nuh-uh, you had a chance to call…screw it! party by invite only at the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine nuh-uh, you had a chance to call…screw it! party by invite only at the Wakefield Doctrine | the Wakefield Doctrine

nuh-uh, you had a chance to call…screw it! party by invite only at the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Being Sunday, post-Saturday Drive and all, we thought now would be a good time to do some reflectioning and musifying on the growing understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine and the increasing number of practical and useful applications of this unique perspective on the human personality.

Totally full house on the Saturday Night Drive last night! DownSpring Ms. AKH and DownSpring glenn in the car, DownSpring DS#1 in the dashboard and joining us for the second half of the show, none other than Progenitor roger! (As Fred and Wilma would be sung about…”we had a gay old tiime!”)*
………..and you were not there!  Too bad, too sad!

(In matter of damn fact), we discussed this business of sometimes we get calls other times, we don’t hear voices.  All you Readers know that I believe in being as helpful and supportative of the new Readers as possible.  It is a matter of record that we have made every effort to hold back the (scottian) calls for a more aggressive approach to encouraging new Readers to call or write us;  to date we have not succumbed to the cries of “hey ya gotta mess with these people!!….lemme at ’em….I’ll fuckin get their attention!!!”  emanating from the back seat of the Doctrine automobile. But I must say people, sometimes I simply get tired. So, if in the coming weeks you are having the feeling of ‘being messed’…you have your own-damn-selfs to blame.  Hey, even the roger was not disagreeing last night with the scottian cries to ‘get all vaudeville on their asses’.

I just thought that you ought to know, you need to know… ( But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd…)** You will see some changes and then again maybe you will not.
But this is still the home of the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) the best most effective and useful and fun personality thingie there is, anywhere on the planet.

We will keep presenting this Doctrine thing in ways amusing (to ourselves) and helpful to others. ‘Cause that is what this blog is all about!  Having something special and new and useful and fun and …playing with it. Like the club you formed/joined as a little kid.  First you and your best friend formed the club, then you added one more friend (now stop here for a second! The Wakefield Doctrine is so damn good it can tell you that the ‘1st two kids’ would have been a clark/scott  and that the ‘third member’  would have been a roger ), the point is after awhile the word would have gotten out and other kids  would have wanted to join etc and etc… (and depending who was dominant at the given moment, new members would be accepted… and yes, the Wakefield Doctrine could tell you,  Reader in Plano TX or Seattle Washington, or Red River NJ  or even Sao Paulo…the Doctrine could “from here”   miles and years away from your childhood, we could accurately describe what the process of adding new members to your childhood club! The kinds of kids asked to join and most importantly how they were treated…all because the Wakefield Doctrine is that good! )

But we don’t have time for that now!  We are in the process of maybe letting a more scottian viewpoint guide us in new member acquistion  ( hey!! fuck!!! he said new MEMBER!!! )   ( fuck! ).  Our more sensitive Readers may be a bit ‘put off’ in the coming weeks  ( HEY!!! he said…!!! ) and I’m looking at you, Grand Rapids!  But what can ya do?

(you had better hope that we don’t have to put a roger in charge of the New Reader Development Center! …you would not enjoy it,  clark….scottt, I guarantee you would not be happy Readers)

Listen to the music and think things over. Get back to us if you want.

(… if you would excuse me….there’s a truckload of creampies and seltzer being delivered.  ….and rubber bands and paper clips??!  aw shit….)

Hey, you don’t believe we’re serious, do you?  Well don’t take (this Post’s) word for it! Go ask the Progenitor roger, we know how you love to hear his melodious frickin voice…go ahead click on this and ask him….or DS#1…she will speak the truth…if you are real brave go on over to AKH’s den and she be tellin what for!


** Pulp Fiction, of course!


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. AKH says:

    excellent!!! the video was great. now the fuckin’ pussy readers who are afraid to comment can see how much fun we here at the Doctrine have. so stop getting your panties in a bunch. loosen up. and comment. call. come join the festivity.

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    (hey everyone! you all remember Peter Pan, right? There is that timeless scene/manipulative device where Tinker Bell drinks poison and will unless the audience claps loudly enough? …well DownSpring glenn has drunk poison….again! metaphorically speaking, of course! But…if you all clap your hands loudly enough he might, just might be able to rouse himself from whatever ‘literary somnambulistic state’ he has fallen into!!)

    Come on everybody! clap and/or type if you want to hear/read Comments from glenn!!

  3. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    I apologise for the above Comment, it is as roundabout and un-necessarily obscure a reference as ever a clark would make…I will try not to let it happen again.

    I suspect I know what I will hear from the Progenitors and DownSprings on the issue of editorial privilage, but if you are actually reading this…tell us what you think.

    The fact of the matter is that we are serious about exploring different approaches to presenting the Doctrine… and the scottian view of this is to shake things up, get in the face of the Reader, shock ’em and make ’em laugh and “blah….(FUCK!)…blah”… but reading glenn’s Comment forces me to look at the Doctrine and the lesson it has (for me). Afterall, if the Progenitors and DownSprings cannot use the Wakefield Doctrine to their own advantage, how the hell do we expect to have new Readers believe us?

    And what the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) tells me is that if I want to change the tone, to stir things up to get all scottian on (you) Readers, then I had better bring out the scottian element in myself!
    Afterall, it is one of the most basic tenets of this here Doctrine here that, while the type that is dominant makes us what we are ( a clark or a scott or a roger), we always have the capacity to expereince the world as the other two (types) would.

    So as a clark, it is not that I need a scott to present the Wakefield Doctrine from a scottian perspective, I simply need to bring out the scottian part of my personality in way that will let me do this myself!

    Damn! I think I just started my next Post! Anyway, thanks to Ms AKH for starting the ball rolling and don’t you people worry about nothin, we will not bring out the rolled up newspaper for glenn every time he writes a Comment (although we suspect he might be a leettle upset with us for awhile…but screw him…he has had the rabbit visit him and he will be playing the music in Coventry next week…go see him on the Facebook…tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya.)

  4. Downspring#1 says:

    “So as a clark, it is not that I need a scott to present the Wakefield Doctrine from a scottian perspective, I simply need to bring out the scottian part of my personality in way that will let me do this myself!”

    Don’t you l-u-v when people quote you? Yet how true it is ( for a clark ) that stepping, if only briefly, out of the world created each morning (as a clark) that one can facilitate a “difference“. The trick of course is doing it at will – doing it outside of things such as riding around with a carload of scotts. The carload of scotts requires almost a forced reaction. No one can dominate a clark but there are times when it takes the scottian “perspective” ( donned by a clark) to make that clear.
    In a nutshell, clarks need to develop the ability to view the world as a scott would view the world and use the energy without “thinking” about it.
    How’s that for a clarklike comment?
    Yo! scotts! Don’t choke on it. LOL

  5. Lunchbox Lenny says:

    Due to censorship priveleges exercised by the “clark-in-charge”, you guys missed out on a hilarious take on the doctrine. But, you’re all better off for it. Clark protected you from my depravity–and we are all a LOT safer–and less free. But, this blog here ain’t no free-ranging forum. It is a totally fascist and controlled cyber environment. If–and only say approved things, then you will be published. If you say things that are too funny(like I did), or too controversial(like I often do), or too “hurtful” (ya poor fucking thing)–your contribution will be cast into oblivion and never see the light of day. But, I know this going in. The entry that clark references above was funny–and had an element of truth about the doctrine in it. But it mentions human anatomy parts that must NOT be mentioned among polite, civil, genteel, sensitive and enlightened people. These parts actually exist on more than half of the population of the world. But they can’t be mentioned among cultured, well-bred, high-minded folks. Nor can they be mentioned among the readership here. (That’s a joke, son.)
    It’s Ok. They’re just words. They are harmless in and of themselves. But somewhere, clarkie, George Carlin is rolling over in his grave.

  6. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    … ( lol )