TTand Oh Oh… the Wakefield Doctrine, the Weekend, …what could possibly go wrong? | the Wakefield Doctrine TTand Oh Oh… the Wakefield Doctrine, the Weekend, …what could possibly go wrong? | the Wakefield Doctrine

TTand Oh Oh… the Wakefield Doctrine, the Weekend, …what could possibly go wrong?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Wakefield Needles 4 good


I have to start this TToT with an indulgence in my love of weird words*. I wish I had thought of it before I came up with today’s Post Title, which I still like enough to not change it.

I will preface my weekly Post as saying, “hey, there are 10 items. What else could I do? It just seemed like a good idea at the time.”


Late Sunday Update!!!  Late Sunday Update!!!!  Late Sunday Update!!!

well there were numbering systems in the distant past when 13 was expected to follow 10!!




hey!  Sunday Morning here.

Even though I am so not up to the level of blog skills to be able to produce another Post this weekend. (ha ha Dyanne). I did want to say, “I appreciate your amused and supportive reception of my incessant weirding-out of all of my attempts to produce a simple and direct list of Ten Things That I feel gratitude for (about) the week past. Just yesterday, someone, in an insightful Comment, (which given the nature of this gang, could have been any one of you… probably was more than one of you)…pointed out that there was a certain degree of what they used to call ‘approach/avoidance’ conflict within my Posts each week. Thank you for that! I find that reassuring in that we say around the Doctrine, ‘if you use this thing as a tool, a perspective, then there will always be an opportunity to learn something new about yourself’.

Having said that…I just want to say, thank you.

In the process of writing it yesterday, I got so excited that the ‘linking thing’ was actually going to work, I forgot to do the actual list. (The idea was to put my own Grateful Things in everyones Comment sections. So to try and rectify that, here is an example, I hope, of how that was to have looked.  (thanks to Jak for his cooperation).

Number Thirteen!



First Item Gratiful 

Number 2! on the CountDown!

Three (ruff! ruff!)

This is Number Four… a good one, too!

Numero Fiveo

(ok…time to take a break!  this business of trying capture the link of the Comment is kinda nerve-wracking…. just need to focus only 5 more to go)

Number Six!

Lucky Seven

This is the Eighth Item

Number Nine…Number Nine… Number

Number Ten:  I am grateful to be a part of this bloghop and to enjoy the company and tolerance and good-will of an extraordinarily wide range of people from all over the frickin globe!

Will get back later to see if this ‘worked’  (yes, I am actually capable of hitting ‘Publish’ and not looking to see how the whole thing came out!**)


* ‘Triskaidekaphilia… Boy am I grateful for this week

**probably won’t though

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. zoe says:

    SO it begs the question …. Should it be the 13 things of thankful? NAW….I am honored to be #3! I am going to try to get to your questionnaire today! Looking forward to it… I have to say Clark (and its not because of your tolerance of my constant dog related posts…no really…its not) Yours are often my favorite posts and comments…Iook forward to them…Is it the intellectualism of the Clark connection ( ie geekdom, hmmmmm.)?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      that and the insatiable appetite for new knowledge and/or information*

      the questionnaire is proving to not only be fun but way instructive (to me as it suggests (and sometimes forces) different views and insights into how I relate myself to the world around me)

      * if you had any doubt as to your predominant worldview being clarklike, that I did not need to preface my Reply for you to ‘resume’ the discussion should serve lol

  2. zoe says:

    oops meant to add, that although it is not a particularly pleasantly defined word I just love the word trichotillomania…it kind of runs off the tongue!

  3. I love word coinage too. The weirder the better!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …it’s funny about words and word usage. There seems to be the potential for some secret insecurity in regards to the proper use of language and words. It is not that talented and proper crafting of sentences and words and such is not a wonderful thing, but I would submit that like music…sometimes it’s just fun to tap on an empty oil drum or pluck a tightened string…just for the fun of it.

      so lets declare this weekend as “Makeup your own words and such Weekend!”

      of course, as the Doctrine tells us, you rogers have a talent in this area that is second to none!

  4. Well, that explains the “five-o” in your comment on my blog.

    What did I say about you last week? That you were a pain in the ass, but you’re OUR pain in the ass? That still stands. You had me jumping from blog to blog to blog like I was on a treasure hunt. Well played.

    My friend Dawn at Since You Asked has linked up with us this week for the first time. Go visit her. You will love her.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Figured if I could get something going while I was at work, then I could be ‘virtually’ aggravating without being actually on line!
      Back now…will be sure to head over to Dawn’s

  5. Considerer says:

    Aaaaaaaall makes sense now, you crazy silver surfer :D Epic coding, dude. And great fun :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      well, afterall my middle name is… wait a minute! no it’s not!

      so it worked?? Damn! gots to remember to project certainty and confidence!…shit! I’m still typing, aren’t I? lol

      (just trying to look busy, seein how we got test results starting to come in and they won’t bell-curve themselves!)

      • Considerer says:

        It worked, it worked and it was so much fun.

        Epic coding though! Can’t *begin* to imagine the HTML/CSS nightmare!

        Keep looking busy and speak soon

  6. christine says:

    Fortunately, you linked up to the posts in line before yours, so I read through and saw what you were doing before I got here. I’d call you a slacker, doing your list like this, but all that linking may be more work than just writing an actual post.

    I do so love to see what you come up with each week. And every week, I start typing mine, thinking, “This is boring. I need to be more creative like Clark.” And then I’m not.

    Good luck with the “test”!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      I was talking to someone, Denise I think, last night about my ‘List’… and I became so excited that it seemed to be working, that I forgot to do it the way I originally intended… maybe I should try again today! (The idea was to put items that I am grateful for in the Comments of other Posts, of course).

    • Considerer says:

      More creative, like making an amazing cake in 15 minutes? Yeah, you totally suck :p

      • christine says:

        That wasn’t creative. I saw those minions on cupcakes other people made. Just stuck them on a cake instead. While I admit, I do have some creative moments, I haven’t been hitting the creative mark much recently.

        • Considerer says:

          It was a great idea. And well received by all accounts.

          But feel free – up the ante – get creative. I’d be fascinated to see what you come up with when you put your mind to it.

  7. Katy says:

    If there’s one thing that’s guaranteed when I come to your blog, it’s that you are consistent in your unique way of presenting your Thankfuls, and keeping us guessing as to how it’ll be happening with you next week! Lol

    A great Blog hop :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Hey Katy

      ..funny thing about that…I originally felt pressure of not believing I could write a list that would rise to the level of those everyone else published, so I went the way of the ‘List Less Traveled’ Now I find myself under (self-created) pressure to continually go that route…lol I have often* said that using the Wakefield Doctrine will result in having learning and insight opportunities every single time one sets out to interact with other people!
      Thanks for your insight.

      *actually, make that constantly

  8. Holy crap. Your list is brilliant. I’m humbled that you’re so much cooler and creative than even I realized.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      lol why shucks Miz Kristi! I’m much obliged…*

      *I’ve** missed you over here at the TToT… you have that rare ability to stimulate others just an inch short of being annoying! but…but!! it is in that ‘inch short’ where people do better than they might otherwise have done… I would call you a Muse but what comes to mind is kinda decidedly un-ancient greek in marble kind a force

      you know what I mean?

      Hey!! great new pitcha of Tucker

      ** me… personally and the others too

      • Considerer says:

        *says nowt but raises eyebrow waaaaaaaaaaay high up*

      • I’m putting that on my tombstone.
        “She had the ability to stimulate others within an inch of annoying.”
        Because, what else is there in life really*? Huh? What?

        Also, that I am an un-ancient Greek in marble kind of force is totally going on my resume. I’ll quote you and send them here, M’Kay?

        *a f#cking lot, but that’s a great one.

        • Considerer says:

          HA! It’ll be fine to send them here as long as he doesn’t show them his Ionic column*

          *yes, I descended to the depths there.

          • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


            well, we know that there is a certain…guarantee of a good time in the people that come here… different times of the weekend, seems to take on a different tone…

            hey! did you talk to Shanique and Melissa? not that they had to stay around, it’s fun (for me) just to see people ‘drop in’

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


          absolutely… hey, give some thought to Doctrine fashion! We have the docTees… fun but given how ‘generic’ the sizing is people are sort of ‘eh…’ we’ve done the hats (‘for your damn head’)…and the college hoodie.

          need another item… thinking possibly lunch boxes, a clark at work (with daughters in the 19 to 24 age range) says they like the shorts and with the names on the ass… (though Wakefield Doctrine… might be a bit cumbersome).

          any ideas or thoughts will be gladly appropriated!

          είστε τόσο δροσερό

  9. Kate says:

    Love how you did the post this week. Very creative. You should be thankful for your creativity!

  10. Jak says:

    Oh my lord, Clark lol I wasn’t fully aware of exactly what you meant by talking about links and linking for your TToT for this entry. I have no idea how you even do that… Can any blogging platform do that? I assume it’s just code of some sort? I don’t think I’ll ever need to link specifically to a comment anytime soon, but it’s always dandy to know how to do it…

    I note you calmed some the following week, and went more “standard issue”, but as I said… I believe it will be a short stay :-)

    Thanks so much for your comments over the past two TToT man! I still haven’t opened my cam!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink