…after all is said and done, what’s in a name? the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine ( 3 labels account for all!!) | the Wakefield Doctrine …after all is said and done, what’s in a name? the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine ( 3 labels account for all!!) | the Wakefield Doctrine

…after all is said and done, what’s in a name? the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine ( 3 labels account for all!!)


Mickey Rourke a clark?1
Prince a clark?
Kristen Stewart a clark?  ( well,  that was kinda easy….just go look at this video)

And what’s with the term ‘clarklike female’?  After all, the Doctrine is gender neutral and you do call (the others) scottian women and rogerian females… why the weird name for the…wait… nah, never mind.

( No! We are not reluctant to answer the question, that is, after all,  how we all learn… well, clarks and rogers in any event.)

The answer, with any luck, will prove to be both simple and obvious

  • a group or multiple scotts results in a pack
  • more than one roger gathering together?  clearly a herd!
  • 2 or 3 or more clark…… results in a… what was the question? (hey they were right here a minute ago!…was there always a floor lamp over there?…wait a minute…

Hopefully that answers the question to everyone’s satisfaction.

scotts are very, very easy to identify…when you see them, chances are they are already watching you! And if you are up for it, take a good look at them, (preferably when their attention is on someone else)  there is no mistaking the gaze, the alertness, they are paying attention. (Go back to the Kristen Stewart video thing above, this time focus on Kelly instead of Kristen)

rogers are not too difficult to spot, given that there are more of them than the other two types ( in any given situation)…besides you cannot help but to run into the roger wherever you happen to be…it is not enough for a roger to gather in a herd…they must find people who are not of the herd in order to get maximum enjoyment from the rogerian experience… now these ‘others’ will be of 2.5 other categories  clarks and scotts  male and female2 and depending on (which) the roger will cause their herd to either interfere with the clarks ( like the old  joke we all loved when we first learned to drive…you know, “Hey want a ride?” just as they reach for the door handle, jump the car ahead… lol now that I remember that it is pretty funny) anyway thats sort of what a roger and their herd will try to do to a clark…now if it happens to be a scott entering the room  then…er…  think more…. well better you go here and seee for yourself! Lunch is served!

clarks are interesting…they have a natural affinity for the company of scotts  and a weakness for the charm of rogers…as to spotting a clark, well that’s another matter, if the clark does not wish to be noticed, then you are plain out of luck! You won’t.. but then again with patience you will see the proof (of the statement about clarks) that they do not want to be the center of attention but will not tolerate being ignored. clarklike females are second only to scotts as being easy to spot… with clarklike non-females** (lol)  it is a little more work, but all you have to do is listen to the conversation going on in the gathering… “we cannot directly know anything is real, but then again it doesn’t matter, because all this is imaginary in the first place…”   ( that sort of thing, along with the sound of scottian laughter and footfalls of the fleeing rogers )


1) you need to go back to the  Post (something about Warning Labels…never mind  just click here)  click on  the ‘Leave your hat On’ video and watch Mickey’s performance in it, hint: watch the demeanor, not literally what he seems to be doing ( Molly! ) can you get the sense of how he seems to be relating to the world?

2) admittedly kind of an inside joke, best go ask DS#1  or (if you have the nerve) Ms AKH


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Molly Molly M. says:

    Two steps forward, one step back, and then forward again?

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …it only feels that way sometimes/often/at-unpredictable-times, but I will say, Molly you are doing just fine with this thing of ours!

    Consider the idea that Mickey Rourke (one-time brat pack actor with a future who disappears only to make come back)…physically there is not a lot to see (at least in still photos, his biography is not overly helpful (the story was that he decided to give up acting for a new career as a professional boxer)…it is in the sense of the person you get when you see the video…(actor in a role or not) the question is: how does that person regard the world (at their own) relationship to (this) world…

    this is the fun/not-fun, the art/science aspect of learning the Doctrine…sometimes you just have to let go and let your instincts guide you…(which in the case of clarks) is a very reliable guide.

  3. Downspring#1 says:

    Yes, what you said up there mr. clark……..and trust your body. Your instinct. The “first reaction” Molly. For instance, you gave a very excellent example during the Saturday night drive call-in of what a clarklike female feels/perceives in a particular social setting. Your immediate, no one can convince you otherwise, reaction to the woo girls and their ice cubes was that their behavior was just plain silly. Not the good “silly”. As when an adult clark interacts with a child on their (the child’s) make believe level. There are those who may view this clark as silly (more the rogers) when they sit there on the 4 steps leading up to the bedroom area with their 3 or 4 year old niece and convince her that yes, yes the soap figure of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle did just whisper/talk to you(the clark) when you put her (Mrs. TG) to your ear. In that moment, the clark was so convincing that her niece looks at you, the clark, with wide eyed wonder, puts Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle to ear own ear and exclaims “she does talk!”
    You know, without a doubt, the behavior of the girls in your experience was silly. You saw it for what it was from your point of view – how you perceived that particular situation. That is always your starting point. You could not pretend you were a woo girl because you could not convince yourself to giggle and be all “silly sexy”. Because your body, your instinct would not let you. Enter, the Wakfield Doctrine. Makes things a lot more simple doesn’t it? When you can step back and look and interpret behavior based on how an individual views the/their world. It’s nothing personal (except with rogers). It is someone “reacting’. The advantage we clarks have with the Doctrine is the openmindedness, willingness to believe that we can incorporate another person’s way of “seeing” life (either as a scott or roger) and use it to enhance our own. I do not believe that a clark will ever 100% integrate with those around them but, that’s ok. It is not about integration or other people as much as being who, where and what you want to be without feeling the angst, confusion or uncertainty that is a clark.
    It has been said of clarks all too often that we “think too much”. True statement. There comes a time to simply allow the body to act. If a clark be comfortable, she/he will see when necessary, look when appropriate and act accordingly.
    To use the words of a co-worker’s 5 year old, “no, I did not have a bowl of crazy flakes this morning”. LOL

  4. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …er if I might ask, can you give us a little backstory (for this Comment)? purely for the benefit to the Reader who might be new to our pages.

    perhaps a quick dramatis personae…set up the scene but then state the topic as a question (we know that this rarely happens in a real life/real time conversation) and that will allow our Readers (who were not there last Saturday Night) to come to their own conclusions and whatnot.

    …just a thought

  5. Downspring#1 says:

    (…if you don’t mind, let me give you a hand…)

    Yeah, sure. Let me see….we might have been talking “perception” as in how people view (their) realities. And how very different that reality can be…depending on whether they view reality through the lens of a clark, scott or roger. And that that particular lens is universal. I confirmed for Molly that her reaction (in the upcoming example) was exactly how I would have (and have) reacted. Because I also, am a clark.
    Molly, as I have mentioned heretofore, is a clark. She offered up a real life scenario from her not distant earlier youth. SET: party with young males and females cavorting and dancing and otherwise engaged in “the devil’s work” lol. – partytime in that generation, mine or future where young men look to taunt, tease and otherwise entice the young females present into any number of activities – dancing ( simulated sex), talk (foreplay to sex), playful shenanigans(challenge to engage in sex)
    So-o-o at Molly’s party, guys were putting ice cubes down girls shirts. The most popular reaction by the girls was to scream and giggle and otherwise act…..silly. Not by their standards however. They were simply being funloving partygoing females enjoying the attention of the attendant males….WAIT

    Yo! mr creator!!! pick up the thread here. now. my brain hurts. been wearing the scottian suit a tad too long and there are way too many distractions………………………………………………………….

  6. Molly Molly M. says:

    My first comment was in reference to Mickey’s behavior in the linked to video. He would advance a little, then back off until she invited him to come forward again. Sorry for the confusion. :(

    The party incident showed me why I was never flirted with the way other girls were — it wasn’t that guys didn’t try, it was that my reaction was atypical. Instead of screaming and tackling the guy in an attempt to get him back when he threw ice down my shirt, I waited patiently (I know — there is that clark word) for the ‘perfect’ opportunity to get him back, quietly. (And being a clark, I made sure he knew it was me, but no one else noticed the exchange.)

    The party also showed me that I wasn’t disliked or left out, but since I didn’t play by ‘the rules’ a guy who wanted to flirt really had to work at it.
    (That has it’s advantages — players move on quickly!)

  7. Downspring#1 says:

    ….”my reaction was atypical.” Who says clarks don’t stand out in the crowd. LOL
    scotts will notice clarks in a crowd or group setting differently than rogers. rogers will notice (especially the female ones) if you are not “one of them” but talk quietly amongst themselves if warranted.
    scotts, being the playful beasts that they are will walk right up to you and call you out (on your clarklike nature). In some manner or other. Always the challenge. Why a scott can sniff a clark a mile away as they say on the plain…..which reminds me of a story….
    In my own distant youth – off campus Halloween Costume party at the house of a friend of mine (senior year college or so). I arrive fashionably late and find sure ’nuff everyone in costume. I was not because, like Molly, I felt it would be silly to dress up at my age. I was standing around doing the smile and look around bit when a guy came up to me (I can now identify him as a scott) and asked me somewhat sarcastically what I was supposed to be. Without missing a beat and in typical clarklike deadpan I replied ” a girl”. That amused the scott and no one bothered me again about not being in costume. scotts. Dontcha luv ’em.

  8. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …so, when I was a high school sophmore, there was a girl in my American History class, ( Nancy Jackson) who didn’t seem afraid or repelled by me…in fact, she always laughed at my little comments, sotto voce in counterpoint to the Teacher’s boring lectures. Well, since Nancy seem to not hate me so much that there came a day when, after I won the debate in my head, I went up after class and asked her out (to the Homecoming Football game.) And she said yes!
    The Friday before the game Nancy told me, right after class ended that her aunt was sick and she could not go to the game with me (Nancy could not, not the aunt).
    (I request at this point in my story that Readers with even the slightest inclination to make a sound related to ‘awww’ to not do that. While this story is true and may seem somewhat poignent, most importantly it is a very, very effective illustration of the worldview of a clark personality type)

    My first reaction to Nancy cancelling our date was normal, I felt disappointment; the second reaction (very, very soon after the first) not so much. I felt embarrassed…somehow.
    Now feeling embarrassment usually implies a context, an ‘audience’, if you will. To this day I am not sure who this audience was, the one that was the source of my feelings of embarrassment.
    Nevertheless, I decided that I needed to go to the game anyway*

    So I drove to the game in my parents car (Readers of a certain age know the significance of that accomplishment), and who should I run into on the way to the bleachers? Yes, Nancy.
    I did not know what a scott was at the time, but she appeared to be happy to see me, and we laughed and joked a little and then went our separate ways to watch the big game, one that would become known as the longest football game in the history of High School football, in North America, in any event.

    The game finally ended, and all the high school kids headed to their cars to go to the burger chef for post-game food and revelry.
    You know, from the perspective of writing this memory now, if it is possible to see the moment that the worldview locks into place for a person, ( and we become clarks, scotts or rogers) it was on the walk back to my car that it most likely happened.
    I could have gone straight home and told the family about the football game, or since I had the car, I could have driven around for awhile and then gone home or a could have gone to the burger chef and hung out with all the other kids… ( and these three choices would conform to the three personality types…) but I found a fourth path…
    I drove to the burger chef and I parked my car and I went into the restaurant and I ordered two milkshakes and two fries and two hambburgers and took them back to the car to eat.

    …before anyone starts to look for the exit or the back button, let me assure you that this was not a Ed Gein moment…I knew as I did it, that what I thought was a good idea was really a strange idea…but I liked it for that very reason…I could sense the extremely weird tone to the…the auto tableau I was presenting to the world, but I laughed when I thought about it… it was not a ‘I’ll show them that they can’t make me run away’, it was not even a ‘this will show them, they will feel so bad’…rather it was “alright I’m out here and I do seem different…why not see what kind of fun I can get out of this normal-for-real-people situation“!

    …thats how it began..

    * students of the Wakefield Doctrine will recognise in making this decision, the clarklike drive to make good on change, self-improvement no matter what. If I forgot to mention it, this was the first time I ever asked a girl for a date. So in effect, I felt that I had to proceed with the new path that I saw myself stepping on to…the march to adulthood. yo