Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 5 Understanding Human Behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 5

Fraedae -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…what you see is what can be.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to ‘the Unicorn Challenge

A photo-prompt bloghop hosted by jenne and ceayr, it has the simplest of rules: keep it at (or under) 250 words.


“Careful.” [concern, barbs of fear smoothed by determined practice, the woman’s voice spoke of a future too-well defined]

The man stepped down one step. The ball of his bare left foot found solidity on the wood timber. His heel, failing to find a stable surface to match, protested even as the ankle joint ratcheted like a neglected clockwork.

His compressed lips, a semaphore of mixed emotions, his only reaction, the man resisted the urge to grasp the offered forearm.

“Mom used to talk about how, as a boy, you spent your summers here.” [concern, sparkled by a temptation to see the man out of time]

“Why did you bring me here?” [concern, sufficiently applied, re-configured the aim of the simplest of questions]

Gravity, it is said, is the necessary challenger to the infant, yet becomes a thoroughly un-reliable companion to those on the other end of the suggestively-misnamed, Circle of Life.

His steps gained confidence, quickened. A sound, hidden beyond the last low-rise of grass-embroidered sand, called to him.

“Careful!” [concern, when no longer defined by one’s fears turns on its host, refusing once automatic compliance.]

Now running in the controlled-stumble of one who seeks without regard to consequences, the once-young man saw the ocean waves. Their promise of the joy of physicality came with a price to be paid on an undefined installment plan.

“Whee!” [the ultimate mashup of joy and sharing favored by the young not bound by the need for permission.]



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Allow us too continue on the theme: Aging and It’s Effects on Secondary and Tertiary Aspects

…where were we?

(shuffling papers sound)

{Hey! Is it just us or are there days when you sit at the keyboard and get all Franz Liszt on the keyboard? Not about the content, what you’re writing, just the translation from thought-to-fingers-to-keys-to-LED-wordage. And, yet on other days, it’s “hmm… can I throw those cuticled-sausages at that plastic rectangle and make words appear?” Funny


..(BONUS).personality types, (INSERT) insights into behavior (TODAY)and a little backstory (ONLY!)for good measure! the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).In a recent Video Friday Interview, when asked what changes or additions might improve the blog, Claire Peeksuggested  providing insight into the ‘why of the Wakefield Doctrine’. (As Claire put it  “…A new Reader might find interesting how the Doctrine was born but especially why….”  )

Far be it from us to shy away from a difficult task, in this case it is not so much a matter of the (historical) record of how the Wakefield Doctrine came to be, but rather the personal side of that creation/evolution/development. That is the challenge for today.

Easy part first!  The ‘Eureka Moment of the  Wakefield Doctrine ( nee the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ):

In the early 1980’s, Scott (the progenitor scott) worked at a music store in Pawtucket. He was the main salesman and also ran the repair department (of the store), this included not only repairing musical instruments and equipment that he sold, but any equipment that might be in need of repair, including various types of tape recorders and other similar equipment.

One day I happened to stop by the store to visit scott while he worked. While there, a customer came into the store, went to the ‘repair department where scott and I were talking and presented to scott what was known as a  ‘duel cassette recorder’  (This device had the capacity to record two cassette cartridges at once and was most often used to copy the contents of one cassette to another cassette, what we would call today, making a back up. Among the controls on this ‘dubbing recorder’ were two of all the normal tape recorder controls: volume, treble and bass. Where it was different from a single cassette recorder was that it had a Master Volume control dial, which, as the name implies controlled the overall sound output of the device.) The recorder that the customer placed on the counter appeared to be new and had no signs of damage or abuse. (As the customer approached the counter, I stepped back and Scott looked up and said, ‘What can we do for you’?   The customer said to  Scott, “this thing is brand new, it worked for a couple of days, then it stopped working entirely, I can’t figure out what is wrong”.

Scott looked at the recorder briefly, without saying a word and then reached under the counter and brought out some (black) electrical tape, and tearing off a 2 inch piece of tape, taped over the Master Volume control (after returning the dial to it’s highest setting). After completing this, scott slid the device back over towards the customer and simply said, “ There, its all right now”

The customer asked to plug in the recorder, took a cassette from his pocket, tried the recorder, ran it through it’s paces; seeing that the broken tape recorder that he brought into the store now worked like new  thanked scott and walked out of the store without another word. A totally satisfied customer.

From my perspective the world shifted. For reasons not clear to this day, I not only saw what scott had seen (the nature of the equipment problem) but I saw that his solution implied a reality, a ‘context’ that was clearly different from the one that I assumed to be the same as everyone experienced.

That is the factual side of the creation of the Wakefield Doctrine. The personal side?

I had plenty of friends. Or more to the fact, I had a close circle of friends that I seemed to have acquired rather deliberately.  Sometimes, when I hear or read about people expressing anxiety about making new friends in a new school or a changed job, I will laugh to myself. I still find (in the fact of) my own comfort that this thing that real people seem to worry about, (i.e.making friends) is really so not difficult while at the same time/all the time, I feel so isolated from people in general. And the irony of this is not wasted on me! I accept now (as I did back then)  that this is just another aspect to the weird world that I inhabit.
In any event, back to the ‘personal side of the creation of the Wakefield Doctrine, I knew back then that I had two things I could count on: having a small circle of friends who ‘got me’ and living with a pervasive, never-ending sense of lacking something…  fitting in, being a part of, knowing what I was supposed to be doing in order to be like everyone else. Call it what you like, it is this certainty that ‘I am different from’ and  because ‘I am missing something’ that defines who I am and once I figure out what (or where) that missing thing is, I will no longer be different from everyone else.
I suspected then, (as I now know for certain) that the thing I needed to understand was right in front of me, but not having a clue as to what it was like, the only thing to do was try to watch everything.
Watching is not exactly synonymous with living, ( lol a joke for the clarks reading this) and so I would settle for watching as I knew that the life that I thought I was in was not really the ‘real life’ that everyone else seemed to be enjoying.
Finally, the moment described above, the scene in the music store. That I would make the leap from what I observed to what I knew, what I concluded (about reality and people) was nothing less than a total frickin gift… if I had a stronger rogerian aspect, I imagine I would go on at length about inspired insight, or serendipity but I do not have that strong a rogerian aspect. If the truth is not obvious, I have a strong (barely restrained) secondary scottian aspect. But that is a whole ‘nother Post.
So as the Lady once said, ‘that’s how it began’.

[Bonus Content!]

The Wakefield Doctrine has 3 personality type categories: clarksscotts and rogers. You are mostly one (of these 3) but you still have the other 2 in background.
…and when we say personality types? what we mean is, “What kind of world do you walk out to every morning”?  Because this Doctrine is not about your likes and dislikes, favorite colors or foods, interests, hobbies, avocation or inspiration. It is about the nature of your reality.

Yes, you read that right. Reality. Each of the three types of personality in the Wakefield Doctrine experience a different reality. Nothing weird or earth-shakingly different. No crystals or herbs or inner vibrations required either. Just this:

  • clarks exist (in the world) as the perennial outsider. They are normal in every other respect, it’s just that they know that they don’t belong, they are not like other people. But, at the same time clarks are the quiet, creative, funny (except you have to really pay attention or you’ll miss their jokes), self-deprecating, hardworking people that are there all around you all this time;
  • scotts are so in your life (and you will get this description only if you are not a scott) but they are the natural leaders, natural salespeople, natural entertainers… you getting the theme here with this personality type? natural. scotts are the people who live life by the moment without restraint, consideration, forethought, it’s a wonder they live as long as they do
  • rogers (you know who you are, and right now you are denying it) rogers are the everyday, friendly, easy to talk to people that populate every workplace and classroom and corner bar. rogers will be the person you turn to when you have a secret and rogers will be the one you turn to when you want to learn the latest gossip, they are the engineers, the lawyers, the doctors and heart and soul of every PTA and neighborhood watch program in the world.

The Doctrine is different from all the other mainstream and respectable personality and self-improvement systems out there because we insist that it is not just you, it is the world itself that accounts for your life, it’s trials and tribulations, good times, bad times (we know you’ve had your share).
What sets us apart and the reason you should spend time here, is that the Wakefield Doctrine offers everyone a set of tools that is specifically meant for not only your personality type, but (these tools) are meant to work and be useful in the world that you are living in today!

*the ‘extra’ words in the Title today were supposed to look like they were ‘drawn’ over the original Title, you know…graffiti like   whatever



Tiewsdae -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

cont’d from last week

Hey! Picture the senior lion, missing a tooth or two, ok, maybe a claw more suited to massage than tear, nobody needs to act surprised. But is it still a lion? Yessir. More to the point (and the essence of the Wakefield Doctrine) is he/she still maintain the relationship of the Predator to the world around them? damn straight.

The interesting part of this aging process is when we consider an individual’s secondary and tertiary aspects.

We good?

So we assume you’ve done your reading on secondary (and tertiary) aspects of the Doctrine. Influences, potential, behavioral sports… not dual predominant worldviews. One per customer, please,

So we, some of us, have secondary aspects that are…noticeable. By noticeable we mean, for the skilled observer (aka studious student of a certain personality theory), and even then most often a secondary aspects shows in situations of duress and/or heighten energy (we would have used the word ‘arousal’ but, you know…. scotts*

Although we all retain the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’ (as distinguished from our predominant worldview), it’s useful to look.

Funny thing about secondaries, it’s become axiomatic ’round here to say that the only people who come back to this blog more than twice are clarks or scotts/rogers who have a significant secondary clarklike aspect.

It’s true! (lol)

ok, this being a Tuesday, we’re out of time. But as a teaser for anyone finding the topic of secondary aspects interesting, consider this: If you’re not in a hurry to learn a person’s secondary, wait ’til they get old.

(‘Old’ means:

  • for a scott… a missing tooth, a worn-down claw, a tendency to pause before leaping at prey,
  • for a roger… newspapers and National Geographic ‘collections’, an affinity for wondering what total strangers are thinking,
  • for a clark… what old?! we were born old… we’re the original merlin in that regards, ‘cepting the cool portrayal in myth and legend leaves out things like the ‘terrible twos’ (and fives and sixes and such). But hey, we think we’re in a better position to interact effectively with the world around us, what with having already seen the movie.





* as in, it doesn’t take much to get them scamps all rambunctious… lol


More-is-more Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

damn! We may have already completed our morning prosisthenics*

But, then again, that’s why god invented RePrint posts!

(ok, time to go all audio-visual on this bad-boy**)

‘…send in the sans’ the Wakefield Doctrine TToTwo “…do not Read this Post… still editing!” (no! I’m serious! it’s 8:59 am EST and I have to Post it un-finished)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)LYCAON PICTUS

Not much on following Directions, are you? You thought I was joking about not reading this yet??  Fine then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I have to open the lines for the Wakefield Doctrine Video brunch, I have not finished editing this Post (read: re-write)… well, since you insist on reading this, how about you help a blogger out here… any suggestions, revisions, edits or anything else submit as a Comment and I will make the change.

Hey! Thanks…. (no, I think I better just save that, in case we need it at the end of the Post)

Item 1: grateful for my willingness to employ the term ‘writer’s block’ and not feel self-conscious enough to delete it and find another word! there is still an underlying self-consciousness extant in this experience that has me….  ‘looking around the room’ when I refer to myself as a writer…lol  no! seriously I do! I think of writers as people with… writing skills and, at the risk of indulging in a form of self-centeredness, I still am not comfortable including myself in that group

2) The Second Item: the Post from… that new guy… Mike… the guy with the granddaughter and his daughter is a photographer… wait a minute, hold on…  Joe!  that’s it!  his blog is called:  Joe Floggers(??!)  his contribution this week included the experience of being in a funk (“…Joe! dude,  got me the music vid for this Post, thanks!)  What I got from (Mike’s Post) was reminder of the feeling of enthusiasm and (even) a little of a ‘sense of wonder’ that we all feel when we start writing a blog and it begins to ‘take off’.  thanks Joe

3) You are grateful  (or should be) that I deleted about 300 words in my first attempt to write this thing, but in that (300 word,  ‘word salad’ ) I made mention of the TToT Book of Secret Rules which is guarded by Lizzi (and her majordom-ettes  Christine and Dyanne they both bring an enthusiasm to their charge more commonly seen in lionesses when the pride is threatened or the dorm mother sitting in the lobby on a Saturday Night)

4)  totally and genuinely grateful for wikipedia (and google in a more broad sense) not only for helping me correctly spell a lot of the …less commonly used words that I seem to be so fond of using, but in offering new concepts and ideas that I was not consciously aware of… in this case  ‘clanging’  which came up on the page when I looked up ‘word salad’  very cool, wikipedia, very cool

5) for reasons not understood, what few ideas that occur to me as I type,  on this cool November Sunday morning, are not frickin staying in my head long enough to get into a form that I can pass off as a Gratitude Item….damn!

6) grateful to the support from co-hosts and Participants alike for my own unique  style  exhibited here each weekend. I appreciate that, not necessarily for the reasons one would think…

7) yo! thank you zoe… for sending in a Comment that allowed me a few blessed moments of coherency as I struggled to reply to your comment (see on yesterday’s Post) (that it was a ‘struggle’ is testimony to the difficulties I am heroically enduring here in front of this blank page, the monitor staring at me like an attractive women that I must walk past in order to find the safety of the buffet table, she seems to expect something from me…no! she is challenging me!  to prove myself deserving of her … response her attention… but the linen covered table, so very near… like being number 7 in a list of 10… my only hope is for a real person to come by… attractive scottianwomen are always drawn to a smooth talking scott

8) made it!  hah!  damn! I don’t particularly enjoy eating standing up while pretending to talk to business associates that are only their because they are afraid of losing business…all except those rogers who stand around in herd-lettes, the dominant roger, not the center of the group… but oriented so that he (yes… in a business conference environment the male rogers are visible to the un-trained eye, the female rogers not… the two most obvious are the male rogers and scottian females. the male rogers, as I just alluded to are the gate keepers to the small herds that they gather in… the scottian females  lol they simply stand there and …and let the rogerianmales….accrete (to not put to fine a point on it)! There is no mistaking the scottian female… the scottian male?  probably already upstairs in his room with conquest #1 lol

9)  I invoke Secret Rule 1.3 and claim relief.

10) that should do it for this week’s TToT… thanks for participating

totally should do this:

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of those present in your life by listing ten things you are thankful for today. Then share the Wonderfulness with others here.

Please take time to have a look at some of the other posts submitted and leave them some comment love – let’s get the appreciation going. We find that the magic, the connection and the joy comes through best in conversations in the comments.

Add your ‘Ten Things of Thankful’ link here and don’t forget to display our banner on your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.




*sorry, but we really wanted this to be a cool neologism… let us know if you didn’t need to click on the link to find out how far, out-of-clever-line we strayed.

** for those of us of a certain….vintage, the total treat of a class with a film (yeah, sprockety-projector on a pull-down screen)



Second Story Sentence -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, there is a single rule: a story is to have six sentences; no more and no less.

Prompt word:


“Tell me you’re kidding me right now,” the pure light, (the man remembered something, from somewhere, that if all wavelengths, balanced and combined, would result in a perfectly colorless light), seemed to surge, the energy-equivalent of a nod.

“What the fuck, man…;” a single point source of all energy in the universe, (‘the singularity of existence’ a google-search return once called it, but he was drunk at the time, so…), could not, by definition, fluctuate; but there was an undeniable element of the briefest interval of non-coherence in the thing in front of the man, though, to be fair, it passed as quickly as it arose.

“Not saying that a single, dark-haired bearded white guy sitting in judgement ain’t nothin’ more than patriarchy-gone-wild, but a panel of my peers holding the fate of my eternal soul in their hands,” he looked to the double, stepped-row of seated men and women who looked familiar if not rather stern and dour.

Turning his back on jury, the man felt a smile grow, the ultimate light-source before him seemed to fade in benign modulation.

“Then I claim my voir dire rights, and designate the following replacement jurors: Nema, Ola, Bella, Una, Mia and… and that dog I saw once stuck by the side of an abandoned house that time, I will only accept judgment by them.”

Seeing how energy is energy, and sound is, in our present conceit, merely very slow light, the man heard the barking and yelping of welcome as he stepped through the Pearly Gates, some of his jurors running ahead, (just for the joy of running), and two hung back, leaning into his legs, not that additional support was needed, ever again.

