Month: May 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: May 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

the Doctrine Marches On!

 a) Welcome
b) Wakefield Doctrine
c) Theory
4) clarks, scotts and rogers

An admittedly odd way to start a Post (even for these Letters), but we wanted to Comment briefly on the increasing sucess in our efforts to spread the word about the best damn personality theory on the whole damn planet.

A few shoutouts before we start:

  • to our boy glenn, cheer up! (glenn is in the midst of a timeline shift, which even though it is a totally cool and beneficial shift, the experience itself is tres uncomfortable. That, by virtue of his knowledge of the Wakefield Doctrine, he is aware of the shift while it happens, only makes the transition more unpleasant). But we know glenn will be seeing some amazing returns on his new musical venture. He is (…finally!) beginning to perform his music in public, and already getting great feedback.
  • to the roger, more and more people finding the Secessionist Rag!! While he will insist that they numbers don’t mean anything, don’t believe it! The kind of effort our Progenitor puts into each of his Posts gives lie to that claim! As a roger he writes with a style that is both inviting and pleasing, subject matter notwithstanding! In fact, as you read his growing oeuvre, you will see him personify the nature of rogers by his own efforts. (Talk about psycho-analyzing and dramatizin), very good stuff and proof and validation of  the very personality theory that owes part of  it’s original name to!
  • AKH (Ms.) our functioning scottian personality at present, thank god we have her otherwise our Saturday Night Drives would end up in the Wakefield PD impound within the first 10 minutes. For those of you following the Doctrine of late, the discussion is now beginning to focus on the effect of the Doctrine on it’s advocates, a subject that by it’s very nature engenders disagreement. But the effects cannot be ignored, Ms. AKH being a ‘case in point’! A scott who has an affinity approaching actual talent in matters concerning the internet in general and on-line blogs specifically! As we say around the Doctrine, damn! Of course, this is evidence of the development of the rogerian aspect of our Ms AKH’s personality. Proof of the Doctrine is always more effectively demonstrated by the actions of people, as opposed to a description. Plus she be writin’ a blog that demonstrates that people cannot resist a scott! Read all about it here.
  • DS#1 is the current ‘experimental paradigm‘ of the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) All you need to do is read her damn blog! Tell us we’re lying!
  • We are also putting out, Doctrine-style over at this place called Hub Pages, where you can find not only Wakefield Doctrine related Posts but also Una related Posts. We suggest you go over there and read some of them Hubs (what they call Posts) we are hearing from Readers (who are also writers as well!)
  • The Doctrine is getting all international in the house!  We have a Reader, Fabri writing in from the southern half (hemispherically-speaking) good to hear from the werld and we feel good about the fact that Fabri gots the basics of this here Doctrine here!  Also a Reader going by the nom de plume (yeah, glenn we talkin funny, yes we are clarklike) in any event Whikat has a blog, go read read it!
  • Hey! Readers in Sacramento and Seattle! We know you out there, write us a Comment and we send you a hat (for your damn heads)! ….that goes for you too, Plano, Tx!

Well, thats about all the news and shoutouts and such.

The response to our video Post ( Audio-exotica… ) has been positive, so look for another installment later this week. Also write to glenn and find out where he be playing in the coming week! (Support live scotts! )


Audio-exotica, the Wakefield Doctrine’s First Video Post!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

But hey, why read when you can listen! Great for Doctrine Study while on long car trips!

Ok, that was…interesting…let us know how much you like the v-v-video format!


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Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).

The Post Title? Probably should be embarrassed to admit it, but it is kind of a joke title. If you want to know the joke, you need to Comment.  Write in at the bottom of this here Post here and  ask,  we will be happy to let you in on the, in-15-minutes-this-will-seem-way-unfunny, joke. ( Smart money is on the clarklike Readers to be the ones to figure it out on their own.)

Speaking of no one willing to write a simple frickin Comment, what does this blog have to do to get you Readers to write us some input? Go back through the old Posts and you will see plenty of Contest Posts that offered hats (for Comment-writing-Reader’s damn heads) and you will see many Posts that directly come out and say, “Hey Readers, write us some Comments, yo”. But, to date, all we have are the same Progenitors and DownSprings writing in, however, don’t get the wrong impression, we do appreciate theys writing. And just so no one gets nervous, Comments or not, we will still produce Posts about the Wakefield Doctrine.

And as to the ‘why’? There are two schools of thought about this “problem”: 
    the tone of these Posts (and the whole Wakefield Doctrine blog) is too, secret club/private joke/intimidating for the average Reader. While our first inclination would be to say, “What, are you stupid or something?”  No less a Reader than Friend of Doctrine, Mel (blog writer emeritus at ‘the Spatula), voiced such  sentiment in an email last year. So we would not discount this as a possibility.
   the second (school of thought) ties into this first, ‘secret club’ view in a way that we are more than  happy to expound upon; this opinion holds that nere the fact that Readers (may) be hesitant to write Comments is proof the Wakefield Doctrine is everything that we all know it to be, i.e. the perfect theory of personality!

A bold statement? Yes, yes it is. But true, nonetheless.

The reason that the lack of Comments is validation of the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine as a personality theory and (how it should be Voted Number One among all such theories that offer to lend insight into the psyche of your relative/friend/neighbor), is simply that most of these Posts are written by a clarklike personality type.  If you read the Page on clarks, it will all make perfect sense! If a clark writes a blog it will:

  • be totally creative, from an originality point of view
  • it will be quirky but funny
  • it will be disjointed and difficult to follow at times
  • it will be oddly funny and strangely endearing
  • it will be a thing to be valued by the Readers simply by virtue of being one of the few who “get it”
  • it will sound like an inside joke even though it is not
  • it will be presented without demands on the Reader, without the slightest sense of excluding anyone

That the Wakefield Doctrine predicts this should not be so surprising. And the fact that the ‘objection’ to the insider tone of the blog would come from the rogerian Readers is simply further proof of our assertion that this is the best of all Personality Theories! If you read the Page on rogers, you will see that it predicts the reaction of the rogerian Reader with equal veracity!

Damn, is this a useful thing, or what?


the Wakefield Doctrine, the best damn theory of personality in the world?

Welcome!    ……No, really! We totally are sincere in being glad that you are here today. 

Heck, the only reason there is a Wakfefield Doctrine blog, is because we are hoping to share the fun; to introduce others to the useful and incredibly insightful personality theory that is the Wakefield Doctrine.
While the presentation/explanation/illustration of this personality theory sometimes falters, the intent and determination to keep trying to get the insights into human behavior (contained in the Doctrine) across to Readers never does… the Wakefield Doctrine blog is an example of an idea that drives the message. (as opposed to those lame-assed survey type, what color is your pancreas “personality” “theories” that offer the sole benefit of allowing a person to believe that ‘an expert’ will tell them about the people in their lives as opposed to the person knowing it themselves.)

If you were hoping to find a ‘personality theory that has a huge following, a theory of personality that everyone knows about ( hey,if it is that popular, it must be true!), the Doctrine is probably not a good fit.  If you would feel better knowing that all you have to do is answer 23 questions and you will get back a simple answer telling you why your boyfriend sometimes is such a jerk or why your parents just keep nagging about a simple fashion choice or how you can ever make those people at school leave you alone, the Wakefield Doctrine blog is not for you. There are no phds here at the Doctrine, and we don’t have a 23 question survey of questions and most of all we don’t have 600,000 followers. What the Wakefield Doctrine does have is:

  • a way to understand why people act the way that they do
  • an insight into how you got yourself into the predicament that you currently find yourself in
  • a way of knowing that there are only three personality types in the whole damn world, (that means everyone)
  • a small, but growing group of Readers who enjoy looking for clarks and scotts and rogers in their everyday world
  • people who have a certain, special quailty, what we call ‘flexibility of intelligence’ creative and thoughtful people
  • hats! (for your damn head(s))

 So if you want a baby coated1 personality theory that conveys the “guarantee of the herd”, you will not find it here. If you are searching for something that will provide all the answers without requiring anything from you, this is not the place for you.
Sorry, the Wakefield Doctrine, while very simple,  is not especially easy to ‘get’. But since you have read this far, the following is everything you need to know about the Doctrine in order to get some genuine  benefit from it’s insights:

All people are born with the potential to experience the world in one of three distinct and characteristic ways, these three ways correspond to the names: clarks, scotts and rogers.
At an early age in life (around 3 or 4) we all settle on one (of the three) ways to experience the world; the other two ways go into the background of our personality to stay, rarely used.
All three of these types are both gender and culture neutral, a female clark is a clark first, a scottian female is still a predator and a roger from the Middle East still loves to watch Ken Burns films.
Once you accept the fact that world experienced by a clark is different from the world seen by the roger and the scott different from both (very minor but critical differences) then you are ready for the charactersitics of the three personality types:

  • clarks: go to this Page and read all about clarks  (…clarks think )
  • scotts: get on over to this Page bone up on our scottian brethren (…scotts act )
  • rogers: yes, you have to click on the link, no, we can’t bring it out to you…go on now to this Page ( …rogers feel )

With the characteristics of each of the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) down, you are ready for the fun! Go out into your day and see them! Really, this is the totally fun part! All those people in your life will start acting in ways that you recognise (as clarks, scotts and rogers) and then you will see how they interact with each other and you might even get scared! …’How could those Wakefield Doctrine people know that my roommate who spends an hour on her hair and then wears combat boots, how she seems to be funny only to certain people that means she must be a clark !?’ …”are those Doctrine people frickin psychic?…sure it seems that my buddy is a roger, and he loves hats and bicycles, but how the hell did they know he would roll over for that girl who is clearly such a slut?’

Thats what we have for  you the Readers. Nothing less than a whole different way of seeing the world. And sorry to say there is no test or entry fee or any other kind of hurdle for you to jump. (We know that some people think that because we are not being exclusive or demanding, then this must not be worth anything.

Seeing how you made it this far, here’s a treat! A ‘quick link’ to a Page that most new Readers seem to enjoy…click this

There is one thing you can do…write a Comment…tell us how much you like this stuff…remember what some of us say, “Hey, there are no stupid questions! Just your questions!”2

1) ‘baby coat’ it’s  a rogerian expression
2) everyone tells me (well, the rogers tell me…) that this joke is not funny


Turn that Frown Upside Down! Humor and the 3 Personality Types of the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

Added Content Alert! Added Content Alert!!
……….”Rinji news o moshiagemasu! Rinji news o moshiagemasu!”…………

(of course, the real questions is: ‘will those referrer guys let us send this Post up, just ’cause we added another vid clip?  damn I hope so…well, wish us luck!  come on…reddit!!)

No, everything is not a joke, but the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine will express and/or appreciate humor in three distinctly different ways.

clarks:  preferred joke type is the shaggy dog story, example:

Two lions are sitting in a clearing in the deepest, darkest part of Africa. They are both sitting on the carcass of a freshly killed gazelle, their jaws are dripping with blood, from the dense underbrush comes the sounds of hyenas darting  into the clearing, only to see the two ferocious lions and, with screams of frustration, disappear into the densely tangled vegetation surrounding the area. After an hour gorging on the flesh of their recent kill, one lion turns to the other and says, “No matter what I do, I can’t get it out of my head that today is not Friday’.

scotts: what can we say, they love the suffering of others, example:

Guy takes his wife to ER. The doctor comes out and tells him..”Your wife is very severely injured. She is paralyzed from the waist down—and it is permanent. For the rest of her life, you will have to bathe her, feed her, toilet her and care for her.”The guy starts to cry..”My poor, poor wife. Oh No!”

The doctor says, “I’m just fuckin’ with ya. She’s dead.”

rogers: you know friendly fellas, like them guys on the Blue Collar Comedy show.  (Ron White and Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy). That is not to say that rogers are not funny! They are! Jim Gaffigan and others are good examples of rogerian comedians. Following is a clip from our new favorite.

Alright, everyone! back in your seats! This is not a free period! We are here to learn about the difference between clarks, scotts and rogers from the perspective of what they find funny.

  • clarks:  living life mostly on an intellectual plane, they naturally find the silly, non-sensical jokes funniest
  • rogers:  like jokes that rely on the listener identifying with the comedian, even when (the comedian) is making fun of them
  • clarks: like the humor of the absurd mostly because they have very little vested in the notion of being part of real, normal life (as rogers do)
  • scotts:  real simple pain, embarrassment, humiliation of the object of the joke = funny
  • rogers: jokes serve as lessons, instruction to other as to how to live life, the sample video contains a number of references to segments of society that Dan does not agree with, thereby the humor
  • scott: the most concise example of the scottian sense of humor is the banana peel, (i.e. man falls down at minimum embarrassed, at maximum severely injured, now that’s comedy!)

As with everything else about the Wakefield Doctrine, the above characterizations refer to tendency, the predominance of a quality. This  is clearly seen when you reflect upong your own response to what is referred to as ‘gallows humor’…’black comedy’…’dead babies jokes’…that most of us laugh when we hear these kinds of jokes, is not the issue; how we react to our own laughter (at this type of humor) can be quite illuminating. We laugh and then feel embarrassed that we laughed, this in and of itself is an irrefutable indication the scottian component  of our personality, even if we are actually a clark or a roger. Do not forget, The Doctrine maintains that we are mostly one of the three personality types, the other two elements form the background, the context of our total persona. The difference between what we laugh at and what we think is funny is proof of this. …and we have not even begun to touch on what we can learn about the personality of the person telling the joke! (hint: outrageous, off-color, far-side of inappropriate is your scott; bungled, mangled punchlines indicates your clarklike joke teller and rogers? funny, reassuring ‘and-the-morale-of-our-story’!)

Pretty simple, isn’t it?
