Month: May 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: May 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Thurston Thursday (the Third) the Wakefield Doctrine “…yes, it *is* a video Post!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Hey, you got questions? We will totally answer them, you know.

clarks: the Outsiders, for them the world is ‘out there’

scotts: the Predators, live to act/act to live

rogers: the Herd Members, they know that the universe is quantifiable and there are Rules (‘referential authority’)



Hey! I got a Comment!  from Noah Conti @, and he says,

This post presents clear idea designed for the new visitors of blogging, that really how to do blogging.”

I suspect someone’s soon-to-be-world-famous-personality-types-blog is on someone’s spam list!  lol



‘…of Hendrix, good questions and intriguing dreams’ the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Question from Considerer question:

“Yeah I’d like to know my secondary aspect, after all, knowledge is power…”

When you first practice inferring another person’s predominant worldview, you watch a person and look through the ‘lens’ of the three worldviews. (Often, it is helpful to pick which of the three is pretty damned unlikely and then focus and then begin to compare the remaining two)…watching for the sense of consistency between the observed behavior and what you know about the characteristic behavior of the worldview being held up for comparison. Keep doing this until you feel comfortable with your choice. Want to hear 2 encouraging facts? a) you can’t get it wrong1 and 2) you can’t break it2.

From Denise is this Questionment:

“It’s been said around the Doctrine that it’s like learning a second language. The goal being to eventually think in “Doctrine” … woke up today remembering a snippet of dream.”

Good! The goal is to have the perspective of the Doctrine practiced so that it is not work to apply in the course of your day. A note here to Readers who may be expecting more from this personality theory than we intend. Of late, I have been in conversation with Friend of the Doctrine, Molly, on this very question, i.e. does the Doctrine require total commitment in order to have any value to the individual? ( I may not totally appreciate Molly’s position on this topic, but that in and of itself is the reason for allowing that more is better than less, when it comes to the ways that we view the world around us5).  I do say that, as a tool for self-development and self-improvement, the Wakefield Doctrine will prove to be without peer. However, it is still simply a perspective. A way to view the world and the people in it.
Just as becoming fluent in a second (or third or fourth) language, should not interfere with your native language, acquiring an understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine need not cause any conflict with whatever belief system you may choose to employ in your day-to-day, ‘my god! I really thought I knew them better than that! How could they say a thing like that?’…activities. (lol)

So, as with so much in life, the greater the range of your experience in day-to-day living, the better are the chances at getting this thing right!6


Readers familiar with the Doctrine, seeing two partially italicized block-quotes, have stopped reading and gotten up to get a re-fill on their coffee, tea or whatever tasty beverage they may be sipping. The common reaction, among Readers familiar with these pages is, ‘oh goody/hot shit! one of those Posts!
If you are a new Reader, let me simply say… the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective, a tool, a personality theory that,  if you are willing to allow yourself to see the world as being comprised of people who are living in one of three characteristic worldviews, will give you an insight into the behavior of the people in your life. With the Wakefield Doctrine you can know more about the other person than they know about themselves… while they may know the ‘what’ of their behavior, you will know the ‘why’. Warning to new Readers, if you are successful in learning the simple suppositions, then you will begin to see the clarks that are in your life (there is a passing good chance that you yourself are one) and the scotts (we know they are there...) and the rogers (if they’re not on bicycles or in their workshops, they can often be difficult to distinguish from scotts). And….and! if you succeed in being able to see them, there is a really good chance that you will not be able to stop seeing them. Hey, what can I say?

Today’s Post is, in fact, one of those Posts.

To answer the question7 asked by Considerer:  well, the best approach is to establish the person’s predominant worldview and then look for anomalies.  Cyndi is a clark (like you didn’t know that in the first encounter…) but there she is, not only doing video Posts (a totally not clarklike activity), she is doing them effectively, more to the point she is enjoying doing them…thriving in that context. So, which of the 3 personality types are the natural performer, the front man?  …exactly!
Today’s 2 videos are from Jimi Hendrix. Now, he might be confusing because his secondary aspect is so very strong. Man! he’s got to be a scott!!  right?  well, most of us would go with that pick… (see footnote 2) until you see an interview of him. Then you totally know that he was a clark. So, the rogerian Reader is quick to ask, “how do you know he’s not a scott with a secondary clarklike aspect, huh? how do you know that?” Great question.  The answer to this is the same as the basic description of the Wakefield Doctrine, ‘how does the person appear to relate themselves to the world around them?’


1) if you guess wrong and continue to try and understand a person using the Doctrine, you will see the inconsistencies, example: you think you have a scott but occasionally you see him acting like a girl3, then you make a note to yourself, ‘hey! wait a minute  this might just be a roger!

2)  by this we mean that, lets say you decide you are a clark, but you also find yourself totally obsessed with genealogy and think ‘damn I guessed wrong, now what?  Not a problem. Calling yourself a scott if you are really a clark, does not even change a thing. At any point you can go back and hold up the lens (of the three worldviews) and see which of the three your behavior seems most in focus in…er  with… whatever. As you learn more about the characteristics and gain a deeper insight and a certain fluency, you will want to do this, just for the fun of it!

3) scotts and most clarks will get this joke, if you do not, quick write us a Comment and ask!  I can esplain everything!4

4) though it will no longer be funny… ha ha

5) probably only true for clarks… seeing how we can accept anything (as being possible)

6) promise that is the last clark-centric joke in this Post.

7) lol yeah! I know… we tend to wander a bit, hey all the better to appreciate the questions!


“…tho she was born a long, long time ago” the Wakefield Doctrine (‘the personality theory for all seasons’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we all develop and grow up in one of three characteristic ‘personal realities’ (we call them worldviews) and it is the nature of these worldviews that accounts for what is referred to as personality type. The Wakefield Doctrine goes so far as to say that personality types (at least in terms of the three types found in this here Doctrine here) are nothing more (or less) than successful adaption to the conditions one finds oneself living in. If you are a child and you wake up and find yourself living in a reality1 in which you are an Outsider it is inevitable that you will learn to:

  • avoid the spotlight (the better to avoid having to answer questions relating to ‘who the hell are you and how did you get in here?!?’) and you
  • develop a very acute sense of extrapolation which allows you to put together seemingly un-related facts, sentence fragments, ideas and inferences, (the better to understand what is going on among the real people you find yourself surrounded by, they all clearly know something that you should know but do not) and you
  • discover that you are creative in ways that seem to start where everyone else starts but somehow (your creative efforts) tie together parts of your world that you did not realize even existed, never mind were related, (the better to feel that you are not useless and without value, having no openly recognized credentials that allow you to belong)

But today is Mother’s Day! So what does the Wakefield Doctrine have to say about Mothers and their Day and us… ?

Well mostly the Wakefield Doctrine says that ‘if you can succeed in correctly inferring the worldview of the person (‘the Mother’ in this case) then you will know more about them than they will know about themselves‘. Pretty reasonable statement, non?  (oh! oh!! almost forgot!!  we also say… ‘this Doctrine thing, what with all the insight and understanding and more-than-they-know-about-themselves and such?  well, it’s for you, not for them. )

In any event. mothers are:

  1. clarks  ’cause they totally got you to love reading, cause they made more food than could possibly be consumed, were self-less to a fault…so frickin much that (if you happen to be a clark, yourself) you noticed that they felt different and less than the other mothers…and this when you were still like 5 or 6 years old!
  2. scotts because all your friends wanted to go to your house, (this at all age stages from 5 up to 16 and both genders), she was totally able to get everyone to pay attention and she would even yell at your friends (and their parents didn’t get mad!) she was so energetic that (if you happen to be a scott, yourself) you noticed that pushing was alright up until everyone got it right, and it wasn’t to be mean or anything… it was fun and
  3. rogers she gave you the sense that there really wasn’t anything that you could not be prepared for, if only you focused and studied and that family was the point of it all….family history to put more of a point on it, the adventures and accomplishments of family members (living or dead) were yours…provided you worked to add to this list of accomplishments and she taught you (if you happened to be a roger, yourself) to work hard and not be shy along as you had something you could be proud of and everyone would understand

Happy Mother’s Day to those who are celebrating, as well as those being celebrated.


1)  when we say reality, we totally mean reality…. not ‘just because you don’t want to face it‘ and not..’you’re being stubborn’ and totally not, ‘it’s as plain as the nose on your face, just open your eyes and face reality‘  Sorry. The Doctrine says, to the degree that differences are ascribed to the three worldviews, that is the reality for the person inhabiting the reality in question. Give up on the notion that, if for instance, you are a scott and you are talking to a clark about how to interview for a job, they will see what you see. Not only will they not see (what you see) there will be things in their version of the job interview that plain does not exist (for you) in your reality. This is the core genius of the Doctrine.


‘rainy Saturday, Easy Post’ the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

hey, call us tonight! 8 to 8:45 pm  we promise to be there *

Our steadfast friends, Janine and Kate and Stephanie and Kate and Amy and Considerer and… Cyndi  do week in retrospect Posts. Well, actually not all of them…just a few of them, but they are still Friends of the Doctrine so go read, already. In any event, at the Doctrine we don’t so much do a ‘week in review’ as much as a ‘since-we-started-writing-this in review’ Posts. (Mostly, but not exclusively on weekends and then only when I read one of those ‘Related Post’ suggestions at the bottom of the Post, usually I use the ones that either a) make me laugh or 2) make me think, ‘what?!?! I wrote that?  what the hell!

So here you are:

‘but, thats impossible!’ clarks, the Wakefield Doctrine and changing reality

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine!  The only self-improvement Movement that is based on the fact that all people are born with the potential to experience the world in one of three characteristic ways, as a clark or (as a) scott or (as a ) roger.

(What do you mean, tomorrow’s guest  ‘is not lined up yet’? How can it be Thursday frickin morning and no guest arranged for Video Friday!!??)

The reason that we call the Wakefield Doctrine a ‘self-improvement Movement’  is that, despite the fact that we all settle into one of  three personality types (usually by the age of 4 or 5), we never lose the capacity to experience the world the way that the other two types do!   As  a self-improvement movement,  we believe that change and development can only come from the individual. Furthermore, it is our conviction that most conventional approaches, belief systems and treatment modalities such as  MBTA, Oscar, Meyers & Briggs, and colorgenics*,  totally miss the mark because they insist on a  focus predicated on what is wrong with the individual.  This is not inconsistent with the ‘disease model’ that dominates most sort of the disease model, ‘cept they are talking about your life, your actual reality that you live and breathe in every day. They want you to believe that it is you that is the problem, not ‘the world’ (or the people in it).

(Seriously…you are supposed to have at least a hint at who tomorrow’s Video interview guest was going to be!!  “We have the rest of today”…now what the hell is that supposed to mean?!)

This is different!  Here at the Doctrine we say, ‘hey, it is not you! It’s the world that you are living in!!’ That’s right, you read that correctly. We maintain that most of the problems that people encounter, on a day-to-basis is a world that is a perfect reflection of their personality type. A clark will encounter a world that has everything they need to be healthy, yet perpetually dissatisfied outsiders; the scotts reading this will look up from their computers and see: prey and predators and a world of action and adventure and our rogerian friends will bask in the glow of knowing that they are the center of the universe and (because of this smug knowledge) will know that all is right with the world.

( So, what you are telling me is that we don’t have a guest lined up for tomorrow’s Video Friday??! I don’t care who you thought you had! No, we are not going to do a re-run! Get someone on the phone and set up the interview).

Sorry about the slightly contrived-sounding asides in today’s Post. The fact of the matter is that we have come to like the idea of interviewing people for Video Friday, but the person I thought I might get, I still have not made the connection with in order to do the interview. Anyone of you Readers up for a telephone interview about the Wakefield Doctrine and it’s benefits? Write a quick comment (your email won’t show publicly, of course), I will follow-up and let you know how these interviews are done. Actually, no secret there; I get in my car, put the Wakefield Doctrine hat on my damn dashboard and dial your number. I ask questions about what you like about the Doctrine and how you explain it to people, we chat a little and thats it! All in about 8 minutes. So write me a Comment, already!

Well, lets put up a video and we will hope for the best. Hey, if tomorrow you have to sit through a video of a clark explaining about clarks, don’t blame us! Hey! did you know that Jimi Hendrix was a clark? Well he was!




“…of meece and men.”* the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Finish dat Sentence Friday’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(house lights down…music comes up… FTSF Productions  Produced and Directed by the ‘Bloggarini de celebrini ‘  Janine (‘the Machine’) ‘Confessions of a Mommyaholic‘, Kate ( ‘no, you didn’t!..’) ‘Can I Get Another Bottle of Whine ‘, Stephanie (“…you really think you’re up to this?”) ‘Mommy, for real‘ and Dawn (“…who keeps them all out of blogger jail”) ‘Dawn’s Disaster’

This Summer I plan to….  ”

(since this is the Wakefield Doctrine and we maintain that there are three characteristic worldviews (personal realities), it would only be right that we finish this sentence in three ways**)

worldview of the Outsider (aka clarks): ‘…hope’

worldview of the Predator (aka scotts): ” fuck!!!! yeah!!!!”

worldview of the Herd Member (aka rogers): (smiles)



* …cultural reference to cartoon feline, if you need to know, write a Comment

** don’t forget! you have one predominant worldview and the (possibility of) secondary and tertiary worldviews that usually result in people saying, “Hey Doctrinaires! sometimes I know I am a roger but other times I must be a scott! What gives?” What gives is that a) these worldviews are characteristical and not exact, the same in every damn tiny detail yo,  2) the secondary and tertiary aspects shade and influence the world…  why don’t ya just call us Saturday Night, we’ll explain ever thang
