Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 8 Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 8

2sdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! Remind us to return to the topic we started yesterday.

Short on time. A RePrint (‘oughta hold the little bastards’*)

New evidence showing: ‘Columbus married and remained in New World after Discovery’ the Wakefield Doctrine and surprises in Life (sorry, I have no idea how this makes any sense)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) It’s the real deal, a perspective that will let you see the behavior of your friends and family in a totally new light. Try it!

So, about the Columbus thing. We admit that we made up today’s Title. There is absolutely no evidence supporting the contention that Christopher Columbus stayed behind and raised a family*, but given that today we, in the Currently Dominant Culture of the Western Hemisphere (motto: ” were Number 1!! were Number #1!!! ), are celebrating the Discovery of the New World aka Columbus Day (Coming to the Discovery Channel: “New World Men: Kicking Ass on a Whole New Continent!” )

Now that I’ve got that out of my system, we can on with the serious business of talking about the Wakefield Doctrine. (Alright,  if  you want a ‘funny Post’, I’ll give you a funny Post!  Go to this Post and after you have read it, please come back and  tell me what the hell you think is so damn good about it! For reasons not understood, this Post shows up way more than it should in the list of ‘search terms’ (indicators of how Readers come to find the blog.)

You know, in the early days of writing this blog, we would make a point of stating that the Wakefield Doctrine is both gender and culture neutral. What we meant by this is that it does not matter what part of the world you are from, it is the nature and character of your own worldview that matters (personality type-wise). We contend that the worldviews that are the basis of the three personality types are inseparable from the human condition. Further, while standards of behavior may vary from one culture to another, a person who grows up, develops and otherwise matures living in a reality best characterized as the world of Predator and Prey, will be: aggressive, inquisitive, quick to react, action-oriented with a minimum of self-reflection. That reality exists in Zimbabwe and New Auckland as well as Mansfield Ohio. Not only that, but the Doctrine maintains that gender prescribes the capacity/ability (of a person to act a certain way), not their reasons for acting. A female growing up, developing and otherwise maturing in a world where she is the Outsider, will still develop: an insatiable desire to learn new information and facts, be drawn to the fringes of whatever culture she happens to be in and have an abundance of what is referred to as intuition, all that she is permitted (by physiology as well as the local culture) in order to live her life.
The unique insight into behavior and personality types offered by the Wakefield Doctrine is founded upon one’s personal reality. Correctly infer which of the three worldviews the other person is experiencing and you will know more about them than they know about themselves.

Columbus?  Not sure which of the three personality types…well, hold on a minute! The following is an accepted approach to figuring whether a person is a clark or a scott or a roger: eliminate the most unlikely of the three worldviews, in the case of Columbus we’re gonna go with, ‘not a clark‘** That leaves us with: scott or roger.

Put me down for: roger!  (If you want to know my reasoning, you’re going to have to write a Comment and ask, preferably offering your own choice.)


*”Here’s the story …of a man named Columbo” ha, ha

*alas, a standard in the world-building process for preadolescents growing up in mid-century 1900s is now being identified as but an urban myth! ‘Uncle Don we hardly knew ye!’



Tuesday (this time for ‘real’) -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Interesting topic today: creativity.

We’re totally willing to bet that the majority of Readers here, at the moment, are nodding and thinking, sub-rationally, ‘Gimme more’.

…except for one. Didn’t quite set that up properly. We did mean Readers, of course, But meant to infer the three predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine. Which only makes sense. This is a Wakefield Doctrine ‘See-an-Say’ post!

As in, Mondays, Tuesdays and, sometimes Wednesdays, we present, explain and otherwise hold-forth on the in-and-outs, ups-and-downs, whys-and-wherefores of everyone’s favorite personality theory.

…where were we?

Creativity. Probably worth noting that, on the first page of looking up the word, all but two were ads for something to do with ways to acquire, increase, enhance and/or monetize creativity (or a reasonable facsimile lol)

Hey! Can’t discuss qualities of the three personality types without mentioning ‘the Everything Rule’. Which states, ‘Everyone does Everything at One Time or Another’.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

This excellent Rule reminds us that just as the three personality types are not about ingrained and/or innate traits, drives and style of interpersonal interaction. Everyday life is full of things to be interested in/ decide to pursue a career in/ inspired to a Calling and otherwise what one does when one is left their own devices.

And as our styles/social strategies/personality types are but products of our relationship with the world around us and the people who make it up, so too will the manifestation of talent reflect the tenor and tone of one’s personal reality.

So we can say:

  • clarks are the genuinely creative ones as they, in no small part due to their status as Outsiders, bring into reality that which is new, unique and without precedent. you ever encounter the expression ‘Ahead of their time’? clarks
  • scotts force of personality as palette and brush, sheer Will as stone block and chisel. Want to change the path? A scott will be the one to get everyone to hang a left
  • rogers are interesting. in them, creativity manifests as ‘inspired re-assembly’. that which is old and forgotten is re-configured to modern standards. think: anything with commercial success and popularity. From S King to K. Burns, their creativity is that which the Herd has longed for but wasn’t quite aware of until they see it.

all we have time for… submit your questions/objections/corrections in the comment section below. (Not to worry. Remember yesterday’s post? We’ll know which of the three you are by your comment.)




Monday (that would be Tuesday) -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Open your pages to where we left off last week, please.


Fine. Put your bookmarks into Page Wednesday.

Given we’ve hinted at a topic in our post title, lets go with:

With a proper understanding of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine you will be a position to know more about the other person than they know about themselves.

It’s true.

ok, not to get all dramatic (aka rogerian) but we just pulled ourselfs out of a shortcut to posting this post. aka RePrint post.

Don’t get us wrong, it was a good ‘un. And made sense (for the early years, that is), but, if the truth be told, more often than one would think, we write to learn and practice this here personality theory here.

So, how is it we can know another person better than they know themselves?

When you are engaged with:

  • clark know that they will not tell you everything, as knowledge (and his slutty half-sister, information) is the only coin-of-the-realm they believe they have and, besides, revealing all about a person, place or thing invites scrutiny
  • scotts they act with out (necessarily) thinking, rely on their instincts and often battle their prey drive; any inquiry should be brief, succinct and lead to action or actions, hopefully involving chasing and retrieving
  • rogers words are nothing more than fricken coat hangers (mostly the cheap, dry-clean type with a non-slip cross piece, if you see the equivalency of anything close to a all-wood high quality hanger, like from a custom clothing shop, you have them at their most vulnerable. (Ain’t no time to indulge in R. King)


Tune in tomorrow when we talk: Creativity and three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine





TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! Volunteer to be a co-host and we’ll send you something cool.

No, serially! We’re looking for writers and bloggers to sign up for having the inlink code sent each week. The benefit to you? A cool-looking array of thumbnails at the bottom of your TToT post! The benefit to us? More Readers bumping into the fun of the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

We apologize in advance if this post seems a bit unfinished, frayed on the edges. Trying to establish a routine of posting and linking…wait! Who said that? You’re absolutely correct! I should check and see if’n anyone has posted yet!

thx (lets file that under ‘something, something, Grat#8)

For the Wakefield Doctrine this week, we cite the following Grat Items:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) new co-hostinae: Denise from girlieontheedge.com and host of the Six Sentence Story bloghop. (Now a regular feature in the TToT)

5) the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.  ‘Corn Pick of the Week  ‘Daisy Daisy‘. ceayr

6) the Six Sentence Story bloghop:  Six Pick: ‘Three Best Friends‘  by Fandango

7) Fern Circle!! see?! We told ya there were fern circles in the woods!

8) something, something

9) Suggestion Box (New Feature!  Half-Grat / possible Hypo-Grat. Let us know any ideas you might have that would make this bloghop more user-friendly, interesting and/or fun.

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids




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Click here to enter


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(If we might continue?)

iii) The three predominant worldviews, aka personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are:

    1. clarks (Outsider)
    2. scotts (Predator)
    3. rogers (Herd Member)

So there you go.

What? Define each. Give list of characteristics?

What do you think this is, the Oscar/Meyer ABC schedule?

Here is all you need to complete the picture: ‘The Three Personality Types of the Wakefield Doctrine’: it comes down to relationships, as in, ‘How do I relate myself to the world around me and the people who make it up’. (Hint: We said ‘relate ourselves to’ not ‘relate to’.) Critical point. Like we said, the Doctrine is about (a) relationship.

Second necessary part (for your successful assembly of our little personality types.) Wait. It’s already been provided above. ‘Outsider’? ‘Predator’? ‘Herd Member’?

(ed. Don’t feel bad. A lot of clarks do that. You know, be so excited and in such a hurry we neglect to read every single line of instruction, rather than only the ones that give the impression of ‘getting closer to the Answer’.)

Hate to get rogerian sounding on y’all,  but. “The Wakefield Doctrine is not an/the Answer. It is only a Suggestion”.

Suggestion massaged into a Proposition: Suppose everyone lives in a reality that is personal. Nothing weird or gigantic. No flying without planes or total self-acceptance in the here and now. Just personal, in a zone outwards from the mind, the body, the heart. In this zone, things are as the individual’s nature would have them be: a world where thought and reason combined to create belonging; action becomes love and acceptance conveys peace.

like that, ya know?

Fortunately for any New Readers two things happened once this blog saw the fluorescent/LED(ish) light of reality: a) the characteristics of the three personality types became self-perpetuating, to the extent that followers found ‘new’ examples of characteristics consistent with the Doctrine and 2) people found this thing useful, valuable and fun.

what more can we ask for?
