…if you could change one thing about yourself…right now! would you? the Wakefield Doctrine’s system of self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine …if you could change one thing about yourself…right now! would you? the Wakefield Doctrine’s system of self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine

…if you could change one thing about yourself…right now! would you? the Wakefield Doctrine’s system of self-improvement

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of understanding people and their ‘personalities’.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of understanding ourselves and our ‘personalities’.
The Wakefield Doctrine is unique and useful, fun and annoying.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we are all born with the potential to experience life in one of three characteristic worldviews: the world of the outsider, the world of the predator and the world of the herd member. The worldview that we choose to experience determines our ‘personality type’, not a making up a List of behaviors/Likes/phobias.
The goal of the Wakefield Doctrine is to enable us, through observation of another’s actions, to infer the worldview of the other person. Know their reality, know their personality.

There are two immediate benefits:

  1. we not only understand the ‘why’ of the person’s behavior, but we are able to predict their future behavior
  2. by understanding the nature of the world we ourselves experience, we are then able to see our strengths and our weaknesses much, much more clearly

Finally, the Wakefield Doctrine is built on the idea that while we all ‘choose’ one of the three worldviews to live our lives in, we never lose the capability to live in the world of the ‘other two’ worldviews.  It is this that give us the most effective tool for self-development, for self-improvement.
For example, if I am a clark and I desire to become a more effective ‘public speaker’,  then I need only to take advantage of the fact that I have the capacity to live in (and therefore) act appropriately in the world of scotts. The energy, the drive, the directness that make scotts very good public speakers is within me. All I have to do is call it out.


So, hey! Monday Morning Gossip and Goodies:

  • Great Saturday Night Drive!
  • Claire and Molly have been way, too way busy!  Claire, in part because besides writing Comments here and Posts on her own blog,  she is also now ‘going as a Student to the school there’.  (Best ask DS#1 or the roger) and Molly  welll! Molly is increasingly adding an element of elegant reserve to our Saturday Night conversations which is providing the grounding that forms a perfect backdrop for the energetic input of our more scottian participants …nice!
  • …heard from Nell Rose over the weekend (she is well and sends her best and will surely be talking to us in a Video Friday in the near future..)
  • ‘KH has started to hand Downspring glenn’s ass to him on scrabble more and more ( it’s a scottian thing…not a bad thing…better ask one of them)
  • DS#1 continues to give a voice to the Doctrine that is more and more useful to the newer Readers! (“…oh! so that is what that Post was trying to convey! …why the hell didn’t he just say that! lol  thanks DS” )
  • the roger sits and watches, waits and knows that there will come a moment when the reassuring sound of the herd grows around the Doctrine blog and he will step and say,  …”what?  no I won’t and you can’t make me!”

So tell all your damn friends to come and see us here at the Doctrine and we might even send you a hat (for your damn head).


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Molly Molly M. says:

    While I completely enjoy being a clark, I am working on accessing my rogerian aspect, when it comes to keeping the home. Last year, I came across an article where a man told of his experience in changing his life by changing his hand writing. I thought this sounded like a wonder adventure, made a list of the traits I wanted and then analyzed my writing. What I discovered, was that according to my hand writing, I already possessed, in goodly proportions, the traits I desired.

    What a bummer! …or maybe not. That experience showed me that the traits were there, even if they were dormant. The doctrine has given me words to express what it is I am wanting, and shown me how to access those parts of me.

    The one thing I am still trying to learn is to understand the aspects enough to predict another’s behavior, based on their outlook. I have a feeling it is something beyond an intuition… something truly predictable.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      This is the beauty part of the Wakefield Doctrine…you are a roger, you are a scott all of the qualities, strengths, weaknesses and pain-in-the-ass facets of the ‘other two’ personality types! So there need not be any ‘out with the old and in with the new’ about it…

      (you, being a clark, knew that was coming)

      the thing of it is, we are really talking about two things (or two slightly different aspects of the same thing), the capability to cope with a given worldview (i.e. world of a clark or a scott or a roger) …we all have that; and the worldview itself (the world that is inhabited by clarks and by scotts and by rogers) this is where it gets slippery.

      (Doctrine says: when it comes to personality types, it is not about what you do, but where you do it! In other words, you experience the world of a clark, you are by defintion a clark, an Outsider coping with life the way that we outsiders do. If you managed to get yourself parachuted into the reality of the scottian worldview (better not float down to the ground too slowly, lol there will be scotts looking up eagerly as you do) then you would find, within yourself, the behaviors and strategies to cope with life in the jungle.)

      So what you propose (I think) are two things, a) can you pull out some scottian behavior for a situation ( you can, no doubt ) that would be easy enough, but if you propose 2) to ‘jump the fence’ to step into the worldview of the scott ( or the roger ) then the game changes…

      (Hint: ask a scott this same question or a roger and note the answer )

      anyone else want to clarify this most excellent of Monday Morning Questions?

  2. I don’t know that it is a matter of isolating, or identifying specific behaviors as much as being able to generate the “feeling” when experiencing the world of a roger( for example). If you can arrive at the point of “feeling” like a roger, then whatever you do will flow from that point. You will exhibit behavior that is more rogerian in nature. (and you will be accepted as one of their own. lol)
    It begins with simple mimicry. At some point you will find that you have gathered enough emotional accoutrements of a roger to allow for greater ease when participating/engaging in rogerian “activities”. And one day you may even “pass” as a roger! lol

  3. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    I don’t know…those new guys sure don’t say much, and they kind of smell funny, too…

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      …. LOL …

      (visual): 4th Grade Afternoon: “Mr. Coyne If what you are trying to tell your little friends back there is so important, why don’t you come up to the front of the Class and tell us all, …just who these new guys are and why you think they smell funny

  4. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Well, Mr. Fillmore, it’s like this.
    After the collective awareness realizes that it’s been compromised, penetrated…by spies and impostors who sniff at everything and won’t make direct eye contact…dramatizing…analyzing… then the herd bolts, and stampedes into the next zipcode. And it’s always the ” new guys” who are standing around in the old zipcode trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Clarks and scotts. The scotts immediately look for something else to do, and the clarks fade back into the landscape. Baboon-assed p….
    BTW… it’s high time to tell them. They need to know…

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      I knew it!! If only I was patient the (further) inner principles of the Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) would become apparent.
      One of my own persistant and nagging questions has always been, how is it that a herd forms (and by necessary inference) how do rogers recognise the other, soon to be fellow herd members?
      …you people recognise each other by what you are not! You know that if it does not move fast and appear attractive (on one level or another) and….and if it is not blue, then if must be another roger.

      …tell us the truth now, you guys are not overly fond of (your fellow) rogers, are you?

      Plus you need clarks: to define what is not the herd and therefore the herd itself
      scotts: to get the herd moving to where you have not stamped all the grass and hay and shit down into the dirt

  5. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    P.S.- can I go out to recess now?

  6. Molly Molly M. says:

    Cows don’t like direct eye contact — they shy from it! They prefer one to sidle up next to them, shoulder to shoulder, and gently nudge them along, but not too fast.

  7. No, Mr. Coyne. You cannot leave for recess now. A little more work to be done here.

  8. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Hey!! Some of my best friends are blue! You take that back!
    Answers to above queries;
    a) not necessarily
    b) what is not the herd?? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Do you people have to get all Stephen Hawking just to know where the hell you are in the morning?
    c) a herd prefers to move at a leisurely pace; all that running is just uncivilized.

  9. If I could change one thing, that would be to change three things. So, if I could change ONE thing, that would be the ability to change three things. Like a Genie, you get one wish. My wish is to change three things. So, that is granted. See? You have to claim it, he has to grant it. and there you have it. What’s that smell? Anyway, the three things I would change are as follows:

    1. To Rule the World – If I were king of the FOrresssssssst.!
    2. To have a real money making machine, with the 75/25 correct paper linen, etc.
    3. I would be King of the World. If I were King (only Rogers can be King), then I would make everyone else NON-Rogers. I would be the only Roger left on Earth – make that the Universe. As long as we are changing things, I would change clothes only once a day. I love these people who wear their work clothes to the bar. “Hey, I’m a cool guy in a suit, I WORK and my style fits this bar – I am overdressed for Happy Hour, but it increases my chances of being a peacock toward women. Every girls crazy ’bout a sharp dressed man. But, in walks the Rogerian King. Suddenly, Mr. Suit is invisible. Spills his drink and reaches for his pistol. Except, all he has is a briefcase full of blues. And a Day-Planner. I immediately wave my hand and he is in plaid shorts with black socks and white adidas shoes, wearing a fishing hat complete with lures. I have on my WF cap and then I say “MOW MY LAWN”! “But, sir, I am an attorney, I make $400 an hour!” What he doesn’t know is he will end up in the moat after mowing 106.12 acres of land around the castle. And, that’s with me being generous. Loaded with gators and weird fish with teeth (see news of the day).

    So, those are the one thing I would change. See how easy it is to fit in to this Doctrine? The cap automatically gives you power over the overachieving-underachievers in said bar. You ((I)) can then buy a round for everyone, then I buy the bar because of my money machine. I give to the beggars outside and try on Mr. Suits suit. Ah, it fits like a T. Seersucker, but what the heck, it matches my cap (which is seen by others as a crown – the Emperors Clothes revisited). So, yeah, that’s all I would change. No biggie.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      there is no such thing as only one roger! lol

      (a roger alone in house would have music playing…if there was no music, they would have the radio on…if there was no radio on they would turn on the TV if the TV was broken they would open a window…if it was the middle of winter and were not able to open the window, they would whistle…. and if they had laryngitis, they would get out of the house)
