Month: July 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: July 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Practical uses of the Wakefield Doctrine! why else read a blog about personality theories?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Today’s Post is the start of  a 3-5 part series focusing on the practical use and value of the Wakefield Doctrine.  As with all belief systems/personality theories, to ask Readers to invest their time and money,  there must be a payoff. For Readers and fans, followers and aficionados of  the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, the payoff is a path to self-improvement that is simple and direct, albeit not particularly easy.  Hey! Let me translate that for our scottian Readers…. Hey! what do you want? Huh?…no! not what do you think your parents/spouse/friends want…fuck them….what do you want that you ain’t got time to change…too much to do…right now you know you want something different. These guys here, this here Doctrine here is the way you can get it…fast. And you don’t have to sit and wait while they talk and talk …”  
Sort of  like that… for some of you Readers and different for the others. (Regular Readers will be familiar with the challenge of presenting these Posts in what amounts to three distinctly different dialects, so that max impact can be had on each of the three personality types that are reading this thing.)

Lets begin with establishing that most of us have things that we would like to change about ourselves. Any of our Readers have anything they would like to change about themselves?  A show of hands, please?  (No, scott I said hands!)  Not surprisingly nearly everyone reading this blog has something, some aspect of their lives that they would change and/or improve. Before we go any further, it might be best to come up with a short list of things (to change), that we can all agree upon. For that we need the rogerian perspective:  …what are you trying to now? do you really think you can…never mind. Allow me to present the fact that other (better) sources have gathered for a comprehensible list of Resolutions that Everyone would like to see changed ( I mean you people)… we have the list of Resolutions that the Federal Government came up with and that means it is the best and most complete…can I go now? there’s a Ken Burns historical, retrospective Compilation that was ‘specially digitally re-manded into black and white with mis-match audio that I do not want to miss…

Below are four Lists of traits and ‘life features’ that most people say they would change, if they could. In the next Post we will examine how the Doctrine lets you change what you want to change (and this is the important part) and not change what you don’t want to and make it last.

Exhibit 3

Lose weight
Be happy
Save money
Fall in love
Get a job
Get in Shape
Eat Healthier
Spend More Time with Family
Stop Smoking
Get Organized
Lose Weight and Get Fit
Quit Smoking
Learn Something New
Eat Healthier and Diet
Get Out of Debt and Save Money
Drink Less Alcohol
Get a Better Education
Get a Better Job
Get Fit
Lose Weight
(the actual Federal government)


In the next Post we will begin by setting the ground rules for applying the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers to changing things and also how to measure the effectiveness and such.

Wait!! There is some Homework for you Readers!! ( FUCKK!!! )  ( did they say Homework?…Where are my highlighters! I need some Composition books…. )  It is critical for any of this to be effective that you first get established which of the Three Personality Types you are. Don’t worry it’s really not that difficult. It’s all in the Pages listed in this blog and in the Posts. Don’t forget! You are looking for which you are like most of the time, you will always see all three personality traits within yourself, but it is ‘the mostly one’ that we are after. If you have too much trouble write us a Comment and the DownSprings and Progenitors will be happy to help.



pull your socks up, put yer suit on…the Wakefield Doctrine (‘turbo-active’ personality system)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and roger )

Do this…Don’t do that…can’t you read the signs*

Lots of smoke at this campfire, not a whole lot of heat, tho. We are hearing from our regulars, DownSprings and such, but they seem to be getting a …(bored?  nah) …(confused?  maybeee) Hey! anyone what’s a good ‘clarklike‘ word for the tepid, pusillanimous, prevaricating, obvious-get-outrageous tone of the Comments lately?

(I got it!!)    Diffuse!!

diffuse (comparative more diffuse, superlative most diffuse)

  1. Everywhere or throughout everything; not focused or concentrated.
  2. Such a diffuse effort is unlikely to produce good results.
    (courtesy Wiktionary)

So read tomorrow’s Post and try to remember that we are trying to create some Popular Support here, people! Jeez what does it take to get you DownSprings and Progenitors to see past your own limitations? I’m serious, you’re supposed to be the Reckers of Intelligence ** and all I’ve been seeing in the Comment section lately have been is frickin (‘my feces is odorless’) apologiae.
Throw me a fuckin bone, won’t you guys?
Stop treating this place like your private bathroom wall and tell us something we don’t know about clarks or scotts or rogers.  At least AKH and DS#1 are putting in an effort on their own blogs, they have some cred (‘cept AKH? …grow a set (intellectually speaking) you know the Doctrine, talk like it.  At least she is not indulging in keeping alive the fuckin relationships chains that DS#1 and the roger are….oh, sorry! the correct name is  ‘ARE ROGER Progenitor-sometimes’…(sorry, man, didn’t mean to use your slave name).   glenn?  how did it feel the few times you forgot to act like a pre-adolescent and they let you sit at the big people table? your schtick? 2 words: been there, done that.

New Readers? This Wakefield Doctrine is useful, helpful and will enable you to do things that you would never otherwise be able to do.   But it is not free. Trouble with (this here Doctrine here) is that you will not be aware of the price until you learn the benefits.

(What? are you still reading?  Damn. Then do something useful to us and go visit these people:  the gurl or her buddy-ette Ms AKH and tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya. For something a little different come see us on ‘the Facebook’ or go see our Friend  Bobbi or go say hello to Ronin)  (or not, whatever)

*Thanks to Tesla for the jump start

** The Lady (ask a Progenitor, they’ll tell you***)

*** you might regret asking

the Wakefield Doctrine, a unique theory of personality…outloud!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

…now scroll down and write a Comment.

(If you have not had all your questions answered, then go:   ask the roger  or beg the scottian Ms AKH   or ask nicely and DS#1 might answer.   (Hell, you could go over to Hub Pages and read about Una or even our damn FaceBook page


Hats and Understanding: the 3 personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

For whatever reasons we are getting a lot of new Readers and Visitors in the last couple of weeks, so lets review the basic principles of the Wakefield Doctrine.

The Wakefield Doctrine, also known as the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is a useful, unique and fun way to look at the behavior of the people in our lives. Everyone reading this has had at least one moment that they thought, “now why on earth would they go and act like that? I really thought I knew them better.”
Whether a spouse or a friend, a co-worker or a fellow student, there will always be someone in our lives whose behavior makes us wish we could ‘see inside their head’.   And as everyone reading this knows, there is a near endless supply of books and blogs and DVDs that promises to provide you with  ‘guides to understanding your spouse’, “do you really understand your lover?’ and ‘theories of personality and self-improvement’.

The Wakefield Doctrine is not quite any of those things. In fact, the Wakefield Doctrine is not like anything you have encountered before in your search for understanding others. And make no mistake about it, you have been searching for a way to better understand the people in your life, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.  This is true because everyone wants to be happy and even if you think that simply knowing:

  • what to say to that girl you are too shy to talk to, or
  • learning how to make your husband stop talking for 5 minutes or 
  • trying to prepare yourself for a successful Job Interview

what you think/hope/know you need to learn is: how to understand another person.

Well, good news! The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool, a method, an approach…a theory that will let you ‘get inside the head of the other person’.  And the best part? It can be understood by almost everyone and can be effectively used (by almost everyone) real damn quick. All that it takes is a little flexible intelligence. What we mean by this is that while you do have to be pretty bright, the critical quality you need is to be willing to believe something   ‘just because’.

The Wakefield Doctrine says that we all see the world in a certain context;  not just that you have likes and dislikes, or interests and attitudes, but that the world for you has (some) very basic rules.  Further, (the Wakefield Doctrine says) we all are born with the potential to see the world in one of three characteristic ways ( the context, we just mentioned). At an early age we (somehow) decide on one of three worldviews and we become clarks or scotts or rogers. These are the 3 personality types mentioned in the title.
But they are not really personality types though, are they?  (All the other personality theories) talk about interests and drives and attitudes, they give you tests to see what you are most like, what pattern you resemble, where you fit in their matrix.
The Doctrine is different. We say, ‘Hey! you are a clark or a scott or a roger. We know what the world looks like from inside your head. How about that!’

Sound like fun? Well, it is.  And it is useful.  You will know why the other person acts the way that they do and, as frickin huge bonus, you will know why it is you act the way that you do! If you want, you can learn to do things that were never even close to being possible, all because of the understanding that the Wakefield Doctrine offers.

OK, ok enough! This was supposed to be a brief  Summer Post! But just to make your introduction to the Wakefield Doctrine fun and enjoyable, look over at the Table of Contents, there are Pages listed that talk about each of the three personality types, how to identify them, that sort of thing. And these Posts, they are sort of  ‘a conversation’ about the Doctrine; read them in order or at random, should not really matter.

Final Tip: you have all three ‘personality types’ within you. You are predominately one, but the other two are always there. So if you read this blog, at some point you will say to yourself, ‘What the hell? Sometimes I am a roger, but then there are times when I must be what they call a scott!‘ 

Final, final Tip: this theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is gender and culture neutral. (If you need that explained to you then you probably need to wait (for one of us) to write ‘the Wakefield Doctrine For Dummies’.


‘a blog is like a mirror, you can never have too many’ the Wakefield Doctrine gets all literary and such

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ). People keep saying,  “why don’t you get more ‘high brow’ and appeal to the finer sensibilities of the blog-reading public? Huh, why don’t ‘cha?”

Thanks to Progenitor roger and (Friend of the Doctrine) Denny Lyon and (a friend of her’s)  thats exactly what we will do today! 

An aphorism (literally “distinction” or “definition”, from the Greek: ἀφορισμός, aphorismós, from ἀπό + ὁρίζειν, apo + horizein, “from/to bound”) is an original thought, spoken or written in a laconic and memorable form.[1]

The term was first used in the Aphorisms of Hippocrates. The oft-cited first sentence of this work (see Ars longa, vita brevis) is:

  “Life is short, [the] art long, opportunity fleeting, experience deceptive, judgment difficult.”  


So now that we know what the hell an aphorism is, we can apply it!  You know, like a mirror* to the Wakefield Doctrine’s three personality types and acquire a better understanding of what they mean.  First up,  (we will try to attribute source as clearly as possible), lets start with:

The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.  (Oscar Wilde)

For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him, he must regard himself as greater than he is. (Goethe)

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. (Aristotle)

I am therefore I scream. (Unknown**)

A person starts to live when he can live outside himself. (Einstein)

Now, wasn’t that all uplifting and all? Of the above aphorisms, some are associated with one of the three personality types, and some are associated with all three. Can you spot them?

* no, that’s a metaphor…this is different!

** yeah, you’re right! that was the Wakefield Doctrine
