Video Friday Episode Dvacet-pět the Wakefield Doctrine it can help you today! | the Wakefield Doctrine Video Friday Episode Dvacet-pět the Wakefield Doctrine it can help you today! | the Wakefield Doctrine

Video Friday Episode Dvacet-pět the Wakefield Doctrine it can help you today!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

While we wait for the reel to be changed lets consider what you can do with this video form (of the Wakefield Doctrine).

Well that certainly was… insightful?  Perhaps our Narrator was a bit… ‘prem mature’  in his ascribing significant scottian qualities to the performance of today’s Video Post. Nevertheless he is correct in two regards:

  1. the Wakefield Doctrine is attracting more and more people, people who bring with them a perspective on the use of the Doctrine that is, shall we say, a little less…dedicated to one goal. Those of us who brought the Doctrine to the blogosphere  ( such as DS#1 and Ms AKH )  must be forgiven if, from time to time, we come across with a..  an excess of zeal. That we are apologetic in this is not ever to be assumed , but the premier value of being joined by new FOTDs such as Molly and Alex and Claire and Nell is that they can, at times, ‘see more of the forest’ than we can…
  2. the (necessary) rogerian quality of continuity is part of the reason for there being an Episode 25, as is the case with most things rogerian, ‘just cause it’s old and there are a lot of them, don’t mean they have any special value’… hell, ask your your grandparents about the ‘current Book Value’ of their collection of National Geographic magazines, spanning the Years 1959 – 1969.  There are some things that require continuity and, by inference, repetition and practice in order to develop a value. The Wakefield Doctrine Video Friday series may not be keeping Ken Burns awake at night, but it forms a measure of the development of the online presence of this thing of ours.

For you new  Readers!  (If you have made it this far in today’s Post ) then you are totally in luck! What you have stumbled on is the best self-development tool available today!

The Wakefield Doctrine is a fun, useful and totally effective tool for understanding the behavior of others and for changing the things about yourself that you have always wanted to change. The Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) is based on the idea that all people see the world in one of three characteristic ways and at an early age we all settle on one worldview and become what we call clarks or scotts or rogers.  While there is one dominant type for all of us, we never lose the capability to see the world as the other two types, this accounts for why nearly everyone see(s) the other two personality types in themselves,  on occasion. The Wakefield Doctrine is gender and culture neutral. It is not directly affected by age. The Wakefield Doctrine does not require you to answer questions, fill out surveys or run down a checklist of likes and dislikes. The Doctrine does require you to have a certain…flexibility and a certain level of intelligence. With the Wakefield Doctrine all of the behavior of those people in your life will finally make sense and you will have the answer to the question,  “Now why on earth would they want to go and do a thing like that?!! I thought I knew them!!”   As a way to change the things about yourself that you would like to change, (but have never been able to achieve), the Doctrine is without peer.  (However).  The Wakefield Doctrine is for you, it is not for them.

Well that it for today.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Long live the Poets…..
    Coincidentally, were there not 3 original founding members?