Month: December 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: December 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine

‘The January Evening Post’ the Wakefield Doctrine ( supply your own subtitle using one of the following: clever, ‘that’s why I like this blog!’ ‘wtf!’ )

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So, what’s the deal with the ‘hey, that’s a pretty funny/clever/cute/edgy Post over at that Wakefield place, did you read it?’  ….said no one, in the course of the last few months?

(excuse the ego/insecurity, but the simple fact of the matter is that I am a clark and currently in the midst of wondering if I am still writing as good a quality Post as I have in recent years. If the Doctrine teaches us anything, it teaches us that hell hath no self-directed scorn as a clark thinking that he/she is letting the crowd down.) Now, if you have been following along in your Wakefield Doctrine Study Guides, you can surely hear the rogers whisper “clark, buddy, what makes you think there is a crowd? lighten up” and the scotts laugh, “HEY!! fuck ’em!!  you’re havin fun and a couple of people seem to enjoy it, right? no problem

No problem indeed.

How cool is this Doctrine? Only few short years ago, when the topic of blogs and blogging came up in conversation, I would be all, ‘do these people really have such egos that they believe that anyone really cares about what they think about how their day is going, what they are having for dinner or how lucky they are to have such a great family??!’  Yet, here I am, standing in front of a metaphorical crowd, saying, ‘oh man!  I used to write really good shit and it was funny and clever and everything….ya gotta believe me!’  (lol!)

ok self-indulgence time is over!  everyone back to their places, please.

Funny or serious, clever or immature, ponderous or subtle, the reason for this blog and these Posts is to present the Wakefield Doctrine to as wide an audience as possible. And the reason for doing this? I believe that the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique and useful and fun way to understand the behavior of the people in our lives. For those of us with a need to understand the world around us, and the people in our lives and (those of us) with a drive to improve our capacity to enjoy this one life we that we have, the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool.   It is also an insight…..and an aid in understanding….and a set of Xray specs….and a secret diary-that-no-one-except-the-person-who-appreciates-us-for-what-we-really-are will ever read.  That is why there is a Wakefield Doctrine blog. You’re invited to join us.

(Now!  since part of the tone here is all Stephanie’s fault! ( see her Comment in yesterday’s Post) and since I promised her some ‘adult content’ (with appropriate Parental Warnings!!!)  here is my favorite dirty joke**:

A business man walks into the waiting area at the airline terminal, he is well dressed, carrying a laptop computer and has a black eye. Seeing one empty seat in the row of seats nearest the departure gate he walks over and sits down. He immediately notices that the guy in the next seat has a black eye and says, “jeez what are the odds!! you have a black eye just like me!”  The other traveler smiles and says, “damn!  you’re right! But how I got this shiner was pretty surprising. Want to hear about it?”  “Damn right I do!”  “Well”, he begins, ” I walked up to the ticket counter to check my boarding pass and instead of asking for my tickets to Pittsburgh, I said to the very attractive young woman, ‘I want a picket to Titsburgh’  and bam!! she hit me so fast I didn’t see it coming. The mouse under my eye is the result of my innocent slip of the tongue.”
The first business man is shaking his head and smiling to himself.  “I can’t believe the odds against that happening to both us. The exact same thing happened to me!! I was at the breakfast table with my wife this morning and I was asking her to please pass the butter but instead I said, ‘you fucking bitch, you’ve ruined my life!’



some comedy from the nineties and some music from the seventies

(tell me I ain’t got the demographics covered):

** there is a rumor that the Wakefield Doctrine Video Chats have a ‘dirty joke contest’ that is, as of yet, totally un-substantiated.


“Make an old man wish for younger days” the Wakefield Doctrine ‘yeah, it’s an ‘end of/start to’ year Post’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Let’s go with this:

clarks live for in the Future, scotts live in the Present and rogers live in for the Past

You know, this Post today, feels very much like a different kind of pre-New Year/retro-appreciation/ante-hopefull Post, at least in contrast to the previous 4 years of Dec 30-31 type Posts.

Naturally, I have an urge to wax philosophic, to write something that will make you, the Reader say, ‘wow he’s really come a long way/hey! I didn’t know he had it in him/well, this is a surprise! maybe I’ve been underestimating those Doctrine people’. But for some reason, the anticipated payoff (of writing such a Post) is not drawing me forward. (Reader Alert! you wanna know something about clarks that a lot of them don’t know about themselves and…and! is a really cool Doctrine expression?  When a clark finds hope (inside their heads or outside in the world, doesn’t really matter), we tend to eat our futures.  …ask a clark, they’ll explain.)

Maybe it’s the fact that I just spent an hour reading through Comments from the first Post, forward (only got as far as when Cyndi arrived on the scene), and maybe it’s the fact that we had two really good Doctrine vid chats this weekend, (in attendio: Lizzi and Michelle, zoe and Denise, Katia and Star   and in a cameo appearance, Mrs. Always Random). Today’s slight case of ennui has me beginning to suspect that, shades of Sterling Hayden in Dr. Strangelove, whatever part of me goes into writing Posts gets drawn out at a more… climactic rate participating in these vid chats, which to my mind amount to ‘live Posts’.

Be that as it may. With increased Readership comes increased responsibility and response-ability.  So, the year that is drawing to a close was a very good year for the Doctrine. In fact, as I realized in one of this weekend’s conversations, we have achieved one of the first goals set, back in 2009, when this blog started.  My goal was simple,  ‘to find a way to write/explain/present the Wakefield Doctrine such that a total stranger, with no prior contact/conversation/or tutoring could come here, read it and understand the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine sufficiently enough to go out and see the clarks, scotts and rogers in their world.’   Done.

But, in a conversation with Lizzi yesterday, the topic of developing my rogerian aspect sufficiently enough to make my writing…emotionally compelling. That is, as of yet, an un-achieved goal.  (and that is what had me reading 4,000 Comments this morning, lol  I know that I wrote something that had life and feeling and accessibility in it! I know I did!  …I can recall the topic, it was a story about Ola and how we used to have hamburgers together every Saturday night. It was a short, little reminiscence I didn’t set out to write me a heartwarming story, but the response from Readers to it was unmistakable.  But, try as I might, I could not find it in the archives. oh well.   …it’s good to have goals. Maybe someday I will have one of those moments again._

So.. lets stop at 509 (plus or minus) words.   Still have New Years Eve for a Post… maybe I can channel my scottian side to write that one.  (yeah, I’ll remember to Post a Parental Warning).  See you all tomorrow!



ibid, op.cit. and the TToT …the Wakefield Doctrine (finally, after a lifetime of waiting, I find a use for these ‘little-coxwain-of-the-writing-world’)11

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Welcome to the TToT…  (‘the bloghop that Lizzi built‘).

Several weeks ago it was announced that the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop would be on hiatus for the Christmas to New Year’s holiday period. Those of us who have come to look forward to the weekends because of: a) the mingling (metaphorically, of course) and b) the give and take (with an amazing spirit of camaraderie) and c) the banter (especially as it is ‘tween the clarks and the scotts)  were, all like,  ‘hold on there!! no weekend assignment of Ten Things?  what the hell! And, as we all know, even though our leaderina deserved a little break at the end of the year, we ended up writing a TToT post of our (individually) own. So, that there should be an official, sanctioned and approved-of-by-6-out-7-of the GuardVirgins, ‘Last TToT bloghop of 2013’,  should come as a surprise to no one.
In fact, lest a Reader stumbling upon this blog for the first time, be confused… the TToT is not a normal, run of the mill, fun-if-you’re-in-with-the-right-people bloghop. Being a weekend bloghop, there is no one day rush to get a Post in so it will appear high on the list and (therefore) garner the most Comments. And there is no feeling that only certain writers get Commented on, (I know for a fact that Lizzi and a number of the co-hosts read every single Post that shows up over the course of a weekend). And this is how a bloghop should be, it is what Ms. R set out to create way back in the spring…a community of people. Hell,  if anything, this  TToT is like that one dorm room on a Thursday night,  or that  one car, in back row of the High School parking lot, where you see people veer towards, on the way to school (or more) after classes end on a Friday).1

At least, for me this blog has become the malt shoppe/the community center/the dorm room/the car/ the preferred hangout/open house with near-unlimited potential for… fun.

Pretty much what our founderette say she wanted to build, back when it all started. (hey!!  whatever month that was? if you go ahead and put the Wakefield Doctrine down for: when the bloghop started.)2,3,

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

(simple as, no?)

“year’s end with friends meeting.”  (yeah, Shakespeare via Shirley Jackson… paraphrased ’cause I’m a clark)

March wasn’t bad.4

September, October, November and December were good…5,6,7

January and February had the virtue of passing quickly.8,9

The Summer months,  well!  they were the warm/not-cold, sunny/even when it rained, best of all, stayed light until night.10

…in any event. even though I happened to be in the right place at the right time when the TToT started  (“…so it’s agreed!! we’ll have 9 talented and popular writers be the co-hosts so that our Readers will be treated to sensitive, insightful and sharing Posts!  what?  who?  I don’t know…I thought he was with you?  Christine?  …no, I have no idea?  I’m not so sure… pretty strange…. yeah what the hell!!  lets have 10 hosts…. hey!! you  YChrome!, yeah, we’re talking to you…” ) I am grateful for the opportunity to be associated with this here group here. And there is no where near as high a level of cruelty as you might have heard from some…of the more….shady characters known to frequent this place.

(and besides!  …name one other bloghop that has: a Book of Secret Rules; 7 GuardVirgins and encourages the participants to interrupt and otherwise jump into the Comment threads of total strangers.)
12) I can hear the teachers among you (no, why would I be looking at you Christine…or Dyanne? ) “well, Mr Wakefield, if you had spent half the time you spent typing in those little footnote thingies and simply followed directions you might have come up with something a little less… unusual”?


yeah I seemed to have some messed up code…will try to get the correct words from L



Twelve Things of Thankful


Twelve Things of Thankful


relax, it’s Friday! what possibly could go wrong now? the Wakefield Doctrine (only 5 more resolution-creating days left!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I thought I would try to accomplish two things today:

  1. get started on the Year in Review Post, maybe do it in stages this year
  2. write a short, little 500 word Post today using simple sentences
  3. remind us all what this Doctrine is all about

(wait, that last doesn’t count! I’m supposed to be doing that with every single one of these Posts.)

But, what the hell, lets just go ahead and try for 25 words or less:

the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool that allows one so inclined, to see the world as the other person is experiencing it.

Seeing how I’m not gonna get any closer to 25 words, lets just leave it go at that.

hey! before I forget… these Doctrine Vid chats are really starting to catch on. As you know, we tend to have either a Friday Night ” well-yeah-no-I-could-be-out-on-a-date-or-with-friends-if-I-wanted-maybe-I-just-don’t-feel-like-it”  Vid Chat  or a Sunday Morning Video Brunch. Tonight being Friday, I thought I might just do it open house style. I’ll send the hangout invites to everyone in the Wakefield Doctrine Circle* and have the thing turned on from 7pm until 9pm** Stop by.

rogers: the Herd Member rogers are the people, the boys and the girls who know, from the moment they are self-aware, that they belong. The worldview of the rogerian personality type is one of (a) quantifiable universe, an existence not only governed by Rules, and these Rules are available to everyone to learn, understand and follow as the way life should be. rogers, not surprisingly, are the social people, easy conversationalists, good listeners they have ‘the gift of gab’. For rogers, there is always the Herd. Whether literally, at work or at the party, or figuratively when giving a Sermon (both sanctioned and non-sanctioned), rogers will know that the world of people is divided into the ‘are(s)’ and the ‘are-not(s)’.  rogers are the personality type, (and, by extension), the drive within the human spirit to organize and preserve, to study and to maintain, to nourish and to oppress. Without the rogerian personality type, we would all be out on some damn savannah…the clarks hiding in the underbrush waiting for the scotts in the trees to be distracted by a massive herd of rogers, just so we can get a drink of water in the stream.  you getting the picture? rogers are the people who are in the know, rogers determine the latest fashion and they are the ones that are enough of your friend to tell you, ‘I’m your best friend, so I feel I should be the one to tell you that everyone else is laughing at you‘… rogers are everywhere.  and rogers do two things that neither clarks nor scotts are even close to being capable of:  they self-promote shamelessly and they lash out.  If you are a clark, the experience of these two characteristics are sufficient to identify the rogerian personality type.

(in oblique conjunction with the previous)

one of the totally best, totally serendipitous and completely for clarks-only insights that I have been blessed  with in the Year 2013 is the following:

“…so, I was out in ‘the Facebook’ or someplace and I was feeling, you know…adventurous and smartass, the way that clarks can get when: a) we just got a surprise ‘A’ on a test; b) have a high fever, or c) just got laid, and I was being a little outrageous in my comments-someplace/my postings on a wall/ or a smart aleck quip to someone and somebody said, ‘hey don’t push it buddy! you’re just about to alienate everyone in your new circle of friends!’  My immediate, near instinctual response was for ‘my head to swell up and my face fall’ but even as the embarrassment-try-to-disappear feeling began to spread.   …this time (in the year 2013) the thought came into my mind, fully formed, and  ‘right feeling’…. “well, then I guess I’ll just have to get another set of everyone”

So be careful when trying to reach out to rogers (or scotts) but remember… you can always get ‘another set of everyone’.




* if you are not or don’t think you are in the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Circle’ let me know, even better, if you know how the hell the whole circle thing is supposed to actually work, hit me up. I so need remedial google

** it can run as late as it needs to run, I’m just putting the time up so if no one is around like from 7 t0 9:15 and then come by, chances are I won’t be there, ya know?


gestures the Wakefield Doctrine (like Kirk in the Tholian web, we stay here until 12:01am 01.01.14) now with half naked alien females!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


so my second thought was, ‘screw it, write until they stop reading’. The Plan now is to do all the things, I’ve been meaning to…. (no!  no!  I’ll get it! )   ‘blah, blah, blah’

you’re welcome.

the word today is ‘gestures’  (“…hey, man! I saw that…what the hell was that all about?”  “why, what a nice gesture, we really appreciate it!”  ” and then, the apparition began a series of frightening gestures, everyone stepped back”)

So what does this word have to do with the better understanding and more effective use of the Wakefield Doctrine?

wait!  stop reading…. for just a second. just sit there, I’ll call you back when I have my mind right.  False Start #1

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine!!  the personality theory that is:

  1. unique: damn, no way I can say in less than 500 words what makes the Doctrine unique, so I’ll say it in a way that not only illustrates it’s uniqueness but will also illustrate it’s damn efficacy…. hey! did you see how
  2. useful: if you want an insight into why the people around you act the way that they do, stay with us. the Wakefield Doctrine will make it possible for you to know more about the other person than they know about themselves
  3. fun: seriously! it’s not just that using the Doctrine in your life is fun (find the nearest scott, tell them a few select things about one other person and watch the fun begin…Ed Sullivan had nothing on you!) but learning about the Wakefield Doctrine is fun in ways that we are just beginning to discover

False Start #2!!

This had better work:

hey Readers!  ever have a Post that you knew you had in you, (for the day), but when you sat down to write it you find that you are two or three thoughts away from the ‘proper’ starting point?  Sorry, that was a little confusing. Let’s try this: most of the time when I go to write a Post (not counting event-specific Posts), I set out typing in a direction that I hope will take me near the idea that will become the topic. I rarely have it in mind when I start…..

False Start # 3!!!

Screw it!  Hey clarks!! clearly this blog has stopped trying to pander to/reach out to/make an effort to resonate with the scotts and rogers among the Readers. Totally given up on developing my writing skills, at least in hoping to be able to ‘write in a rogerian style’ or  ‘write to the scotts‘.  Too ambitious for the moment. Maybe next year.

Having said that, let me be clear on this one point: we want to bring in rogers and scotts to this here Doctrine here. While we have Michelle here to speak for the rogers. I am totally grateful to her for coming around and allowing us a direct insight into the rogerian worldview. We want more. Start thinking about who you know that is: a) a scott or a roger and 2) is comfortable with the whole blogging for fun and self-expression thing.  It’s not that we need them to already be writing a blog, but take it from me, you don’t want to try to drag a scott or a roger to this blog, if they’ve never been to the blogosphere. Too much change. Neither worldview is overly big on the ‘change/novelty-for-it’s-own-sake thing. They would be of no use to us. (Why thank you for asking that, Lizzi! the ‘use to us’?   that we have the opportunity to learn-by-association. Example? Sure. Let’s say you’re a classically trained musician, a guitarist. Someone comes up to you after a concert and says, ‘hey!! you better be at ‘The Gates‘ or the ‘Cafe Wha?‘ next Saturday night. You  sit in for one set and you need to win them over’  (stay with me now, this little analogy is a bit bigger than I thought). So what would you, (Mr./Ms. classically-trained-musician) do?  Buy all the sheet music you could get your hands on, bring it along, trust that you can sight read well enough to be convincing? ….or you could  go to these bars and clubs and listen…and watch and absorb the music. ya know?

Awright. Time to get back to the ‘real’ world.  Get out there today and spot your scotts and rogers.  ( how can you tell if you have a roger or a scott?  lolled you asked!  damn!  one will put on a show of doing you a favor that you don’t deserve and the other will barely be able to hid their…. enthusiasm.)

Not to worry! I’ll get back to the more normal enticing and intriguing Posts that are such a hallmark of our blog. After all, we don’t want Jean or beth or Kate to think that this is all brainiac-central …like that episode of Star Trek with those ass-headed aliens who took Capt. Pike and fixed him up with Susan Oliver and, so,  like,  he could totally get it on for their entire race’s anemic, asexual culture’s entertainment and all… yeah, I know all this Star-Trek geek-reference is a total turn on….



jeez not nearly as naked as my memory says she was

jeez not nearly as naked as my memory says she was

annoying, smug, ass-headed alien fellas

annoying, smug, ass-headed alien fellas

you wanted to know why we call them 'ass-headed aliens'?

you wanted to know why we call them ‘ass-headed aliens’?


