approaches to writing Posts and, god willing, making another attempt to shape the pile of words that I have into a coherent and convincing offering of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers.

So what do you all think about Guest Posting here at the Doctrine? I’m thinking, like, say, Thursdays…alternating and breaking up the video Posts that I do on this penultimate day of the fore-weekend. Format totally open, whatever you feel would be fun and interesting. (This is a very real desire on my part, to get back to the fun and adventure of the early days of this blog… back when it was me and a few DownSprings… nothing to lose, everything to gain.  like that.

Let me know… volunteer, ask questions… and not to single anyone out, you know who you are, (because the Doctrine is that good)… but I will say this: there are no pre-defined topics or requirements or standards for Guest Posthood. I will say, without reservation that anyone who thinks, right now…at this moment, ‘hey! that might be fun!’  knows the Wakefield Doctrine well enough to write a guest post. So have at it. (There is a saying around here, one that I haven’t had to use much, if late, that goes, ‘if you accept the basic premise (of the Wakefield Doctrine) then you can’t get it wrong. and,  …and!  you cannot, I repeat, you cannot break it… so have fun with it.’

Sign up sheet is wherever you sign up.

“…on the last section of my daily run, it has been my practice to take off my shoes and walk the remaining distance barefooted. Today I took off my shoes, holding one in each hand, (the way I always do), I clapped them together as I walked. immediately following the first clap, I heard a sound, a distinct whirring,  ‘arrww‘ sound that seemed to be coming from right in front of me. Now the only thing right in front of me were my running shoes… my eyebrow went up.  As I brought the shoes together in another ‘clap’, I thought…“huh! perhaps there is some sort of solid-state device embedded in these things, maybe a mileage counter of some sort that I never noticed”  Clap!…’arrww’  (again from in front of me)… now I’m interested, wondering how I could have missed this feature of my foot ware … about 6 steps later, from the top of a pine grove to my right, I hear,  “awwrr!”   and I began to laugh out loud as I walked along the street.”

( ‘On Being a clark’  May 13,2014)



…Please Stand by, reality being re-assessed. the Wakefield Doctrine, (‘yeah, I coulda said, we’ll be back with some original content…but that would be so… ordinary?)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(short on time, will Post (again) a bit later in the morning, following is a re-post from 2011, in it’s entirety… go ahead and Comment, please.)

Decoding the Doctrine: the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine  

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).

Predator!!!  Herd Animal!!!   Blue Monkey!!

(Simply convenient terms for a characteristic perception of reality or… hate speech?1)

“rogerian indulgence… scottian impulsivity…clarklike irresponsibility”

(Examples of productive linguistic shorthand or…fighting words?)

“Don’t be such a clark!!   Jeez, they shouldn’t say mean things like that,  he is such a roger…god, why won’t you just grow up? scott!

( Honesty or……… slurs?)

As awareness and interest in the Wakefield Doctrine continues to grow,  we are benefiting from increasing feedback from Readers.  (This)  input becomes a useful and significant element in the crafting of the message (in) these Posts. As we know, just as the Doctrine holds that we all have the capacity to experience the world as each of the three personality types, the descriptive terms assigned to each (type) is meant to be multi-interpretive. Often found when describing aspects of human nature, the tendency to exaggerate should never be underestimated.  And when you factor in writing skills that are at times rudimentary, the urge to use terms that  are easy to misconstrue is just…about…irresistible. But, hey! what are ya gonna do?
The core fact remains, there are three personality types (that) are predicated on each of us experiencing the world in three distinctly characteristic ways. And as we are trying to describe the perception of one (personality) type to another personality type, we are forced to draw the picture in broad strokes…very broad strokes.

It’s funny, each effort to present the Wakefield Doctrine to new Readers seems to bring along with it an example of the validity of our little personality theory. Today is no exception. The use of terms like predator and herd animal  to describe scotts and rogers are often met with objections, “yeah but that has such negative connotations“, or “you must not think a lot of our type if you describe us like that…”.
The thing of it is, while people take issue with connotation or implication or insinuation, no one yet has said,  “What? What does that term refer to?”
In most instances, when the discussion, say about clarks, gets to the point of, …”and so, the idea that you like to carry sentence fragments around with you…to spread through the few conversations that you have that allow the other person to get more than 3 complete sentences clarks talk like that on purpose?”  … everyone laughs.
Or if someone were to say, “…the print they use on the latex cycling suit is specially formulated to cause the wind rushing by to sound like the commercial jingle of that particular corporation, that ways during a ride, you can hear, ‘have it your way…have it your way at….” rogers (and clarks and scotts) all laugh. And understand, they know that we are talking about rogers without having to be told.

What we are trying to say is that so far, no one has stopped and said, “What? I don’t get it.”  Of course this has as much to do with the quality of intellect that the Readers (and Progenitors and DownSprings) bring to the table at this stage of the growth of the Doctrine.  We all might as well enjoy it.

No doubt there will come a time, when the Wakefield Doctrine is on a par with Catholicism or Islam or Oprah that we will hear people say,  “Hey, did you hear the one about the socially-contexted guy who met a socially-disconnected dream-instead-of-live girl and they ran into the act-without-reflection priest?”

Until then, clarks are ‘head-decorating, mumbling, manipulative funny people and scotts are  ‘the Tasmanian devil-from-the-Warner Brothers-cartoon but with higher levels of social skills as represented by the Joe Pecsi character in ‘Good Fellas’ and rogers…’damn they talk so good you want to sit and listen forever…until you wake up and realise they have all left but you still to have to wash the dishes.’

1)  In Iceland, the hate speech law is not confined to inciting hatred, as one can see from Article 233 a. in the Icelandic Penal Code, but includes simply expressing such hatred publicly:
Anyone who in a ridiculing, slanderous, insulting, threatening or any other manner publicly assaults a person or a group of people on the basis of their nationality, skin colour, race, religion or sexual orientation, shall be fined or jailed for up to 2 years  ( )



TToT the Wakefield Doctrine (Saturday the someteenth…. Happy Sunday Day!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Item 1:   Item 2:  (and) Item 3:

Item 4: the discovery the 30-45 day lag in seasons. It’s made the weather much more tolerable. ( A Doctrine Note: of the three personality types, clarks are the ones that need to understand. This need is very simple, i.e. it’s about understanding the un-understood. Does not require a correct explanation, just one that is credible to us. This requirement applies across the spectrum: feeling sick, trying to get the new gas grill to light, getting turned down by a girl, getting turned down for a job, getting excessively (and obsessively) hit-on by a guy, having the family members give you the evil eye…. all are made better (well, more tolerable ) by the existence of an explanation) In this instance, if we think that the weather is perfect, but the calendar is running slow by 30 to 45 days, it’s all quite ‘understandable’! See? No problem!

Item 5: (temporary item*)  Exercise. I’ve started a deliberate effort to exercise, specifically running. Second-thing (6:00 am), in the morning, I walk out of my house and walk/run a route that takes me along a semi-busy road (morning commuters), through a condo development, then through a wooded, un-developed area, (then) back across the semi-busy road and home. First week’s average time: 30 minutes.

Item 6: anti-grateful* for  Friend-of-the-Doctrine Christine’s knee injury. While the prevailing, and, most credible accounting of this crutch-inducing mishap, is centered on a soccer game, I am going with: Christine was hurt as a result of an altercation following a win on the underground roller derby circuit. ( A little non-known fact, check your local youtube.)

Item 7: work (yeah, how exciting) getting busy at work which gives me emotional cover for feeling stress (see item #4)

Item 8:  the Wakefield Doctrine (cited specifically in Number 4 and in general in Number 9)

Item 9: as an off-shoot of Item 8,   ‘the Wakefield Doctrine presents: the Fabulous Bloggers Friday Night vidchat, with your hosts Lizzi Rogers and Michelle.  Very cool concept!  and, the ‘party’ itself is evolving. (If I sound a little surprised at this development of how each Friday is different, attribute it to my lack of direct experience with social gatherings and parties and such growing up. In a word: no two vidchats have been the same, not only do the people who participate vary, from week to week, but the… lets see if I can find a word that will totally establish my party-animal cred…. I know!!   the tenor of the gathering varies each week…. (partae!!)  especially last night’s pre-party discussion with Jean and zoe… I very enjoyed that, thanks!

Item 10: hey, here’s something odd. and not, technically a gratitude item, except obliquely, …as I often am.  There’s this blog trying to do a collaborative story writing thing…. while I won’t mention any names ( to protect the non-rogerian),  go to:  the Secessionist Rag  and scroll down to Chapter 1 and read upwards…  Chapter 11 is where you will find the collaborator joining in on the story, (provided a certain level of proficiency in the Wakefield Doctrine, it is possible to infer the worldview of a person on the basis of their writings. if yo have the time to get over, come back and let us know what you think. honor system… both participants are on the Doctrine blogroll, but the blog is laid out such that you won’t easily know who is writing it.)

Gooo!!!  Rolling Indiana-ians!!! Avenge your fallen Champion…. (yes, I will include a musically appropriate vid at the bottom of this Post).  Get better soon..


Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

* Courtesy of BoSR (aka SBoR) Chap 5.9 you can claim gratitude of an item/activity/feeling/relationship that you know will not last, provided that a benefit/consequence/offshoot/or progeny retained after the dis-gratitudinization of same thing-in-your-life has occurred. ex: ‘I love this kid, it’s incredible that his father was such a bastard.’  like that


‘close your books, and we will begin the Test’ the Wakefield Doctrine (please remember to provide proof of your Answer)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

("no, scott I don't think that…clark!! stop encouraging scott….roger, at least you seem to be serious about this!)

(“no, scott I don’t think that…clark!! stop encouraging scott….roger, at least you seem to be serious about this!)

Congratulations! You have completed Neutronium Week (at the Wakefield Doctrine).

very well done

***Warm up Question: The personality type that is the best at giving Compliments:

  1. clarks… not! sorry, they are great at a lot of things but (see?! see!?!! right there!!! he’s making up the fricken Question and he can’t give a compliment without holding back…. jeez!!!)
  2. scotts  totally direct and enthusiastic and you will know that you have been recognized by the (local) pack Leader ( no! under no circumstances should you ‘join him/her up there in front of everyone and let everyone see what the fuss is all about!’)
  3. roger  yeah, pretty good at conveying a compliment… famous, in fact, (where is that wikipedia?…)  “…and Brutus is an honorable man.”   see?  rogers are great at eulogies and even bar mitzvahs !

OK  Everyone ready?


You totally need a job. You see an ad in the local paper. ‘Fatti Mac’*s needs help to cope with increasing business, call 212-666-1234 for an Interview‘.  You’re a little early for your appointment with the owner. The place is quite busy for 10:30 on a weekday morning, all but 2 tables are occupied.  The Owner is at the grill cooking, (this is an open kitchen design), he looks up as you walk in the door, waves a spatula in the direction of the empty table near the door and goes back to cooking. There is a woman standing at the cash register, ringing out a customer.  She looks up, frowns then smiles and says, “You must be Emily! To be honest with you, I’m really kind of busy right now, but I left an application on that table over there. If you want to get started I’ll try to get over to you in a minute. We’re really kinda swamped right now“. Looking over to the table, you see a single sheet of paper marked Application for Employment.

Do you:

  1. Sit at the table, (not before taking out a tissue and wiping off the table top) and begin to read the Application for Employment?
  2. Decide that the Owner should have paused at least for a moment, and come over to properly introduce himself and even though the woman at the cash register seems nice,  they are both being rude, so you turn around and walk out of the restaurant?
  3. Pick up the dishes from a recently empty table and take them to what appears to be the kitchen…?

You work in a Title Company, in a job in the middle of the chain of responsibility, it is a very high-pressure environment. Work must be done to a demanding deadline and there is zero margin of error. The woman you work for is (currently) in a conflict with her counterpart in another department. You are friendly with both (did we mention that you do not intend to remain in the middle of the chain of responsibility?) and you encounter them (separately) in the break room over the course of a day when tempers are reaching operatic proportions. oh, yeah!  one is a scott and the other is a roger, and, because this is a standardized test, you are a clark.*

What do you say to the scott?

  1. nothing, you can see that she’s totally upset so, best say nothing
  2. joke with her… and say something about you just saw the most recent EEOC Report and the Company has totally met the quota for hiring drama queens
  3. needle her about how the other woman is clearly Management’s favorite and suggest that, maybe, it might be a good idea for her to apologize

What do you say to the roger?

  1. nothing, you know what rogers are like when they’re hurting and (you) really don’t need the either the knife or the twisting
  2. wait for a crowd to gather and make a joke about how she’s clearly beating down the other woman, while winking at your audience
  3. share how badly you felt, in 5th grade, when your book report somehow got folded in your book bag and had a crease in it that you couldn’t get out and how angry you were when someone pointed it out to the teacher.

(Put your Pencils down! It is time for a Break.  Hey!!  we’re not in on the Finish the Sentence Friday today, (I have a X Chrome Deficiency but, Phyllis tells me if I wash enough dishes and not leave my socks on the floor I might be able to recover.) In any event, you should take advantage of our little recess and go over and visit Kristi and Stephanie and Kate and, of course, Janine… they always have Post worth reading, they are, as a group and as individuals, total link-worthy!  Tell ’em, the Doctrine sent ya.)


If you haven’t already done so, go to the  Pre-dominant Worldview Assessment and take the Test, come back and tell us how you did, ok?

* Thanks to Denise over at Girlie on the Edge for this scenario


“…Thursday’s Child is bored to tears” the Wakefield Doctrine ‘why, yes! no, it wouldn’t hurt to take a break…just for today’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lindenwood Playground Pre_1920

damn! tough week so far, what with the new concepts and ways of looking and/or applying our little personality theory, non?

but! all of you, the New Readers and the …not new Readers, have been most admirable in your comprehension(ing) and questions following each Post!  As you know, the Wakefield Doctrine is not only a unique and remarkably useful tool for understanding the behavior of people in our lives, but it’s also fun! And, as the old adage about the correct ratio of labor to laughter holds, a little break in the week’s grind would be the right thing for today’s Post! There is still one more day in Neutronium Week, but, if there is going to be an exam tomorrow, the least we can do is try to get you all off-guard and over-confident, ya know?

So from our near-gigantic collection of video Posts, here are a few to look at and laugh over and treasure and, hey… you’re on that date, (that you thought you’d never get with a person that there is no way in hell that you have even the hint of a chance at getting a shot at…. and you’re back at their place… and ‘the tipping point’ is approaching (you know, “hey! I really had a good time tonight….”) well, you better come up with something quick!!   Please, allow us! we got your back! so go ahead and say something about how you have to get up early to write a Post….  and as soon as you hear the words,  “oh, you write a blog?”  whip out that smart phone, dial up this here Post here,  and you’ll be deciding where to go for breakfast before you know it!)

…no, you’re welcome!


