almost entirely bullet points? man! how easy will this be? the Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Edition | the Wakefield Doctrine almost entirely bullet points? man! how easy will this be? the Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Edition | the Wakefield Doctrine

almost entirely bullet points? man! how easy will this be? the Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Edition

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the easiest, best, and most funnest personality theory, ever!)

Today’s Post theme was semi-inspired by a Post by newest FOTD Cyndi.  This should serve both as an introduction to yet another talented FOTD and, at the same time, make sure everyone appreciates how… semi-strange we can be over here, in the Land that the Wakefield Doctrine Created.
From time to time it occurs to me to think, ‘damn, I can’t think of anything to write!’ and yet something gets published any way1 Where the hell does this stuff come from? (I ask myself ).

Well, today the sequence was:

  • needing to write a post-Saturday Night Drive write-up, to bring Steve Crabtree up to speed, as he was detained2 and unable to attend
  • going to Cyndi’s newest Post and being impressed, not only by the Post itself, but the Comments that were part of it
  • (From Cyndi’s Post) thinking about dirt roads…which lead to the word  ‘turn rows’ which triggered the song (below) to start playing in my head
  • and the rest …well, it’s showing up at this very moment3 to my amazed and slightly apprehensive eyes4
So in conclusion, let me say this: we had a very enjoyable time on the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive last night. You should plan on joining us next Saturday ( hey! ‘other-side-of-the world’ Steve you might need to set your alarm one day ahead! lol). We always have interesting discussions (during our drives) about the Doctrine and the many ways it can make our lives better.
Oh yeah!  We might have another Mid-Week Study Hour! Sign up sheet is available. Don’t let the ‘Study’ part put you off! It’s just like a Saturday Night Drive ‘cept it’s not Saturday, not Night  but has many of the same people. Sign up now!
(Think of it like detention: like in that movie ‘The Breakfast Club’ I’ll leave it to Molly and Steve Crabtree and Jennifer and DS#1 and the roger to decide which character they are…lol)…’course, even tho Kelly missed calling in, not sure which of the characters in that movie… Kelly yo! Molly Ringwald character is taken, you don’t suppose…


1) simply that it gets published, not a statement of quality

2) by circumstances!! not by any official authority, none of whom would have been wearing badges, and, even if they had (been wearing badges), they totally were not carrying firearms (and, on the outside chance that they were carrying firearms, no way they would have been driving cars with flashing lights… no, nothing like that   I think he over-slept  lol)

3) in the historio-contemporary-sense, i..e. I am watching the words show up as I type them

4) apprehensive as in… “jeez clark, you’ve work so hard on this blog…there’s a nice new bunch of people coming around lately and reading the Doctrine, do you really want to go and spoil it with a Post like this?5

5) yes, yes I do (Did I mention my having a strong Secondary scottian aspect? ) lol



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Well, sounds like your Saturday night was way better than mine. I dealt with a massive 2 year old tantrum before we took both kids out to dinner and then once I did put them to bed fell asleep myself from utter exhaustion, lol!! But totally sounds like a great Saturday night was had by you :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      …you know, they have those baby monitor things, and with the bluetooth and wifi being what it is, I bet you could rig it to run through your cell phone! Then you can keep track of the kids and join us on the Drive!

      (years later… “Mrs. Janine? your child came to school again and refused to attend the assmbly, shouting something about it being ‘nothing but a bunch of rogers being yelled at by scotts’! we need you to come and have a Conference.”)

  2. Cyndi says:

    OMG you’re hilarious. :D One of these days I’ll call in, but well, I was watching a movie and my one and only cell phone doesn’t get reception inside the house because we have a metal roof. So for me to call someone on a Saturday night, I’d have to stand outside in the dark and the cold and…maybe one day I’ll get up the gumption to do that. HAHAHA. I’m lucky I have a satellite to feed my internet addiction. :D Your posts always captivate me and I didn’t know what FOTD was until it slapped me over the head…OH YEAH!!!! Friend! :) Cheers and happy Sunday!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      …well, alright you can call us from outside, but only during lightning storms and then only if you have a golf club in your hand* (lol)
      But the conversation lately has been on the topic of ‘these Drives are fun, but what about the normal people, what can we do to get them to participate?’ my current thinking is something along the lines of one of those internet radio shows, but only if I can find one that allows for call-ins and ‘remote broadcasting’ (so I can continue to drive around Wakefield during the broadcast).
      Working on it…

      …yeah, not the most ‘roll-off-tongue’ of acronymns, is it? lol but if anyone has any suggestions!

      * went just a step too far with that one, huh? lol

  3. Sounds like you had an enjoyable ride!! Sorry, can’t participate because I’m in Singapore…but I hope your next drive will have even more participants to jazz it up! All the best there!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      @Michelle thank you for the thought, granted Singapore is a little far away (in time and space), however… if you stayed real late you would be able to match timezones. (“…honey? this new phone bill…it’s for $2,324.00!“) lol
      but then again, thats the beauty of the internet… halfway around the globe is not so far anymore.

      Good to hear from you.