personality types, relationships, the Wakefield Doctrine…vid vid video 7 | the Wakefield Doctrine personality types, relationships, the Wakefield Doctrine…vid vid video 7 | the Wakefield Doctrine

personality types, relationships, the Wakefield Doctrine…vid vid video 7

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) today is Friday and you know what that means!!

( the video Posts!)… (video versions of these here Posts here?) …(we’re up to number 7! for Christ’s Sake) (no, there is no ‘backstory’ or ‘set-up) (yes…talking….no music, nobody famous) Just watch.

There is no specific lesson to be taken from today’s V-Post. There is, (for those of us active in the Wakefield Doctrine blog), simply the fun of finding new ways to present the Doctrine, laughing at some of (our) efforts, embarrassed by some and being proud of all of it.
This blog shit is actually kind of enjoyable. Sort of like when you were a kid and did whatever ‘faux-adult’ activity that was appropriate to the time you grew up in: playing cowboys and indians, playing house, playing explorer, playing army, playing baseball, playing with dolls, playing in a band, singing in a choir, building a fort, building a soapbox racer, joining the boy scouts, joining the girl scouts, hanging out at the corner, joining junior achievement, playing doctor, playing nurse, playing dead, training your dog, taking piano lessons, reading books, listening to records, going to church, keeping the secret, discovering yourself, discovering love, getting into fights and growing up.

You know, that kind of stuff. Except with the internet we get to do all that real loud in front of (potentially) 900 million internet users.

Love to have you join us….be a damn cool club.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. AKH says:

    …expounding on the “quad” class: You’re sitting there with your circle of students. others walk by and hear what you’re discussing. They quietly sit down or stand around to listen. A small crowd starts to gather and before you know it the quad is at full capacity with students and professors alike passing the word along. You can hear the words ‘clark’ ‘scott’ ‘roger’ initially in hushed tones. Then more enthusiastically. Fervently. You can hear “Eureka!” (it’s about damn time) “Hey, I’m a clark, just like the professor. I need to get the word out about this Wakefield Doctrine theory.Maybe I’ll start with a newsletter..”

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …and the rogers sit back and smirk and the attractive co-eds look at them with obvious un-certainty and gather around the roger nevertheless while the scott laughs and does something…the clarks remaining look in all directions…most acquire the color of new-mown grass and Composition Books (black and white checks) and totally disappear…but one or two clarks do not vanish rather they seem to be talking to something to their left…then they go up into the face of the nearest scott and they laugh…