Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
We’re working on our Six Sentence Story(s) for this week. (And a secret writing project with a couple or three other clarks*), so gives us a minute, ahiight?
Hey! There’s a topic for the advanced student of the Wakefield Doctrine.
The emotional backlash (pretty much self-inflicted) that often follows a period of elevated ambition (in combination with heightened confidence). Any Reader thoughts?
Not quite ‘dark-place’ intense, but not a walk in the park, either. More of a ‘head swells up and your face falls’ a certain mental nausea, to which our inner critic/tonal almost always tries to get in on, grab a piece of the action, if you will.
Not fun. But at least we have the Doctrine and, inherently, the resource of other clarks.
Let’s see what a search of clarks + emotional backlash gets us.
Full Disclosure: the complete search parameters returned a post from, like, last week. Dropped the ’emotional’ and got, among others, a New Year’s Eve post from 2013.
Ja! si mislil, da bi prenesli na novo delovno mesto Leto Resolucija! the Wakefield Doctrine ( hey, we are so damn mainstream these days!..*of course*, we have Resolutions!)
December 31, 2012Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
For the coming (and very cool number) Year 2013 we would offer the following Resolutions:
Resolution(s) for clarks courtesy of both the scottian and rogerian worldview:
- stop asking the world for permission…. (scotts: look up the Babe Ruth adage; rogers: the world? all us? we are not that important, no matter how we act!)
- give yourself one day (a week) when you throw your ‘better judgement’ down on the ground… (scotts: you keep moving and the averages work in your favor; rogers: you cannot be certain what is ‘better’ in the long term take if from a worldview who specializes in statistics
- let yourself act silly (without the ‘backlash’ feeling of everyone is laughing at you)… (scotts: they are laughing, screw ’em!; rogers: you have a new thing here…maybe not a herd and probably not a pack…enjoy it (whatever it is!))
Resolution for scotts courtesy of both the clarklike and rogerian worldview:
- slow down!… (clarks: no we did not say stop! we said slow down there is more than one hunt left for you out there; rogers: we know you’re there, no need to stalk so much!)
- you can learn new tricks… ( clarks: lol nothing to add to that! ; rogers: try not to feel like there is no tomorrow, there might be, there might not be…don’t get frantic!)
- you are a member of this (new) herd, enjoy it… (clarks: remember! we do not eat our friends! no going for the last laugh using us as fall-things, lol; rogers: I’ll sit over here, you have that whole big area to yourself…there you go!)
Resolution for rogers courtesy of both the clarklike and scottian worldviews:
- stop feeling like you need to stand out… (clarks: we know you’re there and that you have a lot to offer… we get it; scotts: you wonder why you are our favorite prey? lol)
- try not to alienate your actual friends, no one is keeping score… (clarks: you are the more long term of the two when it comes to relationships of all types, don’t be such a pig; scotts: you can run but you can’t hide, you might want to learn from that!)
- you have the gift of emotion and certainty, you get more by giving it away (clarks: we give away what we most value, don’t mistake ‘without cost’ with ‘without value’; scotts; did we say that you are our favorite prey? guess we did, what the clarks say, we will be watching…better pay attention
So from all of us here at the Wakefield Doctrine, we would be pleased to see you all have the best of possible timelines in the ‘new’ ‘Year’ 2013 yo
* sorry, guys. The best way to kill and ear worm is to infect as many others as possible**
** what? who said, ‘How rogerian!’ Come on up! You’ve just won a scholarship to WDU