Stormy Monday, week’s beginning…the Wakefield Doctrine (a view of personality types that you might really enjoy) | the Wakefield Doctrine Stormy Monday, week’s beginning…the Wakefield Doctrine (a view of personality types that you might really enjoy) | the Wakefield Doctrine

Stormy Monday, week’s beginning…the Wakefield Doctrine (a view of personality types that you might really enjoy)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of personality that is based on the notion that we all experience life from one of three characteristic perspectives)

(SPECIAL VIDEO: from a Saturday Night Drive on the eve of Hurricane Irene! August 31, 2011  I believe it was billed as the Storm of the Epoch)

Lots on the agenda for the Week, here at the Doctrine:

  • a closer look at scotts (please do not cross the yellow lines, or make any sudden moves)
  • we went and signed up with BlogTalkRadio (now all we have to do is understand the instructions on how to do this thing)
  • Wakefield Doctrine DocTees should go into production (hey, it’s still cheaper than new golf clubs!)
  • don’t you think that’ll do for a Monday Post? (bulletpointistically  speaking, that is)

 n.  1. the personality type associated with the worldview characterized as Predator/Prey, 2. the second of the three personality types that comprise the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers
adj. scottian [scoe-shun]

So where do we start?
How about: you have a friend, a person you have known for years, since you were young. (He/She) was one who got you to stay out later than your parents would let you, smoked cigarettes first, made out with a boy first, got into more fights than anyone you knew and saved you from getting into fights that you would not, could not win. This friend was smart but did not get good marks, funny but always went too far with the jokes, loyal yet at times moody and was (and still is) a lot of fun to be with… except when they get mad (which is often) or become overly aggressive (which you seem to tolerate) and still, after all these years he/she still manages to embarrass you in social situations.

Some bullets points relating to the nature and character of the scottian personality type:

  • scotts are leaders (because they are certain, not necessarily right, but certain).
  • scotts are self-confident/self-assured/certain (which is why, of course, they are the leaders)
  • scotts are very emotional, but  in a way different way from rogers,  mecurial is the best word to describe these people
  • in a band it is always a scott who is the ‘front man’, (see leader above)
  • at a party scotts will  introduce themselves (to everyone)
  • when confronted with a threat or other fear-generating situation, a scott will choose to attack rather than flee
  • scottian females can be ridiculously sexy or quick witted, hardly ever both.
  • (female) scotts can be spotted because they have prominent throat tendons (ask us why)

We have been looking for ways to increase the participation of Readers in the ongoing conversation about how the Wakefield Doctrine is both fun and useful. As everyone should know by now, we have a “call-in’ in show very Saturday night (the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive), which utilizes a conference call service, i.e. there is a phone number and access code and (once signed in) you are effectively in a conference call with the other people. It’s a lot of fun, those who call in each Saturday Night create a very stimulating conversational environment with topics ranging from the silly to the profound. But….


Wakefield Doctrine DocTees Update: it seems that the DocTees are viewed as more useful and desirable blog-swag* than the Wakefield Doctrine hats (for your damn heads). There may be a bit of a gender issue here, if the Ys are outnumbered by the Xs , as current demographic studies indicate. If Readers  would rather wear a DocTee, than put a hat on your damn heads, it is totally fine with us… even though the design of the  hats allowed for personality-type specificity! (Having said that, if the DocTees become popular enough, we can always** get them re-designed to, somehow, include a highlighting of the personality type as do the hats. (for example on the hats:


Well that’s it for Monday’s Post. Let us know if the ‘experiment in Post formatting’ added to your reading experience in a positive way. We have so little time and so much to do, but we as always maintain, “if you are not nearly sick with apprehension as a result of trying to improve this blog, then you are a total, and irredeemable loser and don’t deserve a single damn Reader Comment. …and always try to have fun

One of my favorite songs that seems perfect for windy, stormy weather:

*as FOTD Mel would say



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. I am braving Hurricane Sandy myself right now while comment, but I myself was as you know not a Scott, but quite few Scotts in my time and couldn’t help but love to hate them. That said you brought me back a bit to my youth in this post today (truly a place I would like to stay hidden, lol). No seriously quite enjoyed and keep up the good work :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      the friend we had that our parents did not approve of, and we often believed that they just did not see their good qualities… and I always want to point out, there is no totally bad personality types (not even rogers lol) and, the key to the value of this thing is we all have the qualities of all three within, we can (and occasionally, in times of stress, experience the worldviews of ‘the other two’) benefit from knowing the good and the bad in each of the three types/worldviews.

      …if there is a scott that you still consider a friend, there is a very good chance that you are a clark…(but then again, if you are a clark, you already knew that lol)

      (I am up in southern New England myself (RI) and watch the storm (but not the TV) and remember a time when I was young when we would be in recess on a stormy day and the wind was strong enough that a game was to run and jump in the air to see if we could fly… such a different world that was ;}*

      *reminiscence meant to be wistful only if you are north of say, Long Island Sound or a few hundred miles inland in the states that are south of that

  2. Amy says:

    Well now I am sure that I am not a Scott! :) Good luck with BlogTalkRadio – sounds exciting! And stay safe during the storm!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      …thanks Amy we in New England seem, at the moment to be on the ‘upper edge’ of the storm, so that if it continues to track to the west, we should have spectacular but not overly-dangerous weather today.
      The BlogTalkRadio seems to hold a lot of promise to improve what we really enjoy here (at the Doctrine), which is get together and talk about the clarks and scotts and rogers that we all know (and are… lol). The radio show format hopefully will allow more people to join in on the fun.

      btw: Well now I am sure that I am not a Scott! thats great! you have get the Doctrine, the second step, hat is often the most difficult! Figuring out which of the three worldviews is your (own) predominant worldview is made easier if you can eliminate one of the three. The you ‘look through the lens’ of the remaining two worldviews and see which one looks most like home.
      Since you have it down to between a clark and a roger try this: when you ‘get up in the morning’ does the statement: ‘well here I am and the world is still out there’ resonate?

  3. Downspring#1 says:

    Hmm….I am thinking Janine that you are a roger:)

  4. Am glad you’re spending Stormy Monday fruitfully! Am intrigued by the scotts, and waiting for your installment on the Rogers especially, because that’s me! Thanks for sharing!!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      …good to hear (about your being a rogerian woman), as at the moment it seems there are mostly clarklike female-type people active here at the Doctrine.
      As a roger, you might be aware of a definite talent and drive for being precise an detail-oriented, which quality is enhanced by having an ability to concentrate that is so highly developed that sometimes it seems like you are in a another world, especially with anything to do with complicated directions or procedures. btw, one of your hobby/interests is likely to be genealogy and anything else that is focused on history and (tradition.)
      ..stay tuned.

  5. Cari Lorine says:

    Loved the formatting today. I think breaking it up a bit, as you did today, is helpful.

    I still think I have a little bit of “scott” in me, but I’m now convinced that that’s not my primary personality type. Thanks for the new information!

    The BlogTalkRadio sounds like a really good thing for you! I’m sure it’s going to be a hit! Good luck figuring it out! :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      thank you Cari… I know there is a world of layout design and tricks that I have not gotten to (I got a feeling that most of my learning of set up was in the beginning of the blog, as trying to present the Doctrine in different and interesting and useable ways is taking up all my time these days. lol)

      as with most things, trial and error (in determining your predominant personality type ) is the key. We are fond of saying that you can’t get this thing wrong! Your worldview will not stop or mal-function if you don’t have it right in your mind. There are number of interesting tricks in determining the type of another person, such as prevalent pronouns! lol (yes, you did read that… I did type that) In ordinary conversation rogers will tend to use ‘I and me’ (the personal pronouns) more than the other two, clarks tend to employ the impersonal ‘you and we’ and scotts? not so much with either, as they are kinda used to being paid attention to by the people in the room. lol

  6. Kate Hall says:

    I am definitely not a Scott. On most days. I need to get a grip on Roger and Clark now. I like the forklift video. Ha!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      @Kate eliminating the ‘definitely not leaves only the other two, which becomes a little more difficult. But always keep in mind, the goal is to infer the character of the world that you (or the other person) is experiencing. The forklift was so…odd, but that is where it is good to be a clark! a roger, happening upon the situation might have been offended and annoyed that someone had abandoned their equipment by the side of the road and would (probably) have call the authorities! a scott, on the other hand would have noticed it, but deciding it was not a threat and was not worth any money, would have driven on without giving it a second thought.
      clarks, on the other hand….lol

  7. Cyndi says:

    Blog Talk Radio! Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! You’re moving up in the blogosphere!
    That “scott” description just summed up my brother in law almost exactly, with the exception of certain personal-to-him variations. My world is becoming clarks, scotts, and rogers. HAHA!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      @Cyndi hold that thought!…lol wait until the day when you see someone do something and you think, ‘damn! how rogerian can you get?!’ but then you (will) realize that you had not read about them (rogers) doing quite that kind of thing and you will be stuck! (We will want you to let us know about it, as the knowledge base of the ‘ways of the three personality types‘ grows as others contribute their observations.

  8. This one took me back in time to my first year in high school. We’d just moved from Namibia and being 14 and extremely shy at a new school – I ended up making friends with a scott. I don’t know how that came about. She got me into smoking, we had fun together – we were actually really good friends, but she put me down a lot, in fact – after she moved away only then did I realize how much she did this. We’ve lost contact, and I hope she’s changed – I do remember she had a lot of issues going on, so I don’t blame her. I was a walkover back then too, which I am certainly not today! :) This is the first post of yours I’m reading – looking forward to reading more. Enjoyed it. Very thought provoking.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      @Melanie We’re glad you enjoyed it. The thing about the Doctrine is that, being based on the idea that we are a product of our personal realities, once you begin to learn the characteristics of each, it becomes increasingly easy to recognize the associated personality types. The startling thing about the Doctrine is how diverse (and divergent) the characteristics that are associated with each of the three worldviews! And, fortunately, the Doctrine also maintains that we all retain ‘the potential’ to experience the world as do any of the three, it is simply that we are predominately one of the three that we live in on a day to day basis. Having said that, it is this aspect (having the capacity to experience the world as any of the three), that makes the Doctrine a tool for self-development that is second to none.