(temporary) Tuesday the Wakefield Doctrine (we continue with our little theme-of-the-week) | the Wakefield Doctrine (temporary) Tuesday the Wakefield Doctrine (we continue with our little theme-of-the-week) | the Wakefield Doctrine

(temporary) Tuesday the Wakefield Doctrine (we continue with our little theme-of-the-week)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


so you’ll hear us make the statement, “…with the Wakefield Doctrine, you will be in a position to know the other person better than they know themselves.”

bold statement? (yes, yes it is)

but, it’s true.

At this moment*, some of you are thinking, “if only“….and others, “yeah!!” and (still) others could be heard muttering to themselves, “who the hell does this guy think he is? does he realize who we are” 

What we mean by this statement is simply this: the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the notion that we all grow up, develop, live, love, hate, fight and die in what we call a worldview (just a made up word for ‘personal reality’). the Wakefield Doctrine goes on to say that there are three worldviews:

  1. the life of the Outsider (clarks) in which the very nature of the world is one of being excluded…. (think the Garden of Eden thing….’cept there were more people (at least six) and nobody got thrown out, but the one of the three got a serious jones for the tree of knowledge and god went and put a ‘kick me/kiss me I’m weird’ sign on their backs and made everyone else promise not to tell)
  2. the world of the Predator (scotts) since we’re into the Adam and Eve metaphor… these are the people who Satan didn’t even bother with… not that they are evil, just that for Satan to score any points in the contest with god, he needed people who would be tempted by: physical pleasure, mental aggressiveness, a way of living without thinking of future and/or consequences, with these two, one effort at temptation was all it took … (“Apple??  I got ya apple…right here“/ “why, aren’t you the attractive snake, you know what that makes me think of?”) He almost gave up and then
  3. the reality of the Herd Member (rogers)… how is it a person can be both the ideal victim for a temptation and, through their avowed resistance, become the greatest promoter?

Well, we certainly veered off track this morning!  Time to go to work.

Hey, help me out here. If you write a good Comment, I’ll cut and paste the darling right here and then, later in the day, when the 2nd shift clocks in, they won’t know what’s going on!  (well, probably they will).

we have our first (aka FRIST) Comment… pre-proto-draft Post (theme) from JNay:

“…so why would you get a Scott who believes wholeheartedly in the honor system? If you want to understand the honor system in all its complexity, check out West Point.”

(if I may… West Point (actually the whole of the military organization is, at heart, rogerian. We see scotts in that context, cause they are drawn to noise and excitement and getting to shoot at stuff, but as you look through history, the scottian military figures tend to not last…at least in the organization. I’m thinking Patton… Grant guys like that. )

….and if anyone sees zoe, tell her to get on over here.

(oh yeah…the rest of the explanation: the reason we know more about you is that, when applied correctly, the Wakefield Doctrine will allow me to know how you relate yourself to the world around you….and knowing that world, I’ll know your first response to many a (not all!) life situation. ya know?)


* why no, this is not what we mean by ‘know the other person better than they know themselves’… but it’s close


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. argh!! FRIST!

  2. so why would you get a Scott who believes wholeheartedly in the honor system? If you want to understand the honor system in all its complexity, check out West Point.
    thanks, jeh

    do I need to be home to sign for my new IPad?

  3. zoebyrd says:

    Thrid…sorry just schnookered.

  4. Denise says:

    Are you sayin’ Eve was a clark? Doesn’t that suck that one of our own is responsible for the banishment of all humankind from paradise forever! That’ll teach a clark, eh!
    Eve, truly the “mother” of all clarks. LOL
    Adam. The first roger. That explains it. Explains it all! :D The perpetual relationship “challenges” between rogers and clarks. In particular between clarklike females and rogerian males. All making sense now or….it’s time for me to go beddy bye.