Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Got all koaned* yesterday, so here’s a right proper reprint post.
from more than twenty years ago in June of 2011!
Welcome! Welcome! Come on in!! No, don’t click away! We have sooo much to tell you, your head will thank you, trust us.
This is the official blog site of the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) and here (somewhere in all these frickin mis-categorized and totally confusing pages) you will find the Codex de Doctrine. Everything you need to know about how all of mankind, all peoples fall into one of three ( that’s right! I said 3) personality types. And if you read and if you understand what is written here, you will not only know how to identify which of the three personality types a person is ( doesn’t even matter if they are a friend or a lover, a family member or a sworn enemy or even the person you pass on the street/in the corridor) you will know how that person thinks.
That’s right, you read that correctly! The Wakefield Doctrine is claiming to give you the power to know how another person is thinking….and feeling….and (how) they might act in any damn situation. A mighty bold claim, is it not?
It is a mighty bold claim, you are correct. We are prepared to back that claim up.As you read these Posts ( the ‘on-going conversation’ here at the Wakefield Doctrine) and the Pages (the established knowledge and wisdom and hats of the Doctrine), one thing will become abundantly clear…the Wakefield Doctrine is without doubt the most useful tool for understanding the behavior of people in our lives. Whether you are confused about why your husband is such an asshole at times or why your best friend confides in you only to take the secrets you have given her and shares them like McDonald’s French Fires with her friends in class the next day, the Wakefield Doctrine is your answer. If you are the kind of person who thinks a lot and doesn’t want much from people, satisfied simply with a few friends and no fights, then you need to read what the Wakefield Doctrine has to say (to you). If you have trouble controlling your impulses, if you are the life of the party but can’t help but notice that your friends are looking at you with something less than admiration, then you should read this here blog here. If you have trouble with people not living up to expectations, if you know that your spouse is letting you down and you simply want a way to make them all understand, then come to us here, write a question to one of the DownSprings and you will get the answer that you deserve.
Now the Wakefield Doctrine is not a cult or a religion or a basement-born rant produced by ‘dis-enfranchised, over stimulted, under-medicated’ members of a culture that is focused nearly exclusively on youth. The Wakefield Doctrine is:
- a way of understanding what the other person is experiencing in a situation
- a framework which allows you to truly see the world as another person sees it
- a tool that you can use to see yourself as the world sees you, not as your guilt would have you see yourself
- a way of inter-acting with others that allows a level of communication that you would never be able to achieve on your own
As we said at the beginning of this Post, these are bold claims. For those of us familiar with the benefits of this personality-typing system, the above is only the tip of the iceberg-of-understanding-of-others! We are actually learning new aspects of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers every day, with every Saturday Night Drive* we learn ways to apply the insights that this tool offers. We learn more about the characteristics of each of the three personality types! And with each thing we learn, we have new ways to act, new ways to apply this Doctrine, each and all of us here can see times when we are in situations that used to baffle us, and now we say, …” of course, now I see! she was not being ‘stuck-up’! She was just distracted, what a clark!” or ‘goddamn, that guy is scary, he is all over the place…wait a minute! a scott! Now I know how to get and hold his attention“! or even, “ok family is important, she wants whats best…no, if you think that she is a roger then that is not being controlling, she only wants to keep what is good about the family from spinning off and being lost in this crazy world. damn, now that is not being an awful person…that is actually the way they are trying to help!!”
Thank you Wakefield Doctrine!
* as a matter of fact, this music vid is an offshoot from the word koan… no, I don’t make this shit up