one Contest, three personality types and not a single ‘wtf’! that Wakefield Doctrine is so damn efficacious, at times it’s frickin’ scary! | the Wakefield Doctrine one Contest, three personality types and not a single ‘wtf’! that Wakefield Doctrine is so damn efficacious, at times it’s frickin’ scary! | the Wakefield Doctrine

one Contest, three personality types and not a single ‘wtf’! that Wakefield Doctrine is so damn efficacious, at times it’s frickin’ scary!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the notion that we live in a personal version of the world, the world that, at the same time,  we all share in common. Trees are still trees, people can’t fly un-assisted and the ocean is wet…but while this is true in the common world, my personal world/worldview is one in which I am, a clark, an outsider.  And in this common world, I have one friend who is a totally and naturally social person in his (rogerian) world  and (we both) have a friend who is naturally aggressive, impulsive, you know…scottian!
(And so it began, years ago), when the three of us walked down the street, we saw the same blue sky and all the cars on the street had 4 wheels not 5 or 7, but when we happened to pass a girl, she always seemed to notice one of us first! As we walked along the sidewalk on that day many years ago..and when we needed to ask a cop for directions one of us would smile and get a conversation started and the next thing we knew, she would stop handing out parking tickets and take the time to help us…and when we were all kind of bored… well, it seemed that all three of us were very good at something and while these ways complimented each other, there was no overlap and therefore no friction and no competition.

You know, the Wakefield Doctrine ‘started’ with three people experiencing the world three basically different ways and yet still sharing the normal ‘everyday world’. So in the course of the day today,  if you think you feel like a scott when the teacher is really boring or if you are sure that you must be a roger, ’cause you can really focus on the details of a problem, thats because you are…all three. At some point in the day and at different times. You can see the world as each of the three personality types do, but in quick glances. Here at the Doctrine we call it  predominant type… the world that you wake up to…that is your world:

  • you know that you should be happy and you know that you aren’t un-happy but…. you look around and wonder ‘what the hell do they have to be so satisfied about’
  • you know that all this Wakefield Doctrine stuff is fun and all, but that’s just a distraction…the real world is real people, pushing and being pushed fighting and laughing
  • nothing is wrong with the way things are, everything is fine the way things are, nobody needs to change anything about the way things are…but still, there is something about that theory..
So look around today. At home. In class. At work.  They are there, those three friends who live in very different worlds and yet you would never know it to talk to each one of them, but talk to them as a group…
Pretty damn good Contestifying, eh what?
Totally want to thank our Ms Claire!  such a (secret) Judge she was, yo
And the Posts that were entered into our little Contest!
DS#1 is the soon-to-be-amazed-at-how-damn-good-a-movie the movie Grand Prize really is… please join us in a rousing round of one-hand- clapping for the Oracle of Ocala, the Seer of Smyrna… DS#1!!!
And while we are all enjoying this moment, lets remember ‘there are at least 899,999,993 people on the internet who do not yet know about the Wakefield Doctrine… lets get them to come here and Read and Comment and (ask for) a hat (for their damn heads)!! All good.
Progenitor roger, DS#1, Ms AKH, Molly and Claire great job!     There is no finer, more talented and twisted group of DownSprings to be found anywhere in the whole damn blogosphere!

clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Downspring#1 says:


    Although not a huge Neil fan, the guitar intro has set the stage for my day…

  2. Clairepeek says:

    A brilliant “Contestifying” made such by the contestants who went to great lengths to offer the reader and their (secret) judge ;) quality entertainment with a dash of valuable reflections.

    DS#1… ENJOY the movie :D

  3. Downspring#1 says:

    I totally agree Clairepeek!

    I am looking forward to watching it!!

    I wonder how many people can look back to their younger years (if you are older) or look to their lives now and say they have 2 friends who are closer to them than the others (if there are others, clark, lol), identify them as a clark,scott or roger, and then say “by jiminy” or “holy shit!” or “wtf”….this Wakefield Doctrine is spot on…

  4. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …’by jiminy’?? What the hell Century are you writing this from? (quill keyboard?)

    But you are both Correct, totally too much talent here…I have an idea, lets take over the world… alright, lets not, ’cause I don’t want to eat strange food and talk in odd tongues (or is that eat odd… lol ) alright lets take over the minds of the world…. nah too many rogers… lets get Tee Shirts!

  5. Clairepeek says:

    ahahah… loved the punch line… let’s get Tee Shirts! Funny ^_^

  6. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …er….actually I am serious, about the Tee Shirts.

    I mean, what the hell kind of paradigm-shifting, epoch-creating, totally fun kind of personality theory would we be if we did not have Tee Shirts?

    Let me pose the question that I will be asking the others on the Saturday Night Drive tomorrow:

    front: simple the Wakefield Doctrine with the clarkscottroger arcing over (like the hats, except no color) on left breast

    We are think to keep it simple in design, at least for the first run, the question that I am gender challenged on is, a) if we start with one size what size should that be? and 2) what color should these shirts be?
    (and an optional toss up question for extra Points!!) Pocket or no Pocket Crewneck or Vee Neck??

    @roger no the answer is not the Rolling Stones*

    Everyone please type your answers

    * ask roger, his brain is jammed with lyrics that will have him answer that way if not stopped!

  7. Clairepeek says:

    okay… I’ll think about the answer to your question… I need to say this though:
    of course I knew for the Tee shirt – that you were serious – but I thought the Tee shirt thing-y after all taking the world on, on the world’s mind & stuff… well let’s get Tee shirts was a funny touch despite its seriousness ^_^

    Wonderful weekend to you all Doctriners!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      lol (the truth of the matter) was I was ‘going for the laugh’ with the line about Lets get Tee Shirts!

      but your second Comment does remind me of a developing and interesting point, how I express the Doctrine must evolve. Meaning that we are on a path to present the Wakefield Doctrine as a useful and effective tool for self-development and self-improvement and a number of other uses. And it is not that everything has to become deadly serious, but I have been told that I seem to choose words (at certain times) in a way that appears as if I am trying to raise eyebrows! lol And it is kind of true, but the motivation to use the words and terms and language that I have been using is to exaggerate in order to point out connections and connotations that I do not have the language skills to express more formally. And so I will say things like, scotts are natural predators and rogers are their preferred food group.
      I might have found another way to express that but the above way is more fun and funny and surely will not be ignored. Which, of course, brings up the main point, all of this ‘conversation’ is about having fun with peculiarly-talented friends…discussion things that are new and interesting, taking postions that most people might not be comfortable taking.
      But going forward, I will be counting on everyone to suggest different ways to express ideas, ways that might be more conventional which simply means, will appeal to a wider audience.
      Something like that… lol