Video Friday Episode 15 ‘read old Posts to us’? are you serial? is there nothing those (Wakefield Doctrine) people won’t do? | the Wakefield Doctrine Video Friday Episode 15 ‘read old Posts to us’? are you serial? is there nothing those (Wakefield Doctrine) people won’t do? | the Wakefield Doctrine

Video Friday Episode 15 ‘read old Posts to us’? are you serial? is there nothing those (Wakefield Doctrine) people won’t do?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine  (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

So as I was saying at the end of the video, if you want to be the first in your location/town/city/region or even country to have a (nearly free) Wakefield Doctrine  hat (for your damn head)* let us know!

And don’t just take our word for it, go ask Alice or if you are feeling brave go tell it to the Mistress scottina and for you rogers reading this, we know you hate to appear to be taking direction from a clark, but your Progenitor is over here. Just ask him.
…newer Readers wanting perhaps, a more gradual introduction to our little Doctrine might consider asking Claire or if you are really up for an adventure, go see Molly.  Or if you are in the mood to read and enjoy a really diverse selction of Posts, stop by at Nell’s Hubpage.

(hell, for that matter if you find yourself on the eastern seaboard of the US stop by Laura and Sean’s little ristorante or visit them on ‘the Facebook’)

* Don’t forget!  According to the ‘Rite of Hat’  when you take the photo to send us ( the ‘nearly free part, lol ) that shows the Wakefield Doctrine hat in front of a recognizable landmark (heads supporting said hat are optional), the Treaty of Tordesillas  (aka the ‘Rite of Hat’) allows you to claim whatever the hell (people, places, things, small cultural subsets, even entire indiginous peoples), you  manage to show in the background of the photograph. 


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Just to interject for a moment. Not an attempt to change the subject.
    If possible, please try to watch a new FX series titled ” Wilfred” with the WD in mind. Very insightful, and very funny.

  2. Downspring#1 says:

    Come on now. Just a hint? Inkling?
    Actually there are people out here who do not have cable and will never know of Wilfrid!

  3. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Well, the central character is a slightly disturbed somewhat reclusive guy whose main confidant is his dog Wilfred. Wilfred is not a real dog, but a guy in a dog suit. The central guy seems to be a damaged roger, his mother is an charmingly insane clark, and Wilfred is a scott. Maybe find it online?
    Thanks again for the little poem. After a 14-hr workday, that was just…nice. Amazed that you recall details like that. Hell, I can’t even remember where I live most of the time. The other day I ran out to work without a belt on and had to walk around all day with my hands on my hips, pretending to admonish people for stuff. Getting an elevator was fun, I had to stand and glare at this girl until she finally hit the call button. She thought me insane, and I’m thinking she might have an arguable point. Had some brief success with paper clips poked through my shirt and belt loops, until shirt ripped. The walk back out to my car was odd; I had bag over shoulder and hands on hips, so I tried walking fast, like I was really mad about something. And now I’m pretty sure I’m not much of an actor either. They’re onto me. I just know it.

  4. Downspring#1 says:

    Now that you describe it, I seem to recall reading something about it …the premise certainly is unique. So who (clark, scott, roger) would come up with the premise of such a show?!

    You are welcome:) I am a clark. We like people remember such things.

    (whadya think? gonna keep an extra in the trunk now:)

  5. Clairepeek says:

    I think I’d like to study another show… but I don’t want to be boo-ed so I keep it for myself and will reveal my discoveries later – if I have any. BTW, thanks for the advert in this cool episode, I felt like a star together with Molly. Yes, so you wonder how I find the time… hmm, think… in which case someone would have the time to be so self-centered? Believe you me, I wish I had less time on my hands though – lol –

    Gotta write the end of my Queen of Fools chapter… so “Ta ta for now “!

    PS: Like the tee-shirt slogan… I’d prefer getting a hat though (how much?)

  6. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    By all means, perhaps we can even do a e-mail ‘interview’ as DS#1 did over at the Girlie-Whirl!

    As to hats (for your damn head)? the how much part of ‘nearly free’ is simply that we ask, once you are in possession of this fine and beautiful head cover-ation, that you take a photo of said hat, in front of a recognizable landmark.
    (Given the sometimes photo-phobic tendancies of clarklike people) we even allow the photo to be taken sans head! Or just hat! Then just send the photo back to us, that way we get a day off from Post writing (since we will make much of the hat being on heads the world over!)
    There is a good reason for taking a photo of your (damn) head supporting a Wakefield Doctrine hat…the Treaty of Tordesillas!!! (aka the Right of Hat) which only says that if you can get it in the photo, it’s yours!!


    or if you are really feeling like an all-powerful, Manifest Destiny newest DownSpring…Conqueror-ette, Lights! Camera! Action-ation!!! send us a video


    Or you can simply put the hat up on your bookshelf along with your collectible items and wait for the friends and family to say, ” er Claire? these Doctrine people, they are not like those scruffy cult people we see on the telly* are they?”
    To which you can reply, “Why, of course not! They are really quite nice, soft spoken (especially that Progenitor roger) and often exciting…( Ms AKH sounds like she would light up the room), people. They are just my new pen-pals**”
    To which your friends will reply, “Oh thats a relief!! We were afraid that they were the type to write cryptic blogs and wear clothing with odd slogans on them”!

    * telly, what they call television in England (according to American television shows)…actually we have a new friend, Nell, to whom I just mailed a hat out to somewhere in the UK ( Tree-ring Square, East Ham-on-Rye, Worcestershire England) or some such place.
    ** this, blog-with-clothing is sort of like a combination of the olden days Pen Pals and stamp collecting.

  7. Clairepeek says:

    I am so not photo phobic… to prove it I can say that my avatar picture: I spent an entire morning taking photos of myself to get it right. I really really like hats, but I have no cool ones like the Doctrine’s… You’ll get your photo, without any problem. The good old times of pen pals… I had one in Germany for a while (when I was learning German in high school – forgot everything ever since). Now, I am from France, I write in English, I live in Sweden and therefore speaks Swedish a big part of my day… The Doctrine will grow internationally for sure ^_^

    Interview… I am not THAT much of a star, but if you’d think it’d be interesting… shoot, I’ll trust your judgement – smile –

    I like the telly… especially when there are no commercials… in which case it is never, unless I am watching a dvd – lol –

    Gotta go, I do not make any sense!

  8. Downspring#1 says:

    You are so refreshing Clairepeek! Your scottian aspect likes the picture taking while the clarklike part of you insists on perfection…of course you like cool hats – you are a clarklike female! Just as I “knew” the kind of footwear in Molly M.’s closet (go ahead ask her) I also “know” about your hat “collection”. Being French and all you have more than one beret. (alas, although I suspect I was French in a past life, I myself own only one. black of course)
    You are a women of eclectica Claripeek – a breath of fresh air. A bientot ’round the (inter)net!

  9. Clairepeek says:

    Hello Downspring#1…

    Ooh! I am a scott-ish clark…

    pfff! l-a-m-e! I know it is scottian, but I wanted to have one more nationality – at least in a sentence.

    Sorry to disappoint (or do I really), but I have one real hat (not a beret, had one though but gave if away, the colour was hidiously fluorescent pink) a dark brown, and three caps (one being black)… guess which I use the most? hehehe, okay you’re right ^_^

    Molly… what’s she talking about your closet?

    I like “eclectica Clairepeek”… sounds so cool.

  10. Downspring#1 says:

    :D Good one Clairepeek!

    Well, you know I did not mean to stereotype (French = berets). Myself, I own a red hat with black ribbon, an all brown felt hat with silk flower and ribbon (haven’t worn in decades) and of course a couple of base -a – ball hats the most recent of course courtesy of the Wakefield Doctrine. Seems I left the hat thing behind in my younger life. That and living in a subtropical (seems like) climate does not allow for too much hat wearing. (on my “haid”)

    Well, clarks are cool, no? lol

    P.S. rogerian females are partial to baseball caps but not much interested in other types of headwear.
    scottian females don’t need no stinkin’ hats on their heads(so they say)

  11. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


    I suspect I see an new implication of the Doctrine (from the above Commentation)…this business ’bout hats and such.
    As we all know, rogerian men loves hats too, perhaps that is a signifier** of the emotional component of their type ( getting this ‘by extension’ from the discussion ‘tween clarklike females and their liking of hats)…
    rogers are the emotional Masters (of the Three Types) and we are referencing the term ’emotional’ in it’s broadest possible applications and definitions here…we already know that rogers are the ‘mass communicators’ that they are primarliy because of this emotional component.

    So maybe…(hear me out, roger) maybe the hat(s) you put on your heads (and male-type rogers) is a signal, that you lure the women and (other) lifeforms into your herd.

    * Greek: “what the hell happen to my bathwater!! It is too damn cold!!


  12. Downspring#1 says:

    Whatchoo sayin’ about us clarklike females Willis?!
    Whew! I thought for a minute you were calling rogerian men “girls”…

  13. Clairepeek says:

    OK… a quick-y…
    Downspring#1 I knew you were not making fun of the French beret… but I was – lol.

    out of ideas now, ya’ all real fun to be around!

    Take care ^_^