TToT XXV the Wakefield Doctrine (” per medium? etiam si dimidiam partem semper … 2 in qua nati sunt, in fabulis!) | the Wakefield Doctrine TToT XXV the Wakefield Doctrine (” per medium? etiam si dimidiam partem semper … 2 in qua nati sunt, in fabulis!) | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT XXV the Wakefield Doctrine (” per medium? etiam si dimidiam partem semper … 2 in qua nati sunt, in fabulis!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(still on first coffee, not much time before everyone recovers from last night…I am grateful:

  1. to Lizzi for having the idea for the hop and giving it life
  2. Christine for being there for Lizzi with the hug or the push as needed
  3. Joy for providing a ‘center’ always there simple and heartfelt
  4. Michelle for being a solid, consistent power of example…even if her icon is different every week and you never know where she will turn up!)
  5. Kristi …damn!
  6. Dyanne  when the angry mob starts to form, you will look (though you know you needed) and she will be standing right there…
  7. Melissa  for being there…somewhere, and simply  being fun to read!
  8. Kristi a calm assurance is always a benefit, even  (no, especially when the exciting ones are all around) when you think you’re the only one standing still
  9. Zoe  (icon of your choice here)
  10. …and, of course,  the Wakefield Doctrine ( it’s always been (the) sine qua non  binyons!)


It’s time for the 25th TToT
Please join our hosts so


Everyone's favourite Pig Wrangler Who do you want to be today? Clark? Scott? Roger? She's loving the Sunny side of life Cloudy with a chance of poetry Purveyor of brain-candy, beautiful words and dorky pictures Nutty as a bloody fruitcake! Our Bardic WIZARD, and mascot The Skipenator She'll bake you a mountain of thankfulness What the L? She's deranged! Our very adorkable warrior Image Map


And just for you, a freebie, too:


Ten Things of Thankful


Ten Things of Thankful
 Your hosts

(wavy screen….)


Saturday, 7 September 2013

Ten Things of Thankful: week 35-36/2013

1) It was Sunny’s birthday this week. Yes, my little boy turned six. I will forever be thankful for the day he came into my life and for the person he has become since then and will become in the future. He fills my heart like no one else and I love him so very much.We had a very good time on his birthday and invited a friend and her daughter. The weather was beautiful, so we had cake in our garden and the kids played with Sunny’s gazillion balls on the trampoline. All in all it was a beautifully, laid back day.2) This afternoon after I wrote my post about our appointment with the dentist I really thought hard about whether there was anything about it to be thankful for. I must say that it is difficult for me to find anything positive about it. Maybe really that Sunny lets me clean his teeth quite thoroughly. But that’s about it, sorry guys. :-/3) I am thankful that the sun and the summer came back this week. To be honest, I already crossed summer off and prepared myself for fall, so this was a nice surprise.4) I am very much looking forward to tomorrow because we will seize the nice weather and have a barbecue (I hear you, Clark – yes, I love barbecues! ;-) ), maybe the last one this summer.5) This was the last full holiday week. We had a really good time this summer and did a lot of wonderful things. School officially starts for most kids on Monday but our official school enrolment will be next Thursday so we have three more days off before school starts for Sunny. I am still nervous, I admit it. And I still have so much to do until then….

and our newest co-hostinae Melissa accepted the Offer (in no small part because of TToT Post such as:

This week I’m thankful for:
1. The opportunity to read not one, but two, celebrity magazines during my Saturday lunch. Had already knocked out bathtime and lunch and even one taking a nap, so I got to sit at the kitchen island eating noodles and reading. If you want to call that reading.

2. Elmo. Yes, Elmo. He’s helped my children learn their ABCs and he’s helping the older one learn to use the potty. He was the first TV character’s name that both our girls knew, and that was without actually having seen him on TV. A little weird, but I now I know, “Eh-mo” is pretty easy for a baby to say.

3. A movie sequel called RED 2. It wasn’t quite as good as the first, but it was still so much fun to watch on a real movie screen. And Helen Mirren is a sexy bitch!!

4. Lists. I wrote recently of my love for lists, and I didn’t even scratch the surface. Right now, I am looking at six different lists, all within a hand’s reach of me. And those are just the ones I can actually see. I know there’s more buried under a week’s worth of newspapers and bills that are probably overdue

…and, our own Bobbi   Dyanne!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ten Things That Are Full Of Great

“Grateful” is spelled entirely wrong. It should be “greatfull.” Case in point: this list of ten things that are full of great!1. Fall is really trying to show up down here in the armpit of the Ozarks. It was still 90 degrees today, but there was a relatively cool breeze and the air just FEELS different, somehow. My favorite time of year starts when high school football season starts and continues until the presents are opened on Christmas Day. Then I’m done, but it’s a good 4 month run of delightfulness until then!

2. I’m getting better at telling the identical twins apart in my classroom. The ones in my primary class are the hardest, because they are very quiet and I don’t have any vocal cues to help me out. The pair in my pre-k class are much easier (and not because they don’t look as much alike, because they DO), although I called one of them the wrong name TWICE today and had to give her two pieces of candy for it (me and my big mouth – I told them if I called them the wrong name, they would get a piece of candy). And in my defense, the first time, she was standing next to her sister’s chair, and her sister was on the other side of the room (and neither of them were quite where they were supposed to be), so I don’t think that one was my fault. The second one, I will concede, was TOTALLY my fault. But I paid up for both.

3. My darling friend Lizzi is going to run a 5k for Race for Life in honor of me! And it’s only three weeks away. And I don’t think she’s run more than five feet in her entire life, and here she’s going to do a 5k. FOR ME and for everyone else affected by cancer. If you feel led to donate to her cause, here’s the link:

4. The Freshman Lady Eagle Volleyball team remains undefeated in regular season play, although they did lose two games in a tournament (tournaments don’t really count, but apparently, neither do freshmen anyway, which is sad that no one at their school really knows or cares how awesome they are). And when you consider these girls came together from three different middle schools, having never played together as a team before, well, just WAIT until they are on Varsity.

…and, of course… zoe (from 08.16.13)
43) bread, all kinds…monetary and edible
44) new born babies of all species
45) old people …great stories
46) really eccentric people
47) peaches
48) random lists
49) wild animals around our home
50) Did I mention Im turning 50 tomorrow (or the next day…who knows??? again…don’t ask.) ?

                                                                                  That’s me bottom left…
(oh you mean the one who is ‘willing to take part in the photo’, seeing how important it seemed to those people?  the girl clearly looking at something that no one there was going to be able to see…and being alight (lol…typo, of course I meant alright ) with it?  sorta)

clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. zoe says:

    yeah, I didn’t give much of a crap when I was five either… or at least that’s what I was trying to convey…Im a Clark, dontcha Know?!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      (could have picked you out of the lineup simply by being told, ‘there’s a clark in there’) lol

  2. skipcote says:

    don’t leave me hangin man… tell me how!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …’outwards-ness’ ‘separatedness’ apartness…. damn hard as it is to see, you can see your eyes… remember the look in Robert DeNiro’s eyes in the vid the other day…

      as they say, ‘the point of the tool (that the Doctrine represents) is to be able to infer how the other person is relating themselves to the world’ (not relating to the world)

      ya know?

  3. skipcote says:

    it seems like everybody elses posture was as you described mine.No?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      hey were your parents very strict and such… no-nonsense kind of folks?

      • zoe says:

        do ya think? They write books about people like them…

        • zoe says:

          no they don’t “right” they “write.”

          • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


            lol the Wakefield Doctrine is such a powerful tool for uncovering the secrets of the id and the psychi… that I was able to make that edit without the aid of a EPPS or TAT or Oscar Meyers-Briggs or nothin!

            tell me, what the hell do I have to do to get them Havard Deans to sit up and take notice

            • zoe says:

              I went out with an old friend today who is now an art dealer, but is also a retired psychiatrist… told him of your theory and he said ” Where the f*** was this guy when I was practicing? … think of all the freaking time we wasted on the DSM, shit!” He has a way with words! lol…

  4. skipcote says:

    sometimes I think I know and other times I don’t know.

  5. lol…Yer funny. You TToT guru, you. :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      lol (…about that one word Comment at ‘the ‘tude’) your compliments are totally taken seriously. Hey! remind me to try out my one sentence description (of my story) on ya next time.

  6. Jak says:

    Very short and sweet, with some more tagged-in mentions that I believe I hadn’t ever seen lol So thanks for that!

    Nothing better than being Thankful for friends and fam and really is there ever much distinction between the two over time?

    The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

  7. Good to come by here and see what all the greatness is!!! Loving this link up and so glad I joined in!! (Says the girl hiding in the back of the room, who snuck in late…)

  8. Quisquis latine sit dictum altum viditur.

    Love what you did with it ;)

  9. Having become scarce on the internet of late, I daresay I’ve gotten to enjoy reading the comments almost (I did say “almost”) more than the posts themselves! Very cool shit going down ’round the web….

  10. findingninee says:

    Wait. I get a “damn?” Where’s my freaking hallelujah? That seems much more fitting.

  11. Louise says:

    Yup! Thanks to Lizzi and all the co-hostini’s on the hop. A weekly reflection on the good is always warranted and welcome!

  12. well. you are complex. this is jean–you left a message about naked cake on my blog. Not the blog below. Here is the only thing I found about naked cake and the white album (one of my most beloved Beatles’ albums . Phish tours – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Similar to Phish tours – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    On Halloween 1994, Phish performed The Beatles’ White Album. … during which Fishman presented a birthday cake to Brad Sands, the band’s road manager). … on a vacuum cleaner and gracing the stage in the nude during “Revolution 9”.

    Was this what you meant? jean

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Would that it was! That is more direct a connection between the White Album and ‘naked cake’ than what went on (in my mind) when I wrote the comment (as part of) the TToT.

      To the best of my recollection: I needed a reference that implied that, for an odd, but not entirely unusual word(s), a certain cross-section of Readers would be aware of the full implications, as opposed to the Readers at large. (Certainly a reasonable and worthy ambition for one trying to write a Comment that is more than, ‘hey great Post. Keep up the good work!’) In any event, while the release of the White Album happened before your time, for those of us in high school at the time, there was a rumor going around that ‘underneath’ the white (of the White Album) was a photo of a naked John and Yoko. (One of my fondest memories is of my convincing one person to go home and ‘steam his album’..alas, no photo, naked Beatle or otherwise.)
      The rest (of the process underlying my reference) is that I made an assumption that, among the great number of bloggers that participated in the TToT 25th… you were among the group most likely to respond to the reference. (An assumption that I have no objective basis for making, just a feeling, that you are the kind of person capable of making that, somewhat roundabout connection.) On the basis of your response, I will submit that I was not wrong, it’s just that you were born too late.

      I trust that makes sense of the Mystery of the Obscure Beatle Reference.

      (I am impressed by your own logicological reconstruction… or would that be culture-deconstructionism?)