Month: February 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: February 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

the 3 Personality Types + Wakefield Doctrine + Friday

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Today is Friday. (as regular contributers to Wikipedia, lets start over there)

The name Friday comes from the Old English Frīġedæġ,meaning the “day of Frige”. The same holds for Frīatag in Old High German, Freitag in Modern German and Vrijdag in Dutch

OK, before the scotts can get too worked up,  ( …”hell yeah they was talking about fridge day, whereby dem Norseans had to be talking about brewskies! in the fridge… YEAH !!! ” ) Lets delve a little deeper into the etymology.

The word for Friday in most Romance languages is derived from Latin dies Veneris, “day of Venus” (a translation of Greek Aphrodites hemera) such as vendredi in French, venerdì in Italian, viernes in Spanish, divendres in Catalan, vennari in Corsican, and vineri in Romanian. This is also reflected in the p-Celtic Welsh language as dydd Gwener. An exception is Portuguese, also a Romance language, which uses the word sexta-feira,meaning “sixth day of liturgical celebration”, derived from the Latin “feria sexta” used in religious texts where it was not allowed to consecrate days to pagan gods

I can hear the lowing of rogers with their cropped and tagged ears perking up at the mention of old dead people in love,  ( …but you don’t understand! It’s a beautiful story of long ago with a beautiful woman promising the brave champion a place among the gods, except the other woman who always hangs around won’t let him go on his Quest, even though they both will be better off if she would only not be so constricting, why can’t she just let him have some fun sometimes. Like on Friday night… )   ( …yeeahh!! brewskies!!!… ).  Clearly, Friday has always been a special spot on the calendar of the days of the week.

Traditionally, Roman Catholics were obliged to refrain from eating the meat of land animals on Fridays, although fish was allowed. However, episcopal conferences are now authorized to allow some other form of penance to replace abstinence from meat. Many still choose the traditional form of Friday penance ( ..hey scott! Come back!! He said abstinence from meat…lol )

So that accounts for why we call today, Friday.  Everything has got to have a name, and the etymolgy of the word can be very enlightening, what with the insight it affords us… ( …excuse me, how come the clark speaking in today’s Post is not placed in italics like scott and I and does not have a characteristic color to the font? What happened, did they run out of beige font?  ….Fuck YEAH!!! FONT!! )

Lets look a little closer at the manifestation of Friday, particularly in most Western cultures.  Maybe it’s best to bullet point all of the sayings and references to Friday and see where that takes us  ( …how inspired… )

  • TGIF (aka Thank God It’s Friday) a popular restaurant chain and graphic example of the cultural larceny of the corporatocracy, wtf! this has been a commonly used expression since Davy frickin Crockett! People have been celebrating the end of the work week, and throwing in some religious reminders of how the Lord is our savior and would it hurt so terribly much to thank Him, it’s not like he wants to tag along as we go out to the bar right after work…but we wouldn’t say no if He did ask….to come along….to the bar   ( …hey Jesus, you be my wingman, watch the master…  “Excuse me Miss Do you have a map? I just keep getting lost in your eyes” … stop laughing scott…get down off the chair and lets see you do better.)
  • Black Friday: “as a term has been used in multiple contexts, going back to the nineteenth century, where it was associated with a financial crisis in 1869 in the United States. The earliest known reference to “Black Friday” to refer to the day after Thanksgiving was made in a 1966 publication” (Wikipedia ) 
  • Friday Night Arrives Without a Suitcase, the “Friday line” in Lady Madonna by the Beatles. Nothing funny or clever about that, cept it was the Beatles.

Just so no one can accuse me of pasting videos and Wikipedia and calling it a Doctrine Post, here is the lesson from today’s Post as presented by the ‘other two’:

… well you certainly gave it a good effort and everyone feels that you have been under a lot of strain, so why don’t you just stop trying so hard and everything will magically, possibly miraculously allow the spotlight to shift to another spot for a while, can I recommend the Secessionist Rag…everyone will think so much more of your little blog here once they have had a…little rest?

FCUK  yeah!! brewskies!! so what if I spelled it wrong its in caps!!! YEAH….!!..


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )


What day of the week is it?  Yes!! It’s Timely Topic Tuesday!!  Today is the one day a week that we go out into the ‘real world’  (…nah, that shits not real, it’s like the reality shows on TV, except there is a film crew in the basement that you never quite catch, and they pay your wife/husband to not give the secret away… )
In any event, we will try the Topical Humor/News Parody Approach in our never ending efforts to find the ‘killer app’ the thing that will have people on TV saying, “oh man he is such a roger!”  or ” Did you see Lisa? Not too scottian huh?”

Here is today’s news story. Ripped from monitor that was dialed into Yahoo News ( …if you don’t like this, we can make stuff up… ) It appears that the story is from the AP and  because I am citing this for attribution they might give us a pass down in the copyright department.

Will Palin’s unconventional style bring success?

By LIZ SIDOTI, AP National Political Writer Liz Sidoti, Ap National Political Writer – 2 hrs 20 mins ago

WASHINGTON – She says what she wants, does what she wants and makes no apologies, (what can we say, we’re sorry?). And love her or hate her (Hate her!  Over here! Hate her!!), you can’t really argue with this: Politics as usual has never been Sarah Palin’s style.

“I wasn’t wired to play that game, of course, I am wireless, there’s this little modem thingie,” the former Alaska governor says in “Going Rogue,” pointing both to her lower back and somewhat towards the side of her head and the nearby campaign van.

As she weighs whether to seek the presidency, it’s hard not to wonder: wtf? Can she bypass conventional politics and succeed? Will she even try?

The woman whom one potential GOP challenger, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, calls “a force of nature”, like a really bad rain storm, when all the drains back up, and water, like bubbles back up in the street?

Palin certainly doesn’t look the part of a traditional candidate. She’s a woman — an attractive one —  in a MILF sort of way, probably more attractive on TV than in person, says one industry analyst. With her “You betchas,” she doesn’t sound like most politicians. She’s from Alaska, a state hardly known for producing presidents, instead more known for the Sargent Preston TV series and the one Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs accidently comes up in….nevermind!, according to one political consultant, she’s not afraid to sound stupid, and that’s what the voters want these days, they are tired of being treated like adults.

“In the way JFK was the first made-for-television president, she may be the first made-for-Facebook president,” Gillespie says, except with less intelligence, but a better body.

Palin has also carved out other avenues to promote herself. She’s a bestselling author, a reality-show star, a big draw on the paid speaking circuit, a Fox News commentator. No other American politician can lay claim to such a broad multimedia platform, except the late Soupy Sales or possibly (the even later) Pat Paulson.

But Palin’s fans — a narrow slice of the electorate — seem to like her style.

Listen to Sandy Parten of Honey Grove, Texas, a conservative who likens Palin to the title character that James Stewart played in the movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” Says Parten: “I like her because she’s not part of the establishment. She’s more a woman of the people than a woman of the elite. Kinda like a people person with a dress on, but not like that Ru Paul person, more like the high school Homecoming Queen, but without the grades. And maybe friendlier, you know, not like Sally Watson in our class, she was such a…”

To her, Palin is refreshing — and authentic. “I’m tired of everybody trying to please everybody all the time,” says Parten, 66. “She doesn’t. Please. Them…I think, except sometimes..late at night”

And hear from Donald Dixon, 74, a Republican from Little Falls, N.Y., who likes seeing Palin do the things he’d do, like hunting and fishing. “It’s like she doesn’t have an ax to grind politically,” he says. “She isn’t out there to please any entity. She’s one of us ’Cept not an old man, she could probably fish a little, but I wouldn’t take her huntin, she might provoke the bears.

Comments like these give credence to arguments by Palin’s allies that her buffalo chips-fall-where-they-may attitude could attract a GOP primary electorate that, during last year’s elections, showed a disdain for Washington and the Republican Party, and even Gloria Estefans, Miami Sound  machine.

All that gives Republican observers pause.

“Palin may like the image that she has now of being the conservative diva,” says Ken Duberstein, Ronald Reagan’s White House chief of staff. “But I’m not sure that she wants to get on stage with the old-time divas. Celine Dion is a force to contend with and she might hold her own, but in the real election she would have to face Barbra Streisand and even Palin’s own people are cautious. Barbra? That’s spelled kinda funny, ain’t it? And she’s in New York! why that’s farther away than Russia!”

Thats all for today!  Mr. B!! yo, get us some walkin music and remember, when the lawyers for Yahoo or the Palin Campaign or Celine Dion show up, the answer is one word: Attribution and Parody.


the envelope, please!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The votes have been tabulated, and the  Winner of the “what should Mel play as a theme song on his new podcast, whatever the heck a podcast is” Contest  is….

(with 42.86% of the Vote !!)  

The Police -‘ When the world is running down, you make the best of what’s still around’


*Democracy in action*The peoples have spoken* Set my People Free* I had a Dream.*A day like any other day*


The Wakefield Doctrine if:

  1. you have ever found yourself thinking, “now why on earth would they act like that?”
  2. you have ever said to yourself, “I know they are capable of being so much more, why would she sabotage her chances for a happy life?”
  3. you have ever found yourself reacting. “goddamit, if he can’t control his impulses, then why should anyone put up with that kind of behavior?”
  4. you have ever made a resolution, “that is the last time I let them walk all over me”
  5. you have ever decided, “enough of this wishy-washy thing, I am going to go in and tell that boss exactly what I think of him”
  6. you have ever felt, “I really enjoy his company, but it’s painful to see the others laughing when he leaves the room”
  7. you have ever confided in a friend, ” I know she likes to think of herself as a rebel, but she doesn’t know how much it costs her at her job”

The Wakefield Doctrine will:

  1. provide you with a tool
  2. provide you with an opportunity to see the world that the other person is seeing
  3. provide you with look into the brain of the person whose behavior is so puzzling
  4. provide you with a look at yourself, as others see you
  5. provide you with an understanding of the impression that you make on people
  6. provide you with the path towards a future that is different from the one you currently are on
  7. provide you with the choice to live as you want to

The Wakefield Doctrine is:

  1. a unique theory of personality
  2. a fun people-watching game for you and your friends
  3. a good way to replace your bad habits with good ones
  4. the best way to lose weight
  5. the best way to build your physique
  6. something to do when it looks like all your friends have left you
  7. the most effective way to understand the behavior of the people in your life, at home, at work, at school and at play. Family and friends alike, you will know more about them than they know about you



Speaking of  “..They don’t give a damn about any trumpet playing band”   Listen to this:

( .. this must  have so been the Baroque equivalent of ‘La Grange’ )


and the Contestants are:

 Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

As surely everyone knows by now, Friend of the Doctrine Mel has a new feature coming up over at the Spatula, specifically, a podcast!
Now, despite the fact that we (here at the Doctrine),  are still sort of struggling with complex issues like spellcheck and proofing-out  those jammed togetherwords,  we have volunteered all of the resources of the Wakefield Doctrine to help Mel find the perfect theme song/background music for the upcoming  p ‘cast.

With all due modesty, if there is anything we do real good here at the Doctrine,  surely it is listenin to music and (videos and such). To that end, we have  scoured the internet for music and are posting our suggestions, our way of trying to help Mel find the perfect theme music.  So,  Look, Listen and Vote,  we will forward the results to “Michigan” (state motto, yeah? well Prince used to live really close to here! ). 

So the Wakefield Doctrine Brotherhood (…ok and Sisterhood) of blog-readin, music-listenin, video-watchin Search Committe proudly presents the following Nominees:

When the World is Running Down  Police

Smurfs Theme Song

Dolly Madison

Wilco Sky Blue Sky

Weezer  Perfect Situation

(don’t ask…)

Mr. B! Where are those AV  folks with my portable Poll?

Congratulations!! You made it through this “Post” and as a reward for clearly demonstrating:

  • a) perseverance,
  • b) genuine interest in everything you Doctrine guys do or
  • c) hey, enough with the multiple choice schtick, I was just looking for the exit from this train wreck. 

In any event, you have earned the opportunity to be among the first of Readers to “Ask a DownSpring”!  Thats right, next Saturday between the hours of 7:50 and 8:45  (thats Eastern Time Zone, binyons) you can call in to the Wakefield Doctrine and ask questions! While we drive through the actual Wakefield!  Just call this number:    1-218-339-0422  and when prompted! punch in:  512103#   (thats an actual pound sign you have to put in at the end of the passcode)



I sing the Doctrine Electric

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

Another Saturday Night…gas tank on full..dashboard active…Wakefield…………  damn!  this Doctrine is fun!

In attendance this Saturday: glenn (riding shotgun);  Ms AKH ( dans le tableau de bord) and Progenitor roger with a first for this new world of auto-conversation… he made the first ‘call-in’ (while we were already en conversacione ). 

The weather was fairly inclement, we kept to the route.

But that’s not important now… however, we will be informing you how to participate in our new “Ask a DownSpring”  semi-live webcast-ette.  But for now lets talk about the reason we are at this here blog here.

  • the Wakefield Doctrine is a way of looking at the world, but mostly looking at the people in that world
  • the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers maintains that there are 3 characteristic ways that all people experience the world around them
  • the Wakefield Doctrine refers to these three ways as living life as clarks, as scotts or as rogers
  • the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers maintains everything we do and everything we are arises from this view
  • The Wakefield Doctrine offers one type (clark or scott or roger) the opportunity to see the world as the other two (clark or scott or roger) experience it.
  • the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers maintains that we start out life with the potential of all three, but pick one and try to forget about the other two.
  • the Wakefield Doctrine believes that personality type is nothing more than appropriate behavior, that it is the world that is different (in one of three ways) not an individual’s selection of traits and responses and inclinations.
  • the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers maintains that clarks view the world as an outsider does, that they are apart from everyone else and that everything around them is not supportive, to the point of being inimical
  • the Wakefield Doctrine suggests that all people are capable of going beyond their chosen way of viewing the world ( clarks, scotts and rogers) and adding to their abilities to cope with the challenges of life.
  • the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers maintains that scotts see the world as a predator does, to be on the alert for threats from greater predators and to be on the alert for prey comprises most of their day to day lives
  • the Wakefield Doctrine suggests that by identifying with the way that the ‘other person’ experiences the world we enhance our own lives
  • the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers maintains that rogers are the ones that experience the world (and life) as a member of, a part of, an aspect of a world comprised of relationships
  • the Wakefield Doctrine offers everyone the opportunity to understand why the people in our lives behave the way that they do
  • the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers maintains that if a person can accept the fact that the other person is literally living in a (slightly) different world then conflict is eliminated
  • the Wakefield Doctrine offers everyone the chance to be more, to live fuller lives, to understand others, to not be confounded by the actions of others, to not be a victim of the behavior of others.
  • the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers maintains that when it comes to living with others, we pretty much got it covered
  • the Wakefield Doctrine is not free nor is it easy and it is definitely not for everyone
  • the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers requires a certain capacity to understand, a flexibility of intelligence that is necessary for a person to not simply ‘get it’ but to be able to use it to their own benefit
  • the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, useful and fun way to finally make sense of the behavior of those people in our lives; at home, at work, in school or at play.

That’ll do.  New Readers? We are not just all about the work! We ‘borrow’ videos from the youtube and we have ourselfs a good ole time.
