Month: October 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: October 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

‘…mid-week review and Post re-print!’ the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of 克拉克, 科特 and 罗杰)

Welcome the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…finally some quality alone-time. We love doing the bloghops, the FTSF and the TToT and the MixTape Tuesdays because they are challenges and (they) give us back more than we put in, but it’s still nice to just ‘sit and talk’ about the Wakefield Doctrine, no?

Funny how, when we started this blog, the mountain to scale every morning was: what to write? how to reach the audience? will we ever be successful (whatever that meant then or even means now!) and now, only a few years into the effort, I’m complaining about how busy we are interacting with other blogs and bloggers, Friends and DownSprings… and yet, here I am… hurling words into the ether, about not having enough time to write Doctrine-centric Posts (yeah, like anything I write is not Doctrine-centric…lol), and, …and!  I’ve even heard myself self lament over (or, if you prefer o’er ) not being able to keep up with Comments! I apologize to any listenators, the fact of the matter is very simply this: I am counting Comments the way I used to count frickin visits! how cool is that? (of course, the bulk of the Commentation is a result of participating in the aforementioned bloghops), nothing like having popular friends to get invited to hangout with… hey thanks guys!

on to the reprint!  here is something from a year ago that you might not have read. (how weird is it when you read something that you know you wrote, but then you get caught by surprise and say to yourself, ‘hey pretty good! who is this writer?’  lol)


Wednesday ( how to answer the Question: “what did you just say about me?” ) the Wakefield Doctrine (and what the hell is the deal with the ‘d’ in Wednesday?)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Three things to accomplish today:

  1. provide Readers with a simple, yet comprehensive definition of the Wakefield Doctrine, in case they, (the Readers), actually accepted the challenge presented in yesterday’s Post
  2. offer some advice and guidance on how people will most likely react to being described as clarklike or scottian or rogerian
  3. find out what the hell the letter ‘d’ is doing in the word Wednesday… seriously, not a ‘duh’ sound anywhere, in any pronunciation that I have ever heard… it must be a trick!

Number One item first!

the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, productive and fun way to look at the behavior and (the) personalities of the people in our lives. The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that everyone has a personal reality, or worldview, and that it is this worldview that accounts for the behavior and personality in all of us. The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that there are three characteristic worldviews: the worldview of the Outsider (a clark) the reality of the Predator (the scottian personality) and the real world of the Herd Member (the roger) and all of us live in one of these three. The Doctrine goes on to say, that even though we all pick one of these three worldviews to live in, we always retain the capability to experience the world as either of the ‘other two’ personality types. The Wakefield Doctrine proposes that by knowing how the world appears to a person (the nature and character of their worldview), it is possible to know why people act the way they do. With a thorough understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine, it is possible for us to know more about ‘the other person’ than they know about themselves! It’s fun to learn and as an added bonus,  there is a growing community of people who are not only learning about the Wakefield Doctrine and how it can help them understand the people in their lives, but they themselves are contributing to the development of this ‘personality theory’ on a daily basis. (…oh yeah! The Wakefield Doctrine is possibly the most effective tool for self-improvement and self-development ever seen!)

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

2) (…when they catch you describing them!):

  1. the person you are describing as clarklike or scottian or rogerian overhears you or is told that you have described them with (one of those) words and then confronts you
  2. the person you are describing asks you for more of an explanation in a private setting, after the initial interaction

Number 2 is simple: give them the url and suggest that they go and read more about it for themselves.  If this person gets belligerent or otherwise adversarial, tell them that you will give them a secret password that they should put in the subject line of the email that they should write, that if they use this secret password, then their email will go right to the top!  The secret password is: ‘damn!’

Number 1 is not as simple, but much more instructive! (Note: this advice is written from the perspective of the person doing ‘the naming’ is a clark. go ahead, ask us why! lol)

If the person is a clark, then chances are they won’t say anything, they will however establish some form of temporary eye contact… this will be accompanied by a slight raising of the eyebrows and (possibly) a brief clarksmile* it is safe to ignore them, but if you decide to engage them, simply offer the url, then say, “it’s probably something you have already heard of”

If the person is a scott, then immediately laugh but do not, under any circumstances try to run away (that will simply trigger their chase instinct). Follow the laughter with a ‘throw-away’ explanation about how you got the term scottian from one of those crazy personality types websites… that it was really an interesting site and how they describe people as animal types…sort of. If the scott is alone (as if!), they will ask to hear more; if they are not alone, keep an eye on the people who are gathered around the scott, the pack. At the slightest hint of anyone in the pack taking offense at your characterization, immediately offer to take the scott to your computer and show them what you are talking about ( even if they don’t take the bait, you might have a chance to make a break for the door)

If the person is a roger, they will most likely appear to enjoy and agree with what you have said, showing great interest in this ‘rogerian‘ thing. Don’t believe them! Tell them that it was nothing and how, now that they mention it, you realise you were probably wrong and the designation from this personality type website is clearly way off base. Get away as quickly as possible.

3) Wensday! that is how they should spell it! running out of time, go see our friends at wikipedia for the etymology, yo  ( )

There you go!  If anyone has anything to report (on their efforts to ‘call out’ friends and family Doctrine-style), totally let us know! The statement above about how everyone is contributing to the development of this here personality theory here was made with complete sincerity.

*clarksmile the peculiar way clarks have of smiling… brief eye contact, followed by a pressing of the lips together. this pressing has an effect of forcing the lips outwards to the sides, looking totally like a possible smile! sort of  lol



Divinely Twisted MixTapes Tuesday, the Wakefield Doctrine (you read that correctly…#30!! as in nearly a year…sorta)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


mixtape jenkehl 200


I never needed spiritual songs more than I have this week. A week ago the server on which I am hosted was under attack by a malicious hacker. SO FUN!!! My site was acting funny, then shut down all together on Wednesday. After the attack was over, my site was never the same. Long story short – there will be a why I hate hostmonster, bluehost, host gator post in the near future.

In order to fix the problem we (me and godaddy) actually had to move my site to a temporary URL until Hostmonster releases my domain, which they are taking their sweet time doing.

So here we are. I am holding my breath, hoping they won’t switch it off in the middle of our Party, but it seems pretty likely that it will happen. Cause that’s my luck this week.

And so, since this week you have been guided to create a mixtape on songs that are spiritual to you. I am going to use these songs that aren’t necessarily spiritual to everyone, but are to me, to help me through.

Give Me Strength to Weather This Storm

Well, this surely will be an interesting week, MizTape-wise. Our Host(s) Jen Kehl and Kristi McNichol  have advised us to ‘think spiritual’ for this week’s MixTape.  Given that I was taught from a time before I can remember that, in polite company, ‘one simply never discusses politics and religion’, I am in a bit of a quandary. I really enjoy our tunesome Tuesdays and yet, that pesky up-bringing thing.  Well, as we say at the Wakefield Doctrine, if it walks like a nun and quacks like a minister, then it must be…  (sorry, last minute deadline pressure got the better of me. The Wakefield Doctrine does have something to say about religion, seeing as you have already brought up the topic. When it comes to matters of the soul and deities and such, then: clarks are spiritual, rogers are religious and scotts… they pretty much decide on which sect has the hottest clergy and/or offer the most opportunity to get some…enlightenment.)

Alright! That takes cares of the mandatory, ‘hey-we’re-blog writers-and-music-fans-write-something-profound-insightful-or-failing-that-weirder-than anything’  Done…Done….(and)…Done!



Caritas abundat in omnia – Hildegard von Bingen


Elected – Alice Cooper


Old Time Mix – Fred Hammond


Let the Praise Begin – Fred Hammond


Oh What a Night – Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons



“crack that whip, give the past a slip” the Wakefield Doctrine (罗杰在过去的生活,斯科特住在现在和克拉克的未来生活)1

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Sure, we have fun on the Weekends, what with the TToT, the Saturday Night Drive and….and! the Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Morning Video Brunch. But if you’re reading this, then it is Monday. What good is the Wakefield Doctrine to you now?

Glad you asked. Monday morning Posts are funny. Not ‘ha ha’ funny, not ‘George Thorogood’ funny, not even ‘Joe Pesci’ funny… maybe Steven Wright funny.2

In any event, as is often repeated, ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, productive and fun way to understand the behavior of the people in our lives.’  Surely, if there is a benefit to be found in this ‘personality theory’, this morning would be a great time for it to be made clear, ya know?  So,  ‘the Wakefield Doctrine’,  how is it possible today, to improve and enhance the day that is unfolding before our: tired, dazed, incredulous, refusing-to-open, suspicious, happy, grateful or resigned eyes? can you tell us that? well, can you?!

  • forget that shit about ‘before your eyes’,  clark  we call this reality and you are the reality, it is not a movie, not a book, it is not a mystery to be solved, a puzzle to be put together, a song to be sung or a riddle to be answered…it is life.
  • scott?  you actually stopped long enough to get a glimpse here?…good girl! take a penny, please  yes, you are the action-oriented one, you totally don’t need to wait while clarks think things through…you see what needs to be done and you’re gonna do it, goddamit step aside, scott here to the rescue… extra parts? screw it…it’s fixed on to the next problem   subjective reflection? that’s for them grammar guys! the only good tense is the present tense!! what was that noise?
  • sure. it’s clever. no, we don’t mind if you just watch…hey, you’re good at watching, after all someone has to be in a position to let everyone know it is all correct and all and why not? the other two are so into themselves and this Doctrine thing, what is that anyway? some kind of wannabe cult? sorry, all the herds have already been formed, no I don’t mind ‘joining in’  no…I’ll wait here…roger

yes, it’s that kind of day, lol

Stop back later, we will surely have re-positioned ourrselfs a little more mainstream, you know what we mean?




1) thanks, Michelle for the translation of ‘clarks live in the future, scotts the present and rogers, the past’* or words to that effect

* or is that more properly, transcription?

2) “Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life.”


TToT XX.V the Wakefield Doctrine ‘wherein we try to get a sneak peak at the future, looking through past-coloured glasses’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


If no one minds, I will continue the ancient, venerated, near-rogerian-in-established-tradition-going-as-far-back-as-last week of doing a pre-Grat List. Maybe, I’ll moderate it a bit and give ya a 10 List of Things of Thankful (gratis) and Things of Hope & Reasonable Optimism (pre-grats). You’ll recognize my pre-grat list items, cause they’re the ones in comic sans.

and so, as we begin the week (and end the weekend) I will offer the following that I am a) grateful for or 2) hopeful about

1) the number of Comments on the Post, which is one of things about the TToT that is so cool, because we have 2 days*, most of us find a way to get to each other’s Posts and Comments and generally mix it up  threadistically-speaking

2) * that Lizzi had the inspiration/foresight to not only pick the weekend, but the courage(insane optimism) to do a 2 day ‘hop. The thing about this TToT is that while all bloghops run for, like a week (until the next one), this hop, for you new Readers is on-going for both days…some join and contribute on Sundays and others cheat by taking advantage of un-fair TimeZone assignment and send theirs in a day early

3) hey Jak! thanks for the first Chrono-Comment! (er…Christine?)  (….booyah!)

4) looking forward (not) to the beginning of the work week to resume work which, in a couple of cases, involved a problem that grew huge, was in the process of (potentially) finding a positive resolution only to have Friday end… should be an exciting day at work this week…

5) having said (#4) am grateful for the work that I do have, it is work that fits my criteria of enjoyable work, i.e. never the same, freedom of movement (through space and time**) and lets me sleep at home at night

6) ** the free use of serious grammatilogical functions like asterixeses and superscript if it weren’t for these little darlings, this list would put me to sleep

7) looking forward to continuing the experiment hinted at last week with the Post based on Cyndi’s Comment, you know the one with the Wakefield Doctrine approved strategy for dealing with workplace conflict, the one we call, ‘love your roger’

8) grateful that I was able to resist the pull of the negative side (of my own), a characteristic found in many clarks, it is not so much a deliberate decent into seeing only the dark side of life, all too often it is (for us) a ‘whiplash’ thing, where we find ourselves   ‘over-balancing’ following a time of extra (and usually, successful) effort to exceed our normal capabilities.

9) that I can imagine taking a weekend off (not really, but it’s the thought that counts)

10) looking forward to the Holiday Season (no!  calm yourself Christine!  lol) I look forward to this time of year for the Big Three and Half  Holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and NEw YEars) they are so much fun from a blog writing point of view!  (especially ThanksG…. can you say rogerian holiday? 


Gotta run. Please forgive my occasional misspell and non-consistent sentence and/or grammatical structure above. (no, Dyanne I don’t think ‘hey everyone! looks like clarks alright nothing unusual here” is quite what I mean)  the Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Morning Video Brunch is about to go live…. come join us!!  (google hangout needed)

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


TToTwenny ..the Wakefield Doctrine (…and the beat goes on)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



This is Satyrday October 19, 2013. This is the 20th weekend of ‘Thankful’, the bloghop that gives blog writers, and other inhabitants of the virtual world, a place to go on weekends that is not: sports related, strictly for men, women only, a place to show your appreciation to Bristol Myers Squibb for creating medicines for a better life, Catholic or Shinto only, the place to get the latest scores, the place to score, the place to pick up chicks. … (this blog) is: mostly free of photos of people in oddly compromising situations, cute photos of kittens fighting with common household appliances, illustrations of the best way to get your snow-blower ready for the coming winter and easy-to-follow charts of the most exotic spots on the human body.
…what this bloghop is: a place to share the good and the bad with other people, people who have the emotional stature to be comfortable sharing parts of their life, a fun place where Comments grow off of Posts and everyone is invited, a place to read good news and bad news, in other words, a bloghop as it is intended to be.. this is the Ten Things of Thankful

Today, for reasons not yet fully appreciated, my contribution to the TToT has the emotional impact of a graduate level term paper on the economic ramifications of the Foreign Policy of James Madison (1809-1817). But, it being Saturday, no telling what will happen later in this here day here.

So, if you are new to this bloghop and this is your first or second stop, click immediately on: AFOOCCW or re written or Considerings (where it all began) …then, a little later in the day, you might want to stop by, trust me on this.

Grateful this week for:

1) well, come on! it’s a photo of a Wakefield Doctrine docTee being worn in Vatican Square!

2) having two ‘easy’ gratitude items for my list

3) winning some sort of Contest, one that I didn’t realize I had entered… Janine, actually had to IM me on ‘the Facebook’ to get information so she could arrange to have the Gift Certificate sent to my RL house!

4) being halfway through the Saturday Ten without having to resort to ‘the weird’ (well, almost through to the halfway point)

5) having a couple of days in the preceding week where I managed to focus on my scottian secondary aspect, it proved to have the effect of increasing the ‘intensity’ of my efforts, a good thing, given the nature of the interaction

6) for seeing that Lizzi has settled into her new job, worked hard on her Dyanne project and came through it all  with a minimum of bruising (figurative, metaphorical and probably, a little…literal)

7) seeing a Comment from people what have not Commented at the Doctrine before…always fun to read the tentative enjoyment of something they think is for real, but are not sure enough to fully commit to a ‘hey interesting personality theory’

8) knowing Melanie who lives down in South Africa, because I got a call from a client I had not spoken to in a few years and in the course of the conversation he mentioned working for a bank based in Cape Town and I was able to say, “hey, I have a friend who lives down there, very interesting place”…etc  that it is virtual did not detract in the slightest from the benefit of a (semi) common experience

9) the still-not-frickin-freezin weather

10) seeing friends develop they skills in the writing thing, to wit: Janine and Kristi and the others in the book: The Mother of All Meltdowns  and our own Lizzi and them in the book: ‘Sunshine After the Storm’

Thats it for now. (New Readers? the Wakefield Doctrine says simply that there are three characteristic worldviews (personal realities) that we all live our lives in, we all have one ‘predominant worldview’ but retain the potential of the other two, these are the world of the Outsider (clarks), the Predator (scotts) and the Herd (rogers). The goal is to infer how a person is relating themselves to the world around them.


Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts
