Month: October 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: October 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Video Friday Episode 24 the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the 3 personality type-based, totally effective self-improvement theory of personality known as the Wakefield Doctrine.

Still have a sore throat so I will let the video do the talking (lol) in this the second part,  Part 2

So what is the lesson we should all take from today’s Videos?
If you learn and apply the Wakefield Doctrine you will:

  • complain more when you are sick
  • shout more when you are well
  • not run away when someone says, “Hey lets get a photo of all us in front of…”
  • experience fear more frequently as excitement (rather than paralysis)
  • increase the variety of (different) people you will engage in conversation with at social events

the simplest way to explain an idea is to demonstrate it! 3 personality types one idea

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Prior to/in preparation of/leading to writing this Post, I did a google search of the term ‘Wakefield Doctrine’. Not surprisingly the bulk of the results were references to the Wakefield Doctrine blog and to various places we ‘post-out’ individual articles. But as I scanned through the results pages, (all the while thinking to myself, ‘this must be how rogers feel when they look at their old high school yearbooks’),  I caught the words  WIKIPEDIA…  (ever check your lottery ticket and see the ‘powerball’ number match and you hold your breath, both physically and mentally, somehow if ?) like that…  anyway,  I followed the link and was taken to a wiki-page full of wiki-words and even a few wiki-diagrams  and I saw the words Wakefield Doctrine….then I looked at the top (of the page) and  saw the ‘word’ clarkscottroger and the cavernosum of my ambition began it’s graceful, regretted decent. Not willing to give up that easily, I signed in to Wikipedia website, being a donation making, signed up member and all.  But no, what I saw was an early effort, with the aid of the ever-faithful AKH,  to submit the ‘personality theory’ of the Wakefield Doctrine for inculsion as a listing/item/information/factoid and it had not been ‘accepted by the Wikideities or the Wiki wizards, so not instant legitimacy. yet.

(Quick note:  I started this Post in early am and I am trying to complete it in late am, same day.)

Let the demonstration begin!

So how do we prove that there are three personality types?

We don’t. We are not trying to prove that there are, in the objective-reality-pretending world that most people spend their days/lives that there is something called ‘a clark‘ or that in the course of your day you will meet something called  ‘a scott‘ nor will you look up at work, school or home and be forced to accept the existence of ‘a roger‘.  Does not work that way. We are not trying to prove not a goddamn thing. This should come as no surprise to Readers. Hey, a key element in the Wakefield Doctrine is the concept of individual reality. Your world is mostly like my world (and the world of those around you) but it is not the same world.  It is your world. If you are not comfortable with this idea, you are way on the wrong bus. But if you have the kind of mind, the flexibility of intelligence, ( the ‘recors of intelligence’ as a lady was heard to say years and years ago) then what you will find in this blogsite, among all the mis-categorized, badly-sorted collection of explanations and implications will be a tool.

The Wakefield Doctrine is the new 3 D glasses for the amateur psychologist!  (And because we know what it is like to enjoy (the) of practice amateur psychology, we made these glasses invisible!!). With the Wakefield Doctrine as a lens you will be able to:

  • distinguish between emotional outbursts of your partner…is it serious, does it require you to stop what you are doing and change your behavior or is it just an outburst forgotten by them as soon as the echoes die, they go back to life as usual immediately afterward?
  • listen and hear what your friend is really trying to tell you about themselves…is the confession of past indiscretions an effort to relieve guilt or is it an effort to relive the emotion
  • stop making the same poor choices in mates… (unless you want to) (and that is also made easier with the Wakefield Doctrine)…know why you feel the way you do about the people you feel a certain way about in your life
  • no longer be confused to the point of feeling helpless in the face of the questions that are inherent in the above suggestions

So get out there, put on your invisible Wakefield Doctrine 3 D glasses and see how way, way weirder the world is than you ever thought!  And don’t worry, you can always put your 3 D glasses back in your desk drawer and go back to your old life!

……….yeah, right.


CDC proposes to add ‘excessive juvenile curiosity’ to DHS list of public health threats

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of  clarks, scotts and rogers )

…was starting to write a Post using a table that would allow me to have the words appear as if in three separate columns.  Three ‘voices’  comprising the Post. Yeah, those three.  And while it is a valid idea, seeing how we are trying to convey to the new Reader that the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that ‘people experience the world in one (of three) distinct, characteristic ways’,  it just wasn’t speaking to me.
Maybe this feeling is a result of the dramatically increasing participation of new Readers like Molly and Nell and Claire and that new one….Popcorn? (no)…Reun?…Alexandra…( yeah, thats her!), be that as it may,  the old licks just don’t seem to be cutting it this morning. Or it could be that I talked to the Progenitor roger Friday, talk about the ‘parent eternal’, goddamn!  if there was not already a cool word  ( ‘buzz kill’ ) then we would call them ‘rogers‘. 
Anyway. the roger and I talked about the building momentum of the Wakefield Doctrine, and I was kinda the manic clark, all….”yeah we heard from this cool blog from Sweden…and there’s this Molly out in Wyoming she like totally gets it on her own“… and the roger listened ( which is a thing that rogers do better than anyone). At some point ( just short of permanent cerebral hypoxia) roger said in a matter-of-fact tone, ‘yeah you better watch out, chucko. At some point these people are gonna start believing you’.

Two events/reactions/states-of-mind immediately occurred: 

  • my head swelled-up and my face fell…I immediately felt…guilty?…exposed??  I  actually/metaphorcially looked around furtively…? guiltily??!
  • I got mad and thought…’fuck you’

And then (all of the above took place in that giant space in-between spoken sentences),  I smiled.  I smiled at roger (through the phone). I smiled at the people who ( the clarklike part of me was certain) would be so offended that I would be so….forward as to present the Wakefield Doctrine as a  new and helpful way of seeing the world.  And, I smiled at myself.  …and then I laughed,  “this Wakefield Doctrine really does work!!”

So welcome to the new Readers, you will be the reason that this thing  is still going on.  And thank you to the Progenitors  (clarks and scotts and rogers ) who remember what was, without which we could not know for sure that the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, productive and fun way to look at the behavior of the people in our lives. And as is becoming increasingly clear, the Doctrine is:

  • fun:  to watch the way that people behave in a situation when (their personality type is factored in)
  • unique: while there are a lot of personality theories out there, you (Readers) are the only ones who know about clarks, scotts and rogers
  • productive:  if you have struggled with dissatisfaction, been frustrated with falling back into the same rut, time after time then this approach will let you have a shot at genuine change
  • (and unlike all the other self-improvement systems) we will totally say: this thing is for you, it is not for your wife/husband/brother/sister/girlfriend/boyfriend! ( Hey, let them do the work and learn about the Doctrine for themselves ) 

And just so no one out there doesn’t think that a clark can write a Post and not be spotted, we offer the following video.

Video Friday Episode 23 real people, self-development and the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

This (Video) Friday’s guest is Molly who hails from the western portion of the North American landmass. We initially met  Molly over at ‘the Facebook’ (the home of  trnucated, artfically short, bad spelling and ‘don’t-forget-an-hit-enter-or-your-message-gets-sent-and-you-can’t-change-the-frickin-thing-and it-sits-out-there-in-public-mocking-you-cause you-now-look-like-you-cant-spel-too …conversations). But we all hit it off and Molly has taken to the Doctrine like a aquatic-feathered-mammal.

The thing we like about Molly is that she has a gift for asking really, really aggravating questions in a gracious and thoughtful manner.

We’ll be all like, “hey Seven1 look at that roger over there in that scene in the video, they totally look like they know they own the stage” and Molly will say something, quietly-like, “Yes but doesn’t that non-challenging assumptive expression imply that he might be a clark?”   and we’ll say,  “yeah, sure  but  look at the way he just stands there knowing that everyone thinks he is the center of the room!! what a roger

In fact, she was such an easy and fun person to interview that we ended up going to 2 Parts on the vid.  Here is Part 2:

As you get from the two videos, we are glad to have Molly with us as she brings a fresh perspective on our efforts to bring the Wakefield Doctrine to the world.

1) Molly’s  ‘nom de’ over at the Facebook  she also has her own blog (on the Doctrine blogroll)


clarks(!) by their ‘smiles’ you will know them… the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Before we get into this short Post with the  intriguing Title, a caveat to new Readers.
The Wakefield Doctrine is 2 parts art ( or as we say in the Wakefield part of the world, ‘ahht’)  and 1 part science. The ‘science part’ is pretty straight-forward: 

 we are all born with the capability of seeing the world/experiencing reality in three distinct and characteristic ways. At some point in early childhood we settle on one worldview and become what we call: clarks, scotts and rogers. Throughout our lives we experience the world with the biases, pre-conjecture and implications of this one view, we call this being a clark, acting like a scott and feeling like a roger. We all retain the capacity to see the world as the other two personality types do, if we try, if we have enough ‘flexible intelligence’, a strong enough clarklike side.  Everything in the Doctrine follows from this. The Wakefield Doctrine, as it describes personality is gender and culture and age neutral. It is about the world that we perceive, not a list of genetic traits, parental training  that accounts for our behavior.  That is the science.  

As to the art…

…the art (of the Doctrine) is found in the act of detecting small, characteristic expressions (physical, mental and emotional) of the other person.  …the art of the Doctrine is putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and trying to see the world as they see it.  …the art of the Doctrine is standing in their shoes, imagining you are a (clark or scott or a roger) and seeing if their behavior makes sense. …the art of the Doctrine is to do this with all three types in different situations until you see the world as the other person sees it.

…as to ‘the smile of the clark‘?  That is where the art creates the fun.  Ever see a person who smiles by compressing their lips and looks at you (either) through the corners of their eyes or ‘up through the top’ of their eyes?  Chances are you are looking at a clark.
…now look at that person’s posture.  Bad, is it?  Rounded shoulders,  slight hunch around the neck?,  a ‘looseness’ around the hips as if ready to make a run for it?  Chances are increasing that you are looking at a clark.
(now here is the fun part…the art part…) Look at the music video below at the bottom of this Post.  Albert Lee is the guy with the white/grey hair behind and to the right of Vince Gill. He is obviously having the time of his life, his smile… his whole face is smiling…
Albert is a clark.

(I know, I know)   “what the hell!! you said they are furtive and scared looking. You just told us clarks smile by compressing their lips and look like they are ready to run for it!! You said that, I have it in writing!!  

Thats the fun. The Wakefield Doctrine is like that.  There are guidelines and there are even rules, heck we even have Core Principles! But as a practitioner,

  • you will be the one to observe the other person
  • you will be the one to ‘try out’ the ways that the other person might be seeing the world
  • you will be the one who gets ‘a feeling’ they might be a clark or a scott or a roger
  • you will be the one who will tell another person, “hey look at this…does this seem rogerian or just a scott on an off day?”
  • …and you will be the only one to decide, knowing that you cannot break the Doctrine and that the other person will still be the clark or the scott or the roger that they are, whether you ‘get it right’ or not

Like we said….this is fun!

Program Note:

We will have Molly ( aka Seven Ravens at ‘the Facebook’) as our guest for tomorrow’s Video Friday!  We will cover a wide assortment of topics and subject matter. So if you have a question (for Molly or the Doctrine ) write us a Comment and we will include it in our interview. (Provided, of course, the Comment shows up before we ‘go on air’)