Month: September 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: September 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” the Wakefield Doctrine ‘all that music and no theme! TMT T

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

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Just last week I was saying (in a Comment) to Troy that the fun/challenge/scary part of these TMT Posts is writing a story that might make sense of (our collection of music)… allow me to quote me (with the permission of the blog owner):              “… *after all, we’re frickin blog writers, who isn’t trying their best to tell a story here?”   This Tuesday is no exception.

We are charged with:

Twisted MixTape 25

mixtape jenkehl

Whoa. Its been quite a week folks!

To help relieve the stress, I decided to use our theme of “Anything Goes” to create a fun playlist. You my friend are in for a treat.

Friends Don’t Let Their Friend’s Kids Grow Up Listening to Raffi

(and yes, I am trying to indoctrinate your child, that is what I’m here for after all)

Jen  and KristiJen and KristiJen and… today’s Post in no way reflects the opinion (musical or otherwise) of anyone associated with the Wakefield Doctrine and is entirely the product of my living through the 60s  and  the 70s! If you’re looking for someone to blame for this admittedly odd Twisted MixTape, they’re the ones you should be talking to!!  sitting back on their  Raynor-eurotech-ergohuman-le9erg chairs, typing plot-twists and ‘themes’ that cause us to lie awake all night trying to remember a song that we know we forgot a long time ago. (Oh yeah… “and eating bon bons and/or eating grapes held by manly administrative assistants.”  (..took this joke way too far, no?)

In any event, here is my contribution to this week’s TMT:










“…how was I to know, she was with the Russians too?” the Wakefield Doctrine ( no, it is supposed to be of practical value too! )

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



A busy week stretches out before (most of) us… (insert your preferred metaphor here:  scotts may employ animal/and or sexual imagery, rogers may safely write about how metaphor is simply a reflection of the reservations a person holds on communicating with others and clarks?… guess you kinda already weighed in on this one).

Have I mentioned how much I am enjoying the increasingly active interactions and such with the people who Comment here? Albeit many arrive via breadcrumbs… ( “oh look! there’s a blog we’ve never read before!  what is it doing way out here? well, as long as Jen or Lizzi or Michelle know about it, how bad can it be?” ) Not only is the conversation increasing, but the kind of input and interactions is changing. It’s fun of a sort that I am not yet entirely used to, to have people that I don’t have to convince and/or teach the basics of the Wakefield Doctrine to, rather it is what I had hoped for from the beginning of this here blog here, Readers say, “hey, suppose a scott were to find a wallet on a bench in the mall?” or “well, why do clarks have to mumble and dress so weird, I know one and he can be so charming at times and then, when we’re out somewhere…he gets all… not really there! What’s up with that?”

Quick weekend update and then off to work!

  • fun Video Breakfast with Michelle and Denise… seems like my new phone is going to make these Sunday morning affairs even more fun! (no, not that kind of affairs!!)
  • Lizzi had house guests, still got the TToT off to a good start and then made it back for Sunday evening… if you get a chance go here  (read the Comments at the various Posts…thats where half the fun is!)
  • the Assessment Test (cleverly hidden in the middle of the damn landing/front page of the blog), is all! getting some takers and (more importantly) getting some feedback on it
  • Christine did a story (as part of this weekend’s TToT) that was very intriguing, from a Doctrine perspective… go here and read about the cow in the yard adventure, come back and let us know what you think went on during the ‘situation’ that is not written on the page ( New Readers? she is a self-professed scott, so try out that perspective as you read the little story. remember the point of the Doctrine is to see the world as the other person experiences it.)
  • Michelle and Denise are on a special assignment this week! they will begin to survey as many self-help/self-improvement sites and videos as possible, with an eye to seeing how the Wakefield Doctrine might approach it

That’s all for this Monday morning! Will try to get back a little later.

Seeing as we have Warren in the Title, we really should have the song too!


Saturday TToT Number 15!!! …so fast! the Wakefield Doctrine (…thats like, what, 7 months of Posts?)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is, incredibly enough, the 15th installment of the bloghop called Ten Things of Thankful and the fact that time has passed as rapidly as it has doesn’t help ease the unease at how rapidly time is going by and all.

Here is my List… it being Saturday I will try to stop by and read Posts as the day progresses, but not too often (…work) this being a work day. I will, in any event, catch-up with everyone early this evening.  (Hey!  we have our regular Wakefield Doctrine Call in tonight!! 8-845 EDT)

1) I am grateful to have been asked to be a co-host of this blog hop   (before anyone goes into ‘awww‘  mode…allow me to continue),  because it has allowed me an opportunity to build upon something that does not require my own (personal) re-creation each and every week. Many people think, ‘hey good idea for a blog hop!’  then…a little while later, they’re all  ‘well, of course, there’s a lot of people participating! it was a good idea’    No.  The work-that-does-not-show, in this case of the soon-to-be-too-popular TToT is what the creator (and the co-hosts) put of themselves into it…nothing material,  but it is even more valuable and more essential to this blog’ growing and thriving… whether there is one Vistor or one hundred and thirteen visitors.

2) …I am grateful for Lizzi  (and all the co-hostini…) for contributing that ‘whatever of themselves’ that gives the life to this here bloghop here

3) And speaking of Hostini!  I am thankful that zoe  has accepted the position of co-host of the TToT!  While we hope that she reads up on Secret new host Rule #7  (and gets me those free Line items)  I have totally enjoyed her Posts  plus… she has a most excellent dog Skip

4) I am grateful for being comfortable enough with my list writing to say that I am totally not thankful for the change in weather… while I am resolving to not act surprised at how the temperatures are plummeting these mornings of late… and seeing how I  have lived in this part of the country nearly all of my life… I probably should knock off the ‘oh man! it’s getting cold again!! what the hell’ …like how can I claim that I did not see it coming?  (in my defense, I am one of those people who will feel warm again in…say  mid-June 2014)

5) I am partially thankful for no longer fishing (for a living). Having been out of the business for a very, very long time, I am still aware of how selective memory can be, remembering the good parts, not the bad parts. (Of Doctrine interest: even though rogers are of the worldview that places a very high value on traditions and continuity…it is (are) the clarks who retain the detailed  personal memory. So, while the weather offshore this time of year can be beautiful, the cold can take the fun out of it in a second.

6) I think that many of us list (the benefits) of technology very frequently on our TToT lists, in that I am no exception.  I will not miss the opportunity to signal my seeming helplessness to the world (it’s a clark thing…really, really aggravating…if you’re a clark. if you’re not a clark, then far be it from me to spoil the pleasure you might derive from our efforts to sneak in from Outsider-ville.)

7) I am thankful to Michelle and Considerer and Denise and Cyndi and Stephanie for their help on coming up with additional scenaria for the Assessment Test.   I would single out Christine… but I am afraid that she will turn her full attention on us,  hey!  scott!!  you know your suggestions are not just good, they are challenging, (in a good way), to me to make the most of them, right?  Christine is a (self-identified*) scott…and I should at this point do one of my semi-creepy  ‘I know this about you….” insight-things that makes the Wakefield Doctrine so very cool. (yes, I am aware of the transparency of my little gambit).

8) I am grateful for the Wakefield Doctrine Video Brunch… getting to hangout with people, in real time, on Sunday mornings.

9) …having work to do. often cited but not always easy to express… until, that is, someone who has not been as fortunate expresses gratitude for a (new) job and such.  this is, for me, the most direct benefit of participating in this here bloghop here.. to recognize

10) I was tempted to get all weird and clarklike here on the last item…but choose not to for one reason: a) Item 6 refers to the fact that we all maintain our worldviews, despite our efforts to change and develop beyond what our predominant worldview maintains. The Wakefield Doctrine will show itself to be an exceptional tool for self-development on the matter of this ‘persistence of habit’ issue…more later and 2) I want to reinforce, by invoking the new Rule (Rule #47) about Item 10 that I mentioned in a Comment last week to Hexagonal Patchwork …totally get to use the fact of finishing the List as a List Item



* secret Wakefield Doctrine rule… no one can tell you that you are a clark or a scott or a roger. they might choose to say that you are a clark or a scott or a roger, but in terms of ‘for real’  that is for you, not for them to say



Ten Things of Thankful
 Your hosts


finish the French Fries sentence Friday the Wakefield Doctrine …the personality theory that knows what you think – do – feel!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Back to School… the starchy-smelling shirt is out of the plastic bag… the cardboard is out from under the collar and the (really cool) clear plastic thing on the front of the collar has been dislodged… all but the one ‘mandatory-to-miss-until-the-shirt-is-pulled-over-the-head’ pins have been removed… top 2 and bottom one button un-buttoned… it’s back to school season.

(yeah, a bit of a long windup for a simple bloghop Post*)

My best summertime memory this year was

( Conjuring faded memories of 3rd grade Teachers… their crisp white (whatever you people call those pleated/fluffy-fronted shirts)… and semi-clingy skirts with those shoes that are high heel but not really… arc-welded into a future blog writers impressionable, pre-adolescent mind), the Three (plus One) Bloggorini:  Janine and Kate and Stephanie and…. and  that one,  of the FTSF ask us to complete another sentence.

The best memory is of the first of the Wakefield Doctrine Video Brunches. Although, technically, the first (of these video conference calls) was more of a midnight snack… I remember it like it was a few weeks ago. Lizzy and Michelle and Cyndi made an appearance on my devices… really! first they were on my tablet, then my phone and then my computer… if it wasn’t that the Doctrine and DownSprings were involved, it would’ve been pretty damn scary.  …anyway, that’s the first thing that comes into my mind when I look at the fragment this Friday.

… a very close runner-up to ‘best summertime memory’, was getting to know the people involved in Considerer’s blog-hop, the Ten Things of Thankful (aka TToT). She broke most of the rules and created something that takes blogging into the real world. Despite the fact that the old guard were saying, “Post on a weekend? what are you stupid?  Nobody blogs on weekends!! I never waste a Post on a Saturday or Sunday” we proved them  wrong-wrong (and) wrong.
The TToT runs Saturday to the end of Sunday night (’cause Jak sometimes gets in late) and there is a crowd there all through the weekend.  What our blog-hop has is that much-sought-after-rarely-acheived sense of community… and there is an on-going conversation.  You know how you read through Posts and see a Comment thread and you laugh and want to jump into the conversation?  it not only happens a lot… but some people (not singling anyone named Christine or Dyanne out or anything)… there is a sense of ‘it’s the weekend…stop by the TToT on Saturday morning…check in later in the afternoon…like that.  A virtual open house every weekend.   ya really oughta stop by… even you-know-who shows up!  then you know you better be at the top of your game!




* ain’t no simple blog hop Posts when two conditions obtain: a) the writer hails from the quiet Village of Ychromia… the land of gentle thoughts and just the teensy-est touch of competition (hey, baby it’s in my…. genes!  ya get  it?  ha ha ha) and 2) one of the hosts is She-whose-name-shall-not-be-spoken-unless-one-is-way-cranked-on-something….


“ finding a bunch of stuff in a trunk in the attic” the Wakefield Doctrine (I know you’re able to put this all in a useful context… adult language, yo)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


not much time this morning.  below are film clips that show the personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. use the Comment section for any questions.



