Month: August 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: August 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

3 personality types, the Devil and the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

I spoke to  Progenitor roger  on the telephone last night.


  • did you know that the concept of the rogerian personality type was the third of the three to be formally conceptualized? ( read more about rogershere )
  • by proportion, the majority of the people on the planet are rogers ( or might as well be, if they would stop talking long enough to let us get a word in edgewise )
  • rogers are the natural Story Tellers of the world (the key element being their stories are comfortable and non-challenging to read and/or hear )
  • there is a basic categorization of all occupations/professions and avocations: Scientist, Salesman and Machine Operator (Do you know which is the rogerian category?)

We discussed the recent arrival of new FOTD (Claire and Molly) and touched briefly on the topic of DownSprings.  Mostly we  talked about what would make the next Post the best possible Post in order to keep the interest of the newcomers and encourage them to get ‘more engaged’ in the Doctrine. We moved on to the topic of the recent Posts containing stories from the Past, i.e. the Rabbit by the Side of the Road and the Boy in the Orange Sweater and in the middle of it I remembered a story from the roger’s past life!


  • did you know that clarks, when asked about how they see their own personality will initially describe themselves as: ‘introverted, shy, don’t-like-to-be-the-center-of-attention’ ?
  • did you know that clarks, while appearing to enjoy the company of their rogerian friends, will need (thats correct, I said need) to find a scott to interact with just to ‘recharge’?
  • clarks perform poorly when in a situation where ‘non-specific emotion’ is expected to be put on display ( for example: someone else’s child’s birthday parties) but in extreme situations clarks are the most capable and least likely to panic ( life and death level emergency situations).
  • clarks take ‘keeping things in confidence’ so seriously that they do not have a prayer when it comes to being a part of a ‘local social network’, i.e. people at work or on committees

Here are the Cliff Notes of the roger’s story: “…he was alone in his car driving home from a gig in Massachusetts late one winter evening and on a very deserted stretch of Route 95 came upon a woman trying to ‘flag a ride’. The woman was young, alone and appeared to be wearing a fur coat and nothing else. At 3:00 am. On the interstate.  No one anywhere near, no cars on the road nothing else. roger then proceeded to make the kinds of decisions that  we all know he would make… and the story unfolds ( but we leave this story for him to tell).

POP QUIZ!!!!!!

  1. what was roger’s initial mental state, upon seeing what for all the world could only be a stripper standing by the side of the highway on a winter night?
  2. if you were in the car with him, what would your advice have been?
  3. the rest of the story involves lengthy detours (from rogers route home), a very, very dangerous part of Providence, RI and a large (and apparently angry) man…do you have any specific questions for the Progenitor roger, in order to know how this story turns out?

The rest of my conversation with roger focused on my upcoming Delta Mississippi Tour in September, during which  I plan to claim that portion of the country (and by inference the heart of the blues guitar culture and history) by Rite of Hat
If we have any Readers living in the Clarksdale/Rosedale area of the Mississippi,  y’all best be writtin  us a Comment!! If you do, I will personally deliver a (nearly free*) Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head), otherwise I totally plan to grab my hat and my camera and claim it all for my own damn self.  (Don’t believe me? Go ask the the fine folks  in what used to be the Free State of Utah ( State motto: ” we’re such a safe and comfortable State, don’t be afraid!! you like rogers, don’t you? ) and their totally mis-leading Bonniville Salt Flats.

In any event, please direct your questions to them whats qualified to answer them: 

  •  the roger can be found here (sleeping with a green blanket around his legs, a smell of coffee and wood in the background) be careful, rogers don’t like surprises
  • our active scottian female the one known as AKH, she can so be found here ( no feeding the scotts, do not cross over nor extend hands and/or fingers beyond the bars)
  • clarklike female DS#1   can be found somewhere around here  (hey Molly  I bet DS#1 can tell you about the footwear in your closet to a degree of accuracy that approaches the spooky)
  • questions for our new little friends should be directed at them,  Claire  has a blog (but you need to have patience, take your time when you leave a Comment there). Molly comes to us via ‘the FaceBook’ 

Lets close out with a vid borrowed from ‘the youtube’

* “nearly free”  that means that when you get a hat (for your damn head) you need to send us a photo of said Wakefield Doctrine in front of a large and recognisable landmark, with or without your own, personal (damn) head underneath. Photo-phobes (I’m looking at you clarks) may enlist their nearby scottian or rogerian friends to wear the thing for them**

**jeez…clarks…whats with you and photographs?***

*** lol no, don’t bother answering! this is the frickin Wakefield Doctrine, we know the answer


Self-Improvement without effort, 3 personality types within each of us, the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

(As a certain Lady we love would say, “Sit your ass down binyon, sit your ass down “.)

Funny thing about the Wakefield Doctrine, it is so right, so…self-sufficient, (as a personality theory),  that the more we have new people join us here at the Wakefield Doctrine blog ( motto: ‘your friends are asking smug and pointed questions about the Doctrine? screw ’em, theys just rogers), the more we are seeing it’s  principles illustrated and demonstrated in ways that we did not anticipate 2 years ago when this blog was created. The remarkable thing is that these new ‘proofs and validations’ of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers are coming from the people who are newest to our little group!   
We probably should not be surprised by this fact.  As we have new Readers come and read about our unique, useful and fun personality theory, it is totally satisfying that they  are presenting us with new perspectives on the Wakefield Doctrine as it can be ‘boserved in the wild’, if you will. They are describing new ways we can know:  which people are clarks, (and fresh ways)  to: illustrate how the scottian personality types interact with other people, and they are even, in the case of the most recent Video Friday, forcing us ‘old-timers’ to: accept the rather startling idea that rogers are much, much more aggressive than any of us thought.
And all this is coming from people just beginning to read, understand and apply the Wakefield Doctrine. A fact that we interpret as the demonstration of the soundness of the Wakefield Doctrine, as opposed to any special knowledge or skills found in the original group of Progenitors and DownSprings.

Example:  this past Video Friday, we had an conversation with DownSpring Phyllis and in the middle of a competent, but otherwise unremarkable interview, she mentioned, quite in passing, that rogers consciously approach the world with the intent to manipulate and influence those they come into contact with, (that in fact) they believe that they are able to ‘lead from behind’. Now that may not seem like an earthshaking revelation, unless you are one of the Progenitors or core group of DownSprings.  Believe you me, the reaction ’round here was a little more dramatic,  best characterized as,  “What??!  rogers are deliberately manipulating others, including scotts!! From within the herd!! What the hell!!” 
Well, as far as the core group of this Doctrine was concerned, you might as well have said,  ” …and all mandatory childhood vaccinations are, of course, the source of most incurable disease.  Of course I am sure, why do you ask?”

Example:  recently a certain Molly M started reading the Doctrine and in a Comment to a Post, she asked quite simply, ‘why is this story a story meant for a clark
Damn! Totally forced us to consider what the thinking behind writing that particular Post was,  we are not embarrassed to admit that our response required a deliberate and considered effort to understand the Wakefield Doctrine.
Then we had Clairpeek, (who has her own  blog here), wrote  a Comment in which she raised the simple, but very provocative notion that the fact that we all have the other two personality types in reserve allows conditions in which one type can ‘fill in for the other, in certain situations’. (As she said:    “As you said, one has the potential of the three behaviors, which means that no matter which one is dominant, the other two will ultimately cover aspects of the main behavior that do not comply with its particularities”)

Frickin, of course! (damn)

So we want to welcome them whats been pushing us ‘old hands’ to work hard to keep up and, seeing how you have gone to all the effort, I will extend the offer that we do to FOTDs: If ya want, we’ll send you a (nearly free) Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head). Just let us know (and we will follow-up). If you have any additional questions, be sure to check out them other blogs written by the what did you say her name was  or even, if you have the nerve go, ask Alice.


How the Sunday Paper should look, this being the Wakefield Doctrine and all!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).

You know that we know that all the people in the news and on TV and (all the politicians and Winners of American Idol) are all clarks or scotts or roger, right?
Well, today we are going to start to make sure that everyone reading the Wakefield Doctrine (motto: “we know you’re out there! don’t try to pretend you’re not interested!”) knows that we know that we know. This fact. About people.  Actually a lot of the impetus comes from remarks made by DownSpring Joanne and DownSpring Phyllis in recent Video Friday Interviews and also in some Commentation from Molly M.
So given that today is Sunday ( motto: “hey rogers! you believe that there was a time when Sundays were a special non-work day, don’t you! ) lets take a look at the damn Headlines:

White House says ‘we must do better’

 WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama sought to distance himself Saturday from the bad news of the nation’s first-ever credit-rating downgrade, but lawmakers and presidential candidates showed no such reticence — trading salvos over who’s at fault and why. ( lol!! does anyone need us to identify the president as a roger of the first degree? )

The president, spending the weekend at Camp David, left it to press secretary Jay Carney to say it’s clear Washington “must do better” in tackling soaring deficits and other economic woes. (…the statement included several muttered wtf(s)…and ‘who said that?  and (on one occasion) he was heard to say, “yeah??! I ‘ll murdalize ’em” )

A statement from Carney said talks that produced Tuesday’s $2 trillion compromise on raising the U.S. borrowing limit had been too drawn-out and “divisive.” ( going on to say, ” and ya better frickin get this thing done, yo” )

But the statement didn’t directly address Friday’s move by Standard & Poor’s to drop U.S. government debt from AAA to AA+, the next level


So that accounts for the political leaders in this culture…I’m sure our friends on the other side of the pond are much the same.

Muslims in world’s tallest tower face longer fast


No! NO! the one with no cheese goes to Floor 232! The Pepparoni with theWorks is Floor 333!! Now get them up before they get cold!!

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Muslims living in the world’s tallest tower will have to wait even longer to break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

Mohammed al-Qubaisi, Dubai’s top Muslim cleric, said Sunday that Burj Khalifa residents living above the 80th floor should wait two additional minutes to break their dawn-to-dusk fast while those above the 150th floor must wait three extra minutes because they will be able to see the sun longer than those on the ground. (…”and besides”, the respected cleric was quoted, …”it will take Room Service at least 10 minutes to get the Mac-el-Meals up to those floors, anyway”)

Al-Qubaisi said the decree is similar to those relating to Muslims traveling on airplanes, and harkens back to a time when people living in the mountains broke their fast after those at lower elevations. ( not much for the Doctrine to add except:, be them Quakers or Muslims, Catholics or FreeMasons, if you identify with an organized religion, you are probably a roger) (sorry, what can we say?) (not that organized religion is a bad thing!) (think of all the good things we have from organized religions: Fish ‘n Chips, motzah ball soup, really uncomfortable furniture (thanks Quaker dudes!), a bunch of days off when we are in school, and the ready source of a lot of cheap jokes! …go  religions! )

And then, lets not forget the Sports and Entertainment sections!!

 Tour “Down Under” to open World Tour until 2015

ADELAIDE, Australia (AP) — The Tour Down Under will remain the opening event on World Tour for the next four years after the International Cycling Union extended the license of the Australian race.
The Premier of South Australia state, and total roger,  Mike Rann, announced Thursday that the six-day tour would remain part of the World Tour at least until 2015. ( scotts around the world were still being held for observation following the announcement…clarks close to them would only say,  “when the announcement came my scottian friend started to sputter something about rogers!! Bikes!!!!! Down Under??!! And then they collapsed”  Medical experts suspect BJOS  (Bad Joke Overstimulation Syndrome) )

Alright, enough with the puerile humor.  We all have heard the famous (of not dumb) quote of FDR that follows. No surprise that he was a roger, but by way of contrast, were he to be a clark or a scott how might he have expressed this particular sentiment?

“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!”
(why does this statement indicate that he is a roger?  because he is creating a reference point for the group he is manipulating and, in doing so is being un-necessarily convoluted).
a clark would have said: “fear is the only enemy, so go back to your homes and turn off the TV and reflect a little on how insecure you are in yourself and how that is allowing fear to direct your damn life. yo”
a scott would have said: “hey, don’t worry about nothin! I got your backs follow me!! lets go blow some shit up!!  hey, Eleanor!! I want you to meet my special friend!!”


Video Friday! A Conversation with a roger (about) the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ). 
The Calendar on the wall says it’s Video Friday already! This week we are fortunate to have DownSpring Phyllis as our guest, and she gives us a particularly telling, (yet with a humor and charity not always found among our rogerian friends) insight into the world of rogers! As with DownSpring Joanne, Phyllis had so much to offer that we extended the interview into Parts 1 and 2.  Enough introduction! Click dat arrow!!

You know, this idea of getting people to talk about the Doctrine and hearing how others are relating the Wakefield Doctrine to the world seemed like a good idea when we started, but now that we are already up to Episode 13, I must say it is turning out to be better than even I hoped! Most of you (reading this) have a certain level of interest/understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine.  As Readers know, it has often been said that one of the biggest challenges we face taking the Doctrine to the world at large, has nothing to do with the Doctrine itself being ‘good enough’. The hurdle (we face) is communicating this thing of ours to three different personality types. What makes a scott sit up and pay attention is not always the best approach when trying to get a message across to, say, a clark. A writing style that clarks enjoy (parenthetically speaking) is lost on scotts and rogers.
That is why these Video Friday interviews are so promising.
Never mind reading about rogers and how they see the world as a quantifiable universe with rules and such,  just listen to this roger tell you how she sees the world! And if you have been doing your homework and reading and understanding the Doctrine, you will recognise from what Phyllis is telling us, that she exists in a slightly different kind of world than does your clark or your scott.

…now, how cool is that?

We thank DownSpring Phyllis for taking the time to talk to us and I am  sure we will be hearing from her again.

If there is any brave souls out there who would like to join us as a guest on Video Friday, write us a Comment and I will follow up.  Hey, it’s fun!


clarks are nouns, scotts are verbs and rogers…they are gerunds! the Wakefield Doctrine Mid-Week Reporting

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clark, scotts and rogers )

No, you are not wrong, all of what you have seen so far in this Post has been intentionally mis-leading, it’s all been a come-on, a ruse…for the purpose of enticing you into reading today’s Post. All this because, among you Readers might possibly be the one Reader who will write a Comment on this Post.

Surely that justifies the verbal legerdemain? Well, you are probably right, it is best not to resort to tricking people who enjoy reading blogs, who as we all know, are the most perceptive and discerning of audiences.

Having said that, if you are still with us here, we owe you another story.  A few days ago, in the Post titled; 3 personality types, 1 rabbit and the Wakefield Doctrine,  we told you a story  and while it was a good story, it was meant for the scotts among us. Since we started today’s Post with trickery and deceit,  it only makes sense to  tell a story for the clarks out there!  ( don’t worry, clarks will understand why this is the case. )

As a young boy about 4 or 5 years old I grew up in the town of Oak Bluffs, on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.  From where we lived I could walk to a family friends house in about 15 minutes and with another 15 minutes walking I could be in the center of town, which at that time consisted of 2 blocks of commercial development. 1 street with drugstore, restaurants and barbershops etc on both sides. Continue down Circuit Ave and you come to the Flying Horses (merry-go-round) and the boardwalk that defined the shoreline on that part of the Island. There was a neighborhood that was composed entirely of Summer Cottages across the park that overlooked the ocean. Year round residents did not take too much notice of this area, as they were boarded up and vacant for 9 months out of the year, when the Summer People went back to their real homes.

Whatever. One day (around end of September), I was walking home from town with a friend following an afternoon of doing nothing much. My route home took us past a recreational field which was part baseball and part football field. On this particular afternoon, the grassy area was being put to use as a football field by a group of ‘big kids’* The field itself was up a slight incline from the road, (no sidewalks or anything fancy like that), so for some reason we decided to ‘sneak up’ on the football game players.  (Bear in mind there were no bushes or hedges between the street and the field, just macadam road a little sand then grass up 5 feet or so then level field).  So we snuck up on the football game. (Nearly every boy of this age at this time in the culture had his Army Man game moves. Mostly a matter of running a short distance and throwing yourself down on the ground. From this position you would either do the ‘crawl into position’ or (you might) jump up and run another short distance so that you could ‘hit the dirt’ again. And so on and so on.)
We got into position on the side of the incline, peering over the top where the football game was continuing, obviously we were not spotted. For some reason I decided that we should throw some rocks at the kids in the football game! (Don’t ask me! Maybe the situation required the use of grenades, maybe I was bored…those of you Readers who are astute enough might know. I cannot recall why I thought it was a good idea.) But I did and we did, throw rocks. As soon as we established our range (with the stones) the big kids noticed and stopped their game. At first they laughed, at the sight of two 5 year old boys throwing rocks from  the side of the road. But then one of the rocks almost hit (or may have hit, memory not clear) one particular boy who was wearing an orange knit sweater. The laughing stopped, the game stopped, we stopped and all of a sudden my friend and I had the un-divided attention of 10  boys.  We stood up as a small group from the game headed in our direction (lead by the boy in the orange sweater). For reasons still not understood, even though the focus of the group on us began to waver ( “hey, forget them, lets get back to the game”), I threw one more rock and yelled “Run for it!”
We were chased. My friend headed for his house, me to mine. I could hear the kids somewhere behind me yelling something about calling the cops. Just as I made it to my house, quite by chance as I now know, a siren started wailing in the distance. And it was moving in my direction. I ran into the house and up the stairs to the safest place my somewhat desparate brain knew: my parents bedroom. I slide under their bed and lay and waited.

As I remember this childhood incident, the strangest  thing about it is that the story stops right there, me hiding out like an escaped criminal under my parent’s bed, hearing the sirens somewhere in the distance, certain that I would soon hear the sound of  feet pounding up the stairs.
None of these consequences materialized. Nothing happened, at all! My ability to recall ends there, no memory of what happened to my friend, whether the cops were after me on not (I know now, probably not) I don’t even remember if I told the family about it. Life (un-recalled) went on.

Hey!! Where did the time go!  Tomorrow is Video Friday so set your clocks to Friday and be sure to tune in, we hope to have: a) a guest b) a really interesting conversation, c) good listener feedback.

And don’t forget now, the Wakefield Doctrine is to be found over at ‘the FaceBook’** so come over and visit, we even have a video club that you should join.


*big kids being defined as those between the age of 12 and 14
** it’s an old person thing,  you know how old people always seem to stick a totally unnecessary article in front of things that they are un-familiar with? ‘the email’,  ‘the Facebook’…’the cancer’…I suspect that old people do this thing with modern inventions as a verbal equivalent of using those oven mittens that everyone has at the stove…better be careful!  you might get hurt…here put on these mittens and insulate yourself!  fuck oldness.
