the simplest way to explain an idea is to demonstrate it! 3 personality types one idea | the Wakefield Doctrine the simplest way to explain an idea is to demonstrate it! 3 personality types one idea | the Wakefield Doctrine

the simplest way to explain an idea is to demonstrate it! 3 personality types one idea

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Prior to/in preparation of/leading to writing this Post, I did a google search of the term ‘Wakefield Doctrine’. Not surprisingly the bulk of the results were references to the Wakefield Doctrine blog and to various places we ‘post-out’ individual articles. But as I scanned through the results pages, (all the while thinking to myself, ‘this must be how rogers feel when they look at their old high school yearbooks’),  I caught the words  WIKIPEDIA…  (ever check your lottery ticket and see the ‘powerball’ number match and you hold your breath, both physically and mentally, somehow if ?) like that…  anyway,  I followed the link and was taken to a wiki-page full of wiki-words and even a few wiki-diagrams  and I saw the words Wakefield Doctrine….then I looked at the top (of the page) and  saw the ‘word’ clarkscottroger and the cavernosum of my ambition began it’s graceful, regretted decent. Not willing to give up that easily, I signed in to Wikipedia website, being a donation making, signed up member and all.  But no, what I saw was an early effort, with the aid of the ever-faithful AKH,  to submit the ‘personality theory’ of the Wakefield Doctrine for inculsion as a listing/item/information/factoid and it had not been ‘accepted by the Wikideities or the Wiki wizards, so not instant legitimacy. yet.

(Quick note:  I started this Post in early am and I am trying to complete it in late am, same day.)

Let the demonstration begin!

So how do we prove that there are three personality types?

We don’t. We are not trying to prove that there are, in the objective-reality-pretending world that most people spend their days/lives that there is something called ‘a clark‘ or that in the course of your day you will meet something called  ‘a scott‘ nor will you look up at work, school or home and be forced to accept the existence of ‘a roger‘.  Does not work that way. We are not trying to prove not a goddamn thing. This should come as no surprise to Readers. Hey, a key element in the Wakefield Doctrine is the concept of individual reality. Your world is mostly like my world (and the world of those around you) but it is not the same world.  It is your world. If you are not comfortable with this idea, you are way on the wrong bus. But if you have the kind of mind, the flexibility of intelligence, ( the ‘recors of intelligence’ as a lady was heard to say years and years ago) then what you will find in this blogsite, among all the mis-categorized, badly-sorted collection of explanations and implications will be a tool.

The Wakefield Doctrine is the new 3 D glasses for the amateur psychologist!  (And because we know what it is like to enjoy (the) of practice amateur psychology, we made these glasses invisible!!). With the Wakefield Doctrine as a lens you will be able to:

  • distinguish between emotional outbursts of your partner…is it serious, does it require you to stop what you are doing and change your behavior or is it just an outburst forgotten by them as soon as the echoes die, they go back to life as usual immediately afterward?
  • listen and hear what your friend is really trying to tell you about themselves…is the confession of past indiscretions an effort to relieve guilt or is it an effort to relive the emotion
  • stop making the same poor choices in mates… (unless you want to) (and that is also made easier with the Wakefield Doctrine)…know why you feel the way you do about the people you feel a certain way about in your life
  • no longer be confused to the point of feeling helpless in the face of the questions that are inherent in the above suggestions

So get out there, put on your invisible Wakefield Doctrine 3 D glasses and see how way, way weirder the world is than you ever thought!  And don’t worry, you can always put your 3 D glasses back in your desk drawer and go back to your old life!

……….yeah, right.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. ….”I’m game”……you are correct. Once you try ’em on you won’t want to take them off (the 3-D’s)! I mean, once you have entered the golden age, who would wish for the dark ages?

    (great vid!) Laughter is way underrated.