Month: July 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: July 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

like jewelry for the soul, this is the Wakefield Doctrine personality-enhancement program

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

You know how sometimes you see people acting a certain way, and you think to yourself (unless you are a scott*), “now why would someone feel it necessary to be so mean?”
…and how when you make a Comment while all the meanness is going on and everyone (not just the person being mean) turns and looks at you, as if you were the un-ruly one?
…and then, when you then say, ‘hey, didn’t mean anything by that, just thought someone should speak up”
even the victim of the abuse gives you some kind of accusing look?

Well, this is exactly what the Wakefield Doctrine is all about, the situation described above is familiar to many Readers and (two of the three personality types), so if you identify with any of the common situations described above, stick around, read some of the Pages in this blog. We think you might find something here of value to you in what, we here at the Wakefield Doctrine, call  “Life”.
But that is not the subject of today’s Post!

The subject of today’s Post is to say, “Hey! Don’t forget tomorrow is Friday!”**

* in which case, you would simply ‘do not stop at brain, go directly to SHOUT IT’

**with Special Guest-ette DownSpring Joanne!


a view of personality types, a means of understanding others…the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We are getting good feedback and reactions to our new youtube Video Channel! Created to house the (increasing) number of Wakefield Doctrine videos, (not just the Video Friday episodes but also the Saturday Night Drive vids). 
Some are  saying it’s just like you were riding in the car with those wacky DownSprings!
If you haven’t checked out the WakeDocVid Channel yet, do so now, please. No, we’ll wait…oh yeah!  click here.  …   btw, we will be working on the ‘naming’ of each of the video Episodes, to make them a little more intuitive.

Speaking of intuitive, DS#1 wrote a rather lengthy Comment in the previous Post. As a result, she has managed to add even more depth to the  conversation of this lastest Saturday Night Drive. In fact, the conversation that is recorded in the videos actually continued well after the regular Saturday Night Drive ended! Sort of an after-party affair. 
Seeing how it is Summer (in our part of the world), lets take the easier, softer way and let DS#1 provide us with the rest of the content for today’s Post:

Yes, you should have been there and thanks to modern technology Ms. AKH, the Progenitor roger and myself extended the evening’s driving (pun intended) discussion a quarter of an hour AFTER our host left.
It began by Ms. AKH thanking yours truly for introducing her to the Wakefield Doctrine, the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers. She related how, in retrospect, she is able to identify a former boss as a scott. Aha! Now his behavior makes more sense whereas back then…..What were all the smiles (at inappropriate moments?) about? The outbursts? WTF! Not uncommon with scottian bosses. They often fly by the seat of their emotions. Take it personally? You shouldn’t, but most people do. Cry? No! Never! But some (mostly rogers) people do. If you know that scottian behavior is all about establishing dominance and ranking then you can lose the self consciousness of “is it really me he/she is angry with, etc?”. In truth sometimes it will be but more often than not scottian “outbursts” are for the benefit of all in screaming distance.
Then we moved onto job interviews. Proro (you don’t mind if I call you that today do you?) commented that in most interviews the prospective employee is not really seeing the person they will be working for. Everyone is just playing a part. First day on the job kablam! the real “boss” steps forward. The lament often is “wow, they didn’t seem like a crazy person when I interviewed with them” or “damn, they sure do go on and on and on”.
So how useful is this Doctrine thing? Extremely. Consider arriving for your next job interview and you are able to identify everyone in the office. First, the receptionist – (most likely a roger as they have the most “social, you are welcome here skills”). Let’s jump to the interview proper. The three of us realized what an amazing advantage it would be to be able, after only a few brief minutes, to identify your potentially future boss as either a clark, scott or roger. You’re gonna ace the interview right? Well, yeah, pretty much.
We got a little silly when AKH, harkening back to one of her own experiences, asked what to do when the person interviewing is simply smiling, has a funny look on their face when there wasn’t anything humorous said. What in the world do you do? I suggested you could simply ask “what’s so funny?” or as AKH suggested “what was it I said you find so amusing?”. Gasp! A clark would never in a million years call a scott out in that situation. Proro suggested that a roger would run and hide under a chair, but a scott? Who has the answer? You all know the answer. A scott would ask, not in these exact words but something akin to them, “what the fuck is so funny? want to share with me?”. Would they get the job? More often than not.
This eventually evolved into discussing the advantage of being able to bring forth the other 2 “lesser tendencies” we all have in order to deal with the immediate situation. Using the clark’s analogy it is getting to the point when learning a second language you no longer have to consciously translate in your head but rather you simply speak the other language. Your body “knows” the language and it becomes automatic. As AKH offered, wouldn’t it be great to get to the point where one’s “other sides” are more natural behavior as opposed to trying to “act” like a clark, scott or roger. (for you scotts out there no, there is no Berlitz school for the Wakefield Doctrine)
“IS THERE ANYONE STILL AWAKE OUT THERE?!” Hey, I am clark so you should have expected this.
Unlike the roger who would have written this in armchair easy except he hasn’t… so I will try and conclude with one of his final contributions to our Saturday Drive Time Talks.
He posed the simple question of “how does one learn the Wakefield Doctrine?”.  He concluded, that while it is a fairly simple thing to learn, the Doctrine is a practice thing. Small steps taken day after day. Practice if you will, until one day you suddenly realize you have just interacted with a scott as a scott or not acted as a clark when in the presence of rogers.
In conclusion, the 3 of us, a clark, scott and roger, were in consensus that the Wakefield Doctrine is a verifiable, useful and valuable tool that can without doubt make life a whole lot less stressful. It can in fact be used to accomplish, achieve and create.

Here we have yet another example of how the Wakefield Doctrine offers tools that anyone can pick up and use to improve their own damn lives.
So what are you waiting for? a DVD? A Seminar coming to a Marriott Hotel Ballroom in a city near you? Is it that?
Or is it that that you, Mr./Ms. Reader,  really just want an opportunity to speak  your mind and share with the entire blogosphere, your personal experiences with the Wakefield Doctrine?

welll…if thats all you want, that we can do.
You know those Video Friday Posts we do? the ones where we interview the Progenitors and DownSprings?
If you want to share your Wakefield Doctrine story with the world then let us know and it will happen. All you have to do is write a Comment and tell us. (As all Readers familiar with blogs and such know,  when Comments are submitted, the ‘system’ requires an email address. You write and I will follow-up with an email. We work out the details….you(r voice) gets famous!) eeazy peezy

Don’t rely on just me, go ask the Progenitor roger or Ms AKH or DS#1

Hey!! Wait!!! ‘fore you go…all these words describing the fun we have?…just go here, you will see what we mean.


personality types and self-improvement systems, signs of a decadent civilization? the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks,scotts and rogers)

Last night was Saturday, which means Saturday Night Drive, of course.
The first to join us was Progenitor roger.  We talked about some issues, mostly job-related and (we) touched on the topic of his blog (the Recession Proof Raga) and finally about my conversation with the Progenitor scott earlier in the day.

Then we were joined by Ms AKH.  (lol) The  discussion began to totally careen, trying to focus on the challenge of improving the ‘production values’ of the Video Posts (appearing every Friday)…Ms. AKH suggesting, in a surprisingly roundabout, even diplomatic  (for a scott, that is) way that maybe at times these Videos get dry, bland dull and boring.  (We have heard this criticism before, and do not, in fact, disagree). The Progenitor roger noted that it is not that we get dry and boring as much as the speed and rhythm of speech, with an overly careful enunciation of precariously chosen words that contributes to the dustiness of some portions of the Post…at this point it (once again) that the Wakefield Doctrine was demonstrating it’s validity. Lets look at it:

the criticism from the scottian view was that it was not exciting…and it needed to add energy
the criticism from the rogerian view was that the ‘communication’ was in a form that was too formal, precise, (or to quote the roger) too angular.

This totally is consistent with the Doctrine’s description of the world as experienced by  scotts and rogers, respectively.
At that point in the conversation it dawned on me that this was damn good content;  so out came the video camera…whereupon  both of our participants went into self-conscious mode, ( …’hows this angle?…”is the tape catching that inference?”…’HEY’!!)  lol.

Into this ’21st Century-late-evening-July-barbeque-discussion’ steps DS#1!  She dials in and, as is characteristic of her type, (she is) totally prepared for a constructive, productive session of furthering the understanding of the Doctrine…unfortunately what she found herself in was a  (virtual) game of (verbal) Twister! 
A pile of gangly (metaphorical) bodies driven by over-amped minds…everyone intent on pushing the limits while hoping not to end up the one on the bottom. lol. damn!

(As we all recall from our days as teenagers),  the behavior of a group like this being described can be cruel, but DS#1 is not a child, so she had her top hat, chair and whip out faster than you can say….clark, scott roger…  imagine a game of Spin the Bottle in which everyone is much more attractive than you, but they are all totally under the influence,  …you hope to get something out of the game  but really do not want to get caught trying too hard

…or something like that.

July 16th’s Saturday Night Drive ended on a very constructive note; we shared ideas about the use of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for people looking for help with  self-improvement.
(We also discussed the rogerian expression, “my head swelled up and my face fell”…a perfectly lovely phrase evoking that combination of empathic embarrassment mixed with chagrin and a little regret..perfect!   Our little group concluded that, if achieved, this mental emotional state  actually forms the basis of a bridge between the (intellectual-solitary) world of a clark and the (emotional-social) world of the roger.

Not bad for a night’s work, no?

Ya shoulda been there…

(you want to know what it’s like? on one of these Saturday Night Drives? seeing you are too scared to dial in…click on the following and see for yourself, ya big baby.) Click here and you will see exactly what this Drive thing is about!


‘Veritas de canibus’ Wakefield Doctrine Video Fridaaayyy Harry Potter

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine, sometimes referred to as the Harry Potter of tax code enchanced Personality Theory.

You do know today is Friday, right?  Then why are you still reading?  Sit  back, relax and listen to Episode 101 of the ever popular, Video Friday ( ‘the Wakefield Doctrine Goes to the Movies’).

1) To be more precise, this is the Third Installment of the 3-5 Part Series on the Practical Application of the Wakefield Doctrine.


Practical use of Wakefield Doctrine personality system: Part 2, this is the fun but difficult part

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

A lot to cover, not a lot of time, so lets get right to it!
In the previous Post we established that we all have something about ourselves that would wish we could change, self-improvement, if you would. We saw the results of 4 different surveys that asked the general public what they would change about themselves.  Here is the link to the last Post, to make it easy to refresh your memory.

So it seems that most of you people want to lose weight and get rich while doing it! Alrrightt… we can do that! But first there is the little matter of (your) being aware of which of the three personality types, clarks, scotts and rogers you happen to be, this is crucial, the system simply will not work unless you know your (own) starting point.  Now the beauty of the Wakefield Doctrine is that we all have the potential to be any of the three personality types, it is simply a matter of seeing (which of the three) you are most of the time. ( Don’t be discouraged if you see yourself as say, a roger most of the time, but definitely a scott sometimes. That is because we always have the potential to see the world as any of the three, we just settle on one type for our personality type.) OK, go read up on the Pages, decide which you are and then come back here to the Post.

(…just to help out a little, to get you started….) 
If you are bored and heard that that there is something more interesting going on over at ‘www.Babes, Boys ‘n Bombs’, then you want to start on the Page describing scotts,
If you now feel you have the proof that the Wakefield Doctrine is false, erroneous, in error, and otherwise in need of advice…join the herd over at the rogerian Page
If you have already gone ahead and read everything (at least the titles, first and last two sentences in each section) and think you know what the Doctrine needs to really work…go ahead and write us a Comment….clark

There! All set?
Great! Time to pick something to change about your own damn selfs! Lets use…make more money!!

Most people who feel they do not earn enough money at their jobs simply have the wrong  job. So start by finding the correct job for your personality type:


  • Teacher (elementary if male, all grades if female)
  • Nurse (simply to provide care, do not chose this profession if goal is advancement into management)
  • Real Estate Sales


  • Salesman
  • Entertainer
  • Surgeon (but not MD)


  • Middle Management (most potential for the rogerian male)
  • Social Services ( any of the many aspects of this field but preferably in a government/corporate environment)
  • Lawyer or Doctor (but not a surgeon)

Now that you have a) your personality type and b) identified the profession or field that is most conducive to your personality we can move on to the Question:
  “Hey! What the hell! I don’t have a job that fits my personality type! What do I do now”?

‘Wellll…’, (as leading scottian salesman, Alex would say) we had better get advice from each of the three types in order to show how you can get from your ‘dead-end, go nowhere, god-if-I-have-to-work-another-day-there’ job to a job/line of work that will have you wanting to work weekends!!

(…to be continued)

Do not forget! Tomorrow is Friday and that can only mean one thing!!  Video Friday!!!  
While you wait and ponder the advice we are offering here, why doncha visit  Ms ‘KH or girlthing or even Ronin (now there’s an example of the type finding the right environment and prospering) or hey, what the hell,  go to the Doctrine Facebook page and become a real Friend of the Doctrine, yo.
