‘Sleep with one eye open…’ learning the Wakefield Doctrine, the good, the bad and the scary | the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Sleep with one eye open…’ learning the Wakefield Doctrine, the good, the bad and the scary | the Wakefield Doctrine

‘Sleep with one eye open…’ learning the Wakefield Doctrine, the good, the bad and the scary

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).

(Funny thing about producing videos for Video Friday, sometimes the idea for a video is fully formed and all the effort is easily directed at execution, i.e. taping and up-loading and editing. Other times there is not the slightest hint of an idea or topic and we simply do something and post the results. And then there are the times….)

The video Post intended for today’s Video Friday post will not be seen today. Last observed floating into the ether, all attempts to download, re-load, upload or otherwise publish this 20 minute exposition on the value and utility of the Wakefield Doctrine have met with failure. Further efforts to re-create, simulate or otherwise try to salvage the video have been postponed indefinitely.
Instead we will have an encore1 presentation of the wildly popular…Saturday Night Drive  Episode…

Well, that certainly was refreshing!

(….the Post Title?  Why do you think it should have anything to do with content?  …oh!  You are a new Reader…that makes sense… I can see why you might wonder if there is a connection.  Funny you should mention that… )

How To Tell (if you are in a converstion with) a clark:

  • measuring the level of eye contact involves the use of imaginary numbers and the ( negative of ) the square root of pi
  • the density of verb modifiers ( both legitimate adverbs and illegitimate-made-up-adverbilizers ) is higher than Lindsey Lohan at the Norml Annual Lifetime Achievement Awardssss
  • seemingly random references in support of the main topic of the conversation, (op. cit.  Gibbon’s Rise and Fall of the Klingon Empire)
  • the ability ( and willingness )  to continue a conversation that was interrupted 4 months ago…
  • for conversations involving 2 clarks, the tendency to ‘bump into each other’ (conver.. uh sorry…conversationally) speaking
  • funny, funny asides…totally without regard to the seriousness of the conversation… ( “hey, she always said she would die of cancer…joke’s on her, no”? )

The Post Title refers, in a general sort of way, how each of the three personality types view dreams…  further questions on this topic should be addressed to Molly  (who is  said to be considering the position of HeadMistress of the (new) Wakefield Doctrine Early Ed Program…)  of course, if your questions are of a more…dynamic  nature ( relating to dreams and such )  you might want to ring up Ms. AKH.  …and if you are in a total rush and just want the ‘down ‘n dirty’  try  Alx C.  that boy will set ya straight on what to dream about and how to not get caught doing it!


1)   encore (interject) 1712, from Fr. encore “still, yet, again” (12c.), generally explained as being from V.L. phrase *hinc ad horam “from then to this hour” (It. ancora “again, still, yet” is said to be a French loan-word).

Whenever any Gentlemen are particularly pleased with a Song, at their crying out Encore … the Performer is so obliging as to sing it over again. [Steele, “Spectator” No. 314, 1712]


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. AKH says:

    This is by far one of the best videos in my opinion. It’s hilarious and shows you just what you are missing out on the Saturday Night Drive. Oh yeah, it also exemplifies the clarks, the scotts and the rogers. But mostly the scotts. We (scotts) love to have fun. Can you tell who the scotts are? (hint: there are 2 of us). If not then you’d better go back and read the pages on each type.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      yeah! (to any new Readers)… when it comes to locating the scotts among clarks and rogers it sometimes helps to look for the chair and whip, the scotts will be the ones not using them lol