bad weather using the Doctrine: hurricanes are clarks, tornadoes are scotts and blizzards are rogers… the Wakefield Doctrine (yeah, they really just said that) | the Wakefield Doctrine bad weather using the Doctrine: hurricanes are clarks, tornadoes are scotts and blizzards are rogers… the Wakefield Doctrine (yeah, they really just said that) | the Wakefield Doctrine

bad weather using the Doctrine: hurricanes are clarks, tornadoes are scotts and blizzards are rogers… the Wakefield Doctrine (yeah, they really just said that)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of ‘no-one-can-know-that! it’s-me-to-a-‘T’, “my-brother-in-law!! omg-how-could-you-know?!” and “you-know-sometimes-I-am-so-like-this, but-other-times...”  …errsss)

Late start this morning. Trust all are well, did not get too messed up in the storm and are getting back online. (expressed in the clarklike language native to the Writer’s predominate worldview.)

For those of you who are either a) new to the Doctrine or 2) not a clark, we offer the following translation:

 ‘Late start this morning. Trust all are well, did not get too messed up in the storm and are getting back online

scottian: “Hey!! how did you all make out? Goddamn! that was frickin something! IM or Reply back right away so I’ll know you guys are ok. Man! that was amazing!!!

rogerian: “I’m ok. It was really awful for a while, I finally just woke up. I’m sure everyone is alright, if I could get through that, you probably did too. Why don’t you just go ahead and Comment on my Post so I won’t have to worry.”

On to the business at hand. Cari writes: “Loved the formatting today. I think breaking it up a bit, as you did today, is helpful.”
Thank you Cari!  You know, the thing about the Doctrine is that there seems to be a lot of different facts and insights to remember (and there are, sort of), but successfully ‘getting’ the Wakefield Doctrine boils down to two ‘things’:

  1. the fact of worldviews as being ‘real’
  2. determining one’s own predominant worldview
  3. accepting the idea that you have the capability/potential of experiencing the worldviews/living in the realities of ‘the other two’

1) this is surprisingly difficult, (at least it is for rogers and scotts), to accept, as a fact,  that the other person is living in a reality that is different from yours! These differences are usually minor, even personal but are, invariably, the ‘reasons’ that the other person acts in ways that we “…just can’t understand how they can go and be like that.”
2) eliminate the no-way-I-am-a (fill in the blank) and one of the two remaining worldviews is going to be yours (Try the ‘pronoun assessment’!  see reply to Cari’s Comment)
3) there! You think that all the ‘know the other person better than they know themselves’ stuff is cool? It’s nothing compared to usefulness of the Doctrine as a tool for self-improvement and such!


We will be describing rogers tomorrow, when we will tell you about ‘rogerian expressions‘! which is the coolest thing about rogers. Here is a link to the Page on rogers, there are examples (of rogerian expressions) at the bottom of the Page, we will do more with this tomorrow. Be sure not to surpass on it! (lol)

Wait a damn minute!  You know? one of the problems with clarks sometimes, is that we think we have all the time in the world to do shit!  Here I am, with a growing Readership and I frickin’ think it’s ok to say, ‘hey wait until I get to it…tomorrow”  what the hell! I apologize. You want to know about rogers??! well rogers are:

your steadfast friend from as long as you can remember, they showed up at your birthday party when none of the other kids did, they help you  talk out the thing that really bothers you, and they are the source of gossip that keeps the break room humming, they create the traditions and remember the names of people you didn’t know and don’t care to know, they are the engineers and their annoying myopia makes you grateful that scotts don’t design and build jets (or you would see something with 5 or 6 jet engines (to go real fast), no sound repression, all the seats would be movable in case you and your buddies wanted to sit along one side of the plane) and the window of the jet’s cockpit would open, so the pilot could lean out and scream at passing planes).
rogers are the doctors (but not the surgeons), they are the fire fighters (but not the police), they are the Prosecutors in Courts (but not the Defense Attorney) …unfortunately they are also the Judge…but they are fair because rogers live by the Rules. You may not approve of the Rules (hell, you’re probably not even aware that they exist!) But you couldn’t ask for a better partner or a sounding board or a standard to compete against in order to improve yourself.

Enough of the telling you… let me show you a roger  (and a scott)



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Amy says:

    I was considering coming back later to comment, as it has been confirmed that I have all the time in the world to get these things done. I guess I really am a clark, lol!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      @Amy I can laugh (being a clark) but this believing in having endless time is not so much as being in-attentative, as is derives from spending so much time in our heads… and in ‘other places’ but real and …and ‘maybe-not-so-provably-real-but-is-so-real’ place

      but how boring would it be to have to live the life of a roger, for whom the calendar is a combination work-of-art and religous icon.


  2. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    I got your religious icon right here…

  3. Cyndi says:

    So…it was the “other dude” (not Jack Nicholson) who was the roger, right? I totally see Nicholson as the scott here. LOL.
    Fun post. I enjoyed the video. Oh and I liked the formatting today, too. :) It was easier to follow for some reason. But I’m definitely enjoying all these reads and I’m curious…how would you say the clarks commented on the storm? LOL…I’m thinking back to what I’ve posted and I’m sort of like, well, these things happen, I’m pretty sure people are all right, I need to get on with things and I’ll help people if needed. How’s that? Typical clark response? Haha.
    Interesting read as always! :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      “...I’m sort of like, well, these things happen, I’m pretty sure people are all right, I need to get on with things and I’ll help people if needed. How’s that? Typical clark response?


  4. Downspring#1 says:

    @ Amy – LOL Which is what I thought yesterday and look! A day later I feel compelled to come back!